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Farklı Konsantrasyonlarda Hidrojen Peroksit İçeren Ofis Tipi Ağartma Ajanlarının Mine Minarel Değişimine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 839 - 844, 26.12.2022


Amaç:Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı konsantrasyonlarda hidrojen peroksit (HP) içeren ofis tipi ağartma ajanlarının mine kalsiyum (Ca) ve fosfor (P) değişimine olan etkilerini taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve enerji dağılım X-ışını spektrometrisi (EDS) kullanarak değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Yeni çekilmiş 10 adet sığır dişinin (yaklaşık 10x12 mm boyutunda) koronal kısmı elmas separe ile beş parçaya ayrıldı. Her bir parça ayrı ayrı akril bloklara gömüldü ve rastgele olarak bir gruba (n=10) dahil edildi. Kontrol grubundaki örneklere ağartma uygulanmadı, diğer gruplardaki örneklere sırasıyla % 40 HP+flor, %35 HP+Ca, %25 HP+nanohidroksi apatit (nHA), %18 HP+nHA ile ağartma yapıldı. Her gruptaki örneklerin Ca ve P seviyeleri EDS ile belirlendi. SEM kullanılarak morfolojik değişiklikler gözlemlendi. İstatistiksel analizler için One-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD testleri kullanıldı (α = .05)
Bulgular: EDS analizine göre kullanılan tüm ağartma ajanlarının mine Ca ve P seviyelerinde azalmaya sebep olduğu görüldü. Ca seviyelerinde azalmaya göre grupların sıralaması; Konrol > % 35HP+Ca ≥ % 18HP+nHA > % 25HP+nHA ≥ % 40HP+flor şeklindedir. Grupların P seviyelerinde azalmaya göre sıralaması ise; Konrol ≥ % 35HP+Ca ≥ %18 HP+nHA > %25 HP+nHA ≥ %40 HP+flor şeklindedir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın bulguları ışığında, düşük konsantrasyonda HP veya içerisine Ca eklenen yüksek konsantrasyonda HP içeren ofis tipi ticari ağartma ajanlarının uygulanması mine yüzeyinin morfolojisini ve Ca-P seviyelerini en az düzeyde değiştirmektedir.


  • 1. Moura CW, Catelan A, Zanatta RF, Cavalcanti AN, Soares LE, Martins KV, Liporoni PC. Effects of bleaching using 10% carbamide peroxide with calcium or amorphous calcium phosphate on enamel mineral content and hardness. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 2019;32(3):126-132.
  • 2. Kury M, Moura Antonialli F, LE SS, Pereira Machado Tabchoury C, Giannini M, Esteban Florez FL, Cavalli V. Effects of violet radiation and nonthermal atmospheric plasma on the mineral contents of enamel during in-office dental bleaching. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2020;31:101848.
  • 3. Haywood VB, Leech T, Heymann HO, Crumpler D, Bruggers K. Nightguard vital bleaching: effects on enamel surface texture and diffusion. Quintessence Int. 1990;21(10):801-804.
  • 4. Ernst CP, Marroquín BB, Willershausen-Zönnchen B. Effects of hydrogen peroxide-containing bleaching agents on the morphology of human enamel. Quintessence Int. 1996;27(1):53-56.
  • 5. Basting RT, Amaral FL, França FM, Flório FM. Clinical comparative study of the effectiveness of and tooth sensitivity to 10% and 20% carbamide peroxide home-use and 35% and 38% hydrogen peroxide in-office bleaching materials containing desensitizing agents. Oper Dent. 2012;37(5):464-473.
  • 6. Martin JM, de Almeida JB, Rosa EA, Soares P, Torno V, Rached RN, Mazur RF. Effect of fluoride therapies on the surface roughness of human enamel exposed to bleaching agents. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(1):71-78.
  • 7. Borges AB, Samezima LY, Fonseca LP, Yui KC, Borges AL, Torres CR. Influence of potentially remineralizing agents on bleached enamel microhardness. Oper Dent. 2009;34(5):593-597.
  • 8. Potocnik I, Kosec L, Gaspersic D. Effect of 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on enamel microhardness, microstructure, and mineral content. J Endod. 2000;26(4):203-206.
  • 9. Carlos NR, Pinto A, do Amaral F, França F, Turssi CP, Basting RT. Influence of Staining Solutions on Color Change and Enamel Surface Properties During At-home and In-office Dental Bleaching: An In Situ Study. Oper Dent. 2019;44(6):595-608.
  • 10. Orilisi G, Tosco V, Monterubbianesi R, Notarstefano V, Özcan M, Putignano A, Orsini G. ATR-FTIR, EDS and SEM evaluations of enamel structure after treatment with hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents loaded with nano-hydroxyapatite particles. PeerJ. 2021;9:e10606.
  • 11. Grazioli G, Valente LL, Isolan CP, Pinheiro HA, Duarte CG, Münchow EA. Bleaching and enamel surface interactions resulting from the use of highly-concentrated bleaching gels. Arch Oral Biol. 2018;87:157-162.
  • 12. Miranda CB, Pagani C, Benetti AR, Matuda Fda S. Evaluation of the bleached human enamel by Scanning Electron Microscopy. J Appl Oral Sci. 2005;13(2):204-211.
  • 13. Oltu U, Gürgan S. Effects of three concentrations of carbamide peroxide on the structure of enamel. J Oral Rehabil. 2000;27(4):332-340.
  • 14. Al-Salehi SK, Wood DJ, Hatton PV. The effect of 24h non-stop hydrogen peroxide concentration on bovine enamel and dentine mineral content and microhardness. J Dent. 2007;35(11):845-850.
  • 15. Cubukçu HE, Ersoy O, Aydar E, Cakir U. WDS versus silicon drift detector EDS: a case report for the comparison of quantitative chemical analyses of natural silicate minerals. Micron. 2008;39(2):88-94.
  • 16. Lee KH, Kim HI, Kim KH, Kwon YH. Mineral loss from bovine enamel by a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. J Oral Rehabil. 2006;33(3):229-233.
  • 17. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL, Jr., Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. 2003;134(10):1335-1342.
  • 18. Bevilácqua FM, Zezell DM, Magnani R, da Ana PA, Eduardo Cde P. Fluoride uptake and acid resistance of enamel irradiated with Er:YAG laser. Lasers Med Sci. 2008;23(2):141-147.
  • 19. Berger SB, Soares LES, Martin AA, Ambrosano GMB, Tabchoury CPM, Giannini M. Effects of various hydrogen peroxide bleaching concentrations and number of applications on enamel. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences. 2014;13:22-27.
  • 20. Maleknejad F, Ameri H, Kianfar I. Effect of intracoronal bleaching agents on ultrastructure and mineral content of dentin. J Conserv Dent. 2012;15(2):174-177.
  • 21. Pimenta-Dutra AC, Albuquerque RC, Morgan LS, Pereira GM, Nunes E, Horta MC, Silveira FF. Effect of bleaching agents on enamel surface of bovine teeth: A SEM study. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017;9(1):e46-e50.
  • 22. Soares AF, Bombonatti JF, Alencar MS, Consolmagno EC, Honório HM, Mondelli RF. Influence of pH, bleaching agents, and acid etching on surface wear of bovine enamel. J Appl Oral Sci. 2016;24(1):24-30.
  • 23. de Carvalho AC, de Souza TF, Liporoni PC, Pizi EC, Matuda LA, Catelan A. Effect of bleaching agents on hardness, surface roughness and color parameters of dental enamel. J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(7):e670-e675.
  • 24. McGuckin RS, Babin JF, Meyer BJ. Alterations in human enamel surface morphology following vital bleaching. J Prosthet Dent. 1992;68(5):754-760.
  • 25. Poorni S, Kumar RA, Shankar P, Indira R, Ramachandran S. Effect of 10% sodium ascorbate on the calcium: Phosphorus ratio of enamel bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide: an in vitro quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Contemp Clin Dent. 2010;1(4):223-226.
  • 26. Vieira I, Vieira-Junior WF, Pauli MC, Theobaldo JD, Aguiar FH, Lima DA, Leonardi GR. Effect of in-office bleaching gels with calcium or fluoride on color, roughness, and enamel microhardness. J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(2):e116-e122.
  • 27. Torres CR, Zanatta RF, Godoy MM, Borges AB. Influence of Bleaching Gel Peroxide Concentration on Color and Penetration through the Tooth Structure. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021;22(5):479-483.
  • 28. Chen HP, Chang CH, Liu JK, Chuang SF, Yang JY. Effect of fluoride containing bleaching agents on enamel surface properties. J Dent. 2008;36(9):718-725.
  • 29. Cavalli V, Azevedo Rodrigues LK, Paes-Leme AF, Brancalion ML, Arruda MAZ, Bittencourt Berger S, Giannini M. Effects of bleaching agents containing fluoride and calcium on human enamel. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(8):703.
  • 30. Borges AB, Guimaräes CA, Bresciani E, Ramos CJ, Borges AL, Rocha Gomes Torres C. Effect of incorporation of remineralizing agents into bleaching gels on the microhardness of bovine enamel in situ. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2014;15(2):195-201.
  • 31. Mena-Serrano AP, Parreiras SO, do Nascimento EM, Borges CP, Berger SB, Loguercio AD, Reis A. Effects of the concentration and composition of in-office bleaching gels on hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber. Oper Dent. 2015;40(2):E76-82.
  • 32. Torres C, Zanatta RF, Silva TJ, Borges AB. Effect of Calcium and Fluoride Addition to Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Gel On Tooth Diffusion, Color, and Microhardness. Oper Dent. 2019;44(4):424-432.
  • 33. Kose C, Calixto AL, Bauer JR, Reis A, Loguercio AD. Comparison of the Effects of In-office Bleaching Times on Whitening and Tooth Sensitivity: A Single Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Oper Dent. 2016;41(2):138-145.
  • 34. Llena C, Martínez-Galdón O, Forner L, Gimeno-Mallench L, Rodríguez-Lozano FJ, Gambini J. Hydrogen Peroxide Diffusion through Enamel and Dentin. Materials (Basel). 2018;11(9).
  • 35. Kwon SR, Pallavi F, Shi Y, Oyoyo U, Mohraz A, Li Y. Effect of Bleaching Gel Viscosity on Tooth Whitening Efficacy and Pulp Chamber Penetration: An In Vitro Study. Oper Dent. 2018;43(3):326-334.
Year 2022, , 839 - 844, 26.12.2022



  • 1. Moura CW, Catelan A, Zanatta RF, Cavalcanti AN, Soares LE, Martins KV, Liporoni PC. Effects of bleaching using 10% carbamide peroxide with calcium or amorphous calcium phosphate on enamel mineral content and hardness. Acta Odontol Latinoam. 2019;32(3):126-132.
  • 2. Kury M, Moura Antonialli F, LE SS, Pereira Machado Tabchoury C, Giannini M, Esteban Florez FL, Cavalli V. Effects of violet radiation and nonthermal atmospheric plasma on the mineral contents of enamel during in-office dental bleaching. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2020;31:101848.
  • 3. Haywood VB, Leech T, Heymann HO, Crumpler D, Bruggers K. Nightguard vital bleaching: effects on enamel surface texture and diffusion. Quintessence Int. 1990;21(10):801-804.
  • 4. Ernst CP, Marroquín BB, Willershausen-Zönnchen B. Effects of hydrogen peroxide-containing bleaching agents on the morphology of human enamel. Quintessence Int. 1996;27(1):53-56.
  • 5. Basting RT, Amaral FL, França FM, Flório FM. Clinical comparative study of the effectiveness of and tooth sensitivity to 10% and 20% carbamide peroxide home-use and 35% and 38% hydrogen peroxide in-office bleaching materials containing desensitizing agents. Oper Dent. 2012;37(5):464-473.
  • 6. Martin JM, de Almeida JB, Rosa EA, Soares P, Torno V, Rached RN, Mazur RF. Effect of fluoride therapies on the surface roughness of human enamel exposed to bleaching agents. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(1):71-78.
  • 7. Borges AB, Samezima LY, Fonseca LP, Yui KC, Borges AL, Torres CR. Influence of potentially remineralizing agents on bleached enamel microhardness. Oper Dent. 2009;34(5):593-597.
  • 8. Potocnik I, Kosec L, Gaspersic D. Effect of 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel on enamel microhardness, microstructure, and mineral content. J Endod. 2000;26(4):203-206.
  • 9. Carlos NR, Pinto A, do Amaral F, França F, Turssi CP, Basting RT. Influence of Staining Solutions on Color Change and Enamel Surface Properties During At-home and In-office Dental Bleaching: An In Situ Study. Oper Dent. 2019;44(6):595-608.
  • 10. Orilisi G, Tosco V, Monterubbianesi R, Notarstefano V, Özcan M, Putignano A, Orsini G. ATR-FTIR, EDS and SEM evaluations of enamel structure after treatment with hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents loaded with nano-hydroxyapatite particles. PeerJ. 2021;9:e10606.
  • 11. Grazioli G, Valente LL, Isolan CP, Pinheiro HA, Duarte CG, Münchow EA. Bleaching and enamel surface interactions resulting from the use of highly-concentrated bleaching gels. Arch Oral Biol. 2018;87:157-162.
  • 12. Miranda CB, Pagani C, Benetti AR, Matuda Fda S. Evaluation of the bleached human enamel by Scanning Electron Microscopy. J Appl Oral Sci. 2005;13(2):204-211.
  • 13. Oltu U, Gürgan S. Effects of three concentrations of carbamide peroxide on the structure of enamel. J Oral Rehabil. 2000;27(4):332-340.
  • 14. Al-Salehi SK, Wood DJ, Hatton PV. The effect of 24h non-stop hydrogen peroxide concentration on bovine enamel and dentine mineral content and microhardness. J Dent. 2007;35(11):845-850.
  • 15. Cubukçu HE, Ersoy O, Aydar E, Cakir U. WDS versus silicon drift detector EDS: a case report for the comparison of quantitative chemical analyses of natural silicate minerals. Micron. 2008;39(2):88-94.
  • 16. Lee KH, Kim HI, Kim KH, Kwon YH. Mineral loss from bovine enamel by a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. J Oral Rehabil. 2006;33(3):229-233.
  • 17. Basting RT, Rodrigues AL, Jr., Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J Am Dent Assoc. 2003;134(10):1335-1342.
  • 18. Bevilácqua FM, Zezell DM, Magnani R, da Ana PA, Eduardo Cde P. Fluoride uptake and acid resistance of enamel irradiated with Er:YAG laser. Lasers Med Sci. 2008;23(2):141-147.
  • 19. Berger SB, Soares LES, Martin AA, Ambrosano GMB, Tabchoury CPM, Giannini M. Effects of various hydrogen peroxide bleaching concentrations and number of applications on enamel. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences. 2014;13:22-27.
  • 20. Maleknejad F, Ameri H, Kianfar I. Effect of intracoronal bleaching agents on ultrastructure and mineral content of dentin. J Conserv Dent. 2012;15(2):174-177.
  • 21. Pimenta-Dutra AC, Albuquerque RC, Morgan LS, Pereira GM, Nunes E, Horta MC, Silveira FF. Effect of bleaching agents on enamel surface of bovine teeth: A SEM study. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017;9(1):e46-e50.
  • 22. Soares AF, Bombonatti JF, Alencar MS, Consolmagno EC, Honório HM, Mondelli RF. Influence of pH, bleaching agents, and acid etching on surface wear of bovine enamel. J Appl Oral Sci. 2016;24(1):24-30.
  • 23. de Carvalho AC, de Souza TF, Liporoni PC, Pizi EC, Matuda LA, Catelan A. Effect of bleaching agents on hardness, surface roughness and color parameters of dental enamel. J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(7):e670-e675.
  • 24. McGuckin RS, Babin JF, Meyer BJ. Alterations in human enamel surface morphology following vital bleaching. J Prosthet Dent. 1992;68(5):754-760.
  • 25. Poorni S, Kumar RA, Shankar P, Indira R, Ramachandran S. Effect of 10% sodium ascorbate on the calcium: Phosphorus ratio of enamel bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide: an in vitro quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Contemp Clin Dent. 2010;1(4):223-226.
  • 26. Vieira I, Vieira-Junior WF, Pauli MC, Theobaldo JD, Aguiar FH, Lima DA, Leonardi GR. Effect of in-office bleaching gels with calcium or fluoride on color, roughness, and enamel microhardness. J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(2):e116-e122.
  • 27. Torres CR, Zanatta RF, Godoy MM, Borges AB. Influence of Bleaching Gel Peroxide Concentration on Color and Penetration through the Tooth Structure. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2021;22(5):479-483.
  • 28. Chen HP, Chang CH, Liu JK, Chuang SF, Yang JY. Effect of fluoride containing bleaching agents on enamel surface properties. J Dent. 2008;36(9):718-725.
  • 29. Cavalli V, Azevedo Rodrigues LK, Paes-Leme AF, Brancalion ML, Arruda MAZ, Bittencourt Berger S, Giannini M. Effects of bleaching agents containing fluoride and calcium on human enamel. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(8):703.
  • 30. Borges AB, Guimaräes CA, Bresciani E, Ramos CJ, Borges AL, Rocha Gomes Torres C. Effect of incorporation of remineralizing agents into bleaching gels on the microhardness of bovine enamel in situ. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2014;15(2):195-201.
  • 31. Mena-Serrano AP, Parreiras SO, do Nascimento EM, Borges CP, Berger SB, Loguercio AD, Reis A. Effects of the concentration and composition of in-office bleaching gels on hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber. Oper Dent. 2015;40(2):E76-82.
  • 32. Torres C, Zanatta RF, Silva TJ, Borges AB. Effect of Calcium and Fluoride Addition to Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Gel On Tooth Diffusion, Color, and Microhardness. Oper Dent. 2019;44(4):424-432.
  • 33. Kose C, Calixto AL, Bauer JR, Reis A, Loguercio AD. Comparison of the Effects of In-office Bleaching Times on Whitening and Tooth Sensitivity: A Single Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Oper Dent. 2016;41(2):138-145.
  • 34. Llena C, Martínez-Galdón O, Forner L, Gimeno-Mallench L, Rodríguez-Lozano FJ, Gambini J. Hydrogen Peroxide Diffusion through Enamel and Dentin. Materials (Basel). 2018;11(9).
  • 35. Kwon SR, Pallavi F, Shi Y, Oyoyo U, Mohraz A, Li Y. Effect of Bleaching Gel Viscosity on Tooth Whitening Efficacy and Pulp Chamber Penetration: An In Vitro Study. Oper Dent. 2018;43(3):326-334.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Hanife Altınışık 0000-0001-7430-4750

Publication Date December 26, 2022
Submission Date April 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Altınışık H. Farklı Konsantrasyonlarda Hidrojen Peroksit İçeren Ofis Tipi Ağartma Ajanlarının Mine Minarel Değişimine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi. Selcuk Dent J. 2022;9(3):839-44.