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Siklosporin A'nın sıçanlarda oluşturduğu nefrotoksisiteye Vitamin C ile Vitamin E'nin ve verapamilin etkilerinin ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirilmesi

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 28 - 35, 16.04.2009


SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2005 Aralık; 12(4)

Siklosporin A'nın sıçanlarda oluşturduğu nefrotoksisiteye Vitamin C ile Vitamin E'nin ve verapamilin etkilerinin ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirilmesi

Mehmet Ural, Meltem Özgüner, Dilek Şenal, Recep Sütçü, Namık Delibaş


Amaç: Siklosporin A (CsA) organ nakillerinde atılımı önlemede önemli bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Bu güçlü bağışıklık sistemini baskılayıcı ajanın en önemli yan etkisi nefrotoksisitedir. Bu yan etkinin oluşumunda suçlanan en önemli iki mekanizma; i) böbrekte afferent arteriyolde yaptığı vazokonstrüksiyon ii) antioksidan sistem enzimleri üzerine yaptığı etki serbest oksijen radikallerini arttırmasıdır. CsA uygulanan deneklere antioksidan özelliği olan Vit E ve Vitamin C ile birlikte kalsiyum kanallarını bloke ederek vazodilatatör etkinlik gösteren verapamili vererek, farklı deney gruplarında böbrek korteksindeki histopatalojik değişiklikleri değerlendirmek ve bu değişikliklere antioksidan ve vazodilatatör ajanların tek tek ve birlikte verildiklerindeki etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla bu çalışmayı yaptık. Materyal ve Metod: 25 sıçan; kontrol grubu, siklosporin A (CsA) verilen grup, CsA+ vitamin E ve C verilen grup, CsA+verapamil verilen grup ve CsA+vitamin+verapamil verilen grup olmak üzere beş gruba ayrıldı. 10 gün boyunca CsA nazogastrik sonda ile oral olarak 50 mg/kg dozunda, E vitamini 150 mg/kg dozunda intramüsküler olarak; C vitamini 200 mg/kg dozunda intraperitoneal olarak, verapamil 0.5 mg/kg dozunda intramüsküler olarak verildi. Çalışmanın sonunda sıçanların kanları ve böbrek dokuları eter anestezisi altında alındı. Böbrek dokusu %10'luk formolde tespit edildi. Rutin histolojik takip ile bloklanan dokulardan 5m 'lik kesitler alındı ve hematoksilen-eozin ile boyanarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmamızın sonunda CsA verilen grupta histolojik olarak belirgin yapısal değişiklikler ortaya çıktı. Bu değişiklikler CsA + vitamin E ve C verilen grup ve CsA + verapamil verilen gruplarda kısmen düzelmekle birlikte; normal histolojik yapıya en yakın görünüm CsA + vitamin + verapamil alan grupta görüldü. Ayrıca böbrek dokusunda antioksidan enzimlerden glutatyon proksidaz ve katalazda en belirgin yükselme ve böbrek fonksiyon testlerinden BUN ve kreatinin de en belirgin düzelme de bu grupta izlendi. Sonuç: CsA'nın yaptığı nefrotoksisitenin önlenmesi için; verapamil, vitamin E ve C'nin birlikte kullanılmasının daha faydalı olacağı kanaatindeyiz.

Anahtar kelimeler: Siklosporin A, Nefrotoksisite, Verapamil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C


Effects of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and verapamil on cyclosporin induced nephrotoxicity in rats: a light microscobic study

Aim: Cyclosporin A (CsA) is an important agent used in organ transplantation to prevent rejection. This immunosupressive drug's most important secondary effect is nephrotoxicity. There are two hypotheses for the nephrotoxicity mechanism i) vasoconstruction in afferent arteriole ii) the role of reactive oxygen species. In this study we planned to see the individual or combined effects of antioxidant vitamins E and C with a calcium channel blocker verapamil. Materials and Methods: 25 rats divided into five groups equally; a vehicle group, CsA treated group, CsA + vitamin E and C treated group, CsA + verapamil treated group and CsA+ vitamin E and C + verapamil treated group. CsA administered 50 mg/kg/day (per oral by catheter), vitamin E administered 150 mg/kg/day (intramusculer), vitamin C administered 200 mg/kg/day (intraperitoneal), verapamil administered 0.5 mg/kg/day (intramusculer) for 10 days. At the end of study rats' blood samples and kidney tissues were taken under ether anesthesia. Tissue sections of kidney were fixed in %10 formalin. Parafin sections were cut at 5 m, then examined after staining with hematoxylin-eosin. Results: In CsA treated rats, significant morphological changes were observed in kidney sections. Although in CsA + vitamin E,C and CsA + verapamil treated rats, these changes were reduced but the most significant improvement observed in the CsA + vitamin C and E + verapamil treated group. Also most significant rise of antioxidant enzymes, catalaz and glutathion peroxidase in renal tissue was seen in this group. Conclusion: We suggest that using the combination of verapamil, vitamin E and C will be more useful to prevent the nephrotoxicity caused by CsA.

Key words: Cyclosporin A, Nephrotoxicity, Verapamil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C


  • Dieperink H. Cylosporin A nephrotoxicity. Dan.Med.Bull. 36:235-248, 1989
  • Bennet WM. The nephrotoxicity of immunusupressant drugs. Clin Nephrol, 43:s3-7, 1995
  • Dieperink H, Frandsen NE, Kemp E. Cyclosporin A. Bright prospects for organ transplantation?. Ugeskr Laeger. 145:36:2749-52,1983
  • Borel JF,Feurer C, Gubler HU, Stahelin H. Biological effects of cyclosporin A: a new antilymphotic agent, Agents Actions, 43:179-186,1976
  • Calne RY, White DJ, Thiru S, Evans DB, McMaster P, Dunn DC, Craddock GN, Pentlow BD, Rolles K. Cyclosporin A in patients receiving renal allografts from cadaver donors. Lancet, 2:1323-1327,1978
  • Durkan am,Hodson EM,Willis NS, Craig JC. Ýmmunsupressive agents in childhood nephrotic syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Kidney int. 59,1919-1927, 2001
  • High KP. The antimicrobial activities of cyclosporin, FK506 and rapamycin. Transplantation. 57,1689-1700, 1994
  • Thiel G, Landmann J, Mihatsch MJ: Ciclosporin:acute or chronic toxicity, or rejection?AM Hassaballah (ed), Excerpta medica, Amsterdam,122-133, 1987
  • Murray BM, Paller MS, Ferris TF: Effects of CsA administration on renal hemodynamic in conscious rats. Kidney Int , 28:767-74,1985
  • Strzelecki T, Kumar S, Khaulý R, et al: Impairment by cyclosporine of membrane-mediated functions in kidney mitochondria. Kidney Int , 34:234-240,1988
  • Orugun EO, Smart LM, Whiting PH: The effect of calcium blockade with verapamil on experimental cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. Transplant Proc 1991, 23:1:354-5.
  • Dawidson I, Rooth P, Fry WR, et al: Preventation of acute cyclosporine induced renal blood inhibition and improved immunosuppresion with verapamil. Transplantation , 48:4:575-80,1989
  • Dieperink H, Leyssac PP, Starklint H, et al: Nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine A: a lithium clearence and micropuncture study in rats. Eur J Clin Invest 1986, 16:69.
  • Salducci MD, Chauvet-Monges AM, Berland Y, et al: The restoration of ATP synthesis may explain in protective effect of calcium antagonists against Cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity. Life Sciences , 50:2053- 58,1992
  • Duriebe VA, Okanmah A, Blyden GD. Effect of CsA on rat liver and kidney glutathione content. Pharmacology, 39:205-212,1989
  • Ýnselmann G, Hannemann J, Baumann K. Cylosporin A induced lipid peroxidation and influence on glucose 6 phosphatase in rat hepatic and renal microzomes. Res Common Chem Pathol Pharmacol, 68:189- 203,1990
  • Wang CH, Salahudeen AK. Cylosporin nephrotoxicity: attenuation by an antioxidant inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in vitro and in vivo. Transpantation 58:940- 946, 1994
  • Ýnselmann G, Baumann K. Effect of cyclosporin A on accumulation of tetraethylammonium and p- aminohippurat and on lipit peroxidation in rat renal microzomes and cortical slices. Ren Fail.12:165-169, 1990
  • MaCay PB, King MM: Vitamin E: Its role as a biological free radical scavenger and its relationship to the microsomal mixed-function oxidase system. Vitamin E, New York, 1980, Marcel Dekker Inc, pp:289-317.
  • Pascoe GA, Reed DJ: Cell calcium, vitamin E and the thiol redox system in cytotoxicity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine , 6:209-24,1989
  • Marubayashi S, Dohi K, Ochi K, et al: Role of the free radicals in ischemic rat liver cell injury: preventation of damage by a -tocopherol administration. Surgery , 99:2:184-191,1986
  • Kunisaki M, Umeda F, Inoguchi T, et al: Vitamin E binds to spsific binding sites and enhances prostacyclin production by cultured aortic endotelial cells. Thromb Haemost , 68:774,1992
  • Lunec J, Blake D, Oxygen Free Radicals. Their relevance to disease processes . In : Cohen RD, Lewis B, Albert KGMM. The Metabolic and Moleculer Basis of Acquired Disease. Balliere Tindall, London. 189- 212, 1990.
  • Jialal I, Fuller CJ. Oxidized LDL and antioxidants . Clin Cardiol . 16: 1-9, 1993.
  • Lawry OH, Rosebrough NJ,Randall RJ. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J Biol Chem. 182:265,1951.
  • Mihatsch Mj, Thiel G, Basler V, Ryffel B, et all. Morphological patterns in cyclosporin-treated renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc,4(suppl 1):101- 16,1985
  • Thiel G. Experimental cyclosporin nephrotoxicity. Clin Nephrol, 25(suppl 1):205-10,1986
  • Zhong Z,Arteel GE, Connor HD, et all. Am J Physiol, 275:F595,1998
  • Yang JJ, Finn WF. Ren Fail, 20:85,1998
  • Kadayýfçý A. Dahiliye. 1.baský, Atlas Kitapçýlýk, Ankara, 199-297, 2001
  • Hebert SC,Kriz W. Diseases of kidney. Schrier RW, Gottschalk CW (ed), vol1:3-37,1997
  • Tisher CC, Madsen KM. Anatomy of the kidney. Brenner BM (ed), The Kidney,3:62,1996
  • Venkatachalam MA, Bernard DB, Donohoe JF. Ýschemic damage and repair in the rat proximal tubule. Kidney int, 14:31-49,1978
  • Kim JY, Suh KS. Light microscobic and electron microscobic feautures of CyA nephrotoxicity in rats. J Kor MED Sci,10:5:352-59,1995
  • Massicot F, Thevenin M, Martin C, et all, Effect of cyclosporin on kidney glutathion mrtabolizm ang ccytocrom p450 in the rabbit. Drug chem toxicol,17:449-62,1994
  • Ýnselmann G, Blank M, Baumann K. Cyclosporin induced lipit peroxidation in microsomes of rat kidney. Res. Commun. Chem Pathol Pharmacol,62:207-20,1988
  • Walker PD, Das C, Shah SV. Cyclosporin A induced lpid peroxidation in renal cortical mitocondria. Kidney int, 29:311,1986
  • Ýnselmann G, Barth A, Engemann R, Heidemann H. Cyclosporin A induced lipid peroxidation in human liver microsomes. Eur J Clin Ýnvest,21:461-65,1991
  • Ketterer B, Beale D, Meyer D,. The structure of multiple functions of glutathion transferases. Biochem Soc Trans, 10:82-84, 1982
  • Mun Kc, Suh SI. Effect of melatonin on renal function in cyclosporin nephrotoxicity. Transplantation proc, 32:1919-20,2000
  • Durak I, Karabacak HI, Buyukkocak S, Cimen MY, Kacmaz M ve ark. Ýmpaired antioxidant defens system in the kidney tissues from rabbits treated with cyclosporin: Protective effects of vitamins E and C. Nephron,78(2):207-11,1998
  • Özdemir M, Aktan Y, Dündar E, Çolak Ö, Cingi ÝM, Tel N. Siklosporin A nefrotoksisitesine karþý vitamin E'nin etkisi. Çukurova üniv Týp Fak Derg, 23:2:67- 71,1998
  • Kayaalp O. Týbbi Farmakoloji. Vitaminler. Cilt 2, 9. Baský, Hacettepe Taþ Kitabevi, 1541-1575, 2000
  • Faustman DL, Hauptfeld V, Davie JM, Lacy PE. Ýncrase in urinary thromboxane B2 in rats caused by cyclosporine. Transplant,40:2:214-17, 1985
  • Petric R, Freeman D, Wallace C, et all. Amelioration of experimental cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity by calcium channel inhibition. Brief communications, 1103-1105,1992
  • English J, Evan A, Houghton DC, Bennet WM. Cyclosporin induced acute dysfunction in the rat. Transplant,44:1:14-17,1986
  • Bokemeyer D, Friedrichs U, Backer A, et all. Cyclosporin A Enhances total cell calcium independent of NA-K-ATPaz in vasculer smooth muscle cells. Clin Ýnvestig, 72:12:992-5,1994
  • Bhardwaj R, Moore PK. The effect of arginin and NO on resistance blood vessels of the perfused rat kidney. Br J Pharmacol, 97:739-44,1989
  • Darlametsos IE, Papanikalaou N, Varanos DD. Effect of nifedipine in CyA induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Prostaglandins leukotriens and essential Fatty acids,63:5:263-69,2000
  • L'Azou B, Lagroye I, Plande J,et all. Protective effect of verapamil and dopamine against CyA induced vazoconstruction in isolated glomeruli in rats. Presse Med, 21:41:2021-3,1992
  • Abraham JS, Bentley FR, Garrison RN. Calcium channel blockade in rats with cyclosporin induced vasoconstrýction. Ýnvest Surg, 6:5:401-12,1993
Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 28 - 35, 16.04.2009



  • Dieperink H. Cylosporin A nephrotoxicity. Dan.Med.Bull. 36:235-248, 1989
  • Bennet WM. The nephrotoxicity of immunusupressant drugs. Clin Nephrol, 43:s3-7, 1995
  • Dieperink H, Frandsen NE, Kemp E. Cyclosporin A. Bright prospects for organ transplantation?. Ugeskr Laeger. 145:36:2749-52,1983
  • Borel JF,Feurer C, Gubler HU, Stahelin H. Biological effects of cyclosporin A: a new antilymphotic agent, Agents Actions, 43:179-186,1976
  • Calne RY, White DJ, Thiru S, Evans DB, McMaster P, Dunn DC, Craddock GN, Pentlow BD, Rolles K. Cyclosporin A in patients receiving renal allografts from cadaver donors. Lancet, 2:1323-1327,1978
  • Durkan am,Hodson EM,Willis NS, Craig JC. Ýmmunsupressive agents in childhood nephrotic syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Kidney int. 59,1919-1927, 2001
  • High KP. The antimicrobial activities of cyclosporin, FK506 and rapamycin. Transplantation. 57,1689-1700, 1994
  • Thiel G, Landmann J, Mihatsch MJ: Ciclosporin:acute or chronic toxicity, or rejection?AM Hassaballah (ed), Excerpta medica, Amsterdam,122-133, 1987
  • Murray BM, Paller MS, Ferris TF: Effects of CsA administration on renal hemodynamic in conscious rats. Kidney Int , 28:767-74,1985
  • Strzelecki T, Kumar S, Khaulý R, et al: Impairment by cyclosporine of membrane-mediated functions in kidney mitochondria. Kidney Int , 34:234-240,1988
  • Orugun EO, Smart LM, Whiting PH: The effect of calcium blockade with verapamil on experimental cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. Transplant Proc 1991, 23:1:354-5.
  • Dawidson I, Rooth P, Fry WR, et al: Preventation of acute cyclosporine induced renal blood inhibition and improved immunosuppresion with verapamil. Transplantation , 48:4:575-80,1989
  • Dieperink H, Leyssac PP, Starklint H, et al: Nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine A: a lithium clearence and micropuncture study in rats. Eur J Clin Invest 1986, 16:69.
  • Salducci MD, Chauvet-Monges AM, Berland Y, et al: The restoration of ATP synthesis may explain in protective effect of calcium antagonists against Cyclosporine A nephrotoxicity. Life Sciences , 50:2053- 58,1992
  • Duriebe VA, Okanmah A, Blyden GD. Effect of CsA on rat liver and kidney glutathione content. Pharmacology, 39:205-212,1989
  • Ýnselmann G, Hannemann J, Baumann K. Cylosporin A induced lipid peroxidation and influence on glucose 6 phosphatase in rat hepatic and renal microzomes. Res Common Chem Pathol Pharmacol, 68:189- 203,1990
  • Wang CH, Salahudeen AK. Cylosporin nephrotoxicity: attenuation by an antioxidant inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in vitro and in vivo. Transpantation 58:940- 946, 1994
  • Ýnselmann G, Baumann K. Effect of cyclosporin A on accumulation of tetraethylammonium and p- aminohippurat and on lipit peroxidation in rat renal microzomes and cortical slices. Ren Fail.12:165-169, 1990
  • MaCay PB, King MM: Vitamin E: Its role as a biological free radical scavenger and its relationship to the microsomal mixed-function oxidase system. Vitamin E, New York, 1980, Marcel Dekker Inc, pp:289-317.
  • Pascoe GA, Reed DJ: Cell calcium, vitamin E and the thiol redox system in cytotoxicity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine , 6:209-24,1989
  • Marubayashi S, Dohi K, Ochi K, et al: Role of the free radicals in ischemic rat liver cell injury: preventation of damage by a -tocopherol administration. Surgery , 99:2:184-191,1986
  • Kunisaki M, Umeda F, Inoguchi T, et al: Vitamin E binds to spsific binding sites and enhances prostacyclin production by cultured aortic endotelial cells. Thromb Haemost , 68:774,1992
  • Lunec J, Blake D, Oxygen Free Radicals. Their relevance to disease processes . In : Cohen RD, Lewis B, Albert KGMM. The Metabolic and Moleculer Basis of Acquired Disease. Balliere Tindall, London. 189- 212, 1990.
  • Jialal I, Fuller CJ. Oxidized LDL and antioxidants . Clin Cardiol . 16: 1-9, 1993.
  • Lawry OH, Rosebrough NJ,Randall RJ. Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J Biol Chem. 182:265,1951.
  • Mihatsch Mj, Thiel G, Basler V, Ryffel B, et all. Morphological patterns in cyclosporin-treated renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc,4(suppl 1):101- 16,1985
  • Thiel G. Experimental cyclosporin nephrotoxicity. Clin Nephrol, 25(suppl 1):205-10,1986
  • Zhong Z,Arteel GE, Connor HD, et all. Am J Physiol, 275:F595,1998
  • Yang JJ, Finn WF. Ren Fail, 20:85,1998
  • Kadayýfçý A. Dahiliye. 1.baský, Atlas Kitapçýlýk, Ankara, 199-297, 2001
  • Hebert SC,Kriz W. Diseases of kidney. Schrier RW, Gottschalk CW (ed), vol1:3-37,1997
  • Tisher CC, Madsen KM. Anatomy of the kidney. Brenner BM (ed), The Kidney,3:62,1996
  • Venkatachalam MA, Bernard DB, Donohoe JF. Ýschemic damage and repair in the rat proximal tubule. Kidney int, 14:31-49,1978
  • Kim JY, Suh KS. Light microscobic and electron microscobic feautures of CyA nephrotoxicity in rats. J Kor MED Sci,10:5:352-59,1995
  • Massicot F, Thevenin M, Martin C, et all, Effect of cyclosporin on kidney glutathion mrtabolizm ang ccytocrom p450 in the rabbit. Drug chem toxicol,17:449-62,1994
  • Ýnselmann G, Blank M, Baumann K. Cyclosporin induced lipit peroxidation in microsomes of rat kidney. Res. Commun. Chem Pathol Pharmacol,62:207-20,1988
  • Walker PD, Das C, Shah SV. Cyclosporin A induced lpid peroxidation in renal cortical mitocondria. Kidney int, 29:311,1986
  • Ýnselmann G, Barth A, Engemann R, Heidemann H. Cyclosporin A induced lipid peroxidation in human liver microsomes. Eur J Clin Ýnvest,21:461-65,1991
  • Ketterer B, Beale D, Meyer D,. The structure of multiple functions of glutathion transferases. Biochem Soc Trans, 10:82-84, 1982
  • Mun Kc, Suh SI. Effect of melatonin on renal function in cyclosporin nephrotoxicity. Transplantation proc, 32:1919-20,2000
  • Durak I, Karabacak HI, Buyukkocak S, Cimen MY, Kacmaz M ve ark. Ýmpaired antioxidant defens system in the kidney tissues from rabbits treated with cyclosporin: Protective effects of vitamins E and C. Nephron,78(2):207-11,1998
  • Özdemir M, Aktan Y, Dündar E, Çolak Ö, Cingi ÝM, Tel N. Siklosporin A nefrotoksisitesine karþý vitamin E'nin etkisi. Çukurova üniv Týp Fak Derg, 23:2:67- 71,1998
  • Kayaalp O. Týbbi Farmakoloji. Vitaminler. Cilt 2, 9. Baský, Hacettepe Taþ Kitabevi, 1541-1575, 2000
  • Faustman DL, Hauptfeld V, Davie JM, Lacy PE. Ýncrase in urinary thromboxane B2 in rats caused by cyclosporine. Transplant,40:2:214-17, 1985
  • Petric R, Freeman D, Wallace C, et all. Amelioration of experimental cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity by calcium channel inhibition. Brief communications, 1103-1105,1992
  • English J, Evan A, Houghton DC, Bennet WM. Cyclosporin induced acute dysfunction in the rat. Transplant,44:1:14-17,1986
  • Bokemeyer D, Friedrichs U, Backer A, et all. Cyclosporin A Enhances total cell calcium independent of NA-K-ATPaz in vasculer smooth muscle cells. Clin Ýnvestig, 72:12:992-5,1994
  • Bhardwaj R, Moore PK. The effect of arginin and NO on resistance blood vessels of the perfused rat kidney. Br J Pharmacol, 97:739-44,1989
  • Darlametsos IE, Papanikalaou N, Varanos DD. Effect of nifedipine in CyA induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Prostaglandins leukotriens and essential Fatty acids,63:5:263-69,2000
  • L'Azou B, Lagroye I, Plande J,et all. Protective effect of verapamil and dopamine against CyA induced vazoconstruction in isolated glomeruli in rats. Presse Med, 21:41:2021-3,1992
  • Abraham JS, Bentley FR, Garrison RN. Calcium channel blockade in rats with cyclosporin induced vasoconstrýction. Ýnvest Surg, 6:5:401-12,1993
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Ural This is me

Meltem Özgüner This is me

Dilek Şenal This is me

Recep Sütçü This is me

Namık Delibaş This is me

Publication Date April 16, 2009
Submission Date April 14, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 12 Issue: 4


Vancouver Ural M, Özgüner M, Şenal D, Sütçü R, Delibaş N. Siklosporin A’nın sıçanlarda oluşturduğu nefrotoksisiteye Vitamin C ile Vitamin E’nin ve verapamilin etkilerinin ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirilmesi. Med J SDU. 2009;12(4):28-35.


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