SüleymanDemirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2007 Haziran; 14(2)
Göz içi irrigasyon solüsyonları ve klinik kullanımları
Aykut Arslan Yıldız*, Baran Nadi Cengiz**, Yavuz Bardak*
*Süleyman Demirel Üniveristesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları ABD, Isparta
**Fethiye Lokman Hekim Esnaf Hastanesi, Muğla
*Süleyman Demirel Üniveristesi Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları ABD, Isparta
Oftalmik cerrahinin en önemli materyallerinden birisi olan irrigasyon solüsyonlarının özellikle göz küresine yapılan girişimlerde önemi büyüktür. İrrigasyon solüsyonları, göz küresinin hacmini ve iç basıncını koruyarak cerrahi girişimleri kolaylaştırmaktadır. Dokuyla direkt temasları bunların içeriğinin önemle belirlenmesi gerektiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Solüsyonların uygun kullanımı, fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri ve olası komplikasyonları hakkında yeterli fikir sahibi olmakla mümkün olabilir. Bu derlemede irrigasyon solüsyonlarının fiziksel ve kimyasal özelikleri gözden geçirilmekte, günümüzde sık kullanılan solüsyonların içerikleri anlatılmakta, ideal solüsyonun özelliğinden bahsedilmektedir.
Intraocular ırrigation solutions and clinical uses
Irrigation solutions which were indispensable tools in ophthalmic surgery have great importance especially in eye ball interferences. Irrigation solutions makes surgery easy while preserving eye ball volume and internal pressure. Direct contacts with tissue proposes that the solutions' ingredients must be chosen carefully. Appropriate clinical uses of the solutions relies on the surgeons knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of these substances. In this review, physical and chemical properties of the irrigation solutions, the ingredients of commonly used substances, the desired properties of the ideal solutions are presented.
Edelhauser HF, Van Horn DL, Schultz RO, Hyndiuk RA. Comparative toxicity of intraocular irrigating solutions on the corneal endothelium. Am J Ophthalmol 1976;81(4):473-81
Edelhauser HF, Gonnering R, Van Horn DL. Intraocular irrigating solutions. A comparative study of BSS Plus and lactated Ringer's solution. A r c h O p h t h a l m o l 1 9 7 8 ; 9 6 ( 3 ) : 5 1 6 - 2 0
Kramer KK, Thomassen T, Evaul J. Intraocular irrigating solutions: a clinical study of BSS plus and dextrose bicarbonate lactated Ringer's solution. Ann Ophthalmol 1991;23(3):101-5
Puckett TR, Peele KA, Howard RS, Kramer KK. Intraocular irrigating solutions. A randomized clinical trial of balanced salt solution plus and dextrose bicarbonate lactated Ringer's solution. Ophthalmology 1995;102(2):291-6
Anderson NJ, Edelhauser HF. Toxicity of ocular surgical solutions. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1999;39(2):91-106
Marmor MF, Maack T. Local environmental factors and retinal adhesion in the rabbit. Exp Eye Res 1982;34:727733
Endo EG, Yao X-Y, Marmor MF. Pigmented adherence as a measure of retinal adhesion: dependence on temperature. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1988;29:13901396
Yao X-Y, Hageman GS, Marmor MF. Reversibility of retinal adhesion in the rabbit. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1989;30:220224
Kita M, Marmor MF. Lowering the calcium concentration in the subretinal space in vivo loosens retinal adhesion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1992;33:2329
Yao X-Y,. Hagemen GS, Marmor MF. Retinal adhesiveness in the monkey. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35:744748
Marmor MF, Yao X-Y, Hageman GS. Retinal adhesiveness in surgically enucleated human eyes. Retina 1994;14:181186
Edelhauser HF, Van Horn DL, Hyndiuk RA, Schultz RO. Intraocular irrigating solutions: their effect on the corneal endothelium. Arch Ophthalmol 1975;93:648657
Haimann MH, Abrams GW. Prevention of lens opacification during diabetic vitrectomy. Ophthalmology 1984;91(2):116-21
Kim SY, Naoi N, Honda Y. Effect of glucose added to intraocular irrigating solutions on the rabbit electroretinogram in vitro. Doc Ophthalmol 1986;63(2):131-5
Lee HS, Kim SH, Kim IT. Intraocular infusate with hemocoagulase for the control of bleeding during vitreous surgery. Korean J Ophthalmol 1989;3(1):6-10
Zaturinsky B, Naveh N, Saks D, Solomon AS. Prevention of posterior capsular opacification by cryolysis and the use of heparinized irrigating solution during extracapsular lens extraction in rabbits. Ophthalmic Surg 1990;21:431434.
Kohnen T, Dick B, Hessemer V, Koch DD, Jacobi KW. Effect of heparin in irrigating solution on inflammation following small incision cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:237243.
Kruger A, Amon M, Abela-Formanek C, Schild G, Kolodjaschna J, Schauersberger J. Effect of heparin in the irrigating solution on postoperative inflammation and cellular reaction on the intraocular lens surface. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28:8792.
Dada T, Dada VK, Sharma N, Vajpayee RB. Primary posterior capsulorhexis with optic capture and intracameral heparin in paediatric cataract surgery. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:361363.
Bayramlar H, Keskin UC. Heparin in the irrigating solution during cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28(12):2070-1
Bayramlar H, Totan Y, Borazan M. Heparin in the intraocular irrigating solution in pediatric cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30(10):2163-9.
Pandolfi M, Kwaan HC. Fibrinolysis in the anterior segment of the eye. Arch Ophthalmol 1967;77:99102.
Liang C, Peyman GA, Sonmez M, Molinari LC. Experimental prophylaxis of Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis after vitrectomy: the use of antibiotics in irrigating solution. Retina 1999;19(3):223-9
Beigi B, Westlake W, Chang B, Marsh C, Jacob J, Riordan T. The effect of intracameral, per- operative antibiotics on microbial contamination of anterior chamber aspirates during phacoemulsification. Eye 1998;12 ( Pt 3a):390- 4
Storr-Paulsen A, Holten-Andersen W, Moller KT. Antibiotics in irrigation solution for cataract surgery. A laboratory investigation of the pharmacological stability and bacteriological susceptibility. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1998;76(2):180-3
Winkler BS, Trese MT. The pH of antibiotic vitreous infusion combinations: a potential cause of retinal toxicity. Ophthalmic Surg 1992;23(9):622-4
Assia EI, Yehezkel M, Ezov N, Treister G, Blumenthal M. Experimental studies on viscofluids for intraocular surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24(1):78-83
Williams RG, Chang S, Comaratta MR, Simoni G. Does the presence of heparin and dexamethasone in the vitrectomy infusate reduce reproliferation in proliferative vitreoretinopathy? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1996;234(8):496-503
Rebolleda G, Munoz-Negrete FJ, Gutierrez-Ortiz C. Topical plus intracameral lidocaine versus retrobulbar anesthesia in phacotrabeculectomy: prospective randomized study. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27(8):1214-20
Findl O, Amon M, Kruger A, Petternel V, Schauersberger J. Effect of cooled intraocular irrigating solution on the blood-aqueous barrier after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1999;25(4):566-8
Zhang CF. Electrophysiological changes of the retina after hypothermic vitreous surgery. Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih 1989;25(4):227-9
Tamai K, Toumoto E, Majima A. Local hypothermia protects the retina from ischaemic injury in vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81(9):789-94
Kim EK, Cristol SM, Kang SJ, Edelhauser HF, Yeon DS, Lee JB. Endothelial protection: avoiding air bubble formation at the phacoemulsification tip. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28(3):531-7
Negi A, Honda Y, Kawano S.Importance of bicarbonate ion in the vitreous space. Arch Ophthalmol 1982;100(11):1839-43
Saornil Alvarez MA, Pastor Jimeno JC. Role of the intraocular irrigating solutions in the pathogenesis of the postvitrectomy retinal edema. Curr Eye Res. 1987;6(12):1369-79
Year 2007,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 56 - 59, 30.04.2009
Edelhauser HF, Van Horn DL, Schultz RO, Hyndiuk RA. Comparative toxicity of intraocular irrigating solutions on the corneal endothelium. Am J Ophthalmol 1976;81(4):473-81
Edelhauser HF, Gonnering R, Van Horn DL. Intraocular irrigating solutions. A comparative study of BSS Plus and lactated Ringer's solution. A r c h O p h t h a l m o l 1 9 7 8 ; 9 6 ( 3 ) : 5 1 6 - 2 0
Kramer KK, Thomassen T, Evaul J. Intraocular irrigating solutions: a clinical study of BSS plus and dextrose bicarbonate lactated Ringer's solution. Ann Ophthalmol 1991;23(3):101-5
Puckett TR, Peele KA, Howard RS, Kramer KK. Intraocular irrigating solutions. A randomized clinical trial of balanced salt solution plus and dextrose bicarbonate lactated Ringer's solution. Ophthalmology 1995;102(2):291-6
Anderson NJ, Edelhauser HF. Toxicity of ocular surgical solutions. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1999;39(2):91-106
Marmor MF, Maack T. Local environmental factors and retinal adhesion in the rabbit. Exp Eye Res 1982;34:727733
Endo EG, Yao X-Y, Marmor MF. Pigmented adherence as a measure of retinal adhesion: dependence on temperature. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1988;29:13901396
Yao X-Y, Hageman GS, Marmor MF. Reversibility of retinal adhesion in the rabbit. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1989;30:220224
Kita M, Marmor MF. Lowering the calcium concentration in the subretinal space in vivo loosens retinal adhesion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1992;33:2329
Yao X-Y,. Hagemen GS, Marmor MF. Retinal adhesiveness in the monkey. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35:744748
Marmor MF, Yao X-Y, Hageman GS. Retinal adhesiveness in surgically enucleated human eyes. Retina 1994;14:181186
Edelhauser HF, Van Horn DL, Hyndiuk RA, Schultz RO. Intraocular irrigating solutions: their effect on the corneal endothelium. Arch Ophthalmol 1975;93:648657
Haimann MH, Abrams GW. Prevention of lens opacification during diabetic vitrectomy. Ophthalmology 1984;91(2):116-21
Kim SY, Naoi N, Honda Y. Effect of glucose added to intraocular irrigating solutions on the rabbit electroretinogram in vitro. Doc Ophthalmol 1986;63(2):131-5
Lee HS, Kim SH, Kim IT. Intraocular infusate with hemocoagulase for the control of bleeding during vitreous surgery. Korean J Ophthalmol 1989;3(1):6-10
Zaturinsky B, Naveh N, Saks D, Solomon AS. Prevention of posterior capsular opacification by cryolysis and the use of heparinized irrigating solution during extracapsular lens extraction in rabbits. Ophthalmic Surg 1990;21:431434.
Kohnen T, Dick B, Hessemer V, Koch DD, Jacobi KW. Effect of heparin in irrigating solution on inflammation following small incision cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:237243.
Kruger A, Amon M, Abela-Formanek C, Schild G, Kolodjaschna J, Schauersberger J. Effect of heparin in the irrigating solution on postoperative inflammation and cellular reaction on the intraocular lens surface. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28:8792.
Dada T, Dada VK, Sharma N, Vajpayee RB. Primary posterior capsulorhexis with optic capture and intracameral heparin in paediatric cataract surgery. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:361363.
Bayramlar H, Keskin UC. Heparin in the irrigating solution during cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28(12):2070-1
Bayramlar H, Totan Y, Borazan M. Heparin in the intraocular irrigating solution in pediatric cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004;30(10):2163-9.
Pandolfi M, Kwaan HC. Fibrinolysis in the anterior segment of the eye. Arch Ophthalmol 1967;77:99102.
Liang C, Peyman GA, Sonmez M, Molinari LC. Experimental prophylaxis of Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis after vitrectomy: the use of antibiotics in irrigating solution. Retina 1999;19(3):223-9
Beigi B, Westlake W, Chang B, Marsh C, Jacob J, Riordan T. The effect of intracameral, per- operative antibiotics on microbial contamination of anterior chamber aspirates during phacoemulsification. Eye 1998;12 ( Pt 3a):390- 4
Storr-Paulsen A, Holten-Andersen W, Moller KT. Antibiotics in irrigation solution for cataract surgery. A laboratory investigation of the pharmacological stability and bacteriological susceptibility. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 1998;76(2):180-3
Winkler BS, Trese MT. The pH of antibiotic vitreous infusion combinations: a potential cause of retinal toxicity. Ophthalmic Surg 1992;23(9):622-4
Assia EI, Yehezkel M, Ezov N, Treister G, Blumenthal M. Experimental studies on viscofluids for intraocular surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24(1):78-83
Williams RG, Chang S, Comaratta MR, Simoni G. Does the presence of heparin and dexamethasone in the vitrectomy infusate reduce reproliferation in proliferative vitreoretinopathy? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1996;234(8):496-503
Rebolleda G, Munoz-Negrete FJ, Gutierrez-Ortiz C. Topical plus intracameral lidocaine versus retrobulbar anesthesia in phacotrabeculectomy: prospective randomized study. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27(8):1214-20
Findl O, Amon M, Kruger A, Petternel V, Schauersberger J. Effect of cooled intraocular irrigating solution on the blood-aqueous barrier after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg 1999;25(4):566-8
Zhang CF. Electrophysiological changes of the retina after hypothermic vitreous surgery. Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih 1989;25(4):227-9
Tamai K, Toumoto E, Majima A. Local hypothermia protects the retina from ischaemic injury in vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81(9):789-94
Kim EK, Cristol SM, Kang SJ, Edelhauser HF, Yeon DS, Lee JB. Endothelial protection: avoiding air bubble formation at the phacoemulsification tip. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28(3):531-7
Negi A, Honda Y, Kawano S.Importance of bicarbonate ion in the vitreous space. Arch Ophthalmol 1982;100(11):1839-43
Saornil Alvarez MA, Pastor Jimeno JC. Role of the intraocular irrigating solutions in the pathogenesis of the postvitrectomy retinal edema. Curr Eye Res. 1987;6(12):1369-79