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Farklı eğe sistemlerinin kök kanallarından kalsiyum hidroksiti uzaklaştırmadaki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2015, , 122 - 129, 01.12.2015


Amaç: Tek köklü dişlerden farklı eğe sistemlerini kullanarak
kanal içi ilaç olan kalsiyum hidroksit’in (KH)
uzaklaştırılmasının değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada 30 adet tek köklü
çekilmiş insan dişi kullanıldı. Kök kanalları ProTaper F4
eğesine kadar genişletildi. KH patı kök kanallarına çalışma
uzunluklarında yerleştirildi. Köklerin koronal kısımlarına
pamuk pelet ve geçici bir dolgu maddesi konularak
kapatıldı. Daha sonra dişler distile su içinde 37oC’de 7 gün
boyunca bekletildi. Sonrasında geçici dolgular kaldırıldı.
Kök kanallarındaki KH’ın uzaklaştırılmasında kullanılan
yönteme göre örnekler rastgele dört deney grubu
(ProTaper Universal F4, ProTaper Next X4, Reciproc 40,
WaveOne Large) ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 5
gruba (n=12) ayrıldı. Kökler bukko-lingual olarak ikiye
ayrıldı ve kanal içerisinde kalan artık KH miktarı x 15
büyütmede stereomikroskop altında değerlendirildi. Veriler
SPSS programında Cronbach alpha yöntemi ile istatistiksel
olarak değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: KH’in kök kanallarından tamamen
uzaklaştırılamadığı görüldü. Reciproc eğe sistemi ile
istatistiksel olarak diğer gruplardan daha fazla KH’i
uzaklaştırıldığı belirlendi (P < 0.05). Kontrol grubunda diğer
gruplardan daha az KH uzaklaştırılmasına rağmen ProTaper
Universal, ProTaper Next ve WaveOne eğe sistemleriyle
aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark görülmedi
(P > 0.05).
Sonuç: Reciproc eğe sisteminin NaOCl ile birlikte kullanımı
kök kanallarından KH’i uzaklaştırmada yalnızca NaOCl
kullanımından veya ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next ve
WaveOne eğe sistemlerinden daha etkili olduğu
görülmüştür. Ancak, kullanılan tekniklerin hiçbiri kök
kanallarından KH’i tamamen uzaklaştıramamaktadır.


  • Amaral P, Forner L, Llena C, 2013. Smear layer removal in canals shaped with reciprocating rotary systems. J Clin Exp Dent, 5, 227-30.
  • Athanassiadis B, Abbott PV, Walsh LJ, 2007. The use of calcium hydroxide, antibiotics and biocides as antimicrobial medicaments in endodontics. Aust Dent J, 52, 64–82.
  • Ayna B, Ayna E, Celenk S, 2010. Endodontic and prosthetic treatment of teeth with periapical lesions in a 16 year-old-girl. J Appl Oral Sci, 18, 201-6.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC, 2010. A comparison of two techniques fort he removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int End J, 43, 763-8.
  • Barbizam JV, Trope M, Teixeira EC, Tanumaru- Filho M, Teixeira FB, 2008. Effect of calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing on the bond strength of a resin-based endodontic sealer. Brazilian Dental J, 19, 224-7.
  • Baumgartner JC, Mader CL, 1987. A scanning electronic microscopic evaluation of four root canal irrigation regimens. J Endod, 13, 147-57.
  • Bürklein S, Hinschitza K, Dammaschke T, Schafer E, 2012. Shaping ability and cleaning effectiveness of two single-file systems in severely curved root canals of extracted teeth: Resiproc and WaveOne versus Mtwo and ProTaper. Int Endod J, 45, 449-461.
  • Bystrom A, Sundqvist G, 1981. Bacteriologic evaluation of the efficacy of mechanical rootcanal instrumentation in endodontic therapy. Scand J Dent Res, 89, 321–8.
  • Bystrom A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G, 1985. The antibacterial effect of camphorated paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Endod Dent Traumatol, 1, 170–5.
  • Calıskan MK, Turkun M, Turkun LS, 1988. Effect of calcium hydroxide as an intracanal dressing on apical leakage. Int Endod J, 31, 173-7.
  • Calt S, Serper A, 1999. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod, 25, 431-3.

Evaluation of different file systems on the removal of calcium hydroxide paste from the root canals

Year 2015, , 122 - 129, 01.12.2015


Background: To evaluate the efficacy of different file systems on the removal of calcium hydroxide paste from single rooted teeth.Methods: Thirty single rooted teeth were used. The root canals were shaped with ProTaper Universal F4 files. Calcium hydroxide paste was placed into each root canals, and packed to the working length. Then cotton pellets were placed over the canal orifices and coronal parts of the roots were sealed with cavit. Specimens were stored in distilled water for 7 days at 37oC. After 7 days the temporary coronal seal was removed and the samples were randomly divided into four experimental groups (ProTaper Universal F4, ProTaper Next X4, Wave One Large, Resiproc 40) (n=12) and a control group (only irrigated with NaOCl) (n=12) according to the method used for calcium hydroxide paste removal.The roots were split longitudinally into halves (60 specimens) and the both canals examined using a stereomicroscope. The amount of remaining calcium hydroxide paste in the canal walls were measured under a stereomicroscope at ×15 magnification. The data were statistically analysed using Cronbach’s alpha tests at a significance level of p 0.05).Conclusion: Reciproc instrumentation technique with NaOCI were more effective in removing Ca(OH)2 from canals than only NaOCI irrigation and Wave One, ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next instrumentation tecniques. But none of used file systems completely to remove Ca(OH)2 paste from root canals.


  • Amaral P, Forner L, Llena C, 2013. Smear layer removal in canals shaped with reciprocating rotary systems. J Clin Exp Dent, 5, 227-30.
  • Athanassiadis B, Abbott PV, Walsh LJ, 2007. The use of calcium hydroxide, antibiotics and biocides as antimicrobial medicaments in endodontics. Aust Dent J, 52, 64–82.
  • Ayna B, Ayna E, Celenk S, 2010. Endodontic and prosthetic treatment of teeth with periapical lesions in a 16 year-old-girl. J Appl Oral Sci, 18, 201-6.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC, 2010. A comparison of two techniques fort he removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int End J, 43, 763-8.
  • Barbizam JV, Trope M, Teixeira EC, Tanumaru- Filho M, Teixeira FB, 2008. Effect of calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing on the bond strength of a resin-based endodontic sealer. Brazilian Dental J, 19, 224-7.
  • Baumgartner JC, Mader CL, 1987. A scanning electronic microscopic evaluation of four root canal irrigation regimens. J Endod, 13, 147-57.
  • Bürklein S, Hinschitza K, Dammaschke T, Schafer E, 2012. Shaping ability and cleaning effectiveness of two single-file systems in severely curved root canals of extracted teeth: Resiproc and WaveOne versus Mtwo and ProTaper. Int Endod J, 45, 449-461.
  • Bystrom A, Sundqvist G, 1981. Bacteriologic evaluation of the efficacy of mechanical rootcanal instrumentation in endodontic therapy. Scand J Dent Res, 89, 321–8.
  • Bystrom A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G, 1985. The antibacterial effect of camphorated paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Endod Dent Traumatol, 1, 170–5.
  • Calıskan MK, Turkun M, Turkun LS, 1988. Effect of calcium hydroxide as an intracanal dressing on apical leakage. Int Endod J, 31, 173-7.
  • Calt S, Serper A, 1999. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod, 25, 431-3.
There are 11 citations in total.


Other ID JA36FN84AG
Journal Section Research

Selen İnce Yusufoğlu This is me

Mine Özçelik This is me

Hale Arı Aydınbelge This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Submission Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


Vancouver İnce Yusufoğlu S, Özçelik M, Arı Aydınbelge H. Farklı eğe sistemlerinin kök kanallarından kalsiyum hidroksiti uzaklaştırmadaki etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Selcuk Dent J. 2015;2(3):122-9.