Pontikulus postikus, içinden vertebral arterin geçtiği atlas
üzerinde anormal bir kemik köprüdür ve C1 lateral kitle vidası ameliyatı
geçirecek hastalarda önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, genel
popülasyonda pontikulus postikus'un görülme sıklığı ve özelliklerini
ve Yöntem
108 hastanın konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri
randomize olarak seçildi. Kesitler incelendi. Pontikulus Postikusun normal
popülasyonda görülme sıklığı belirlendi.
Pontikulus postikus klinik olarak servikal omurga
cerrahisinde önemli bir anomalidir. Bu nedenle ameliyattan önce PP'nin görülme
ihtimali akılda tutulmalıdır.
Gibelli D, Cappella A, Cerutti E, Spagnoli L, Dolci C, Sforza C. How frequent is ponticulus posticus in italian people? A lateral cephalometric study in an orthodontic population. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology. 2015;120(1):34.
Cho YJ. Radiological Analysis of Ponticulus Posticus in Koreans. Yonsei Medical Journal. 2009;50(1):45.
Bayrakdar IS, Miloglu O, Altun O, Gumussoy I, Durna D, Yilmaz AB. Cone beam computed tomography imaging of ponticulus posticus: Prevalence, characteristics, and a review of the literature. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology. 2014;118(6):e210-e9.
Mudit G, Srinivas K, Sateesha R. Retrospective Analysis of Ponticulus Posticus in Indian Orthodontic Patients- A Lateral Cephalometric Study. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;24(4):285.
Sharma V, Chaudhary D, Mitra R. Prevalence of ponticulus posticus in Indian orthodontic patients. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2010;39(5):277-83.
Terzi R, Özer T. Vertebrobaziler yetmezlik bulguları ile semptomatik Kimmerle anomalisi: Olgu sunumu. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2016;62(2).
Schilling J, Schilling A, Galdames IS. Ponticulus posticus on the posterior arch of atlas, prevalence analysis in asymptomatic patients. Int J Morphol. 2010;28(1):317-22.
Sekerci AE, Soylu E, Arikan MP, Ozcan G, Amuk M, Kocoglu F. Prevalence and Morphologic Characteristics of Ponticulus Posticus: Analysis Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2015;14(3):153-61.
Pérez IE, Chávez AK. Frequency of Ponticulus Posticus, Sella Turcica Bridge and Clinoid Enlargement in Cleft Lip and Palate Peruvian Patients: A Comparative Study with Non-Cleft Patients. International Journal of Morphology. 2015;33(3):895-901.
Zhang X-L, Huang D-G, Wang X-D, Zhu J-W, Li Y-B, He B-R, et al. The feasibility of inserting a C1 pedicle screw in patients with ponticulus posticus: a retrospective analysis of eleven patients. European Spine Journal. 2016.
Lee MJ, Cassinelli E, Riew KD. The feasibility of inserting atlas lateral mass screws via the posterior arch. Spine. 2006;31(24):2798-801.
Ahmad FU, Wang MY. Lateral mass of C1 fixation and ponticulus-posticus. World Neurosurg. 2014;82(1-2):e145-e6.
Christensen DM, Eastlack RK, Lynch JJ, Yaszemski MJ, Currier BL. C1 anatomy and dimensions relative to lateral mass screw placement. Spine. 2007;32(8):844-8.
Lin JM, Hipp JA, Reitman CA. C1 lateral mass screw placement via the posterior arch: a technique comparison and anatomic analysis. The Spine Journal. 2013;13(11):1549-55
Year 2018,
Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 167 - 170, 01.06.2018
Gibelli D, Cappella A, Cerutti E, Spagnoli L, Dolci C, Sforza C. How frequent is ponticulus posticus in italian people? A lateral cephalometric study in an orthodontic population. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology. 2015;120(1):34.
Cho YJ. Radiological Analysis of Ponticulus Posticus in Koreans. Yonsei Medical Journal. 2009;50(1):45.
Bayrakdar IS, Miloglu O, Altun O, Gumussoy I, Durna D, Yilmaz AB. Cone beam computed tomography imaging of ponticulus posticus: Prevalence, characteristics, and a review of the literature. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology. 2014;118(6):e210-e9.
Mudit G, Srinivas K, Sateesha R. Retrospective Analysis of Ponticulus Posticus in Indian Orthodontic Patients- A Lateral Cephalometric Study. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;24(4):285.
Sharma V, Chaudhary D, Mitra R. Prevalence of ponticulus posticus in Indian orthodontic patients. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2010;39(5):277-83.
Terzi R, Özer T. Vertebrobaziler yetmezlik bulguları ile semptomatik Kimmerle anomalisi: Olgu sunumu. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi. 2016;62(2).
Schilling J, Schilling A, Galdames IS. Ponticulus posticus on the posterior arch of atlas, prevalence analysis in asymptomatic patients. Int J Morphol. 2010;28(1):317-22.
Sekerci AE, Soylu E, Arikan MP, Ozcan G, Amuk M, Kocoglu F. Prevalence and Morphologic Characteristics of Ponticulus Posticus: Analysis Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2015;14(3):153-61.
Pérez IE, Chávez AK. Frequency of Ponticulus Posticus, Sella Turcica Bridge and Clinoid Enlargement in Cleft Lip and Palate Peruvian Patients: A Comparative Study with Non-Cleft Patients. International Journal of Morphology. 2015;33(3):895-901.
Zhang X-L, Huang D-G, Wang X-D, Zhu J-W, Li Y-B, He B-R, et al. The feasibility of inserting a C1 pedicle screw in patients with ponticulus posticus: a retrospective analysis of eleven patients. European Spine Journal. 2016.
Lee MJ, Cassinelli E, Riew KD. The feasibility of inserting atlas lateral mass screws via the posterior arch. Spine. 2006;31(24):2798-801.
Ahmad FU, Wang MY. Lateral mass of C1 fixation and ponticulus-posticus. World Neurosurg. 2014;82(1-2):e145-e6.
Christensen DM, Eastlack RK, Lynch JJ, Yaszemski MJ, Currier BL. C1 anatomy and dimensions relative to lateral mass screw placement. Spine. 2007;32(8):844-8.
Lin JM, Hipp JA, Reitman CA. C1 lateral mass screw placement via the posterior arch: a technique comparison and anatomic analysis. The Spine Journal. 2013;13(11):1549-55
Bilgir E, Duman ŞB. Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi ile Pontikulus Postikus’un Görülme Sıklığının Değerlendirilmesi: Pilot Çalışma. Med J SDU. 2018;25(2):167-70.