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Bir Yaşlı Popülasyonunda Periodontal Durumun Fiziksel Aktivite, Beslenme ve Yaşam Kalitesi ile İlişkisi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 178 - 188, 15.08.2023


Yaşlı bireylerdeki dental/periodontal hastalıkların oluşma ve ilerleme durumunu etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi ile kontrol altına alınması, yaşlı bireylerin yaşam kalitesinin artırılmasında önemli bir etki oluşturacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bir yaşlı popülasyonunda fiziksel aktivite, beslenme, ağız sağlığına bağlı yaşam kalitesi ile periodontal sağlık/hastalık durumu arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır.
Çalışmaya 2021-2022 yılları arasında kliniğimize başvuran yaşları 65-74 arasında değişen 33 gönüllü birey katılmıştır. Katılımcıların klinik periodontal parametre kayıtları, sosyodemografik, antropometrik özellikleri kaydedilmiş ve Ağız Sağlığı Etki Profili Ölçeği (OHIP-14), Ağız Ve Diş Sağlığı İle İlgili Yaşam Kalitesi-Birleşik Krallık Ölçeği (OHRQoL-UK), Yaşlı Ağız Sağlığı Tanılama İndeksi (GOHAI), Yaşlılar İçin Fiziksel Aktivite Ölçeği (PASE), Mini Nütrisyonel Değerlendirme Testi (MNA) indeksleri, anket formları kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Varyansların normal dağılımı ve homojenliği Shapiro-Wilk ve Levene testleri, gruplar arası karşılaştırmalar Mann-Whitney U testi, korelasyonlar ise Spearman korelasyon testi ile analiz edilmiştir (p<0,05).
Çalışma popülasyonunda PASE skorları erkeklerde kadınlardan yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Periodontal durum test skorlarında anlamlı bir farklılık oluşturmamıştır (p>0,05). Aylık gelir yükseldikçe PASE skorları yükselmiş (p<0,000), sistemik hastalık varlığında ve diş kaybı arttıkça OHQoL-UK skorları artmış (p=0,025, p=0,026), VKİ alt grupları arasında OHIP-14 skorları anlamlı farklılık göstermiştir (p=0,002).
Periodontal durum, incelenen geriatrik popülasyonda yaşam stili ve kalitesiyle alakalı test skorları üzerinde anlamlı bir etki göstermemiştir. COVID-19 döneminde yürütülmüş bu çalışmanın bulguları daha geniş yaşlı popülasyonlarında farklılık gösterebilir.


  • [1] WHO. 1972. Psychogeriatric, report of a WHO Scientific Group, Technical Reports Series 507, Geneva. Cited in Davise AM. Epidemiology 185, 14(1):9-21.
  • [2] TurkStat Publication Group. 2015. Turkey in Statistics In Turkish. Turkish Statistical Institute. TUIK publication, Ankara, 4431s.
  • [3] Duyar, I. 2008. Gerontolojinin Temelleri. ss 9-19. Mas, R., Işık, A. T., Karan, M. A,. Beğer, T., Akman, Ş., Ünal, T. ed. 2008. Geriatri, Türk Geriatri Vakfı, Ankara.
  • [4] Birren, J. E. 1959. Principles of research on aging. ss 3–42. Birren, J. E. (ed.), Handbook of Aging and the Individual: Psychological and Biological Aspects. University of Chicago Press, Chicago,187s.
  • [5] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. 2015. World Population Ageing 2015 (ST/ESA/SER.A/390).
  • [6] Scannapieco, F. A., Cantos, A. 2016. Oral inflammation and infection, and chronic medical diseases: implications for the elderly. Periodontology 2000, 72(1), 153–75.
  • [7] Lamster, I. B., Asadourian, L., Del Carmen, T., Friedman, P. K. 2016. The aging mouth: differentiating normal aging from disease. Periodontology 2000, 72(1), 96–107.
  • [8] Velasco-Ortega, E., Segura-Egea, J. J., Córdoba-Arenas, S., Jiménez-Guerra, A., Monsalve-Guil, L., López-López, J. 2013. A comparison of the dental status and treatment needs of older adults with and without chronic mental illness in Sevilla, Spain. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 18(1), e71–75.
  • [9] Koopmann, C. F., Jr, Coulthard, S. W. 1982. The oral cavity and aging. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 15(2), 293–312.
  • [10] Dipietro, L., Caspersen, C. J., Ostfeld, A. M., Nadel, E. R. 1993. A survey for assessing physical activity among older adults. Medicine And Science in Sports and Exercise, 25(5), 628–642.
  • [11] Ayvat, E., Kilinç, M., Kirdi, N. 2017. The Turkish version of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE): its cultural adaptation, validation, and reliability. Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences, 47(3), 908–915.
  • [12] Locker, D. 1988. Measuring oral health: a conceptual framework. Community Dental Health, 5(1), 3–18.
  • [13] Slade, G. D., Spencer, A. J. 1994. Social impact of oral conditions among older adults. Australian Dental Journal, 39(6), 358–364.
  • [14] Muldoon, M. F., Barger, S. D., Flory, J. D., Manuck, S. B. 1998. What are quality of life measurements measuring? British Medical Journal, 316(7130), 542–545.
  • [15] Tubert-Jeannin, S., Riordan, P. J., Morel-Papernot, A., Porcheray, S., Saby-Collet, S. 2003. Validation of an oral health quality of life index (GOHAI) in France. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 31(4), 275– 284.
  • [16] Yıldız, S., Işık, G. 2012. Effects of Prosthesis on Oral Health and Quality of Life in Geriatric Patients. Istanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 46(1):11-16.
  • [17] Vellas, B., Villars, H., Abellan, G., Soto, M.E., Rolland, Y., Guigoz, Y., Morley, J.E., Chumlea, W., Salva, A., Rubenstein, L.Z., Garry, P. 2006. Overview of the MNA--Its history and challenges. The Journal Of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 10(6):456-463.
  • [18] Crogan, N.L., Pasvogel, A. 2003. The ınfluence of protein-calorie malnutrition on quality of life in nursing homes. The Journals of Gerontology Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58(2):159-164.
  • [19] Guigoz, Y., Vellas, B. 1999. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) for grading the nutritional state of elderly patients: presentation of the MNA, history and validation. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series Clinical Performance Programme, 1, 3–12.
  • [20] Rakıcıoğlu N. 2009. ss 115-120. Yaşlılık Döneminde Malnütrisyonun Saptanması. Geriatri, yaşlı sağlığına multidisipliner yaklaşım, Türk Eczacılar Birliği Eczacılık Akademisi Yayını, Ankara, 21 s.
  • [21] Cashin, K., Oot, L. 2022. Guide to anthropometry: a practical tool for program planners, managers, implementers. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) (Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2022).
  • [22] World Health Organization WHO. 2006. Anthro Survey Analyser and other tools. (Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2022).
  • [23] Sarlati, F., Akhondi, N., Ettehad, T., Neyestani, T., Kamali ,Z. 2008. Relationship between obesity and periodontal status in a sample of young Iranian adults. International Dental Journal, 58(1):36-40.
  • [24] Sözmen, K., Ünal, B., Sakarya, S., Dinç, G., Yardım, N., Keskinkılıç, B., Ergör, G. 2016. Türkiye’de Antropometrik Ölçüm Yöntemlerinin Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Riski İle İlişkisi Dicle Medical Journal, 43 (1), 99-106.
  • [25] Ng, S. K., Leung, W. K. 2006. Oral health-related quality of life and periodontal status. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 34(2), 114–122.
  • [26] Slade, G. D., Sanders, A. E. 2011. The paradox of better subjective oral health in older age. Journal of Dental Research, 90(11), 1279–1285.
  • [27] Paśnik-Chwalik, B., & Konopka, T. 2020. Impact of periodontitis on the Oral Health Impact Profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dental and Medical Problems, 57(4), 423–431.
  • [28] Sødal, A. T. T., Skudutyte-Rysstad, R,. Diep, M. T., Koldsland, O. C., Hove, L. H. 2022. Periodontitis in a 65-year-old population: risk indicators and impact on oral health-related quality of life. BMC Oral Health, 22(1):640.
  • [29] Nisanci Yilmaz, M. N., Bulut, S., Bakirarar, B. 2022. Impact of stage-grade of periodontitis and selfreported symptoms on oral health-related quality of life. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 20(2), 291–300.
  • [30] McGrath, C., Bedi, R. 2002. Population based norming of the UK oral health related quality of life measure (OHQoL-UK). British Dental Journal, 193(9), 521–517.
  • [31] Rosli, T. I., Chan, Y. M., Kadir, R. A., Hamid, T. A. A. 2019. Association between oral health-related quality of life and nutritional status among older adults in district of Kuala Pilah, Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 19(Suppl 4), 547-553.
  • [32] Wu, L. L., Cheung, K. Y., Lam, P. Y. P., Gao, X. L. 2018. Oral health indicators for risk of malnutrition in elders. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 22(2), 254–261.
  • [33] Amirkalali, B., Sharifi, F., Fakhrzadeh, H., Mirarefin, M., Ghaderpanahi, M., Larijani, B. 2010. Evaluation of the Mini Nutritional Assessment in the elderly, Tehran, Iran. Public Health Nutrition, 13(9), 1373–1379.
  • [34] Sarıkaya, D. 2013. Gerı̇atrı̇k hastalarda mı̇nı̇ nütrı̇syonel değerlendı̇rme (mna) testı̇nı̇n uzun ve kısa (mna-sf) formunun geçerlı̇lı̇k çalışması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Uzmanlık Tezi, 24s, Ankara. [35] Schuit, A. J., Schouten, E. G., Westerterp, K. R., Saris, W. H. 1997. Validity of the physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): according to energy expenditure assessed by the doubly labeled water method. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 50(5), 541–546.
  • [36] Washburn, R. A., Smith, K. W., Jette, A. M., Janney, C. A. 1993. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): development and evaluation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 46(2), 153–162.
  • [37] Washburn, R. A., McAuley, E., Katula, J., Mihalko, S. L., Boileau, R. A. 1999. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): evidence for validity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 52(7), 643–651.

The Relationship Between Periodontal Status and Physical Activity, Nutrition and Quality of Life in an Elderly Population

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 178 - 188, 15.08.2023


Determining and controlling the factors affecting the occurrence and progression of dental/periodontal diseases in elderly individuals will have a significant impact on increasing the quality of life of elderly. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between physical activity, nutrition, oral health-related quality of life and periodontal health/disease status in an elderly population.
33 volunteers aged between 65 and 74 who applied to our clinic between 2021 and 2022 participated in the study. Clinical periodontal parameter recordings, sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics of the participants were recorded and Oral Health Impact Profile Scale (OHIP-14), Oral and Dental Health-Related Quality of Life-UK (OHRQoL-UK), Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI), Physical Activity Scale for Elderly (PASE), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) indices were obtained using questionnaires. Normal distribution and homogeneity of variances were analyzed by Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests, comparisons between groups were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test and correlations were analyzed by Spearman correlation test (p<0.05).
In the study population, PASE scores were higher in males than females (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in periodontal status test scores (p>0.05). PASE scores increased as monthly income increased (p<0.000), OHQoL-UK scores increased in the presence of systemic disease and tooth loss increased (p=0.025, p=0.026), OHIP-14 scores differed significantly between BMI subgroups (p=0.002) .
Periodontal status didn’t have a significant effect on test scores related to lifestyle and quality of life in the geriatric population studied. The findings of this study conducted during the COVID-19 era may differ in larger elderly populations.


  • [1] WHO. 1972. Psychogeriatric, report of a WHO Scientific Group, Technical Reports Series 507, Geneva. Cited in Davise AM. Epidemiology 185, 14(1):9-21.
  • [2] TurkStat Publication Group. 2015. Turkey in Statistics In Turkish. Turkish Statistical Institute. TUIK publication, Ankara, 4431s.
  • [3] Duyar, I. 2008. Gerontolojinin Temelleri. ss 9-19. Mas, R., Işık, A. T., Karan, M. A,. Beğer, T., Akman, Ş., Ünal, T. ed. 2008. Geriatri, Türk Geriatri Vakfı, Ankara.
  • [4] Birren, J. E. 1959. Principles of research on aging. ss 3–42. Birren, J. E. (ed.), Handbook of Aging and the Individual: Psychological and Biological Aspects. University of Chicago Press, Chicago,187s.
  • [5] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. 2015. World Population Ageing 2015 (ST/ESA/SER.A/390).
  • [6] Scannapieco, F. A., Cantos, A. 2016. Oral inflammation and infection, and chronic medical diseases: implications for the elderly. Periodontology 2000, 72(1), 153–75.
  • [7] Lamster, I. B., Asadourian, L., Del Carmen, T., Friedman, P. K. 2016. The aging mouth: differentiating normal aging from disease. Periodontology 2000, 72(1), 96–107.
  • [8] Velasco-Ortega, E., Segura-Egea, J. J., Córdoba-Arenas, S., Jiménez-Guerra, A., Monsalve-Guil, L., López-López, J. 2013. A comparison of the dental status and treatment needs of older adults with and without chronic mental illness in Sevilla, Spain. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 18(1), e71–75.
  • [9] Koopmann, C. F., Jr, Coulthard, S. W. 1982. The oral cavity and aging. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 15(2), 293–312.
  • [10] Dipietro, L., Caspersen, C. J., Ostfeld, A. M., Nadel, E. R. 1993. A survey for assessing physical activity among older adults. Medicine And Science in Sports and Exercise, 25(5), 628–642.
  • [11] Ayvat, E., Kilinç, M., Kirdi, N. 2017. The Turkish version of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE): its cultural adaptation, validation, and reliability. Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences, 47(3), 908–915.
  • [12] Locker, D. 1988. Measuring oral health: a conceptual framework. Community Dental Health, 5(1), 3–18.
  • [13] Slade, G. D., Spencer, A. J. 1994. Social impact of oral conditions among older adults. Australian Dental Journal, 39(6), 358–364.
  • [14] Muldoon, M. F., Barger, S. D., Flory, J. D., Manuck, S. B. 1998. What are quality of life measurements measuring? British Medical Journal, 316(7130), 542–545.
  • [15] Tubert-Jeannin, S., Riordan, P. J., Morel-Papernot, A., Porcheray, S., Saby-Collet, S. 2003. Validation of an oral health quality of life index (GOHAI) in France. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 31(4), 275– 284.
  • [16] Yıldız, S., Işık, G. 2012. Effects of Prosthesis on Oral Health and Quality of Life in Geriatric Patients. Istanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 46(1):11-16.
  • [17] Vellas, B., Villars, H., Abellan, G., Soto, M.E., Rolland, Y., Guigoz, Y., Morley, J.E., Chumlea, W., Salva, A., Rubenstein, L.Z., Garry, P. 2006. Overview of the MNA--Its history and challenges. The Journal Of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 10(6):456-463.
  • [18] Crogan, N.L., Pasvogel, A. 2003. The ınfluence of protein-calorie malnutrition on quality of life in nursing homes. The Journals of Gerontology Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58(2):159-164.
  • [19] Guigoz, Y., Vellas, B. 1999. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) for grading the nutritional state of elderly patients: presentation of the MNA, history and validation. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series Clinical Performance Programme, 1, 3–12.
  • [20] Rakıcıoğlu N. 2009. ss 115-120. Yaşlılık Döneminde Malnütrisyonun Saptanması. Geriatri, yaşlı sağlığına multidisipliner yaklaşım, Türk Eczacılar Birliği Eczacılık Akademisi Yayını, Ankara, 21 s.
  • [21] Cashin, K., Oot, L. 2022. Guide to anthropometry: a practical tool for program planners, managers, implementers. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) (Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2022).
  • [22] World Health Organization WHO. 2006. Anthro Survey Analyser and other tools. (Erişim Tarihi: 09.04.2022).
  • [23] Sarlati, F., Akhondi, N., Ettehad, T., Neyestani, T., Kamali ,Z. 2008. Relationship between obesity and periodontal status in a sample of young Iranian adults. International Dental Journal, 58(1):36-40.
  • [24] Sözmen, K., Ünal, B., Sakarya, S., Dinç, G., Yardım, N., Keskinkılıç, B., Ergör, G. 2016. Türkiye’de Antropometrik Ölçüm Yöntemlerinin Kardiyovasküler Hastalık Riski İle İlişkisi Dicle Medical Journal, 43 (1), 99-106.
  • [25] Ng, S. K., Leung, W. K. 2006. Oral health-related quality of life and periodontal status. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 34(2), 114–122.
  • [26] Slade, G. D., Sanders, A. E. 2011. The paradox of better subjective oral health in older age. Journal of Dental Research, 90(11), 1279–1285.
  • [27] Paśnik-Chwalik, B., & Konopka, T. 2020. Impact of periodontitis on the Oral Health Impact Profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dental and Medical Problems, 57(4), 423–431.
  • [28] Sødal, A. T. T., Skudutyte-Rysstad, R,. Diep, M. T., Koldsland, O. C., Hove, L. H. 2022. Periodontitis in a 65-year-old population: risk indicators and impact on oral health-related quality of life. BMC Oral Health, 22(1):640.
  • [29] Nisanci Yilmaz, M. N., Bulut, S., Bakirarar, B. 2022. Impact of stage-grade of periodontitis and selfreported symptoms on oral health-related quality of life. International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 20(2), 291–300.
  • [30] McGrath, C., Bedi, R. 2002. Population based norming of the UK oral health related quality of life measure (OHQoL-UK). British Dental Journal, 193(9), 521–517.
  • [31] Rosli, T. I., Chan, Y. M., Kadir, R. A., Hamid, T. A. A. 2019. Association between oral health-related quality of life and nutritional status among older adults in district of Kuala Pilah, Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 19(Suppl 4), 547-553.
  • [32] Wu, L. L., Cheung, K. Y., Lam, P. Y. P., Gao, X. L. 2018. Oral health indicators for risk of malnutrition in elders. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 22(2), 254–261.
  • [33] Amirkalali, B., Sharifi, F., Fakhrzadeh, H., Mirarefin, M., Ghaderpanahi, M., Larijani, B. 2010. Evaluation of the Mini Nutritional Assessment in the elderly, Tehran, Iran. Public Health Nutrition, 13(9), 1373–1379.
  • [34] Sarıkaya, D. 2013. Gerı̇atrı̇k hastalarda mı̇nı̇ nütrı̇syonel değerlendı̇rme (mna) testı̇nı̇n uzun ve kısa (mna-sf) formunun geçerlı̇lı̇k çalışması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Uzmanlık Tezi, 24s, Ankara. [35] Schuit, A. J., Schouten, E. G., Westerterp, K. R., Saris, W. H. 1997. Validity of the physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): according to energy expenditure assessed by the doubly labeled water method. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 50(5), 541–546.
  • [36] Washburn, R. A., Smith, K. W., Jette, A. M., Janney, C. A. 1993. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): development and evaluation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 46(2), 153–162.
  • [37] Washburn, R. A., McAuley, E., Katula, J., Mihalko, S. L., Boileau, R. A. 1999. The physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE): evidence for validity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 52(7), 643–651.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Erensu Uzar 0000-0002-4294-0151

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Prof. Dr. Zuhal Yetkin Ay 0000-0003-4716-9404

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Uzar E, Ertaş K, Koşkan Ö, Yetkin Ay PDZ. Bir Yaşlı Popülasyonunda Periodontal Durumun Fiziksel Aktivite, Beslenme ve Yaşam Kalitesi ile İlişkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;14(2):178-8.


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