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Using of Oil and Dry Matter Parameters in Some Avocado Cultivars for Determination of Harvest Date

Year 2006, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 38 - 48, 01.12.2006


In this study, the earliest possible maturation date for commercially grown avocado
cultivars, ‘Bacon’, ‘Fuerte’, ‘Hass’, and ‘Zutano’, in Turkey was aimed to be determined by analyzing
oil and dry matter content of cultivars at different harvesting periods.
In the last harvesting period, fruit weight was found to increase 11-12 % compared to the first
harvesting time. Similarly, total oil content was 17-40 % higher in the last harvesting than the first
one. Total dry matter of fruit was also increased 7-18 % in the last harvesting period. There was also a
high correlation (r =0.90) between oil content and dry matter of fruit at different harvesting periods.
Based on dry matter content of fruit, the earliest harvesting time was found to be the first week
of November for ‘Bacon’ and ‘Fuerte’ and mid-November for ‘Hass’ and ‘Zutano’ cultivars.
However, optimum harvesting time period was suggested as the last week of November for ‘Zutano’,
first week of December for ‘Bacon’, last week of December for ‘Fuerte’ and first week of January for
‘Hass’ cultivar. As a result, monitoring the oil content and dry matter of avocado fruit was found to be
the most reliable harvest decision criteria.


  • Anonim, 1984. Değişik Ülkelerdeki T.C. Büyükelçilikleri ile Yapılan Yazışmalardan Elde Edilen Bilgiler.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Growing Avocados in Ventura County. A Reference Handbook-University of California Cooperative Extension, 45–47.
  • Anonymous, 2006. FAO Production Yearbook.
  • Barmore, C.R. 1976. Avocado Fruit Maturity. Proceedings of the I. International Tropical Fruit Short Course: The Avocado. Gainesville: Fruit Crops Dept., Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, 103–109.
  • Bayram, S. ve Demirkol, A. 2003. Antalya Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Avokado Çeşitlerinin Meyve Özelliklerinin Saptanması Üzerine Araştırmalar. Türkiye IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi 2003. S: 95–98.
  • Bergh, B., Kumamoto, J. and Chen, P. 1989. Determining Maturity in Whole Avocados. California Avocado Society Yearbook 73: 173-176.
  • Burelli, G. G. 1982. Quality and Oil Content of Early Season Fuerte Avocado Originating From the Levubu Region. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 5:25–27.
  • Crane, A. 1989. Field Notes From Abroad-Israel. Calif. Avoc. Soc. Yearb., 73:137-139.
  • Coggins, Jr. C.W. 1984. Feasibility of Using Fruit Size and Percentage Dry Weight to Predict Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 68: 145–160.
  • Demirkol, A. 1997A. Avokado Adaptasyon Projesi Ara Sonuç Raporu. Narenciye ve Seracılık Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Demirkol, A. 1997B. Antalya Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Önemli Avokado Çeşitleri Üzerinde Biyolojik, Morfolojik ve Fizyolojik Araştırmalar. (Doktora Tezi), Akdeniz Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Demirkol, A. 1998. Avocado Growing in Turkey. World Avocado Congress III, 22–27 October, Tel-Aviv. Procedings, 451–456.
  • Doğrular, H.A, Tuncay, M. ve Şengüler, A. 1983. Antalya Ve Alanya Koşullarında Avokado Çeşitlerinin Adaptasyonu (Ara Sonuç Raporu). Turunçgil Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Hofman, P.J., Jobin-Décor, M. and Giles, J. 2000. Percentage of Dry Matter and Oil Content Are Not Reliable Indicators of Fruit Maturity or Quality in Late-Harvested ‘Hass’ Avocado. HortScience, 35 (4): 694–695.
  • Hofman, P.J., Fuchs, Y. and Milne, D.L. 2002. Harvesting, Packing, Postharvest Tecnology, Transport and Processing. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds): The Avocado: Botany, Production And Uses; Cabi Publishing: 14, 363–390.
  • Kaiser, C., Smith, M.T. and Wolstenholme, B.N. 1992. Overview of Lipids in the Avocado Fruit, With Particular Reference to the Natal Midlands. South African Avocado Grower’s Association Yearbook, 15: 78–82.
  • Kaiser, C., Levin, J. and Wolstenholme, B.N. 1995. Maturity Standarts for Fuerte in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands. South African Avocado Grower’s Association Yearbook, 18: 74–76.
  • Knight, Jr.R.J. 2002. History, Distribution and Uses. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer And B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, 1:10.
  • Kruger, F.J., Stassen, P.J.C. and Snijder, B. 1995a. The Significance of Oil and Moisture as Maturity Parameters for Avocados. Proceedings of The World Avocado Congress III, 285–288.
  • Kruger, F.J., Stassen, P.J.C. and Snijder, B. 1995b. A Preliminary Study on Variation in the Maturity Parameters Of Avocados from the Kiepersol/Hazyview Area. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 18:67–73.
  • Lee, S.K. 1981. Methods for Percent Oil Analysis of Avocado Fruit. Calif. Avoc.Soc.Yearb., 65:133-141.
  • Lee, S.K. And Coggins, Jr. C.W. 1982. Dry Weight Method for Determination of Avocado Fruit Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 66: 67–70.
  • Lee, S. K., Young, R. E., Schiffman, P.M. and Coggins, Jr. C. W. 1983. Maturity Studies of Avocado Fruit Based on Picking Dates and Dry Weight. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 108 (3): 390–394.
  • Offer, R.A. 1986. Maturation and Ripening of Avocado Fruit (Summary). Thesis submitted for the degree of M.Sc. (agric.) to the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Pak, H.A. Dixon, J. and Cutting, J.G.M. 2003. Influence of Early Season Maturity on Fruit Quality in New Zealand ‘Hass’ Avocados. Proceedings V. World Avocado Congress (Actas V Congreso Mundial del Aguacate), 635–640.
  • Ranney, C. A., Gillette, G., Brydon, S., Mcintyre, A., Rivers, O. and Vasquez C. A. 1992. Physiological Maturity and Percent Dry Matter of California Avocado. Proc. of Second World Avocado Congress, 379–385.
  • Requejo-Tapia, L.C., Woolf, A.B., Roughan, G., Schroeder, R., Young, H. and White, A. 1999. Avocado Postharvest Research: 1998/99: Seasonal Changes in Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition of 'Hass' Avocados. Report to the Nz Avocado Industry Council.
  • Schroeder, C. A. 1953. Growth and Development of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit. Proceedings of the American Society for Hortıcultural Science, 61:103–109.
  • Scora, R.W., Wolstenholme, B.N. and Lavi, U. .2002. Taxonomy and Botany. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, 2-31.
  • Undurraga, P., Oleata, J. and Gardiazabal, F. 1987. Seasonal Changes on Chemical and Physical Parameters in Six Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Cultivars Grown in Chile. South African Avocado Growers Association Yearbook, 10: 138–140.
  • Vakis, N.J., Gregoriou, C. and Papademetriou, M. 1985. Maturity and Picking Dates of Avocados Under Cyprus Conditions. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 69: 81–88.
  • Van Den Dool., B. and Wolstenholme. B. N. 1983. Further Studies on Avocado Fruıt Growth and Maturity in Inland Natal. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 6:34–40
  • Young, R. E. and Lee, S. K. 1978. Avocado Fruit Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 62: 51–57.
  • Whiley, A.W. 2002. Crop Management. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production And Uses; Cabi Publishing, 10: 231–254.
  • Zentmyer, G. A. 1987. Avocados Around The World. Calif. Avoc. Soc.Yearb., 71:63-77.

Bazı Avokado Çeşitlerinde Hasat Zamanının Belirlenmesinde Yağ ve Kuru Ağırlık Parametrelerinin Kullanımı

Year 2006, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 38 - 48, 01.12.2006


Bu çalışmada; ülkemizde standart çeşit olarak yetiştirilen ‘Bacon’, ‘Fuerte’, ‘Hass’ ve ‘Zutano’
çeşitlerinde farklı hasat dönemlerinde yağ ve kuru ağırlık içeriklerindeki değişimler ve en erken hasat
zamanının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada, farklı hasat dönemlerinde alınan
4 önemli çeşidin meyve eti örneklerinde, yağ ve kuru ağırlık içerikleri saptanmıştır. Denenen her 4
çeşitte de ilk hasattan son hasada gidildikçe; meyve ağırlığında % 11–22, toplam yağ içeriğinde % 17–
40 ve toplam kuru ağırlık içeriğinin ise % 7–18 arasında artışlar kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca hasat
zamanları ile toplam yağ ve kuru ağırlık arasında yüksek oranda korelasyon (r = 0.90) tespit
edilmiştir. Meyve etinde bulunması gereken kuru ağırlık içeriğine göre çeşitlerin en erken hasat
zamanı; ‘Bacon’ ve ‘Fuerte’ için kasım ayının ilk haftası, ‘Hass’ ve ‘Zutano’ çeşitleri için kasım
ayının ortası olarak bildirilmiştir. Ancak optimum hasat zamanı; ‘Bacon’da aralık ayının ilk haftası,
‘Fuerte’de aralık ayının son haftası, ‘Hass’da ocak ayının ilk haftası ve ‘Zutano’da ise kasım ayının
son haftası olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları; hasat kriteri olarak meyve etinin kuru ağırlık
veya yağ içeriğinin belirlenmesinin en güvenli yöntem olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Anonim, 1984. Değişik Ülkelerdeki T.C. Büyükelçilikleri ile Yapılan Yazışmalardan Elde Edilen Bilgiler.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Growing Avocados in Ventura County. A Reference Handbook-University of California Cooperative Extension, 45–47.
  • Anonymous, 2006. FAO Production Yearbook.
  • Barmore, C.R. 1976. Avocado Fruit Maturity. Proceedings of the I. International Tropical Fruit Short Course: The Avocado. Gainesville: Fruit Crops Dept., Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, 103–109.
  • Bayram, S. ve Demirkol, A. 2003. Antalya Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Avokado Çeşitlerinin Meyve Özelliklerinin Saptanması Üzerine Araştırmalar. Türkiye IV. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi 2003. S: 95–98.
  • Bergh, B., Kumamoto, J. and Chen, P. 1989. Determining Maturity in Whole Avocados. California Avocado Society Yearbook 73: 173-176.
  • Burelli, G. G. 1982. Quality and Oil Content of Early Season Fuerte Avocado Originating From the Levubu Region. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 5:25–27.
  • Crane, A. 1989. Field Notes From Abroad-Israel. Calif. Avoc. Soc. Yearb., 73:137-139.
  • Coggins, Jr. C.W. 1984. Feasibility of Using Fruit Size and Percentage Dry Weight to Predict Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 68: 145–160.
  • Demirkol, A. 1997A. Avokado Adaptasyon Projesi Ara Sonuç Raporu. Narenciye ve Seracılık Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Demirkol, A. 1997B. Antalya Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Önemli Avokado Çeşitleri Üzerinde Biyolojik, Morfolojik ve Fizyolojik Araştırmalar. (Doktora Tezi), Akdeniz Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Demirkol, A. 1998. Avocado Growing in Turkey. World Avocado Congress III, 22–27 October, Tel-Aviv. Procedings, 451–456.
  • Doğrular, H.A, Tuncay, M. ve Şengüler, A. 1983. Antalya Ve Alanya Koşullarında Avokado Çeşitlerinin Adaptasyonu (Ara Sonuç Raporu). Turunçgil Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya, Yayınlanmamış.
  • Hofman, P.J., Jobin-Décor, M. and Giles, J. 2000. Percentage of Dry Matter and Oil Content Are Not Reliable Indicators of Fruit Maturity or Quality in Late-Harvested ‘Hass’ Avocado. HortScience, 35 (4): 694–695.
  • Hofman, P.J., Fuchs, Y. and Milne, D.L. 2002. Harvesting, Packing, Postharvest Tecnology, Transport and Processing. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds): The Avocado: Botany, Production And Uses; Cabi Publishing: 14, 363–390.
  • Kaiser, C., Smith, M.T. and Wolstenholme, B.N. 1992. Overview of Lipids in the Avocado Fruit, With Particular Reference to the Natal Midlands. South African Avocado Grower’s Association Yearbook, 15: 78–82.
  • Kaiser, C., Levin, J. and Wolstenholme, B.N. 1995. Maturity Standarts for Fuerte in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands. South African Avocado Grower’s Association Yearbook, 18: 74–76.
  • Knight, Jr.R.J. 2002. History, Distribution and Uses. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer And B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, 1:10.
  • Kruger, F.J., Stassen, P.J.C. and Snijder, B. 1995a. The Significance of Oil and Moisture as Maturity Parameters for Avocados. Proceedings of The World Avocado Congress III, 285–288.
  • Kruger, F.J., Stassen, P.J.C. and Snijder, B. 1995b. A Preliminary Study on Variation in the Maturity Parameters Of Avocados from the Kiepersol/Hazyview Area. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 18:67–73.
  • Lee, S.K. 1981. Methods for Percent Oil Analysis of Avocado Fruit. Calif. Avoc.Soc.Yearb., 65:133-141.
  • Lee, S.K. And Coggins, Jr. C.W. 1982. Dry Weight Method for Determination of Avocado Fruit Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 66: 67–70.
  • Lee, S. K., Young, R. E., Schiffman, P.M. and Coggins, Jr. C. W. 1983. Maturity Studies of Avocado Fruit Based on Picking Dates and Dry Weight. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 108 (3): 390–394.
  • Offer, R.A. 1986. Maturation and Ripening of Avocado Fruit (Summary). Thesis submitted for the degree of M.Sc. (agric.) to the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Pak, H.A. Dixon, J. and Cutting, J.G.M. 2003. Influence of Early Season Maturity on Fruit Quality in New Zealand ‘Hass’ Avocados. Proceedings V. World Avocado Congress (Actas V Congreso Mundial del Aguacate), 635–640.
  • Ranney, C. A., Gillette, G., Brydon, S., Mcintyre, A., Rivers, O. and Vasquez C. A. 1992. Physiological Maturity and Percent Dry Matter of California Avocado. Proc. of Second World Avocado Congress, 379–385.
  • Requejo-Tapia, L.C., Woolf, A.B., Roughan, G., Schroeder, R., Young, H. and White, A. 1999. Avocado Postharvest Research: 1998/99: Seasonal Changes in Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition of 'Hass' Avocados. Report to the Nz Avocado Industry Council.
  • Schroeder, C. A. 1953. Growth and Development of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit. Proceedings of the American Society for Hortıcultural Science, 61:103–109.
  • Scora, R.W., Wolstenholme, B.N. and Lavi, U. .2002. Taxonomy and Botany. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, 2-31.
  • Undurraga, P., Oleata, J. and Gardiazabal, F. 1987. Seasonal Changes on Chemical and Physical Parameters in Six Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Cultivars Grown in Chile. South African Avocado Growers Association Yearbook, 10: 138–140.
  • Vakis, N.J., Gregoriou, C. and Papademetriou, M. 1985. Maturity and Picking Dates of Avocados Under Cyprus Conditions. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 69: 81–88.
  • Van Den Dool., B. and Wolstenholme. B. N. 1983. Further Studies on Avocado Fruıt Growth and Maturity in Inland Natal. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook, 6:34–40
  • Young, R. E. and Lee, S. K. 1978. Avocado Fruit Maturity. California Avocado Society Yearbook, 62: 51–57.
  • Whiley, A.W. 2002. Crop Management. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer and B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production And Uses; Cabi Publishing, 10: 231–254.
  • Zentmyer, G. A. 1987. Avocados Around The World. Calif. Avoc. Soc.Yearb., 71:63-77.
There are 35 citations in total.


Other ID JA58YY36ER
Journal Section Research

Süleyman Bayram This is me

M. Atilla Aşkın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2006
Submission Date September 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Bayram, S., & Aşkın, M. A. (2006). Bazı Avokado Çeşitlerinde Hasat Zamanının Belirlenmesinde Yağ ve Kuru Ağırlık Parametrelerinin Kullanımı. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 38-48.


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