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Albino fare (Mus Musculus Subsp.)'de trakea, bronş ve bronşiol mukozalarının histokimyasal yapısı

Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 17 - 21, 11.05.2009


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
TIP FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ: 2008 Mart; 15 (1)

Albino fare (Mus Musculus Subsp.)'de trakea, bronş ve bronşiol mukozalarının histokimyasal yapısı

Kenan Çınar, Cansever Yavaş

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü


Bu çalışmada erişkin albino farelerde (Mus musculus subsp.) trakea, bronş ve bronşiol (terminal bronşiol ve respiratuar bronşiol) mukozalarının histokimyasal yapısının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Öldürücü dozda anestezik madde (Aerrane) uygulaması ile öldürülen 10 adet erişkin albino fareye (Mus musculus subsp.) ait trakea, bronş ve bronşiol mukozalarının histokimyasal yapısının incelenmesi amacıyla alınan doku örnekleri rutin histolojik işlemlerden geçirildi ve parafinde bloklandı. Bloklardan alınan kesitlere mukus bileşimini belirlemeye yönelik boyama yöntemleri uygulandı. Trakea ve bronş epitelleri ile bez ve goblet hücrelerinde çok az yoğunlukta güçlü sülfatlı glikoproteinlerin bulunduğu saptandı. Öte yandan mukoza bölümlerinde karboksil gruplu (siyalik veya uranik asit) ve/veya sülfat esterli glikoproteinlerin çok yoğun biçimde bulundukları belirlendi. Bronşta bulunan sülfatlı glikoproteinler ve okside olabilen visinal diol ve/veya glikojenli glikoproteinlerin ise trakeaya göre daha az yoğunlukta olduğu gözlendi. Terminal bronşiol ve respiratuar bronşiol epitellerinde çok az yoğunlukta güçlü sülfatlı ve sülfat esterli glikoprotein içeriğine rastlandı.

Anahtar kelimeler: Mus musculus subsp., Trakea, Bronş, Bronşiol, Mukus Histokimyası.


Histochemical structure of trachea, bronchus and bronchulus mucosa in albino mouse (mus musculus subsp.)

The aim of this study was to determine histochemical structure of mucosas of trachea, bronchus and bronchulus (bronchulus verus and bronchulus respiratorius) in adult Albino mouse (Mus musculus subsp.). After ten adult Albino mice (Mus musculus subsp.) were killed by lethal dose of an anesthesic substance (Aerrane), tissue samples which were taken out to investigate of histochemical structure of trachea, bronchus and bronchulus mucosas were applied routine histological processes and embedded in paraffin. The staining methods were applied to paraffin sections for determination of mucous content. It was detected that strong sulphated glycoproteins were in a low density in the epithelium, glands and goblet cells of trachea and bronchus. The glycoproteins with carboxyl groups (sialic acid or uronic acid) and/ or with sulphate ester were high density in the mucosa sections. It was observed that sulphated glycoproteins and oxidizable vicinal diols and/ or glycogen in the bronchus were less dense than in the trachea.s. It was identified that the content of strong sulphated glycoproteins and glycoproteins with sulphate ester were low density in the epithelium of bronchulus verus and respiratorius.

Keywords: Mus musculus subsp., Trachea, Bronchus, Bronchulus, Mucous Histochemistry.


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  • Choi HK., Finkbeiner WE., Widdicombe JH., A comparative study of mammalian tracheal mucous glands. Journal of Anatomy 2000; 197 (3): 361-372.
  • Widdicombe JH., Chen LLK., Sporer H., Choi HK., Pecson I.S., Distribution of tracheal and laryngeal mucous glands in some rodents and the rabbit, J. Anat. 2000; 198: 207-221.
  • Jeffery PK., Structure and function of mucus-secreting cells of cat and goose airway epithelium. Ciba found Symp. 1978; 54: 5-23.
  • Tanyolaç A., Özel Histoloji, Yorum Basýn Yayýn Sanayi Ltd. Þti. Ankara. 1999; 213 s.
  • Olesen KL., Cerkez V., Tos M., Quantitative features of goblet cells in the rat tracheobronchial tree. 1987; 164(5): 345-54.
  • Castells MT., Ballesta J., Pastor LM., Madrid JF., Marin JA., Histochemical characterization of glycoconjugates in the epithelium of the extrapulmonary airways of several vertebrates. 1990; 22(1): 24-35.
  • Kahwa CKB., Purton M., Histological and histochemical study of epithelial lining of the respiratory tract in adult goats. 1996; 20 (2): 181-186.
  • Dimitrov D., Dimitrova D., Nikolova G., Savov S.,. Histochemical investigation of the Glandular and respiratory epithelium in the mice trechea and lung after oral administration of Ambroxol. Trakia Journal of Sciences. 2005; 3: 8-10.
  • Vajner L., Konradova V., Uhlik J., Zocova J., Mucin histochemistry of tracheal goblet cells after oral administration of ambroxol. Acta vet. 2001; BRNO, 70: 9-13.
  • Plopper CG., George JA. St., Nishio SJ., Etchison JR., Nettesheim P., Carbohydrate cytochemistry of tracheobronchial airway epithelium of the rabbit. The Histochemical Sociaty. 1984; 2: 209-18.
  • Sherman JM., Cheng PW., Tandler B., Boat TF., Mucous glycoproteins from cat tracheal goblet cells and mucous glands separated with EDTA. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1981; 124: 476-9.
  • Jacob S., Poddar S., Mucous cells of the tracheobronchial tree in the ferret. Biomedical and Life Scienses. 2004; 73: 599-605.
  • Lamb D., Reid L., Quantitative distribution of various types of acid glycoprotein in mucous cells of human bronchi. Biomedical and Life Sciences. 1972; 4: 91 -102.
Year 2008, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 17 - 21, 11.05.2009



  • Samet JM., Cheng PW., The role of airway mucus in pulmonary toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives 1994; 102: 89-103.
  • Wheater PR., Burkitt HG., Daniel VG., Functional Histology. Churchill Livingston. New York 1979.
  • Sleigh MA., Blake JR., Liron N., The propulsion of mucus by cilia. 1988; 137 (3): 726-41.
  • Forrest JB., Lee RMKW., The Bronchial wall: Ýntegrated form and function. The Lung: scientific foundations. Raven Press 1991; New York. . pp. 729- 740.
  • Boat TF., Cheng PW., Biochemistry of airway mucus secretions. Fed. Proc. 1980; 39 (13): 3067-74.
  • Tharnton DJ., Davies JR., Krayanbrink M., Richardson PS., Sheehan JK., Carlstedt I., Mucus glycoproteins from “normal” human tracheobranchial secretions. Biochem J. 1990; 265: 179-186.
  • Rose MC., Mucins: Function, and role in pulmonary diseases. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 1992; 263: 413-429.
  • Jones R., Modification of mucus in animal models of disease. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mucus in Helalth and Disease. Raven Pres. New York 1977; pp. 63-72.
  • Bancroft JD., Steven A., Turner DR., Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Churchill Livingstone. New York, London, Edinburg, Madrid, Melbourne, San Franscisco Tokyo. 1996; 129 s.
  • Lev R., Spicer SS., Specific staining of sulphate groups eith alcian blue at low pH. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 1964; 12: 309.
  • Gomari G., Gomari’s Aldehyde Fuchsin stain. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C.F.A. Culling, R.T. Allison, and W.T. Barr, eds), Butterworths. London 1952; pp.238.
  • McManus JFA., Histological and histochemical uses of periodic acid. Stain Technol. 1948; 23: 99-108.
  • Mowry RW., Alcian blue techniques for the histochemical study of acidic carbohydrates. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 1956; 4: 407-408.
  • Spicer SS., and Mayer DR. Aldehyde Fuchsin/Alcian Blue. In: Cellular Pathology Technique (C.F.A. Culling, R.T.Allison, and W.T. Barr, eds). London: Butterworths 1960; pp.233.
  • Choi HK., Finkbeiner WE., Widdicombe JH., A comparative study of mammalian tracheal mucous glands. Journal of Anatomy 2000; 197 (3): 361-372.
  • Widdicombe JH., Chen LLK., Sporer H., Choi HK., Pecson I.S., Distribution of tracheal and laryngeal mucous glands in some rodents and the rabbit, J. Anat. 2000; 198: 207-221.
  • Jeffery PK., Structure and function of mucus-secreting cells of cat and goose airway epithelium. Ciba found Symp. 1978; 54: 5-23.
  • Tanyolaç A., Özel Histoloji, Yorum Basýn Yayýn Sanayi Ltd. Þti. Ankara. 1999; 213 s.
  • Olesen KL., Cerkez V., Tos M., Quantitative features of goblet cells in the rat tracheobronchial tree. 1987; 164(5): 345-54.
  • Castells MT., Ballesta J., Pastor LM., Madrid JF., Marin JA., Histochemical characterization of glycoconjugates in the epithelium of the extrapulmonary airways of several vertebrates. 1990; 22(1): 24-35.
  • Kahwa CKB., Purton M., Histological and histochemical study of epithelial lining of the respiratory tract in adult goats. 1996; 20 (2): 181-186.
  • Dimitrov D., Dimitrova D., Nikolova G., Savov S.,. Histochemical investigation of the Glandular and respiratory epithelium in the mice trechea and lung after oral administration of Ambroxol. Trakia Journal of Sciences. 2005; 3: 8-10.
  • Vajner L., Konradova V., Uhlik J., Zocova J., Mucin histochemistry of tracheal goblet cells after oral administration of ambroxol. Acta vet. 2001; BRNO, 70: 9-13.
  • Plopper CG., George JA. St., Nishio SJ., Etchison JR., Nettesheim P., Carbohydrate cytochemistry of tracheobronchial airway epithelium of the rabbit. The Histochemical Sociaty. 1984; 2: 209-18.
  • Sherman JM., Cheng PW., Tandler B., Boat TF., Mucous glycoproteins from cat tracheal goblet cells and mucous glands separated with EDTA. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1981; 124: 476-9.
  • Jacob S., Poddar S., Mucous cells of the tracheobronchial tree in the ferret. Biomedical and Life Scienses. 2004; 73: 599-605.
  • Lamb D., Reid L., Quantitative distribution of various types of acid glycoprotein in mucous cells of human bronchi. Biomedical and Life Sciences. 1972; 4: 91 -102.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Kenan Çınar This is me

Cansever Yavaş This is me

Publication Date May 11, 2009
Submission Date May 11, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Çınar K, Yavaş C. Albino fare (Mus Musculus Subsp.)’de trakea, bronş ve bronşiol mukozalarının histokimyasal yapısı. Med J SDU. 2009;15(1):17-21.


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