Case Report
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Monostotik Mandibular Fibröz Displazi: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2019, , 57 - 60, 01.04.2019


displazi sıklıkla çocuk yaşlarda ve ergenlerde görülen; kemiğin gelişimsel,
yavaş büyüyen, fibroosseöz benign bir lezyonudur. Fibröz displazi bir ya da
birden çok kemiği etkiliyebilir.  Fibröz
displazi klinik olarak ikiye ayrılır ve bunlar monostotik ve poliostotik fibröz
displazi olarak adlandırılırlar. Radyografik görüntüsünde, displazik lezyon
içindeki artan kemik oluşumunda birlikte 'buzlu cam' veya 'portakal kabuğu'
görüntüsünü andırmaktadır. Bu olgu sunumunda klinik, radyografik ve
histopatolojik incelemelerle tanısı koyulmuş fibröz displazi olgusu sunulmuştur.


  • 1. Mladina R, Manojlovic S, Glavas DM, Heinrich Z. Isolated unilateral fibrous dysplasia of the sphenoid sinus. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1999;108(12):1181-4.
  • 2. Selçuk Ü, Muğlalı M, Çelenk P, Canger M, Günhan Ö. Monostatik fibröz displazi: Olgu sunumu. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 2013;30, 91-93.
  • 3. Lee JS, FitzGibbon EJ, Chen YR, Kim HJ, Lustig LR, Akintoye SO, et al. Clinical guidelines for the management of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2012;7,1-2.
  • 4. Sontakke SA, Karjodkar FR, Umarji HR. Computed tomographic features of fibrous dysplasia of maxillofacial region. Imaging Sci Dent 2011;41,23-28.
  • 5. Bequignon E, Cardinne C, Lachiver X, Wagner I, Chabolle F, Baujat B. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia surgery: a functional approach. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis 2013;130,215-220.
  • 6. Menon S, Venkatswamy S, Ramu V, Banu K, Ehtaih S, Kashyap VM. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: Surgery and literature review. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2013;3,66-71.
  • 7. MacDonald-Jankowski DS, Yeung R, Li TK, Lee KM. Computed tomography of fibrous dysplasia. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33(2):114–8.
  • 8. Ricalde P, Horswell BB. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia of the fronto-orbital region: a case series and literature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;59(2):157–6
  • 9. Rahman AM, Madge SN, Billing K, Anderson PJ, Leibovitch I, Selva D, et al. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: clinical characteristics and longterm outcomes. Eye (Lond) 2009;23,2175-2181.
  • 10. Lustig LR, Holliday MJ, McCarthy EF, Nager GT. Fibrous dysplasia involving the skull base and temporal bone. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001;127,1239-1247.
  • 11. Singer SR, Mupparapu M, Rinaggio J. Clinical and radiographic features of chronic monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the mandible. J Can Dent Assoc 2004;70:548-52.
  • 12. Feller L, Wood NH, Khammissa RA, Lemmer J, Raubenheimer EJ. The nature of fibrous dysplasia. Head Face Med 2009;5:22.
  • 13. Atalar M, Ozum U. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the clivus: imaging findings. Turkish Neurosurgery 2010;20:77-81.
  • 14. Pruksakorn P, Shuangshoti S, Siwanuwatn R, Lerdlum S, Sunthornyothin S, Snabboon T. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Intern Med 2010;49,24950.
  • 15. Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ. Oral Pathology. Clinical pathologic correlations 3rd edn. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1999;360–3.
Year 2019, , 57 - 60, 01.04.2019



  • 1. Mladina R, Manojlovic S, Glavas DM, Heinrich Z. Isolated unilateral fibrous dysplasia of the sphenoid sinus. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1999;108(12):1181-4.
  • 2. Selçuk Ü, Muğlalı M, Çelenk P, Canger M, Günhan Ö. Monostatik fibröz displazi: Olgu sunumu. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 2013;30, 91-93.
  • 3. Lee JS, FitzGibbon EJ, Chen YR, Kim HJ, Lustig LR, Akintoye SO, et al. Clinical guidelines for the management of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2012;7,1-2.
  • 4. Sontakke SA, Karjodkar FR, Umarji HR. Computed tomographic features of fibrous dysplasia of maxillofacial region. Imaging Sci Dent 2011;41,23-28.
  • 5. Bequignon E, Cardinne C, Lachiver X, Wagner I, Chabolle F, Baujat B. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia surgery: a functional approach. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis 2013;130,215-220.
  • 6. Menon S, Venkatswamy S, Ramu V, Banu K, Ehtaih S, Kashyap VM. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: Surgery and literature review. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2013;3,66-71.
  • 7. MacDonald-Jankowski DS, Yeung R, Li TK, Lee KM. Computed tomography of fibrous dysplasia. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2004;33(2):114–8.
  • 8. Ricalde P, Horswell BB. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia of the fronto-orbital region: a case series and literature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;59(2):157–6
  • 9. Rahman AM, Madge SN, Billing K, Anderson PJ, Leibovitch I, Selva D, et al. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: clinical characteristics and longterm outcomes. Eye (Lond) 2009;23,2175-2181.
  • 10. Lustig LR, Holliday MJ, McCarthy EF, Nager GT. Fibrous dysplasia involving the skull base and temporal bone. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001;127,1239-1247.
  • 11. Singer SR, Mupparapu M, Rinaggio J. Clinical and radiographic features of chronic monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the mandible. J Can Dent Assoc 2004;70:548-52.
  • 12. Feller L, Wood NH, Khammissa RA, Lemmer J, Raubenheimer EJ. The nature of fibrous dysplasia. Head Face Med 2009;5:22.
  • 13. Atalar M, Ozum U. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the clivus: imaging findings. Turkish Neurosurgery 2010;20:77-81.
  • 14. Pruksakorn P, Shuangshoti S, Siwanuwatn R, Lerdlum S, Sunthornyothin S, Snabboon T. Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Intern Med 2010;49,24950.
  • 15. Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ. Oral Pathology. Clinical pathologic correlations 3rd edn. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1999;360–3.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Report

Ahmet Taylan Çebi

Kadri İla This is me

Nihat Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date November 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Çebi AT, İla K, Yılmaz N. Monostotik Mandibular Fibröz Displazi: Olgu Sunumu. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(1):57-60.