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Hypernatremia during hepatic hydatic cyst surgery

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 142 - 146, 30.12.2014


Purpose:We intend to present a case of intraoperative hypernatria caused by hypertonic saline, one of the most commonly used skolosidal agents in the surgical treatment of hydatic cyst Case: 22 year old, 62 kg, female patient with ASA I condition (normal healthy patient) and with a large number of cysts in the liver, spleen and right kidney in each one hydatic cyst lesion, was placed an epidural catheter at T10-T11 level after following the routine monitoring. The patient was intubated after induction of anesthesia and muscle relaxation. As the surgical team bring out to use plenty of %20 hypertonic saline , %5 dextrose for intraoperative fluid replacement was given. After the splenectomy, 20% of saline was injected into the 20 cyst hydatit lesions in the right kidney and liver. After the drainage of the cyst in the kidney, Na value was measured 142 mEq/L and the blood sugar 274 mg/dL. Crystalized Insulin infusion started.After beginning the drainage from the cysts in the liver, Na value was 154 at 60. minute, and as it get up to 163 mEq/L at 120. minute, they began to give 50 ml / h tap water through a nasogastric probe . 2000 ml of 20% saline was used during the 4-hour operation. The patient was taken intubated to the intensive care and was sedated with propofol. As the Na value was168 mEq/L postoperatively 1 hour, it was decided to lull the patient. İt was planned to replace the fluit deficit which was calculated as 6200 ml, caused from hypernatremia, in 48 hours with 100 ml / h of 5% dextrose and 50ml/h tap water with a nasogastric tube. As the Na value was 163 postoperative 6. hour, 158 mEq/L 12. hour and 149 mEq/L 18. hour, the tap water through the nasogastric tube was cut. The Na value was posoperative 24.hour 147 mEq/L, so the sedation was cut and the patient was extubated with GKR 15 at the 26. hour. The patient removed from intensive care to the service on posoperative 3. day and was discharged at the Conclusion:If it is planned to use a big amount of hypertonic liquid at the hydatic cyst surgery, intraoperative Na monitoring should be done. Intraoperative treatment should start when hypernatremia is developing and should be monitored in intensive care when necessary


  • Doğan R, Yüksel M, Çetin G, Süzer K, Alp M, Kaya S, Moldibi Bl,. Surgical treatment of hydatid cysts of the lung: report on 1055 patients. Thorax 1989; 44: 192–99.
  • Altıntaş N,. Past to present: echinococcosis in Turkey. Acta Trop. 2003; 85: 105-12
  • Başdemir G,. İzmir Bölgesinde ekinokokkozis (1946 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatol Derg.1995;1: 70–2.
  • De Werra C, Condurro S, Tramontano S, Perone M,Donzelli I, Di Lauro S, Di Giuseppe M, Di Micco R, Pascariello A, Pastore A, Diamantis G, Galloro G,.Hydatid disease of the liver: thirty years of surgical experience. Chir Ital .2007; 59: 611–25.
  • Filice C, Stroselli M, Brunetti E, Colombo P, D’Andrea F. Percutaneus drainage of hydatid liver cysts. Radiology. 1992; 184: 579–80.
  • Besim H, Erverdi N, Korkmaz A. Kist hidatikte skolisidal madde kullanımı. Güncel Gastroenteroloji. 2000;4: 53– 58.
  • Liamis G, Tsimihodimos V, Doumas M, Spyrou A, Bairaktari E, Elisaf M. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of hypernatremia in an internal medicine clinic. Nephrol Dial Transplant . 2007 ;11: 923–31.
  • Belghita J, Benhamou JP, Houry S, Granier P, Hugier M, Fekete F. Caustic sclerosing cholangitis .Arch Surg. 1986;121: 1162-1165
  • Behrns KE, Van Heerden JA. Surgical manegement of hepatic hydatid disease Mayo Clinic Proc. 1991;66: 1193 – 97
  • Saidi F .Surgery of hydatid disease. The disease and its treatment. Saunders, Philadelphia London Toronto.1978, pp 31-59
  • Albi A, Baudin F, Matmar M, Archambeau D, Ozier Y. Severe Hypernatremia After Hypertonic Saline Irrigation of Hydatid Cysts Anesth Analg. 2002; 95 : 1806-8,
  • Krige JE, Millar AJ, Rode H, Knobel D. Fatal hypernatraemia after hypertonic saline irrigation of hepatic hydatid cysts. Pediatr Surg Int. 2002 ;18:64-5.
  • Adeleye O, Faulkner M, Adeola T, ShuTangyie G. Hypernatremia in the elderly. J Natl Med Assoc. 2002 ; 94 : 701-5.

Karaciğer kist hidatik operasyonu sırasında oluşan hipernatremi

Year 2014, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 142 - 146, 30.12.2014


Giriş: Kist hidatiğin cerrahi tedavisinde en sık kullanılan skolosidal ajanlardan biri olan hipertonik saline bağlı intraoperativ hipernatremi gelişen olgumuzu sunmayı amaçlandık.
Olgu: 22 yaşında, 62 kg, fizik durumu ASA I olan karaciğerde çok sayıda, dalakta ve sağ böbrekte birer adet kist hidatik lezyonu bulunan kadın hastaya rutin monitorizasyonu takiben T10-T11 seviyesinde epidural katater yerleştirildi. Anestezi indüksiyonu ve kas gevşemesi sonrası hasta entübe edildi.Cerrahi ekibin bol miktarda %20 hipertonik salin kullanacaklarını belirtmesi üzerine, intaoperatif sıvı replasmanı için %5 dekstroz başlandı. Splenektomi sonrası sağ böbrekteki ve karaciğerdeki 20 adet kist hidatik lezyonları içlerine %20 salin enjeksiyonu yapılarak boşaltıldı. Böbrekteki kist boşaltıldıktan sonra Na değeri 142 mEq/L ve kan şekeri 274 mg/dL olarak ölçüldü.Kristalize insülin infüzyonu başlandı. Karaciğerdeki kistler boşaltılmaya başlanmasının 60. dakikasında Na 154, 120. dakikasında 163 mEq/L'a yükselince nazogastrik sondadan 50 ml/saat musluk suyu verilmeye başlandı. 4 saatlik operasyon boyunca 2000 ml %20 salin kullanıldı. Entübe olarak yoğun bakıma alınan hastaya propofol sedasyonu başlandı. Postoperatif 1.saate Na 168 mEq/L olması üzerine hastanın uyutulmasına karar verildi. Hipernatremi sonucu 6200 ml olarak hesaplan sıvı açığının 100 ml/saat %5 dekstroz ve 50 ml/sa nazogastrikten musluk suyu ile 48 saat içinde replase edilmesi planlandı. Na değeri postopertaif 6. saate 163, 12. saatte 158 mEq/L'dı. 18. saatte 149 mEq/L olması üzerine nazogastrikten verilen musluk suyu kesildi. Postoperatif 24. saate Na 147 mEq/L olması nedeniyle sedasyonu kesilen hasta 26. saatte GKS'u 15 olarak ekstübe edildi. Hasta postoperatif 3. günde yoğun bakımdan servise çıkarıldı ve 7. gün taburcu edildi.
Sonuç: Kist hidatik cerrahisinda fazla miktarda hipertonik sıvı kullanılması planlanıyorsa, intraoperatif Na takibi yapılmalıdır. Gelişen hipernetreminin tedavisine intraoperatif başlanılmalı ve gerekirse yoğun bakımda takip edilmelidir.


  • Doğan R, Yüksel M, Çetin G, Süzer K, Alp M, Kaya S, Moldibi Bl,. Surgical treatment of hydatid cysts of the lung: report on 1055 patients. Thorax 1989; 44: 192–99.
  • Altıntaş N,. Past to present: echinococcosis in Turkey. Acta Trop. 2003; 85: 105-12
  • Başdemir G,. İzmir Bölgesinde ekinokokkozis (1946 olgu). Türkiye Ekopatol Derg.1995;1: 70–2.
  • De Werra C, Condurro S, Tramontano S, Perone M,Donzelli I, Di Lauro S, Di Giuseppe M, Di Micco R, Pascariello A, Pastore A, Diamantis G, Galloro G,.Hydatid disease of the liver: thirty years of surgical experience. Chir Ital .2007; 59: 611–25.
  • Filice C, Stroselli M, Brunetti E, Colombo P, D’Andrea F. Percutaneus drainage of hydatid liver cysts. Radiology. 1992; 184: 579–80.
  • Besim H, Erverdi N, Korkmaz A. Kist hidatikte skolisidal madde kullanımı. Güncel Gastroenteroloji. 2000;4: 53– 58.
  • Liamis G, Tsimihodimos V, Doumas M, Spyrou A, Bairaktari E, Elisaf M. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of hypernatremia in an internal medicine clinic. Nephrol Dial Transplant . 2007 ;11: 923–31.
  • Belghita J, Benhamou JP, Houry S, Granier P, Hugier M, Fekete F. Caustic sclerosing cholangitis .Arch Surg. 1986;121: 1162-1165
  • Behrns KE, Van Heerden JA. Surgical manegement of hepatic hydatid disease Mayo Clinic Proc. 1991;66: 1193 – 97
  • Saidi F .Surgery of hydatid disease. The disease and its treatment. Saunders, Philadelphia London Toronto.1978, pp 31-59
  • Albi A, Baudin F, Matmar M, Archambeau D, Ozier Y. Severe Hypernatremia After Hypertonic Saline Irrigation of Hydatid Cysts Anesth Analg. 2002; 95 : 1806-8,
  • Krige JE, Millar AJ, Rode H, Knobel D. Fatal hypernatraemia after hypertonic saline irrigation of hepatic hydatid cysts. Pediatr Surg Int. 2002 ;18:64-5.
  • Adeleye O, Faulkner M, Adeola T, ShuTangyie G. Hypernatremia in the elderly. J Natl Med Assoc. 2002 ; 94 : 701-5.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Reports

Ali Erdem This is me

İlker İnce This is me

Ayşenur Dostbil This is me

Mine Çelik

Gürkan Öztürk This is me

Bülent Aydınlı This is me

Nazım Doğan This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2014
Submission Date February 7, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 21 Issue: 4


Vancouver Erdem A, İnce İ, Dostbil A, Çelik M, Öztürk G, Aydınlı B, Doğan N. Karaciğer kist hidatik operasyonu sırasında oluşan hipernatremi. Med J SDU. 2014;21(4):142-6.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.