Year 2022,
, 611 - 618, 27.12.2022
Mehmet Sözen
Zeynep Cantürk
Alev Selek
Berrin Çetinaslan
Burcu Sevinç
Emre Gezer
Damla Köksalan
İnflamasyona bağlı hemogram parametreleri son zamanlarda
kanser hastalarında faydalı bir belirteç olarak
tanımlanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada, papiller
tiroid kanserli (PTC), malignite potansiyeli belirsiz iyi
diferansiye tiroid tümörü ve foliküler adenomlu (FA)
hastalarda hemogram parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması
Gereç ve Yöntem
Çalışmada 287 hastanın verileri analiz edildi. Çalışma
popülasyonu 5 farklı gruba ayrıldı. 1. Grup: kontrol, 2.
grup: FA, 3. grup: WDT-UMP, 4. grup: metastatik olmayan
PTC, 5. grup: metastatik PTC. Ameliyat öncesi
yapılan kan testlerini değerlendirdik.
Ortalama yaş 50 (37-59) idi. Ortalama TSH değeri 1.2
(0.5-2.2) μIU/mL idi. Total tiroidektomi materyalinde
saptanan lezyonun ortalama boyutu 1.7 (1.0-3.0) cm
idi. Grup 3'te beyaz kan hücreleri (WBC), nötrofiller
ve lenfositler grup 4'e göre daha düşüktü (p<0.05).
NLR, kontrol grubu ile tüm gruplarda benzer bulundu
(p=0.173). Kontrol hastalarında MPV istatistiksel
olarak daha yüksek oranda bulundu (p=0.000). MPV
2. grupta, 3. grup ve 4. grupa göre anlamlı derecede
yüksekti (sırasıyla p=0.001, p=0. 016;). RDW, kontrol
grubunda diğer gruplara göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü
(p=0.000). Tümör boyutu ile hemogram parametreleri
arasında korelasyon yoktu.
Tiroid nodülü nedeniyle takip edilen hastalarda düşük
MPV olası malignite açısından şüphe uyandırmalıdır.
Artmış RDW, tiroid nodülü gelişimini öngörmede
faydalı olabilir. Bu kolay erişilebilir, uygun maliyetli
belirteçler, malign nodülleri benign nodüllerden ayırt
etmek için diğer tanı yöntemlerini destekleyebilir.
Supporting Institution
- 1. Hsu DS, Kim MK, Balakumaran BS, et al. Immune signatures
predict prognosis in localized cancer. Cancer Investigation.
- 2. Balkwill F, Mantovani A. Inflammation and cancer: Back to Virchow?
Vol. 357, Lancet. Elsevier Limited; 2001. p. 539–45.
- 3. Coussens LM, Werb Z. Inflammation and cancer. Nature.
- 4. Ari A, Gunver F. Comparison of neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio
and platelet–lymphocyte ratio in patients with thyroiditis and
papillary tumors. Journal of International Medical Research.
- 5. Yokota M, Katoh H, Nishimiya H, et al. Lymphocyte-monocyte
ratio significantly predicts recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer.
Journal of Surgical Research. 2020;246:535-43.
- 6. Çölkesen F. Pankreas kanserli hastalarda hematolojik parametrelerin
(mean platelet volume, nötrofil/lenfosit oranı, trombosit/
lenfosit oranı, eozinofil ve lenfosit sayısı) prognoz - tedavi
takibinde kullanılabilirliklerinin araştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi,
Yayımlanmış Uzm tezi, Kony. 2015.
- 7. Lang BH, Ng CP, Au KB, et al. Does preoperative neutrophil
lymphocyte ratio predict risk of recurrence and occult central
nodal metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma?. World journal
of surgery. 2014:2605-12.
- 8. Lian L, Xia YY, Zhou C, et al. Mean platelet volume predicts
chemotherapy response and prognosis in patients with unresectable
gastric cancer. Oncology letters. 2015;10(6):3419-24.
- 9. Hussein O, Abdelwahab K, Hamdy O, et al. Thyroid cancer associated
with Hashimoto thyroiditis: similarities and differences
in an endemic area. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer
Institute. 2020;32(1):1-4.
- 10. Li MM, Yue CX, Fu S, et al. Platelet volume is reduced in metastasing
breast cancer: Blood profiles reveal significant shifts.
Cancer Management and Research. 2019;11:9067.
- 11. Lai X, Xia Y, Zhang B, et al. A meta-analysis of Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis and papillary thyroid carcinoma risk. Oncotarget.
- 12. Wang X, Cui MM, Xu Y, et al. Decreased mean platelet volume
predicts poor prognosis in invasive bladder cancer. Oncotarget.
- 13. Feng J, Wang Y, Shan G, et al. Clinical and prognostic value of
neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio for patients with thyroid cancer: A
meta-analysis. Medicine. 2020;99(20).
- 14. Al-Kindi SG, Refaat M, Jayyousi A, et al. Red cell distribution
width is associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
in patients with diabetes. BioMed research international.
- 15. Sit M, Aktas G, Ozer B, et al. Mean platelet volume: an overlooked
herald of malignant thyroid nodules. Acta Clinica Croatica.
- 16. Montagnana M, Danese E. Red cell distribution width and cancer.
Annals of translational medicine. 2016;4(20).
- 17. Paliogiannis P, Scognamillo F, Bellomo M, e al. Neutrophil to
lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of thyroid papillary carcinoma.
Acta Med Mediterr. 2015;31:371-5.
- 18. Hu L, Li M, Ding Y, et al. Prognostic value of RDW in cancers:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget.
- 19. Liu CL, Lee JJ, Liu TP, et al. Blood neutrophil‐to‐lymphocyte
ratio correlates with tumor size in patients with differentiated thyroid
cancer. Journal of surgical oncology. 2013;107(5):493-7.
- 20. Aktas G, Sit M, Karagoz I, et al. Could red cell distribution width
be a marker of thyroid cancer. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak.
- 21. Liu JF, Ba L, Lv H, et al. Association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte
ratio and differentiated thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis.
Scientific reports. 2016;6(1):1-7.
- 22. Sevinc B, Karahan O, Ay S, et al. Red cell distribution width as
a marker of thyroid papillary carcinoma. Translational Surgery.
- 23. Pyo JS, Sohn JH, Kang G. Diagnostic and prognostic roles of
the mean platelet volume in malignant tumors: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Platelets. 2016;27(8):722-8.
- 24. Kayilioglu SI, Dinc T, Sozen I, et al. Thyroid nodules with atypia
or follicular lesions of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS):
analysis of variables associated with outcome. Asian Pacific
Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2015;15(23):10307-11.
- 25. Ozmen HK, Askin S, Simsek E, et al. Mean Platelet Volume
and Red Cell Distribution Width in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Patients. Open Medicine Journal. 2019;6(1).
- 26. Dincel O, Bayraktar C. Evaluation of platelet indices as a useful
marker in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Bratislava Med J.
- 27. Yu YJ, Li N, Yun ZY, et al. Preoperative mean platelet volume
and platelet distribution associated with thyroid cancer. Neoplasma.
- 28. Li N, Fu S, Cui MM, et al. Platelet distribution width and serum
albumin levels for discrimination of thyroid cancer from benign
thyroid nodules. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention:
APJCP. 2017;18(7):1773.
- 29. Yagyu T, Saito H, Sakamoto T, et al. Decreased mean platelet
volume predicts poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer.
BMC surgery. 2021;21(1):1-8.
- 30. Delago D, Knittelfelder O, Jakse G, et al. The decreased mean
platelet volume is associated with poor prognosis in patients
with oropharyngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy. Radiation
Oncology. 2020;15(1):1-2.
Year 2022,
, 611 - 618, 27.12.2022
Mehmet Sözen
Zeynep Cantürk
Alev Selek
Berrin Çetinaslan
Burcu Sevinç
Emre Gezer
Damla Köksalan
Inflammation-related hemogram parameters have
recently started to be defined as a useful marker in
cancer patients. In this study, we aimed to comparison
of hemogram parameters in papillary thyroid cancer
(PTC) patients, well differentiated thyroid tumor
of uncertain malignant potential (WDT-UMP) and
follicular adenoma (FA).
Material and Method
The 287 patients’ data were analyzed in study. Study
subjects were divided into 5 different groups. 1st
group: control, 2nd group: FA, 3rd group: WDT-UMP,
4th group: non-metastatic PTC, 5th group: metastatic
PTC. We evaluated the preoperative blood tests.
The average age was 50 (37-59). The mean TSH
value was 1.2 (0.5-2.2) μIU/mL. The mean size of the
lesion detected in the total thyroidectomy material was
1.7 (1.0-3.0) cm. White blood cells (WBC), neutrophils
and lymphocytes were lower in 3rd group than 4th
group (p<0.05). NLR was found to be similar in all
groups with the control group (p=0.173). MPV was
found to be statistically higher in the control patients
(p=0.000). MPV was significantly higher in 2nd group
compared to 3rd group and 4th group (p=0.001,
p=0.016; respectively). RDW was significantly lower
in the control group compared to all other groups
(p=0.000). There was no correlation between tumor
size and hemogram parameters.
In patients followed up for thyroid nodules, low
MPV should raise a suspicion in terms of possible
malignancy. Increased RDW may be useful in
predicting thyroid nodule development. These easily
accessible, cost-effective markers may support other
diagnostic methods to distinguish malignant from
benign nodules.
- 1. Hsu DS, Kim MK, Balakumaran BS, et al. Immune signatures
predict prognosis in localized cancer. Cancer Investigation.
- 2. Balkwill F, Mantovani A. Inflammation and cancer: Back to Virchow?
Vol. 357, Lancet. Elsevier Limited; 2001. p. 539–45.
- 3. Coussens LM, Werb Z. Inflammation and cancer. Nature.
- 4. Ari A, Gunver F. Comparison of neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio
and platelet–lymphocyte ratio in patients with thyroiditis and
papillary tumors. Journal of International Medical Research.
- 5. Yokota M, Katoh H, Nishimiya H, et al. Lymphocyte-monocyte
ratio significantly predicts recurrence in papillary thyroid cancer.
Journal of Surgical Research. 2020;246:535-43.
- 6. Çölkesen F. Pankreas kanserli hastalarda hematolojik parametrelerin
(mean platelet volume, nötrofil/lenfosit oranı, trombosit/
lenfosit oranı, eozinofil ve lenfosit sayısı) prognoz - tedavi
takibinde kullanılabilirliklerinin araştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi,
Yayımlanmış Uzm tezi, Kony. 2015.
- 7. Lang BH, Ng CP, Au KB, et al. Does preoperative neutrophil
lymphocyte ratio predict risk of recurrence and occult central
nodal metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma?. World journal
of surgery. 2014:2605-12.
- 8. Lian L, Xia YY, Zhou C, et al. Mean platelet volume predicts
chemotherapy response and prognosis in patients with unresectable
gastric cancer. Oncology letters. 2015;10(6):3419-24.
- 9. Hussein O, Abdelwahab K, Hamdy O, et al. Thyroid cancer associated
with Hashimoto thyroiditis: similarities and differences
in an endemic area. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer
Institute. 2020;32(1):1-4.
- 10. Li MM, Yue CX, Fu S, et al. Platelet volume is reduced in metastasing
breast cancer: Blood profiles reveal significant shifts.
Cancer Management and Research. 2019;11:9067.
- 11. Lai X, Xia Y, Zhang B, et al. A meta-analysis of Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis and papillary thyroid carcinoma risk. Oncotarget.
- 12. Wang X, Cui MM, Xu Y, et al. Decreased mean platelet volume
predicts poor prognosis in invasive bladder cancer. Oncotarget.
- 13. Feng J, Wang Y, Shan G, et al. Clinical and prognostic value of
neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio for patients with thyroid cancer: A
meta-analysis. Medicine. 2020;99(20).
- 14. Al-Kindi SG, Refaat M, Jayyousi A, et al. Red cell distribution
width is associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality
in patients with diabetes. BioMed research international.
- 15. Sit M, Aktas G, Ozer B, et al. Mean platelet volume: an overlooked
herald of malignant thyroid nodules. Acta Clinica Croatica.
- 16. Montagnana M, Danese E. Red cell distribution width and cancer.
Annals of translational medicine. 2016;4(20).
- 17. Paliogiannis P, Scognamillo F, Bellomo M, e al. Neutrophil to
lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of thyroid papillary carcinoma.
Acta Med Mediterr. 2015;31:371-5.
- 18. Hu L, Li M, Ding Y, et al. Prognostic value of RDW in cancers:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget.
- 19. Liu CL, Lee JJ, Liu TP, et al. Blood neutrophil‐to‐lymphocyte
ratio correlates with tumor size in patients with differentiated thyroid
cancer. Journal of surgical oncology. 2013;107(5):493-7.
- 20. Aktas G, Sit M, Karagoz I, et al. Could red cell distribution width
be a marker of thyroid cancer. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak.
- 21. Liu JF, Ba L, Lv H, et al. Association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte
ratio and differentiated thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis.
Scientific reports. 2016;6(1):1-7.
- 22. Sevinc B, Karahan O, Ay S, et al. Red cell distribution width as
a marker of thyroid papillary carcinoma. Translational Surgery.
- 23. Pyo JS, Sohn JH, Kang G. Diagnostic and prognostic roles of
the mean platelet volume in malignant tumors: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Platelets. 2016;27(8):722-8.
- 24. Kayilioglu SI, Dinc T, Sozen I, et al. Thyroid nodules with atypia
or follicular lesions of undetermined significance (AUS/FLUS):
analysis of variables associated with outcome. Asian Pacific
Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2015;15(23):10307-11.
- 25. Ozmen HK, Askin S, Simsek E, et al. Mean Platelet Volume
and Red Cell Distribution Width in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Patients. Open Medicine Journal. 2019;6(1).
- 26. Dincel O, Bayraktar C. Evaluation of platelet indices as a useful
marker in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Bratislava Med J.
- 27. Yu YJ, Li N, Yun ZY, et al. Preoperative mean platelet volume
and platelet distribution associated with thyroid cancer. Neoplasma.
- 28. Li N, Fu S, Cui MM, et al. Platelet distribution width and serum
albumin levels for discrimination of thyroid cancer from benign
thyroid nodules. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention:
APJCP. 2017;18(7):1773.
- 29. Yagyu T, Saito H, Sakamoto T, et al. Decreased mean platelet
volume predicts poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer.
BMC surgery. 2021;21(1):1-8.
- 30. Delago D, Knittelfelder O, Jakse G, et al. The decreased mean
platelet volume is associated with poor prognosis in patients
with oropharyngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy. Radiation
Oncology. 2020;15(1):1-2.