Research Article
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In vitro evaluation of enamel demineralization around the brackets after Er-YAG laser irradiation and flouride application

Year 2018, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 235 - 242, 01.09.2018


Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the
effects of a fluoridated agent and Er:YAG irradiation with
different doses
, alone or in combination, on enamel resistance to
demineralization. Materials and Methods:
This study consisted of 80 premolars divided into eight groups: G1, untreated
(control); G2, Acidic Phosphate Fluoride (APF) for 4 min; G3, 0.50 W Er:YAG
laser; G4, 0.50 W Er:YAG laser + APF; G5, 0.75 W Er:YAG laser; G6, 0.75 W
Er:YAG laser + APF; G7, 1 W Er:YAG laser; G8, 1 W Er:YAG laser + APF. Brackets
were bonded to the buccal surfaces of premolars, and demineralization values
were measured before and after treatment from the gingival aspects of the
brackets, with DIAGNOdent. In last timepoint surface roughness was detected
with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). All groups were subjected to 5 and 9 days
of pH-cycling to produce artificial carious lesions. Data were tested using the
Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman and Duncan tests (p<0.05). Results: G1 and G7
demonstrated significant demineralization when compared to the initial
measurements to 5th day measurement (p<0.05). The other groups did not
reveal significant changes in the demineralization values (p>0.05). The best
surface was observed in the AFM records of group 4. Conclusion:
Optimum Er:YAG laser
irradiation with settings has a positive effect on the decrease in


  • Ogaard B, Rolla G, Arends J. Orthodontic appliances and enamel demineralization. Part 1. Lesion development. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1988;94(1):68-73.
  • Bounoure GM, Vezin JC. Orthodontic fluoride protection. J Clin Orthod 1980;14(5):321-325.
  • Zachrisson BU. Fluoride application procedures in orthodontic practice, current concepts. Angle Orthod. 1975;45(1):72-81.
  • Gorelick L, Geiger AM, Gwinnett AJ. Incidence of white spot formation after bonding and banding. Am J Orthod 1982;81(2):93-98.
  • De Sant'anna GR, dos Santos EA, Soares LE, do Espirito Santo AM, Martin AA, Duarte DA, et al. Dental enamel irradiated with infrared diode laser and photoabsorbing cream: Part 1 FT-Raman Study. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(3):499-507.
  • Mizrahi E. Enamel demineralization following orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod 1982;82(1):62-67.
  • Pretty IA, Pender N, Edgar WM, Higham SM. The in vitro detection of early enamel de- and re-mineralization adjacent to bonded orthodontic cleats using quantitative light-induced fluorescence. Eur J Orthod 2003;25(3):217-223.
  • Lussi A, Hibst R, Paulus R. DIAGNOdent: an optical method for caries detection. J Dent Res 2004;83:80-83.
  • Dincer B, Hazar S, Sen BH. Scanning electron microscope study of the effects of soft drinks on etched and sealed enamel. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;122(2):135-141.
  • Kishen A, Shrestha A, Rafique A. Fiber optic backscatter spectroscopic sensor to monitor enamel demineralization and remineralization in vitro. J Conserv Dent 2008;11(2):63-70.
  • Rodrigues JA, Hug I, Neuhaus KW, Lussi A. Light-emitting diode and laser fluorescence-based devices in detecting occlusal caries. J Biomed Opt 2011;16(10):107003.
  • Guzman-Armstrong S, Chalmers J, Warren JJ. Ask us. White spot lesions: prevention and treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138(6):690-696.
  • Kecik D, Cehreli SB, Sar C, Unver B. Effect of acidulated phosphate fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate application on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. Angle Orthod 2008;78(1):129-133.
  • Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B. Soft-tissue lasers in orthodontics: an overview. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;133(4):110-114.
  • Usumez S, Orhan M, Usumez A. Laser etching of enamel for direct bonding with an Er,Cr:YSGG hydrokinetic laser system. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;122(6):649-656.
  • Yamamoto H, Ooya K. Potential of yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser in caries prevention. J Oral Pathol 1974;3(1):7-15.
  • Yamamoto H, Sato K. Prevention of dental caries by acousto-optically Q-switched Nd: YAG laser irradiation. J Dent Res 1980;59(2):137.
  • Magalhaes AC, Rios D, Machado MA, Da Silva SM, Lizarelli Rde F, Bagnato VS, et al. Effect of Nd:YAG irradiation and fluoride application on dentine resistance to erosion in vitro. Photomed Laser Surg 2008;26(6):559-563.
  • Lodaya SD, Keluskar KM, Naik V. Evaluation of demineralization adjacent to orthodontic bracket and bond strength using fluoride-releasing and conventional bonding agents. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22(1):44-49.
  • Rios D, Magalhaes AC, Machado MA, da Silva SM, Lizarelli Rde F, Bagnato VS, et al. In vitro evaluation of enamel erosion after Nd:YAG laser irradiation and fluoride application. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(5):743-747.
  • Kakaboura A, Fragouli M, Rahiotis C, Silikas N. Evaluation of surface characteristics of dental composites using profilometry, scanning electron, atomic force microscopy and gloss-meter. J Mater Sci Mater Med 2007;18(1):155-163.
  • Karan S, Kircelli BH, Tasdelen B. Enamel surface roughness after debonding. Angle Orthod 2010;80(6):1081-1088.
  • Sobral MA, Lachowski KM, de Rossi W, Braga SR, Ramalho KM. Effect of Nd:YAG laser and acidulated phosphate fluoride on bovine and human enamel submitted to erosion/abrasion or erosion only: an in vitro preliminary study. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(5):709-713.
  • Featherstone JD, Barrett-Vespone NA, Fried D, Kantorowitz Z, Seka W. CO2 laser inhibitor of artificial caries-like lesion progression in dental enamel. J Dent Res. 1998;77(6):1397-1403.
  • Bechtold TE, Sobiegalla A, Markovic M, Berneburg M, Göz GR. In vivo effectiveness of enamel sealants around orthodontic brackets. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics 2013 ;74(6):447-57
  • Contente MM, de Lima FA, Galo R, Pecora JD, Bachmann L, Palma-Dibb RG, et al. Temperature rise during Er:YAG cavity preparation of primary enamel. Lasers Med Sci 2012;27(1):1-5.
  • Rodriguez-Vilchis LE, Contreras-Bulnes R, Sanchez-Flores I, Samano EC. Acid resistance and structural changes of human dental enamel treated with Er:YAG laser. Photomed Laser Surg 2010;28(2):207-11.
  • Sökücü O, Hergüner Ş, Bektaş ÖÖ, Babacan H. Shear bond strength comparison of a conventional and a self-etching fluoride-releasing adhesive following thermocycling. World J Orthod 2010; 11(1); 6-10.
  • Rodrigues JA, Sarti CS, Assunção CM, Arthur RA, Lussi A, Diniz MB. Evaluation of laser fluorescence in monitoring non-cavitated caries lesion progression on smooth surfaces in vitro. Laser Med Sci ePub; 2017; July 2; 1-8

Braket çevresindeki mine demineralizasyonunun Er-YAG lazer ve florid uygulaması sonrası in-vitro olarak değerlendirilmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 235 - 242, 01.09.2018


Amaç: Bu in-vitro çalışmanın amacı; birlikte ve ayrı ayrı florür ve farklı dozlarda Er:YAG
lazer uygulamalarının, braket çevresindeki mine yüzeyinde oluşan demineralizasyona
karşı etkilerini incelemektir. Gereç ve
Bu çalışmada 80 üst daimi 1. premolar 8 grup olarak ayrılmıştır:
G1, kontrol; G2, asidik fosfat florit (AFF); G3, 0.50 W Er:YAG lazer ; G4, 0.50
W Er:YAG lazer + AFF; G5, 0.75 W Er:YAG lazer; G6, 0.75 W Er:YAG lazer + AFF;
G7, 1 W Er:YAG lazer; G8, 1 W Er:YAG lazer + AFF. Braketler premolarların
bukkal yüzeylerine yapıştırılmıştır. Demineralizasyon değerleri dişin gingival
ve braket arasındaki bölgede DIAGNOdent yardımıyla ölçülmüştür. Son ölçümde
yüzey düzensizliği Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskobu (AKM)
ile belirlenmiştir. Yapay çürük lezyonu oluşturmak için tüm gruplar 5 ve 9
günlük pH siklusuna tabi tutulmuştur. Veriler Kruskal-Wallis,
Friedman and Duncan istatistik testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir (p<0.05).
Bulgular: G1 and G7 gruplarında istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede demineralizasyon
görülmüştür (p<0.05). Diğer grupların demineralizasyon değerlerinde
istatistiksel olarak önemli değişiklikler görülmemiştir (p>0.05). AFM
kayıtlarında en iyi yüzey görüntüsü grup 4’te saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: Uygun dozlarda Er-YAG lazer uygulamalarının
demineralizasyon üzerine pozitif etkileri bulunmaktadır.


  • Ogaard B, Rolla G, Arends J. Orthodontic appliances and enamel demineralization. Part 1. Lesion development. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1988;94(1):68-73.
  • Bounoure GM, Vezin JC. Orthodontic fluoride protection. J Clin Orthod 1980;14(5):321-325.
  • Zachrisson BU. Fluoride application procedures in orthodontic practice, current concepts. Angle Orthod. 1975;45(1):72-81.
  • Gorelick L, Geiger AM, Gwinnett AJ. Incidence of white spot formation after bonding and banding. Am J Orthod 1982;81(2):93-98.
  • De Sant'anna GR, dos Santos EA, Soares LE, do Espirito Santo AM, Martin AA, Duarte DA, et al. Dental enamel irradiated with infrared diode laser and photoabsorbing cream: Part 1 FT-Raman Study. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(3):499-507.
  • Mizrahi E. Enamel demineralization following orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod 1982;82(1):62-67.
  • Pretty IA, Pender N, Edgar WM, Higham SM. The in vitro detection of early enamel de- and re-mineralization adjacent to bonded orthodontic cleats using quantitative light-induced fluorescence. Eur J Orthod 2003;25(3):217-223.
  • Lussi A, Hibst R, Paulus R. DIAGNOdent: an optical method for caries detection. J Dent Res 2004;83:80-83.
  • Dincer B, Hazar S, Sen BH. Scanning electron microscope study of the effects of soft drinks on etched and sealed enamel. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;122(2):135-141.
  • Kishen A, Shrestha A, Rafique A. Fiber optic backscatter spectroscopic sensor to monitor enamel demineralization and remineralization in vitro. J Conserv Dent 2008;11(2):63-70.
  • Rodrigues JA, Hug I, Neuhaus KW, Lussi A. Light-emitting diode and laser fluorescence-based devices in detecting occlusal caries. J Biomed Opt 2011;16(10):107003.
  • Guzman-Armstrong S, Chalmers J, Warren JJ. Ask us. White spot lesions: prevention and treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138(6):690-696.
  • Kecik D, Cehreli SB, Sar C, Unver B. Effect of acidulated phosphate fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate application on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets. Angle Orthod 2008;78(1):129-133.
  • Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B. Soft-tissue lasers in orthodontics: an overview. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;133(4):110-114.
  • Usumez S, Orhan M, Usumez A. Laser etching of enamel for direct bonding with an Er,Cr:YSGG hydrokinetic laser system. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002;122(6):649-656.
  • Yamamoto H, Ooya K. Potential of yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser in caries prevention. J Oral Pathol 1974;3(1):7-15.
  • Yamamoto H, Sato K. Prevention of dental caries by acousto-optically Q-switched Nd: YAG laser irradiation. J Dent Res 1980;59(2):137.
  • Magalhaes AC, Rios D, Machado MA, Da Silva SM, Lizarelli Rde F, Bagnato VS, et al. Effect of Nd:YAG irradiation and fluoride application on dentine resistance to erosion in vitro. Photomed Laser Surg 2008;26(6):559-563.
  • Lodaya SD, Keluskar KM, Naik V. Evaluation of demineralization adjacent to orthodontic bracket and bond strength using fluoride-releasing and conventional bonding agents. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22(1):44-49.
  • Rios D, Magalhaes AC, Machado MA, da Silva SM, Lizarelli Rde F, Bagnato VS, et al. In vitro evaluation of enamel erosion after Nd:YAG laser irradiation and fluoride application. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(5):743-747.
  • Kakaboura A, Fragouli M, Rahiotis C, Silikas N. Evaluation of surface characteristics of dental composites using profilometry, scanning electron, atomic force microscopy and gloss-meter. J Mater Sci Mater Med 2007;18(1):155-163.
  • Karan S, Kircelli BH, Tasdelen B. Enamel surface roughness after debonding. Angle Orthod 2010;80(6):1081-1088.
  • Sobral MA, Lachowski KM, de Rossi W, Braga SR, Ramalho KM. Effect of Nd:YAG laser and acidulated phosphate fluoride on bovine and human enamel submitted to erosion/abrasion or erosion only: an in vitro preliminary study. Photomed Laser Surg 2009;27(5):709-713.
  • Featherstone JD, Barrett-Vespone NA, Fried D, Kantorowitz Z, Seka W. CO2 laser inhibitor of artificial caries-like lesion progression in dental enamel. J Dent Res. 1998;77(6):1397-1403.
  • Bechtold TE, Sobiegalla A, Markovic M, Berneburg M, Göz GR. In vivo effectiveness of enamel sealants around orthodontic brackets. Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics 2013 ;74(6):447-57
  • Contente MM, de Lima FA, Galo R, Pecora JD, Bachmann L, Palma-Dibb RG, et al. Temperature rise during Er:YAG cavity preparation of primary enamel. Lasers Med Sci 2012;27(1):1-5.
  • Rodriguez-Vilchis LE, Contreras-Bulnes R, Sanchez-Flores I, Samano EC. Acid resistance and structural changes of human dental enamel treated with Er:YAG laser. Photomed Laser Surg 2010;28(2):207-11.
  • Sökücü O, Hergüner Ş, Bektaş ÖÖ, Babacan H. Shear bond strength comparison of a conventional and a self-etching fluoride-releasing adhesive following thermocycling. World J Orthod 2010; 11(1); 6-10.
  • Rodrigues JA, Sarti CS, Assunção CM, Arthur RA, Lussi A, Diniz MB. Evaluation of laser fluorescence in monitoring non-cavitated caries lesion progression on smooth surfaces in vitro. Laser Med Sci ePub; 2017; July 2; 1-8
There are 29 citations in total.


Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Rıdvan Okşayan

Publication Date September 1, 2018
Submission Date September 12, 2017
Acceptance Date October 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 25 Issue: 3


Vancouver Okşayan R. In vitro evaluation of enamel demineralization around the brackets after Er-YAG laser irradiation and flouride application. Med J SDU. 2018;25(3):235-42.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.