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The Psychological Effects of Malocclusion and the Desire of Orthodontic Treatment in Children

Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 40 - 44, 14.04.2017


Malocclusion that is one of the most common oral and dental

health problems in the community, can cause some limitations

affecting the psychology of the patient’s social life. Patients’

expectations for orthodontic treatment is improvement of oral

functions such as chewing, speech and the development of

the psychosocial situation.

It is important to determine the causes of patients’ orthodontic

treatment desires in terms of their level of awareness of their

orthodontic disorders, their level of satisfaction with their

aesthetic appearance, their expectations from orthodontic

treatment, and their understanding of the effects of these

orthodontic disorders on the social lives of patients.


  • 1. Işık F, Sayınsu K, Trakyalı G, Arun T. Hastanın psikolojik durumunun ya da kişilik özelliklerinin ortodontik tedavi başarısı üzerine etkileri. Türk Ortodonti Derg. 2004; 17(3): 347-353. 2. Perillo L, Esposito M, Caprioglio A, Attanasio S, Santini AC, Carotenuto M. Orthodontic treatment need for adolescents in the Campania region: the malocclusion impact on self-concept. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2014; 8: 353-9. 3. Nayak UA, Winnier J, Rupesh S. The relationship of dental aesthetic ındex with dental appearance, smile and desire for orthodontic correction. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2009; 2(2): 6-12. 4. Phillips C, Bennett ME, Broder HL. Dentofacial disharmony: psychological status of patients seeking treatment consultation. Angle Orthod. 1998; 68(6): 547-556. 5. Trulsson U, Strandmark M, Mohlin B, Berggren U. A qualitative study of teenagers’ decisions to undergo orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance. J Orthod. 2002; 29(3): 197-204. 6. Zhang M, McGrath C, Hagg U. The impact of malocclusion and its treatment on quality of life: a literature review. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2006; 16(6): 381-387. 7. Graber TM, Vanarsdall RL. Orthodontics, Current Principles and Techniques. Second edition. Missouri, Mosby Co. Chapter 1. 1994. 8. Jawad Z, Bates C, Hodge T. Who needs orthodontic treatment? Who gets it? And who wants it? Br Dent J. 2015; 218(3): 99-103. 9. Shaw WC, Gbe MJ, Jones BM. The expectations of orthodontic patients in South Wales and St Louis, Missouri. Br J Orthod. 1979; 6(4): 203-205. 10. Klages U, Bruckner A, Zentner A. Dental aesthetics, selfawareness, and oral health-related quality of life in young adults. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(5): 507-514. 11. Chen M, Wang DW, Wu LP. Fixed orthodontic appliance therapy and its impact on oral health-related quality of life in Chinese patients. Angle Orthod. 2010; 80(1): 49-53. 12. Bellot-Arcis C, Montiel Company JM, Manzanera- Pastor D, Almerich-Silla JM. Orthodontic treatment need in a Spanish young adult population. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012; 17(4): 638-643. 13. Wedrychowska-Szulc B, Syryńska M. Patient and parent motivation for orthodontic treatment--a questionnaire study. Eur J Orthod. 2010; 32(4): 447-452. 14. Babalola SS, Dosumu EB, Shino E. Perception of Dental Appearance and its Implication for Workers in Dental Organizations: A Review of Literature. Kamla-Raj. 2014; 17(2): 501-507. 15. Masood Y, Masood M, Zainul NN, Araby NB, Hussain SF, Newton T. Impact of malocclusion on oral health related quality of life in young people. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013; 11(25): 1-6. 16. Omar R, Tashkandi E, Abduljabbar T, Abdullah MA, Akeel RF. Sentiments expressed in relation to tooth loss: a qualitative study among edentulous Saudis. Int J Prosthodont. 2003; 16(5): 515-520. 17. Ngom PI, Brown R, Diagne F, Normand F, Richmond S. A cultural comparison of treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2005; 27(6): 597-600. 18. El-Momani BR, Tarawneh AM. Why Jordanians seek orthodontic treatment? Demand and real need. JRMS. 2014; 21(1): 17-21. 19. Al-Zubair NM, Idris FA, Al-Selwi FM. The subjective orthodontic treatment need assessed with the aesthetic component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2015; 6(1): 9–14. 20. Mandall NA, Wright J, Conboy FM, O’Brien KD. The relationship between normative orthodontic treatment need and measures of consumer perception. Community Dent Health. 2001; 18(1): 3-6. 21. Nguyen SM, Nguyen MK, Saag M, Jagomagi T. The need for orthodontic treatment among Vietnamese School Children and young adults. Int J Dent. 2014: 1-5. 22. Aksoy A. İlk pılot ağız diş hastalıkları hastanesi ortodonti bölümüne başvuran hastaların sosyo-ekonomik profili. S.D.Ü Tıp Fak. Derg. 2005; 12(2): 38-45. 23. Aikins E, daCosta O, Onyeaso C, Isiekwe M. Subjective Opinions of Dental Attractiveness and Orthodontic Treatment Need among Nigerian Adolescents. IOSR-JDMS. 2014; 13(8): 43-48. 24. Sayers MS, Newton JT. Patients’ expectations of orthodontic treatment: part 2 findings from a questionnaire survey. J Orthod. 2007; 34(1): 25-35. 25. Mugonzibwa EA, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM, Van ’t Hof MA, Kikwilu EN. Perceptions of dental attractiveness and orthodontic treatment need among Tanzanian children. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004; 125(4): 426-433. 26. Ajayi EO, Ajayi YO. Attitudes to malocclusion ina Nigerian School Population. Journal of Medìcìne and Biomedical Research. 2006; 5(1): 16-23. 27. Tickle M, Kay EJ, Beam D. Socio-economic status and orthodontic treatment need. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 1999; 27(6): 413-418. 28. Ngom PI, Benoist HM, Thiam F, Diagne F, Diallo PD. Influence of orthodontic anomalies on periodontal condition. Odontostomatol Trop. 2007; 30(118): 9-16. 29. Yetkiner E, Vardar C, Ergin E, Yucel C, Ersin NK. Orthodontic Treatment Need, Self-Esteem, and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment of Primary Schoolchildren: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study. Turkish J Orthod. 2014; 26(4):182-189. 30. Borzabadi-Farahani A, Borzabadi-Farahani A. Agreement between the index of complexity, outcome, and need and the dental and aesthetic components of the index of orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011;140(2):233-238. 31. Abdullah AAA, Yassin Z, Zamzam N. Reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment: A pilot study. Annal Dent Univ Malaya. 2001; 8: 13-19. 32. Abu Alhaija ESJ, Al-Nimri KS. Al-Khateeb SN. Orthodontic treatment need and demand in 12-14 year-old Jordanian school children. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(3): 261- 263. 33. Kerosuo H, Al Enezi S, Kerosuo E, Abdulkarim E. Association between normative and self-perceived orthodontic treatment need among Arab high school students. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004; 125(3): 373-378. 34. Feldens CA, Nakamura EK, Tessarollo FR, Closs LQ. Desire for orthodontic treatment and associated factors among adolescents in Southern Brazil. Angle Orthod. 2015; 85(2): 224-232. 35. Coyne R, Woods M, Abrams R. The community and orthodontic care. Part II: Community-perceived importance of correcting various dentofacial anomalies. Part III: Community perception of the importance of orthodontic treatment. Aust Orthod J. 1999; 15(5): 289-301. 36. Grzywacz I. The value of aesthetic component of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need in the assessment of subjective orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2003; 25(1): 57-63. 37. Karaağaç E. 12-14 yaşlarındaki çocuklarda ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacı indekslerinin değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti ABD Uzmanlık tezi. 2015 38. Phillips C, Bennett ME, Broder HL. Dentofacial disharmony: psychological status of patients seeking treatment consultation. Angle Orthod. 1998; 68(6): 547-556. 39. Mandall NA, McCord JF, Blinkhorn AS, Worthington HV, O’Brien KD. Perceived aesthetic impact of malocclusion and oral self-perceptions in 14-15-year-old Asian and Caucasian children in greater Manchester. Eur J Orthod. 2000; 22(2): 175-183. 40. Sheats RD, McGorray SP, Keeling SD, Wheeler TT, King GJ. Occlusal traits and perception of orthodontic need in eighth grade students. Angle Orthod 1998; 68(2): 107-114. 41. Hamdan AM. The relationship between patient, parent and clinician perceived need and normative orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(3): 265-271. 42. Bos A, Hoogstraten J, Prahl-Andersen B. Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with dentofacial appearance in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003; 123(2): 127-132. 43. Ajayi EO, Ajayi YO. Attitudes to malocclusion in a Nigerian School Population. Journal of Medìcìne and Biomedical Research. 2006; 5(1): 16-23. 44. Zreaqat M, Hassan R, Ismail AR, Ismail NM, Aziz FA. Orthodontic Treatment Need and Demand among 12- and 16 Year-Old School Children in Malaysia. OHDM. 2013; 12(4): 217-221. 45. Birkeland K, Bøe OE, Wisth PJ. Orthodontic concern among 11-year old children and their parents compared with orthodontic treatment need assessed by ındex of orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1996; 110(2): 197-205.

Maloklüzyonun Psikososyal Etkileri ve Çocuklarda Ortodontik Tedavi Görme İsteği

Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 40 - 44, 14.04.2017


Toplumda en yaygın olarak görülen ağız diş sağlığı
problemlerinden biri olan maloklüzyon, hastanın sosyal
hayatında psikolojisini etkileyen bazı kısıtlamalara neden
olabilmektedir. Hastaların, ortodontik tedaviden beklentileri;
çiğneme, konuşma gibi oral fonksiyonlarının iyileşmesi ile
birlikte dişsel estetiklerinin de düzelmesi ve psikososyal
durumlarının geliştirilmesidir.
Bireylerin ortodontik bozukluklarının ne kadar farkında
oldukları, dişlerinin estetik görünümlerinden duydukları
memnuniyet düzeyleri, ortodontik tedaviden ne gibi
beklentilere sahip oldukları ve bu ortodontik düzensizliklerin
hastaların sosyal yaşamlarına olan etkilerinin anlaşılması
bakımından hastaların ortodontik tedavi görme isteklerinin
nedenlerinin belirlenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır.


  • 1. Işık F, Sayınsu K, Trakyalı G, Arun T. Hastanın psikolojik durumunun ya da kişilik özelliklerinin ortodontik tedavi başarısı üzerine etkileri. Türk Ortodonti Derg. 2004; 17(3): 347-353. 2. Perillo L, Esposito M, Caprioglio A, Attanasio S, Santini AC, Carotenuto M. Orthodontic treatment need for adolescents in the Campania region: the malocclusion impact on self-concept. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2014; 8: 353-9. 3. Nayak UA, Winnier J, Rupesh S. The relationship of dental aesthetic ındex with dental appearance, smile and desire for orthodontic correction. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2009; 2(2): 6-12. 4. Phillips C, Bennett ME, Broder HL. Dentofacial disharmony: psychological status of patients seeking treatment consultation. Angle Orthod. 1998; 68(6): 547-556. 5. Trulsson U, Strandmark M, Mohlin B, Berggren U. A qualitative study of teenagers’ decisions to undergo orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance. J Orthod. 2002; 29(3): 197-204. 6. Zhang M, McGrath C, Hagg U. The impact of malocclusion and its treatment on quality of life: a literature review. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2006; 16(6): 381-387. 7. Graber TM, Vanarsdall RL. Orthodontics, Current Principles and Techniques. Second edition. Missouri, Mosby Co. Chapter 1. 1994. 8. Jawad Z, Bates C, Hodge T. Who needs orthodontic treatment? Who gets it? And who wants it? Br Dent J. 2015; 218(3): 99-103. 9. Shaw WC, Gbe MJ, Jones BM. The expectations of orthodontic patients in South Wales and St Louis, Missouri. Br J Orthod. 1979; 6(4): 203-205. 10. Klages U, Bruckner A, Zentner A. Dental aesthetics, selfawareness, and oral health-related quality of life in young adults. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(5): 507-514. 11. Chen M, Wang DW, Wu LP. Fixed orthodontic appliance therapy and its impact on oral health-related quality of life in Chinese patients. Angle Orthod. 2010; 80(1): 49-53. 12. Bellot-Arcis C, Montiel Company JM, Manzanera- Pastor D, Almerich-Silla JM. Orthodontic treatment need in a Spanish young adult population. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012; 17(4): 638-643. 13. Wedrychowska-Szulc B, Syryńska M. Patient and parent motivation for orthodontic treatment--a questionnaire study. Eur J Orthod. 2010; 32(4): 447-452. 14. Babalola SS, Dosumu EB, Shino E. Perception of Dental Appearance and its Implication for Workers in Dental Organizations: A Review of Literature. Kamla-Raj. 2014; 17(2): 501-507. 15. Masood Y, Masood M, Zainul NN, Araby NB, Hussain SF, Newton T. Impact of malocclusion on oral health related quality of life in young people. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013; 11(25): 1-6. 16. Omar R, Tashkandi E, Abduljabbar T, Abdullah MA, Akeel RF. Sentiments expressed in relation to tooth loss: a qualitative study among edentulous Saudis. Int J Prosthodont. 2003; 16(5): 515-520. 17. Ngom PI, Brown R, Diagne F, Normand F, Richmond S. A cultural comparison of treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2005; 27(6): 597-600. 18. El-Momani BR, Tarawneh AM. Why Jordanians seek orthodontic treatment? Demand and real need. JRMS. 2014; 21(1): 17-21. 19. Al-Zubair NM, Idris FA, Al-Selwi FM. The subjective orthodontic treatment need assessed with the aesthetic component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2015; 6(1): 9–14. 20. Mandall NA, Wright J, Conboy FM, O’Brien KD. The relationship between normative orthodontic treatment need and measures of consumer perception. Community Dent Health. 2001; 18(1): 3-6. 21. Nguyen SM, Nguyen MK, Saag M, Jagomagi T. The need for orthodontic treatment among Vietnamese School Children and young adults. Int J Dent. 2014: 1-5. 22. Aksoy A. İlk pılot ağız diş hastalıkları hastanesi ortodonti bölümüne başvuran hastaların sosyo-ekonomik profili. S.D.Ü Tıp Fak. Derg. 2005; 12(2): 38-45. 23. Aikins E, daCosta O, Onyeaso C, Isiekwe M. Subjective Opinions of Dental Attractiveness and Orthodontic Treatment Need among Nigerian Adolescents. IOSR-JDMS. 2014; 13(8): 43-48. 24. Sayers MS, Newton JT. Patients’ expectations of orthodontic treatment: part 2 findings from a questionnaire survey. J Orthod. 2007; 34(1): 25-35. 25. Mugonzibwa EA, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM, Van ’t Hof MA, Kikwilu EN. Perceptions of dental attractiveness and orthodontic treatment need among Tanzanian children. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004; 125(4): 426-433. 26. Ajayi EO, Ajayi YO. Attitudes to malocclusion ina Nigerian School Population. Journal of Medìcìne and Biomedical Research. 2006; 5(1): 16-23. 27. Tickle M, Kay EJ, Beam D. Socio-economic status and orthodontic treatment need. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 1999; 27(6): 413-418. 28. Ngom PI, Benoist HM, Thiam F, Diagne F, Diallo PD. Influence of orthodontic anomalies on periodontal condition. Odontostomatol Trop. 2007; 30(118): 9-16. 29. Yetkiner E, Vardar C, Ergin E, Yucel C, Ersin NK. Orthodontic Treatment Need, Self-Esteem, and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment of Primary Schoolchildren: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study. Turkish J Orthod. 2014; 26(4):182-189. 30. Borzabadi-Farahani A, Borzabadi-Farahani A. Agreement between the index of complexity, outcome, and need and the dental and aesthetic components of the index of orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011;140(2):233-238. 31. Abdullah AAA, Yassin Z, Zamzam N. Reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment: A pilot study. Annal Dent Univ Malaya. 2001; 8: 13-19. 32. Abu Alhaija ESJ, Al-Nimri KS. Al-Khateeb SN. Orthodontic treatment need and demand in 12-14 year-old Jordanian school children. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(3): 261- 263. 33. Kerosuo H, Al Enezi S, Kerosuo E, Abdulkarim E. Association between normative and self-perceived orthodontic treatment need among Arab high school students. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004; 125(3): 373-378. 34. Feldens CA, Nakamura EK, Tessarollo FR, Closs LQ. Desire for orthodontic treatment and associated factors among adolescents in Southern Brazil. Angle Orthod. 2015; 85(2): 224-232. 35. Coyne R, Woods M, Abrams R. The community and orthodontic care. Part II: Community-perceived importance of correcting various dentofacial anomalies. Part III: Community perception of the importance of orthodontic treatment. Aust Orthod J. 1999; 15(5): 289-301. 36. Grzywacz I. The value of aesthetic component of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need in the assessment of subjective orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2003; 25(1): 57-63. 37. Karaağaç E. 12-14 yaşlarındaki çocuklarda ortodontik tedavi ihtiyacı indekslerinin değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti ABD Uzmanlık tezi. 2015 38. Phillips C, Bennett ME, Broder HL. Dentofacial disharmony: psychological status of patients seeking treatment consultation. Angle Orthod. 1998; 68(6): 547-556. 39. Mandall NA, McCord JF, Blinkhorn AS, Worthington HV, O’Brien KD. Perceived aesthetic impact of malocclusion and oral self-perceptions in 14-15-year-old Asian and Caucasian children in greater Manchester. Eur J Orthod. 2000; 22(2): 175-183. 40. Sheats RD, McGorray SP, Keeling SD, Wheeler TT, King GJ. Occlusal traits and perception of orthodontic need in eighth grade students. Angle Orthod 1998; 68(2): 107-114. 41. Hamdan AM. The relationship between patient, parent and clinician perceived need and normative orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2004; 26(3): 265-271. 42. Bos A, Hoogstraten J, Prahl-Andersen B. Expectations of treatment and satisfaction with dentofacial appearance in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003; 123(2): 127-132. 43. Ajayi EO, Ajayi YO. Attitudes to malocclusion in a Nigerian School Population. Journal of Medìcìne and Biomedical Research. 2006; 5(1): 16-23. 44. Zreaqat M, Hassan R, Ismail AR, Ismail NM, Aziz FA. Orthodontic Treatment Need and Demand among 12- and 16 Year-Old School Children in Malaysia. OHDM. 2013; 12(4): 217-221. 45. Birkeland K, Bøe OE, Wisth PJ. Orthodontic concern among 11-year old children and their parents compared with orthodontic treatment need assessed by ındex of orthodontic treatment need. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1996; 110(2): 197-205.
There are 1 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Derlemeler

Esra Karaağaç This is me

Çiğdem Küçükeşmen

Publication Date April 14, 2017
Submission Date April 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


Vancouver Karaağaç E, Küçükeşmen Ç. Maloklüzyonun Psikososyal Etkileri ve Çocuklarda Ortodontik Tedavi Görme İsteği. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;8(2):40-4.

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