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Combination of medical and surgical therapy in the management of Brucella endocarditis

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 46 - 48, 16.04.2009


SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2005 Aralık; 12(4)

Combination of medical and surgical therapy in the management of Brucella endocarditis

Hüseyin Okutan, Ali K. Adiloğlu , Mehmet Özaydin, Oktay Peker,


Brucella endokardit tedavisinde medikal ve cerrahi tedavi kombinasyonu

Bu yazıda, nativ aort kalp kapağını tutan bir Brucella endokarditi olgusu sunulmuştur. Kırkdört yaşında erkek hasta nativ aort kapağı tutan Brucella endokardit tanısını almış olarak hastanemize başvurdu. Hastanemizde Brucella tanısı klinik özelliklerle ve pozitif kan kültürü ve seroloji tetkikleri ile kondu. Medikal tedavi (doksisiklin ve rifampisin) yetersizdi ve ekokardiyografide vejetasyon kitlesi ve dördüncü derece aort yetmezliği bulguları izlendi. Acil olarak aort kapak replasmanı yapıldı ve kan ve kapak kültürlerinde B. melitensis üredi. Hasta ameliyat sonrası 8. gün taburcu edildi ve aynı antibiyotik tedavisine 3 ay devam edildi. Hasta ameliyat sonrası 30. aya kadar düzenli olarak kontrol edildi ve hastada klinik olarak tam iyileşme gözlendi.

Anahtar kelimeler: Endokardit, kapak replasmanı, aort kapağı, Brucella melitensis


Here, we present a case of Brucella endocarditis of the native aortic valve. A 44-years-old man was admitted to our hospital with a pre-diagnosis of Brucella endocarditis of the aortic valve. In our hospital, the diagnosis of brucellosis was established by clinical features, positive blood culture and positive serology. Medical treatment (doxycycline and rifampicin) was insufficient and echocardiography showed a mass of vegetation and fourth degree aortic insufficiency. Replacement of the aortic valve was carried out as emergency procedure. Blood and valve cultures were positive for Brucela melitensis. The patient was discharged on 8th postoperative day and received the same antibiotic therapy for 3 months. The patient was regularly controlled throughout postoperative 30 months, and the clinical status has been found excellent.

Key words: Endocarditis; valve replacement; aortic valve; Brucella melitensis


  • Hadjinikolaou L, Triposkiadis F, Zairis M et al. Successful management of Brucella mellitensis endocarditis with combined medical and surgical approach. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2001; 19:806-810.
  • Leandro J, Roberto H, Antunes M. Case report: Brucella endocarditis of the aortic valve. Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg 1998; 13:95-97.
  • Berbari EF, Cockerill FR, Steckelberg JM. Infective endocarditis due to unusual or fastidious microorganisms. Mayo Clin Proc 1997; 72:532-42.
  • Alsoub H. Brucella infective endocarditis: a report of four successfully treated patients. Clin Microbiol Infect 2001; 7:382-385.
  • Keles C, Bozbuga N, Sismanoglu M et al. Surgical treatment of Brucella endocarditis. Ann Thorac Surg 2001; 71:1160-1163.
  • Al- Kasab S, Al- Fagih MR, Al- Yousef S et al. Brucella infective endocarditis. Successful combined medical and surgical therapy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1988; 95:862-867.
  • Vogler WR, Dorney ER, Bridges HA. Bacterial endocarditis: a review of 148 cases. Am J Med 1962; 32:910-921.
  • Peery TM, Evans JH. Chronic valvular heart disease following non-fatal brucellosis. Ann Intern Med 1958; 49: 568-579.
  • Cohen N, Golik A, Alon I. Conservative treatment of Brucella endocarditis. Clin Cardiol 1997; 20:291-294.
  • Jeroudi MO, Halim MA, Harder J et al. Brucella endocarditis. Br Heart J 1987; 58:279-83.
  • Spink WW. Host parasite relationship in brucellosis. Lancet 1964; 2: 161-164.
  • Fernandez- Guerrero. Zoonotic endocarditis. Inf Dis Clin N Am 1993; 7:135-152.
  • Flugelman MY, Galun E, Ben-Chetrit E et al. Brucellosis in patients with heart disease: when should endocarditis be diagnosed? Cardiology 1990; 77:313- 317.
Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 4, 46 - 48, 16.04.2009



  • Hadjinikolaou L, Triposkiadis F, Zairis M et al. Successful management of Brucella mellitensis endocarditis with combined medical and surgical approach. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2001; 19:806-810.
  • Leandro J, Roberto H, Antunes M. Case report: Brucella endocarditis of the aortic valve. Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg 1998; 13:95-97.
  • Berbari EF, Cockerill FR, Steckelberg JM. Infective endocarditis due to unusual or fastidious microorganisms. Mayo Clin Proc 1997; 72:532-42.
  • Alsoub H. Brucella infective endocarditis: a report of four successfully treated patients. Clin Microbiol Infect 2001; 7:382-385.
  • Keles C, Bozbuga N, Sismanoglu M et al. Surgical treatment of Brucella endocarditis. Ann Thorac Surg 2001; 71:1160-1163.
  • Al- Kasab S, Al- Fagih MR, Al- Yousef S et al. Brucella infective endocarditis. Successful combined medical and surgical therapy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1988; 95:862-867.
  • Vogler WR, Dorney ER, Bridges HA. Bacterial endocarditis: a review of 148 cases. Am J Med 1962; 32:910-921.
  • Peery TM, Evans JH. Chronic valvular heart disease following non-fatal brucellosis. Ann Intern Med 1958; 49: 568-579.
  • Cohen N, Golik A, Alon I. Conservative treatment of Brucella endocarditis. Clin Cardiol 1997; 20:291-294.
  • Jeroudi MO, Halim MA, Harder J et al. Brucella endocarditis. Br Heart J 1987; 58:279-83.
  • Spink WW. Host parasite relationship in brucellosis. Lancet 1964; 2: 161-164.
  • Fernandez- Guerrero. Zoonotic endocarditis. Inf Dis Clin N Am 1993; 7:135-152.
  • Flugelman MY, Galun E, Ben-Chetrit E et al. Brucellosis in patients with heart disease: when should endocarditis be diagnosed? Cardiology 1990; 77:313- 317.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Case Reports

Hüseyin Okutan This is me

Ali K. Adiloğlu This is me

Mehmet Özaydın This is me

Oktay Peker This is me

Publication Date April 16, 2009
Submission Date April 16, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 12 Issue: 4


Vancouver Okutan H, Adiloğlu AK, Özaydın M, Peker O. Combination of medical and surgical therapy in the management of Brucella endocarditis. Med J SDU. 2009;12(4):46-8.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.