Research Article
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Year 2017, , 77 - 83, 28.07.2017


The aim of the clinical study was to evaluate the width of keratinized tissue and
periodontal parameters after free gingival graft procedure in implant supported
prosthesis area and comparisons of the contralateral implant supported prosthesis
area without keratinized tissue.

15 patients with missing keratinized tissue in peri‑implant area participated
in this randomized split mouth controlled study. Group I (test group) consisted
of 15 patients receiving 15 free gingival grafts after implant‑supported
prostheses. Group II (control group) consisted of the contralateral
implant supported dentures of the same
patients. Gingival
recession depth (RD), keratinized tissue width (KTW), probing depth (PD),
clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival thickness (GT) were evaluated at
baseline and after 12 months.

Results: Both
groups showed absence of signs and symptoms of peri‑implant disease. The amount
of keratinized tissue significantly increased 6 months after surgery in test
groups. KTW and GT were increased in test groups from baseline to 6 months
(p<0.001). PI and GI scores were found higher in control groups. In
postoperative sixth month RD, PD and CAL were similar in the both group. In
postoperative sixth month, KTW and GT was better in test group (p<0.001).
RD, PD and CAL were similar in the both group.

Conclusions: The
free gingival graft is an effective approach to increase the width of
keratinized tissue of implant‑supported prosthesis. Lack of the peri implant
keratinized tissue plays a critical role in the accumulation of bacterial
plaque around the dental implants, this situation may increased risk of peri
implant diseases.

Keywords: Dental Implant, Gingival Recessions, Free Gingival Graft


  • Agudio G, Nieri M, Rotundo R, Cortellini P, Pini Prato G, 2008. Free gingival grafts to increase keratinized tissue: a retrospective long-term evaluation (10 to 25 years) of outcomes. Journal of periodontology, 79, 4, 587-94.
  • Baltacioglu E, Bagis B, Korkmaz FM, Aydin G, Yuva P, Korkmaz YT, 2015. Peri-Implant Plastic Surgical Approaches to Increasing Keratinized Mucosa Width. The Journal of oral implantology, 41, 3, e73-81.
  • Batal H, Yavari A, Mehra P, 2015. Soft tissue surgery for implants. Dental clinics of North America, 59, 2, 471-91.
  • Bengazi F, Lang NP, Caroprese M, Urbizo Velez J, Favero V, Botticelli D, 2015. Dimensional changes in soft tissues around dental implants following free gingival grafting: an experimental study in dogs. Clinical oral implants research, 26, 2, 176-82.
  • Bengazi F, Wennstrom JL, Lekholm U, 1996. Recession of the soft tissue margin at oral implants. A 2-year longitudinal prospective study. Clinical oral implants research, 7, 4, 303-10.
  • Bouri A, Jr., Bissada N, Al-Zahrani MS, Faddoul F, Nouneh I, 2008. Width of keratinized gingiva and the health status of the supporting tissues around dental implants. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 23, 2, 323-6.
  • Boynuegri D, Nemli SK, Kasko YA, 2013. Significance of keratinized mucosa around dental implants: a prospective comparative study. Clinical oral implants research, 24, 8, 928-33.
  • Chung DM, Oh TJ, Shotwell JL, Misch CE, Wang HL, 2006. Significance of keratinized mucosa in maintenance of dental implants with different surfaces. Journal of periodontology, 77, 8, 1410-20.
  • Ericsson I, Lindhe J, 1993. Probing depth at implants and teeth. An experimental study in the dog. Journal of clinical periodontology, 20, 9, 623-7.
  • Gobbato L, Avila-Ortiz G, Sohrabi K, Wang CW, Karimbux N, 2013. The effect of keratinized mucosa width on peri-implant health: a systematic review. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 28, 6, 1536-45.
  • Hassani A, Sadrimanesh R, Vahdati SA, Sadr-eshkevari P, 2010. Free gingival graft immobilization: a pilot study on a newly designed stent. The Journal of oral implantology, 36, 2, 123-30.
  • Kim BS, Kim YK, Yun PY, Yi YJ, Lee HJ, Kim SG, Son JS, 2009. Evaluation of peri-implant tissue response according to the presence of keratinized mucosa. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics, 107, 3, e24-8.
  • Lin GH, Chan HL, Wang HL, 2013. The significance of keratinized mucosa on implant health: a systematic review. Journal of periodontology, 84, 12, 1755-67.
  • Metin M, Dolanmaz D, Alkan A, 2003. Evaluation of autogenous grafts used in vestibuloplasty. J Int Med Res, 31, 4, 335-9.
  • Palacci P, Nowzari H, 2008. Soft tissue enhancement around dental implants. Periodontol 2000, 47, 113-32.
  • Park JC, Yang KB, Choi Y, Kim YT, Jung UW, Kim CS, Cho KS, Chai JK, Kim CK, Choi SH, 2010. A simple approach to preserve keratinized mucosa around implants using a pre-fabricated implant-retained stent: a report of two cases. Journal of periodontal & implant science, 40, 4, 194-200.
  • Prato GP, Cairo F, Tinti C, Cortellini P, Muzzi L, Mancini EA, 2004. Prevention of alveolar ridge deformities and reconstruction of lost anatomy: a review of surgical approaches. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 24, 5, 434-45.
  • Schneider D, Grunder U, Ender A, Hammerle CH, Jung RE, 2011. Volume gain and stability of peri-implant tissue following bone and soft tissue augmentation: 1-year results from a prospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research, 22, 1, 28-37.
  • Prato GP, Cairo F, Tinti C, Cortellini P, Muzzi L, Mancini EA, 2004. Prevention of alveolar ridge deformities and reconstruction of lost anatomy: a review of surgical approaches. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 24, 5, 434-45.
  • Schneider D, Grunder U, Ender A, Hammerle CH, Jung RE, 2011. Volume gain and stability of peri-implant tissue following bone and soft tissue augmentation: 1-year results from a prospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research, 22, 1, 28-37.
  • Schrott AR, Jimenez M, Hwang JW, Fiorellini J, Weber HP, 2009. Five-year evaluation of the influence of keratinized mucosa on peri-implant soft-tissue health and stability around implants supporting full-arch mandibular fixed prostheses. Clinical oral implants research, 20, 10, 1170-7.
  • Sezer B, Selcuk E, Erturk S, Gomel M, 2004. Comparison of autogenous mucosal grafts and collagen-based, solvent-preserved allografts for vestibuloplasty. Quintessence international, 35, 3, 234-9.
  • Sohn JY, Park JC, Cho KS, Kim CS, 2014. Simultaneous placement of an interpositional free gingival graft with nonsubmerged implant placement. Journal of periodontal & implant science, 44, 2, 94-9.
  • Speroni S, Cicciu M, Maridati P, Grossi GB, Maiorana C, 2010. Clinical investigation of mucosal thickness stability after soft tissue grafting around implants: a 3-year retrospective study. Indian J Dent Res, 21, 4, 474-9.
  • Thoma DS, Buranawat B, Hammerle CH, Held U, Jung RE, 2014. Efficacy of soft tissue augmentation around dental implants and in partially edentulous areas: a systematic review. Journal of clinical periodontology, 41 Suppl 15, S77-91.
  • Ueda M, Hata KI, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Niimi A, 1998. Peri-implant soft tissue management through use of cultured mucosal epithelium. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics, 86, 4, 393-400.
  • Wennstrom JL, Bengazi F, Lekholm U, 1994. The influence of the masticatory mucosa on the peri-implant soft tissue condition. Clinical oral implants research, 5, 1, 1-8.
  • Wennstrom JL, Derks J, 2012. Is there a need for keratinized mucosa around implants to maintain health and tissue stability? Clinical oral implants research, 23 Suppl 6, 136-46.


Year 2017, , 77 - 83, 28.07.2017


Amaç: Keratinize doku, sağlıklı peri-implant mukozanın idamesi için önemlidir. Bu klinik çalışmanın amacı, yapışık keratinize dişeti olmayan implant destekli protez bölgesine serbest dişeti grefti prosedürünün ardından keratinize doku genişliğinin, periodontal parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi ve keratinize doku olmayan kontrlaterel implant destekli protez alanındaki klinik parametreler ile karşılaştırılmasıdır. 

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu randomize kontrollü çalışmaya simetrik bölgelere yapılmış peri-implant alanında keratinize doku eksikliği bulunan 15 hasta katıldı. Grup I (test grubu), implant destekli protezlerden sonra implant bölgelerinden birine serbest dişeti grefti yapılan 15 hastadan oluşmaktaydı. Grup II (kontrol grubu), aynı hastaların müdahale yapılmamış kontrlateral implant destekli protezlerinden oluşuyordu. Her iki grupta dişeti çekilmesi miktarı (RD), keratinize doku genişliği (KTW), sondalama cep derinliği (PD), klinik ataçman düzeyi (CAL) ve gingival kalınlık (GT) başlangıçta ve 12 ay sonra değerlendirildi ve karşılaştırıldı.

Bulgular: Her iki grupta da
peri-implant hastalığının belirtileri yoktu. Test gruplarında ameliyattan 6 ay
sonra keratinize doku miktarı belirgin olarak arttı. KTW ve GT test gruplarında
başlangıçtan 6 aya yükseldi (p <0.001). PI ve GI skorları kontrol
gruplarında daha yüksek bulundu. Ameliyat sonrası altıncı ayında RD, PD ve CAL
her iki grupta da benzerdi. Postoperatif altıncı ayda, KTW ve GT test grubunda
daha iyi idi (p <0.001). RD, PD ve CAL her iki grupta benzerdi.

Sonuç: Serbest dişeti grefti
proseduru peri-implant bölgede keratinize doku oluşturmak için en güvenilir
yöntemdir. Keratinize doku eksikliği  peri-implant bölgede plak birikimine neden
olmaktadır, bu durum peri-implant  hastalıkların oluşması için risk teşkil


 Dental implant, Dişeti çekilmesi, Serbest
dişeti grefti


  • Agudio G, Nieri M, Rotundo R, Cortellini P, Pini Prato G, 2008. Free gingival grafts to increase keratinized tissue: a retrospective long-term evaluation (10 to 25 years) of outcomes. Journal of periodontology, 79, 4, 587-94.
  • Baltacioglu E, Bagis B, Korkmaz FM, Aydin G, Yuva P, Korkmaz YT, 2015. Peri-Implant Plastic Surgical Approaches to Increasing Keratinized Mucosa Width. The Journal of oral implantology, 41, 3, e73-81.
  • Batal H, Yavari A, Mehra P, 2015. Soft tissue surgery for implants. Dental clinics of North America, 59, 2, 471-91.
  • Bengazi F, Lang NP, Caroprese M, Urbizo Velez J, Favero V, Botticelli D, 2015. Dimensional changes in soft tissues around dental implants following free gingival grafting: an experimental study in dogs. Clinical oral implants research, 26, 2, 176-82.
  • Bengazi F, Wennstrom JL, Lekholm U, 1996. Recession of the soft tissue margin at oral implants. A 2-year longitudinal prospective study. Clinical oral implants research, 7, 4, 303-10.
  • Bouri A, Jr., Bissada N, Al-Zahrani MS, Faddoul F, Nouneh I, 2008. Width of keratinized gingiva and the health status of the supporting tissues around dental implants. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 23, 2, 323-6.
  • Boynuegri D, Nemli SK, Kasko YA, 2013. Significance of keratinized mucosa around dental implants: a prospective comparative study. Clinical oral implants research, 24, 8, 928-33.
  • Chung DM, Oh TJ, Shotwell JL, Misch CE, Wang HL, 2006. Significance of keratinized mucosa in maintenance of dental implants with different surfaces. Journal of periodontology, 77, 8, 1410-20.
  • Ericsson I, Lindhe J, 1993. Probing depth at implants and teeth. An experimental study in the dog. Journal of clinical periodontology, 20, 9, 623-7.
  • Gobbato L, Avila-Ortiz G, Sohrabi K, Wang CW, Karimbux N, 2013. The effect of keratinized mucosa width on peri-implant health: a systematic review. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 28, 6, 1536-45.
  • Hassani A, Sadrimanesh R, Vahdati SA, Sadr-eshkevari P, 2010. Free gingival graft immobilization: a pilot study on a newly designed stent. The Journal of oral implantology, 36, 2, 123-30.
  • Kim BS, Kim YK, Yun PY, Yi YJ, Lee HJ, Kim SG, Son JS, 2009. Evaluation of peri-implant tissue response according to the presence of keratinized mucosa. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics, 107, 3, e24-8.
  • Lin GH, Chan HL, Wang HL, 2013. The significance of keratinized mucosa on implant health: a systematic review. Journal of periodontology, 84, 12, 1755-67.
  • Metin M, Dolanmaz D, Alkan A, 2003. Evaluation of autogenous grafts used in vestibuloplasty. J Int Med Res, 31, 4, 335-9.
  • Palacci P, Nowzari H, 2008. Soft tissue enhancement around dental implants. Periodontol 2000, 47, 113-32.
  • Park JC, Yang KB, Choi Y, Kim YT, Jung UW, Kim CS, Cho KS, Chai JK, Kim CK, Choi SH, 2010. A simple approach to preserve keratinized mucosa around implants using a pre-fabricated implant-retained stent: a report of two cases. Journal of periodontal & implant science, 40, 4, 194-200.
  • Prato GP, Cairo F, Tinti C, Cortellini P, Muzzi L, Mancini EA, 2004. Prevention of alveolar ridge deformities and reconstruction of lost anatomy: a review of surgical approaches. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 24, 5, 434-45.
  • Schneider D, Grunder U, Ender A, Hammerle CH, Jung RE, 2011. Volume gain and stability of peri-implant tissue following bone and soft tissue augmentation: 1-year results from a prospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research, 22, 1, 28-37.
  • Prato GP, Cairo F, Tinti C, Cortellini P, Muzzi L, Mancini EA, 2004. Prevention of alveolar ridge deformities and reconstruction of lost anatomy: a review of surgical approaches. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 24, 5, 434-45.
  • Schneider D, Grunder U, Ender A, Hammerle CH, Jung RE, 2011. Volume gain and stability of peri-implant tissue following bone and soft tissue augmentation: 1-year results from a prospective cohort study. Clinical oral implants research, 22, 1, 28-37.
  • Schrott AR, Jimenez M, Hwang JW, Fiorellini J, Weber HP, 2009. Five-year evaluation of the influence of keratinized mucosa on peri-implant soft-tissue health and stability around implants supporting full-arch mandibular fixed prostheses. Clinical oral implants research, 20, 10, 1170-7.
  • Sezer B, Selcuk E, Erturk S, Gomel M, 2004. Comparison of autogenous mucosal grafts and collagen-based, solvent-preserved allografts for vestibuloplasty. Quintessence international, 35, 3, 234-9.
  • Sohn JY, Park JC, Cho KS, Kim CS, 2014. Simultaneous placement of an interpositional free gingival graft with nonsubmerged implant placement. Journal of periodontal & implant science, 44, 2, 94-9.
  • Speroni S, Cicciu M, Maridati P, Grossi GB, Maiorana C, 2010. Clinical investigation of mucosal thickness stability after soft tissue grafting around implants: a 3-year retrospective study. Indian J Dent Res, 21, 4, 474-9.
  • Thoma DS, Buranawat B, Hammerle CH, Held U, Jung RE, 2014. Efficacy of soft tissue augmentation around dental implants and in partially edentulous areas: a systematic review. Journal of clinical periodontology, 41 Suppl 15, S77-91.
  • Ueda M, Hata KI, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Niimi A, 1998. Peri-implant soft tissue management through use of cultured mucosal epithelium. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics, 86, 4, 393-400.
  • Wennstrom JL, Bengazi F, Lekholm U, 1994. The influence of the masticatory mucosa on the peri-implant soft tissue condition. Clinical oral implants research, 5, 1, 1-8.
  • Wennstrom JL, Derks J, 2012. Is there a need for keratinized mucosa around implants to maintain health and tissue stability? Clinical oral implants research, 23 Suppl 6, 136-46.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research


Publication Date July 28, 2017
Submission Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017
