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STEAM Oyun Tasarım Platformunda Bulunan Eğitsel Video Oyunlarının İncelenmesi

Year 2024, , 78 - 104, 31.12.2024


STEM eğitimi, bilim, teknoloji, mühendislik ve matematik disiplinlerini birleştiren, öğrencilerin problem çözme ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerini geliştirmeyi hedefleyen disiplinler arası bir yaklaşımdır. Dijital oyunlar, sundukları etkileşimli ve motive edici ortamlar sayesinde STEM eğitimi için etkili bir araç olarak görülmektedir. Özellikle simülasyon ve problem çözme odaklı dijital oyunlar, öğrencilerin teorik olarak edindikleri bilgileri pratikle birleştirmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dijital oyun dağıtım platformlarının STEM eğitimi açısından eğitsel potansiyelini değerlendirmek ve bu platformlardaki eğitici oyunların öğretim süreçlerine entegrasyonuna dair öneriler sunmaktır. Araştırma, STEAM, EPIC Games ve GOG gibi popüler dijital oyun dağıtım platformlarına odaklanmış; bu platformlardaki eğitsel oyunlar, içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. İncelemeler sonucunda eğitsel içeriğe sahip oyunların üretici firmaları, yaş sınırları, fiyatları, yorum sayıları ve olumlu yorum yüzdeleri gibi bilgiler analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, dijital oyunların problem çözme ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerini destekleyen eğitsel bir araç olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, bu platformlardaki oyunların uygun maliyetli ve erişilebilir olması, eğitime eşit erişim sağlama açısından önemli fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Çalışma, dijital oyunların STEM eğitimi bağlamında disiplinler arası öğrenmeyi destekleme potansiyelini vurgulamakta ve bu oyunların etkili kullanımına yönelik pratik öneriler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


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  • Adams, E., & Rollings A. (2014). Fundamentals of game design. Prentice Hall.
  • Akramova, G., Ma’murov, B., Akramova, S., Qo’ldoshev, R., & Shodmonova, A. (2024). Methods of using STEAM technologies in the development of pupils’ computational thinking. E3S Web of Conferences.
  • Alkan, N. (2014). Tarihin çağlara ayrılmasında “üçlü sistem” ve Türk-İslâm tarihinin çağ taksimi meselesi. Turkish History Education Journal, 3(2), 43-64.
  • Arnedo-Moreno, J., & García-Solórzano, D. (2020, November). Programming is fun! a survey of the Steam digital distribution platform. In 2020 IEEE 32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  • Ata, B. (2009). Sosyal bilgiler ünitesi kavramı üzerine bazı düşünceler. Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar (ss. 45-56). Pegem Akademi.
  • Aydoğdu K., İ. (2015). Dijital oyunlar ve dijital şiddet farkındalığı: Ebeveyn ve çocuklar üzerinde yapılan karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, cilt 8, sayı 36.
  • Barr, M. (2017). Video games can develop graduate skills in higher education students: A randomized trial. Computers & Education, 113, 86-97.
  • Bartle, R. (1996). Hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades: Players who suit muds. Journal of MUD research, 1(1), 19.
  • Bayas, B. W. O., Ganchozo, A., Ortiz, D., Vera, A., & Zambrano, Z. (2022). Video game as an educational tool in primary school applying steam methodology. Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, 6(4).
  • Behnamnia, N., Kamsin, A., Akmar, M., Ismail, B., & Hayati, A. (2020). The effective components of creativity in digital game-based learning among young children: A case study. Children and Youth Services Review.
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  • Çınar, S., & Çiftçi, M. (2016). Disiplinler arası stem yaklaşımına yönelik yapılan çalışmaların içerik analizi. 10th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium (ICITS), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University
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Examination of Educational Digital Video Games on the STEAM Game Distribution Platform

Year 2024, , 78 - 104, 31.12.2024


STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, aiming to enhance students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Digital games are considered effective tools for STEM education due to the interactive and engaging environments they provide. Specifically, simulation and problem-solving-focused digital games enable students to combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the educational potential of digital game distribution platforms in the context of STEM education and to provide recommendations for integrating educational games into teaching processes. The research focuses on popular digital game distribution platforms such as STEAM, EPIC Games, and GOG, and analyzes the educational games available on these platforms using content analysis. The analysis includes details about the developers of the educational games, age ratings, prices, number of reviews, and percentage of positive reviews. The findings indicate that digital games can be effectively utilized as educational tools to support problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the affordability and accessibility of the games available on these platforms present significant opportunities for equitable access to education. This study highlights the potential of digital games to support interdisciplinary learning within STEM education and aims to provide practical recommendations for their effective use in educational contexts


  • Abt, C. C. (1970). Serious games. The Viking Press.
  • Adams, E., & Rollings A. (2014). Fundamentals of game design. Prentice Hall.
  • Akramova, G., Ma’murov, B., Akramova, S., Qo’ldoshev, R., & Shodmonova, A. (2024). Methods of using STEAM technologies in the development of pupils’ computational thinking. E3S Web of Conferences.
  • Alkan, N. (2014). Tarihin çağlara ayrılmasında “üçlü sistem” ve Türk-İslâm tarihinin çağ taksimi meselesi. Turkish History Education Journal, 3(2), 43-64.
  • Arnedo-Moreno, J., & García-Solórzano, D. (2020, November). Programming is fun! a survey of the Steam digital distribution platform. In 2020 IEEE 32nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  • Ata, B. (2009). Sosyal bilgiler ünitesi kavramı üzerine bazı düşünceler. Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar (ss. 45-56). Pegem Akademi.
  • Aydoğdu K., İ. (2015). Dijital oyunlar ve dijital şiddet farkındalığı: Ebeveyn ve çocuklar üzerinde yapılan karşılaştırmalı bir analiz. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, cilt 8, sayı 36.
  • Barr, M. (2017). Video games can develop graduate skills in higher education students: A randomized trial. Computers & Education, 113, 86-97.
  • Bartle, R. (1996). Hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades: Players who suit muds. Journal of MUD research, 1(1), 19.
  • Bayas, B. W. O., Ganchozo, A., Ortiz, D., Vera, A., & Zambrano, Z. (2022). Video game as an educational tool in primary school applying steam methodology. Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, 6(4).
  • Behnamnia, N., Kamsin, A., Akmar, M., Ismail, B., & Hayati, A. (2020). The effective components of creativity in digital game-based learning among young children: A case study. Children and Youth Services Review.
  • Bellanca, J. A., & Brandt, R.S. (2010). 21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn. Vol. 20. Bloomington, Solution Tree Press.
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  • Bozgöz, A. (2017). Ortaokul 6. sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersinde ilkçağ tarihi konularından Kadeş antlaşmasının barış eğitimi kapsamında ve öğrenci görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2014). Homo ludens: Dijital oyunlar ve eğitim. Eğitim Teknolojileri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 1-21.
  • Burguillo, J. C. (2010). Using game theory and competition-based learning to stimulate student motivation and performance. Computers & Education, 55, 2, 566–575.
  • Checa-Romero, M. (2016). Developing Skills in Digital Contexts. Games and Culture, 11, 463 - 488.
  • Chen, C. H., Yang, J. C., Shen, S., & Jeng, M. C. (2007). A desktop virtual reality earth motion system in astronomy education. Educational Technology & Society, 10(3), 289-304.
  • Çınar, M., Doğan, D., & Seferoğlu, S. S. (2015, Şubat 6-8). Eğitimde dijital araçlar: Google sınıf uygulaması üzerine bir değerlendirme [Sözlü bildiri]. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
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  • Crawford, C. (1984) The Art of Computer Game Design, 1st ed.; McGraw-Hill Osborne Media: Berkeley, CA, USA.
  • Dickey, M. D. (2011). Murder on Grimm Isle: the impact of game narrative design in an educational game-based learning environment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42, 3, 456–469.
  • Ebner, M., & Holzinger, A. (2007). Successful implementation of user-centered game based learning in higher education: an example from civil engineering. Computers & Education, 49, 3, 873–890.
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  • Eş, F. (2015, August 15). Hacknet incelemesi. Fragtist.
  • Falah, J., Khan, S., Alfalah, T., Alfalah, S. F., Chan, W., Harrison, D. K., & Chariss, V. (2014). Virtual reality medical training system for anatomy education. In 2014 Science and information conference (pp. 752-758). IEEE.
  • Fidan, Ş., Karaman, Ö. A., & Yıldırmaz, A. (2022). Steam dijital oyun platformunda bulunan eğitici içerikli dijital oyunların elektrik-elektronik mühendisliği öğretim müfredatına entegrasyonu için öneriler. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences , 8 (4) , 555-568 . DOI: 10.28979/jarnas.1064673.
  • Fitzgerald, S. (2016, January 19). Infinifactory.
  • Freitas, S. (2018). Are Games Effective Learning Tools? A Review of Educational Games. J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 21, 74-84.
  • Gerardi, M., Cukor, J., Difede, J. Rizzo, A., & Rothbaum, B, O. (2010). Virtual reality exposure therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep 12, 298–305
  • Gog (2021, February 16), Gog about.
  • Goncalves, R., Pedrozo, A. L., Coutinho, E. S., Figueira, I., & Ventura, P. (2012). Efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy in the treatment of PTSD: a systematic review. PloS one, 7(12), e48469.
  • Gredler, M. (2013). Games and Simulations and Their Relationships to Learning., 571-581.
  • Griffiths, M. D. (2002). The educational benefits of videogames. Education and Health, 20(3), 47-51.
  • Gros, B. (2003). The impact of digital games in education. First Monday, 8.
  • Harris, K., & Reid, D. (2005). The influence of virtual reality play on children’s motivation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72, 1, 21–30.
  • Hearn, P. (2020, September 26). 8 alternatives to Steam for buying PC games online. Online Tech Tips.
  • Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(2), 225–229.
  • Hock, P., Benedikter, S., Gugenheimer, J., & Rukzio, E. (2017). Carvr: Enabling in-car virtual reality entertainment. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 4034-4044).
  • Huggins, R., & Johnston, A. (2009). The economic and innovation contribution of universities: a regional perspective. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(6), 1088-1106.
  • Humble (2022, February 16). Humble bundle about.
  • Hussein, M., Ow, S., Cheong, L., & Thong, M. (2019). A Digital Game-Based Learning Method to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary Science. IEEE Access, 7, 96309-96318.
  • (2021, February 16). about. , (last visited: Feb 7, 2021)
  • Javed, J. (2020, March 29). eSports and gaming industry thriving as video games provide escape from reality during coronavirus pandemic. WFAA.
  • Johnson, C. C., Peters-Burton, E. E., & Moore, T. J. (Eds.). (2016). STEM road map: A framework for integrated STEM education. Routledge.
  • Landers, R. N., & Callan, R. C. (2011). Casual social games as serious games: the psychology of gamification in undergraduate education and employee training. Serious games and edutainment applications (pp. 399e423). Springer-Verlag.
  • Lin, D., Bezemer, C. P., & Hassan, A. E. (2018). An empirical study of early access games on the Steam platform. Empirical Software Engineering, 23(2), 771-799.
  • Lin, D., Bezemer, C. P., Zou, Y., & Hassan, A. E. (2019). An empirical study of game reviews on the Steam platform. Empirical Software Engineering, 24(1), 170-207.
  • Lynkova D. (2021, February 21) Video Game Statistics
  • Mao, W., Cui, Y., Chiu, M., & Lei, H. (2021). Effects of Game-Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59, 1682 - 1708.
  • Macgregor J. (2018, October 28), Exapunks Review,
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There are 100 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects STEM Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Şehmus Fidan 0000-0002-5249-7245

Ömer Ali Karaman 0000-0003-1640-861X

Abdullah Yıldırmaz 0000-0003-0712-7816

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date July 30, 2024
Acceptance Date December 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Fidan, Ş., Karaman, Ö. A., & Yıldırmaz, A. (2024). Examination of Educational Digital Video Games on the STEAM Game Distribution Platform. Siirt Eğitim Dergisi, 4(2), 78-104.