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Torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde; tramadol ile intravenöz hasta kontrollü analjezi ve devamlı infüzyonun karşılaştırılması

Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 11 - 15, 20.04.2009


SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi

Torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde; tramadol ile intravenöz hasta kontrollü analjezi ve devamlı infüzyonun karşılaştırılması

M.Tunç, F.Ulus, U.Göktaş, H.(Günal) Sazak, E.Şavkılıoğlu


Bu çalışmada; torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde intravenöz Hasta Kontrollü Analjezi (HKA) ve devamlı infüzyonla kullanılan tramadolün analjezik etkisi, analjezik tüketimi ve yan etkileri açısından karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Etik kurul onayı alındıktan sonra, elektif torakotomi planlanan 33 erişkin olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. GrupI (G 1)'de iv HKA ile tramadol; 100 mg yükleme dozu, 20 mg bolus doz, kilitli kalma süresi 5 dk, dört saatlik doz 300 mg olacak şekilde uygulandı. Grup II (G 2)'de hastalara 3 yükleme dozunu takiben 0,35 mg kg-1sa-1 devamlı infüzyon uygulandı.Vizüel analog skala (VAS) I (istirahat halinde) ve VAS II (öksürürken), sistolik arter basıncı, diyastolik arter basıncı, kalp atım hızı, solunum sayısı, periferik oksijen saturasyonu, sedasyon derecesi, yan etkiler ve total tramadol tüketimi 15., 30., 60. dakikada, 4., 6., 12. ve 24. saatlerde kaydedildi. Her iki grupta yükleme dozunu takiben'dan başlayarak bütün zamanlarda başlangıç değerine göre VAS I ve VAS II değerlerinde anlamlı bir düşme gözlendi (p0.05). G1'deVAS I'in, 1. sa değerleri ve VAS II'nin 12. sa değeri anlamlı derecede yüksek; VAS II'nin 24. sa değeri anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p<0.05). Total tramadol tüketimi 24. saatte G1'de (882.3±300 mg), G2'ye göre (733.7±139 mg) anlamlı derecede yüksek olarak bulundu (p<0.05). Her iki grupta en sık görülen yan etki bulantı-kusma idi. Sonuç olarak torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde; tramadolün hem iv-hasta kontrollü analjezi yöntemi hem de devamlı infüzyonla kullanımı etkin ve güvenilir analjezi sağlamıştır. Devamlı infüzyon yönteminde kullanılan yüksek yükleme dozunun daha etkin ve daha erken analjezi aşlangıcı sağladığı ve devamında yapılan infüzyonla total tramadol tüketiminin artmadığı bulunmuştur.

Anahtar kelımeler: Torakotomi, iv tramadol, hasta kontrollü analjezi, postoperatif ağrı


Comparıson of ıv pca versus contınuous ınfusıon wıth tramadol ın postthoracotomıa analgesıa

In this study, to compare the analgesic effect, analgesic consumption and side effects of of tramadol used via continuous infusion and intravenous patient controlled analgesia in post thoracotomy analgesia treatment. After approval by the local ethic committee thirty three ASAI-II adult patients scheduled for elective thoracotomy were included in the study. In Group I (n=17) loading dose was 100 mg iv tramadol via PCA, demand dose 20 mg, lock-out time was 5 min, maximum dose for 4 hours was 300 mg; in Group II (n=16) following loading dose 3 mg kg-1 tramadol, continous infusion 0,35 mg kg-1 was applied.Visual Analog Scale(VAS) I (during relaxation) and VASII (during cough), sistolik arterial blood pressure, diastolik arterial blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, sedation score, side effects and total tramadol consumption were recorded at 15., 30., 60. min, 4., 6., 12. and 24. hours. Significant reductions in VAS scores throughout the study in both groups compared to initial scores was observed (p<0.05). VAS I was significantly higher at 30.min, 1.h and VAS II was significantly higher at 12.h, lower at 24.h in G I (p<0.05). Total tramadol consumption in G1 (882.3±300 mg) was significantly higher than G2 (733.7±139 mg) (p<0.05) at 24.h. The most common side effects were nausea-vomiting in both groups. As conclusion, iv tramadol usage via both PCA and continious infusion provided effective and reliable analgesia in treatment of postthoracotomy pain. It has found that high loading dosage used in continuous infusion method has provided more effective and earlier analgesia onset and total tramadol consumption has not increased by the following infusion treatment.

Key words: Thoracotomy, iv tramadol, patient-controlled analgesia, postoperative pain


  • Klatzo I. Presidential address. Neuropathological aspects of brain edema. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1967; 26: 1-4.
  • Schimid-Elsaesser R, Zausinger S, Hungerhaber E, Baethmann A, Reulen HJ. Neuroprotective properties of a novel antioxidant (U-101033E) with improved blood-brain barrier permeability in focal cerebral ischemia. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1997; 70: 176- 8.
  • Hansen AJ, Zeuthen T. Extracellular ion concentrations during spreading depression and ischemia in the rat brain cortex. Acta Physiol Scand 1981; 113: 437-45.
  • Gillbe CE, Sage FJ, Gutteridge JM. Commentary: mannitol: molecule magnifique or a case of radical misinterpretation. Free Radic Res 1996; 24(1): 1-7.
  • Otsubo K, Katayama Y, Kashiwagi F, Muramatsu H, Terashi A. Comparison of the effects of glycerol, mannitol, and urea on ischemic hippocampal damage in gerbils. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 321-4.
  • Czernicki Z, Kuroiwa T, Ohno K, Endo S, Ho U. Effect of acetazolamide on early ischemic cerebral edema in gerbils. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 329-31.
  • Hall ED, Braughler JM, Yonkers PA, Smith SL, Linseman KL, Means ED, Scherch HM, Von Voigtlander PF, Lahti RA, Jacobsen EJ. U-78517F: a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation with activity in experimental brain injury and ischemia. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1991; 258: 688-94.
  • Kashiwagi F, Katayama Y, Igarashi H, Iida S, Muramatsu H, Terashi A. Effect of a new calcium antagonist (SM-6586) on experimental cerebral ischemia. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 289-92.
  • Schilling L, Wahl M. Effects of antihistaminics on experimental brain edema. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 79-82.
  • Uyama O, Matsuyama T, Michishita H, Nakamura H, Sugita M. Protective effects of human recombinant superoxide dismutase on transient ischemic injury of CA1 neurons in gerbils. Stroke 1992; 23: 75-81.
  • DeFeudis FV. Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761): pharmacological activities and clinical applications. Elsevier, Paris,1991; 187.
  • US Department of Health and Human Services. The guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Publication No. (NIH) 86-23, revised 1985. Washington, DC: DHHS.
  • Karcher L, Zagermann P, Krieglstein J. Effect of an extract of Ginkgo biloba on rat brain energy metabolism in hypoxia. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 1984; 327: 31-35.
  • Otani M, Chatterjee SS, Gabara B, Kreutzberg GW. Effect of an extract of Ginkgo biloba on triethyltin- induced cerebral edema. Acta Neuropathol. 1986; 69:54-65.
  • Beck T, Abdel-Dahman MM, Bielenberg GW, Oberpichler H, Krieglstein J. Comparative study on the effects of two extract fractions of Ginkgo biloba on local cerebral blood flow and on brain energy metabolism in the rat under hypoxia. In: Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia (Krieglstein J, ed) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986; 345-350.
  • Shin MS, Angel MF, Im MJ, Manson PN. Effects of 21-aminosteroid U74389F on skin flap survival after secondary ischemia. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994; 94: 661-6.
  • Kirino T. Delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus following ischemia. Brain Res 1982; 239: 57-69.
  • Simon RP, Swan JH, Griffiths T, Meldrum BS. Blockade of N-methil-D-aspartate receptors may protect against ischemic damage in the brain. Science 1984; 226: 850-2.
  • Simon RP, Griffiths T, Evans MC, Swan JH, Meldrum BS. Calcium overload in selective vulnerable neurons of the hippocampus during and after ischemia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1984; 4: 350-1.
  • Pellegrini-Giampietro DE, Cherici G, Alesiani M, Carla V, Moroni F. Excitatory amino acid release and free radical formation may cooperate in the genesis of ischemia-induced neuronal damage. J Neurosci 1990; 10: 1035-41.
  • Ikeda Y, Long DM. The molecular basis of brain injury and brain edema: the role of oxygen free radicals. Neurosurg 1990; 27: 1-11.
  • Braquet P, Hosford D. Ethopharmacology and the development of natural PAF antagonists as therapeutic agents. J Ethopharmacol 1991; 32: 135-9.
  • Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Ozturk K, Bescalti O, Caydere M, Yucel D, Buharali Z, Ustun H. The effect of EGb- 761 on morphologic vasospasm in canine basilar artery after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2003; 42(3):395-402.
  • Sasaki Y, Noguchi T, Yamamoto E, Giddings JC, Ikeda K, Yamori Y, Yamamoto J. Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on cerebral thrombosis and blood pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2002; 29(11): 963- 7. 25. Rabin O, Drieu K, Grange E, Chang MC, Rapoport SI, Purdon AD. Effects of EGb 761 on fatty acid reincorporation during reperfusion following ischemia in the brain of the awake gerbil. Mol Chem Neuropathol 1998; 34(1): 79-101.
  • Drieu K, Vranckx R, Benassayad C, Haourigi M, 15 global ischemic damage in rat hippocampus. Neurol Res 1997; 19(4): 431-4.
  • Hall ED. Effects of the 21-aminosteroid U74006F on posttraumatic spinal cord ischemia in cats. J Neurosurg 1988; 68: 462-5.
  • Hartwell RC, Sutton LN. Mannitol, intracranial pressure, and vasogenic edema. Neurosurg 1993; 32: 444-540.
  • MacGovern GJ, Bolling SF, Casale AS. The mechanism of mannitol in reducing ischemic injury: hyper- osmolarity or hydroxyl scavenger. Circulation 1984; 70 (Suppl): 191-5.
  • Nath F, Galbraith S. The effect of mannitol on cerebral white matter water content. J Neurosurg 1986; 65: 41- 3.
  • Muizelaar JP, Wei EP, Kontos HA, Becker DP. Mannitol causes compensatory cerebral vasoconstriction and vasodilatation in response to blood viscosity changes. J Neurosurg 1983; 59: 822-8.
  • Dosesso JM, Scialli AR, Goeringer GC. D-mannitol, a specific hydroxyl free radical scavenger, reduces the developmental toxicity of hydroxyurea in rabbits. Teratology 1994; 49(4): 248-59.
  • Patro BS, Bauri AK, Mishra S, Chattopadhyay S. Antioxidant activity of Myristica malabarica extracts and their constituents. J Agric Food Chem 2005; 53(17): 6912-8.
  • Verrax J, Delvaux M, Beghein N, Taper H, Gallez B, Buc Calderon P. Enhancement of quinone redox cycling by ascorbate induces a caspase-3 independent cell death in human leukaemia cells. An in vitro comparative study. Free Radic Res 2005;39: 649-57. 63(9): 769-79.
  • Kuwaki K, Komatsu K, Sohma H, Abe T. Lazaroid U74389G ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat lung transplant model. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 5(1): 11-17.
  • Kabadere S, Oztopcu P, Korkmaz S, Erol K, Uyar R. MgSO4 and lazaroid (U-83836E) partially protects glioma cells against glutamate toxicity in vitro. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) 2004; 64(4): 461-6.
  • Clement HW, Grote C, Heiser P, Wesemann W. Effect of lazaroid pretreatment on dopamine-induced impairment of the rat nigrostriatal system. J Neural Transm 2002;109(5-6): 673-82.
  • Halliwell B. Role of free radicals in the neurodegenerative diseases: therapeutic implications for antioxidant treatment. Drugs Aging 2001; 18(9): 685-716.
  • Schmid-Elsaesser R, Hungerhuber E, Zausinger S, Baethmann A, Reulen HJ. Neuroprotective efficacy of combination therapy with two different antioxidants in rats subjected to transient focal ischemia. Brain Res 1999; 816(2): 471-9.
  • Tseng MT, Chan SA, Reid K, Lyer V. Post-ischemic treatment with a lazaroid (U74389G) prevents transient
Year 2006, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 11 - 15, 20.04.2009



  • Klatzo I. Presidential address. Neuropathological aspects of brain edema. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1967; 26: 1-4.
  • Schimid-Elsaesser R, Zausinger S, Hungerhaber E, Baethmann A, Reulen HJ. Neuroprotective properties of a novel antioxidant (U-101033E) with improved blood-brain barrier permeability in focal cerebral ischemia. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1997; 70: 176- 8.
  • Hansen AJ, Zeuthen T. Extracellular ion concentrations during spreading depression and ischemia in the rat brain cortex. Acta Physiol Scand 1981; 113: 437-45.
  • Gillbe CE, Sage FJ, Gutteridge JM. Commentary: mannitol: molecule magnifique or a case of radical misinterpretation. Free Radic Res 1996; 24(1): 1-7.
  • Otsubo K, Katayama Y, Kashiwagi F, Muramatsu H, Terashi A. Comparison of the effects of glycerol, mannitol, and urea on ischemic hippocampal damage in gerbils. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 321-4.
  • Czernicki Z, Kuroiwa T, Ohno K, Endo S, Ho U. Effect of acetazolamide on early ischemic cerebral edema in gerbils. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 329-31.
  • Hall ED, Braughler JM, Yonkers PA, Smith SL, Linseman KL, Means ED, Scherch HM, Von Voigtlander PF, Lahti RA, Jacobsen EJ. U-78517F: a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation with activity in experimental brain injury and ischemia. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1991; 258: 688-94.
  • Kashiwagi F, Katayama Y, Igarashi H, Iida S, Muramatsu H, Terashi A. Effect of a new calcium antagonist (SM-6586) on experimental cerebral ischemia. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 289-92.
  • Schilling L, Wahl M. Effects of antihistaminics on experimental brain edema. Acta Neurochir 1994; 60: 79-82.
  • Uyama O, Matsuyama T, Michishita H, Nakamura H, Sugita M. Protective effects of human recombinant superoxide dismutase on transient ischemic injury of CA1 neurons in gerbils. Stroke 1992; 23: 75-81.
  • DeFeudis FV. Ginkgo biloba Extract (EGb 761): pharmacological activities and clinical applications. Elsevier, Paris,1991; 187.
  • US Department of Health and Human Services. The guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Publication No. (NIH) 86-23, revised 1985. Washington, DC: DHHS.
  • Karcher L, Zagermann P, Krieglstein J. Effect of an extract of Ginkgo biloba on rat brain energy metabolism in hypoxia. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 1984; 327: 31-35.
  • Otani M, Chatterjee SS, Gabara B, Kreutzberg GW. Effect of an extract of Ginkgo biloba on triethyltin- induced cerebral edema. Acta Neuropathol. 1986; 69:54-65.
  • Beck T, Abdel-Dahman MM, Bielenberg GW, Oberpichler H, Krieglstein J. Comparative study on the effects of two extract fractions of Ginkgo biloba on local cerebral blood flow and on brain energy metabolism in the rat under hypoxia. In: Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia (Krieglstein J, ed) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986; 345-350.
  • Shin MS, Angel MF, Im MJ, Manson PN. Effects of 21-aminosteroid U74389F on skin flap survival after secondary ischemia. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994; 94: 661-6.
  • Kirino T. Delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus following ischemia. Brain Res 1982; 239: 57-69.
  • Simon RP, Swan JH, Griffiths T, Meldrum BS. Blockade of N-methil-D-aspartate receptors may protect against ischemic damage in the brain. Science 1984; 226: 850-2.
  • Simon RP, Griffiths T, Evans MC, Swan JH, Meldrum BS. Calcium overload in selective vulnerable neurons of the hippocampus during and after ischemia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1984; 4: 350-1.
  • Pellegrini-Giampietro DE, Cherici G, Alesiani M, Carla V, Moroni F. Excitatory amino acid release and free radical formation may cooperate in the genesis of ischemia-induced neuronal damage. J Neurosci 1990; 10: 1035-41.
  • Ikeda Y, Long DM. The molecular basis of brain injury and brain edema: the role of oxygen free radicals. Neurosurg 1990; 27: 1-11.
  • Braquet P, Hosford D. Ethopharmacology and the development of natural PAF antagonists as therapeutic agents. J Ethopharmacol 1991; 32: 135-9.
  • Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Ozturk K, Bescalti O, Caydere M, Yucel D, Buharali Z, Ustun H. The effect of EGb- 761 on morphologic vasospasm in canine basilar artery after subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2003; 42(3):395-402.
  • Sasaki Y, Noguchi T, Yamamoto E, Giddings JC, Ikeda K, Yamori Y, Yamamoto J. Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on cerebral thrombosis and blood pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2002; 29(11): 963- 7. 25. Rabin O, Drieu K, Grange E, Chang MC, Rapoport SI, Purdon AD. Effects of EGb 761 on fatty acid reincorporation during reperfusion following ischemia in the brain of the awake gerbil. Mol Chem Neuropathol 1998; 34(1): 79-101.
  • Drieu K, Vranckx R, Benassayad C, Haourigi M, 15 global ischemic damage in rat hippocampus. Neurol Res 1997; 19(4): 431-4.
  • Hall ED. Effects of the 21-aminosteroid U74006F on posttraumatic spinal cord ischemia in cats. J Neurosurg 1988; 68: 462-5.
  • Hartwell RC, Sutton LN. Mannitol, intracranial pressure, and vasogenic edema. Neurosurg 1993; 32: 444-540.
  • MacGovern GJ, Bolling SF, Casale AS. The mechanism of mannitol in reducing ischemic injury: hyper- osmolarity or hydroxyl scavenger. Circulation 1984; 70 (Suppl): 191-5.
  • Nath F, Galbraith S. The effect of mannitol on cerebral white matter water content. J Neurosurg 1986; 65: 41- 3.
  • Muizelaar JP, Wei EP, Kontos HA, Becker DP. Mannitol causes compensatory cerebral vasoconstriction and vasodilatation in response to blood viscosity changes. J Neurosurg 1983; 59: 822-8.
  • Dosesso JM, Scialli AR, Goeringer GC. D-mannitol, a specific hydroxyl free radical scavenger, reduces the developmental toxicity of hydroxyurea in rabbits. Teratology 1994; 49(4): 248-59.
  • Patro BS, Bauri AK, Mishra S, Chattopadhyay S. Antioxidant activity of Myristica malabarica extracts and their constituents. J Agric Food Chem 2005; 53(17): 6912-8.
  • Verrax J, Delvaux M, Beghein N, Taper H, Gallez B, Buc Calderon P. Enhancement of quinone redox cycling by ascorbate induces a caspase-3 independent cell death in human leukaemia cells. An in vitro comparative study. Free Radic Res 2005;39: 649-57. 63(9): 769-79.
  • Kuwaki K, Komatsu K, Sohma H, Abe T. Lazaroid U74389G ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat lung transplant model. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 5(1): 11-17.
  • Kabadere S, Oztopcu P, Korkmaz S, Erol K, Uyar R. MgSO4 and lazaroid (U-83836E) partially protects glioma cells against glutamate toxicity in vitro. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars) 2004; 64(4): 461-6.
  • Clement HW, Grote C, Heiser P, Wesemann W. Effect of lazaroid pretreatment on dopamine-induced impairment of the rat nigrostriatal system. J Neural Transm 2002;109(5-6): 673-82.
  • Halliwell B. Role of free radicals in the neurodegenerative diseases: therapeutic implications for antioxidant treatment. Drugs Aging 2001; 18(9): 685-716.
  • Schmid-Elsaesser R, Hungerhuber E, Zausinger S, Baethmann A, Reulen HJ. Neuroprotective efficacy of combination therapy with two different antioxidants in rats subjected to transient focal ischemia. Brain Res 1999; 816(2): 471-9.
  • Tseng MT, Chan SA, Reid K, Lyer V. Post-ischemic treatment with a lazaroid (U74389G) prevents transient
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehtep Tunç This is me

Fatma Ulus This is me

Uğur Göktaş This is me

Hilal Günal Sazak This is me

Eser Şavkılıoğlu This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2009
Submission Date April 17, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


Vancouver Tunç M, Ulus F, Göktaş U, Günal Sazak H, Şavkılıoğlu E. Torakotomi sonrası ağrı tedavisinde; tramadol ile intravenöz hasta kontrollü analjezi ve devamlı infüzyonun karşılaştırılması. Med J SDU. 2009;13(1):11-5.


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