The goal of this study is, find out the prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and to determine the associated risk factors by giving special consideration to the parasitic infections.. Population of present descriptive study study was consisted of a kindergarten affiliated to MEB located at Keçiören region, Ankara province. Questionnaires used in our study are prepared by researchers following search and compilation of literature content. Parents of students were delivered, via administration of kindergarten, a questionnaire form, a consent-to-study form and self-adhesive slide and feces container for examining Enterobius Vermiculares. Feces and cellophane tape samples were subjected to examination for all parasites by Parasitology Department. Statistical studies were performed using SPSS 15 programme. 311 students participated in the study. Parasitosis was diagnosed in two students; nocturnal enuresis was diagnosed in 55 students. Among parents of all students; 31 mothers 39 fathers lived nocturnal enuresis when they were at their childrens age. A history of enuresis was found in 10.0% and 13.0% of enuretic childrens mothers and fathers respectively in our study. Therefore parasite prevalence was determined low, it was concluded that etiology of nocturnal enuresis and intestinal parasitosis is different.
Bu çalýþmada yataðýný ýslatma prevelansý, risk faktörleri ve etkileyen etmenlerin özellikle de parazitoz ile aralarýndaki iliþkinin araþtýrýlmasý amaçlanmýþtýr. Bu tanýmlayýcý çalýþmanýn evrenini MEB (Milli Eðitim Bakanlýðý)na baðlý Ankara ili Keçiören bölgesinde bulunan bir anaokulu oluþturmaktadýr, Öðrenci velilerine, anaokulu idaresi aracýlýðýyla; anket formu, araþtýrmaya ait rýza formu, Enterobius Vermiculares araþtýrmasýnda kullanýlmak üzere kendinden selofan bantlý lamel ve dýþký numune kabý daðýtýlmýþtýr. Araþtýrmamýzda kullanýlan anket formlarý araþtýrmacýlar tarafýndan literatür bilgileri taranýp derlenerek hazýrlanmýþtýr. Alýnan dýþký ve selofan bant numuneleri Parazitoloji Bilim Dalý tarafýndan tüm parazitler yönünden incelenmiþtir. Sonuçlar SPSS 15 paket programýna aktarýlarak, analizler gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Araþtýrmaya 311 anaokulu öðrencisi katýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmaya katýlan öðrenciden ikisinde parazitoz saptanýrken 55 öðrencide yataðýný ýslatma olduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Araþtýrmaya katýlan öðrencilerin annelerinin 31i (%10,0), babalarýnýn 39u (%13,0) çocukluk döneminde yataðýný ýslatma yaþadýklarý bildirilmiþtir. Çalýþmaya katýlan öðrenciler arasýndaki yataðýný ýslatma sýklýðý diðer çalýþmalarla benzerlik göstermiþ, buna karþýlýk parazit pozitifliði yok sayýlabilecek düzeyde bulunmuþtur. Parazit pozitifliðinin azalmasýna karþýn yataðýný ýslatma sýklýðýnýn ayný düzeyde devam ediyor olmasý nedeniyle her iki durum arasýnda birlikteliðin olmadýðý sonucuna varýlmýþtýr.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Dentistry |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2011 |
Submission Date | August 24, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 18 Issue: 2 |
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.