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Yaşlanmayla birlikte ağız ve çevresindeki dokularda gözlenen yapısal ve fonksiyonel değişiklikler

Year 2019, , 239 - 246, 01.08.2019


Yaşlanmanın organizma üzerindeki majör etkileri arasında, ağız boşluğunda ve dolayısıyla onu çevreleyen dokularda meydana gelen değişiklikler önemli bir yer tutar. Bu yapısal değişikliklere bağlı olarak gelişen ağız, diş ve dişeti hastalıkları yaşlanmanın doğal bir sonucu değildir. Yaşlanmayla oluşan değişikliklerle hastalık durumunda görülen değişiklikler arasındaki fark her zaman net olmadığından bu iki durum arasındaki sınırı belirlemek çoğu zaman mümkün değildir. Bu nedenle yaşlanma süreci nedeniyle doku ve organlarda ortaya çıkan değişiklerin ilgili doku ve organlardaki hastalıkların doğru tanısı ve tedavisi için bilinmesi önemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı yaşlanma süreciyle birlikte dişler, periodonsiyum, dişleri çevreleyen kemik, ağız mukozası, çiğneme kasları, tükürük bezleri ve çene ekleminde meydana gelen yapısal ve fonksiyonel değişikliklerle ilgili bilgi vermektir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:Yaşlanma, dişler, tükürük bezleri, oral mukoza


  • 1. Nazlıel HÇ. Yaşlıda Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 1999:2(1);14-21.
  • 2. Uzun H, Nazlıel HÇ. Yaşlıda Medikal ve Dental Hikâye ile Ekstraoral, İntraoral ve Dental Muayene Bulguları. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2000; 3(1):15-21.
  • 3. Razak PA, Richard KM, Thankachan RP, Hafiz KA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric Oral Health: A Review Article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(6):110-6.
  • 4. Mckenna G, Burke FM. Age-related oral changes. Dent Update. 2010;37(8):519-23.
  • 5. Carvalho TS, Lussi A. Age-related morphological, histological and functional changes in teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44(4):291-298. doi: 10.1111/joor.12474.
  • 6. Murray PE, Stanley HR, Matthews JB, Sloan AJ, Smith AJ. Age-related odontometric changes of human teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002; 93: 474-482.
  • 7. Nazlıel HÇ, Hersek N, Özbek M. Ağız Dokuları ve Sık Görülen Ağız ve Diş Sorunları. İçinde: Temel Geriatri. Gökçe-Kutsal Y, Aslan D, Editörler, 1. Baskı. Ankara: Öncü Basımevi; 2007:329-348.
  • 8. Russel SL, Ship JA. Normal Oral Mucosal, Dental, Periodontal and Alveolar Bone Changes Associated with Aging. In: Improving Oral Health for the Elderly An Interdisciplinary Approach. Lamster IB, Northridge ME, Editors, 1th Edition, New York: Springer, 2008:233-246.
  • 9. Erinç Ö, Zuhal ET. Yaşlanmanın Çiğneme Sistemine Etkileri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2012; 46(2):58-65.
  • 10. Hıltunen K. Temporomandibuler disorders in elderly “A 5-year follow-up of signs and symptoms of TMD”. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry. (Doctoral Thesis) 2004-Helsinki.
  • 11. Saunders MJ, Yhe CK. Oral health in elderly people. In: Geriatric Nutrition. Chernoff R, ed. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2014:165-210.
  • 12. Needleman I. Aging and the Periodontium. In: Caranza’s Clinical Periodontology. Newman M.G, Takei H.H, Carranza F.A. Editors, Night Edition; Philadelphia: Saunders, 2002: 245-252.
  • 13. Heath R, Goldspink G. Ageing changes in human muscle and bone in relation to oral function and general health. Gerodontology 1998;15(1):1-2
  • 14. Bhaskar A, Chandra A, Singh SV, Agarwal S. Effect of age on oral tissues. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research (IJDSR). 2011; 29 (3):110-112.
  • 15. Al-Drees A. Oral And Perioral Physiological Changes With Ageing. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal. 2010;30(1):26-30.
  • 16. Desai S, Upadhyay M, Nanda R. Dynamic smile analysis: changes with age. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009;136(3):310-11. 17. Penna V, Stark GB, Eisenhardt SU, Bannasch H, Iblher N. The ageing lip: a comparative histological analysis of age- related changes in the upper lip complex. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Aug;124(2):624-28. 18. Wohlert AB. Tactile perception of spatial stimuli on the lip surface by young and older adults. J Speech Hear Res 1996 Dec;39(6):1191-98.
  • 19. Fehrenbach MJ. Aging of Oral Mucosa: Correlating underlying changes with clinical patient needs. Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology. A Peer-Reviewed Publication. 2015. Available at:
  • 20. Amir C, Catovic A, Komar D. Aging Trends and Impact on Dental Practise. International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (IJOPRD) 2011;1(2):101-104.
  • 21. Galo R, Vitti M, Santos CM, Hallak JEC, Regalo SCH. (2006): The effect of age on the function of masticatory system- an electromyographical analysis. Gerodontology 2006;23:177-182. Doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2358.2006.00113.x
  • 22. Pontefract HA. Erosive toothwear in the elderly population. Gerodontology 2002:19(1); 5-16.
  • 23. Ship, J. Clinician’s Guide Oral Health in Geriatric Patients, ed 2, BC Decker Inc., 2005.
  • 24. Ogawa, T, Annear M J, Ikebe K, Maeda Y. Taste‐related sensations in old age. J Oral Rehabil 2017:44; 626-635. doi:10.1111/joor.12502
  • 25. Feng P, Huang L, Wang H. Taste bud homeostasis in health, disease, and aging. Chem Senses 2014;39(1):3-16. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjt059. 26. Uota M, Ogawa T, Ikebe K, Arai Y, Kamide K, Gondo Y, Masui Y, Ishizaki T, Inomata C, Takeshita H, Mihara Y, Maeda Y. Factors related to taste sensitivity in elderly: cross‐sectional findings from SONIC study. J Oral Rehabil 2016; 43: 943-952. doi:10.1111/joor.12442
  • 27. Ogawa T, Uota M, Ikebe K, Arai Y, Kamide K, Gondo Y, Masui Y, Ishizaki T, Inomata C, Takeshita H, Mihara Y, Hatta K, Maeda Y. Longitudinal study of factors affecting taste sense decline in old‐old individuals. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44:22-29. doi:10.1111/joor.12454
  • 28. Ghaffari T, Hamedi Rad F, Mosadeg Kahnamoee S. Evaluation of the Effect of Upper Complete Denture on Gustatory and Olfactory Senses. Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects 2009;3(4):132-135. doi:10.5681/joddd.2009.032.
Year 2019, , 239 - 246, 01.08.2019



  • 1. Nazlıel HÇ. Yaşlıda Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 1999:2(1);14-21.
  • 2. Uzun H, Nazlıel HÇ. Yaşlıda Medikal ve Dental Hikâye ile Ekstraoral, İntraoral ve Dental Muayene Bulguları. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2000; 3(1):15-21.
  • 3. Razak PA, Richard KM, Thankachan RP, Hafiz KA, Kumar KN, Sameer KM. Geriatric Oral Health: A Review Article. J Int Oral Health 2014;6(6):110-6.
  • 4. Mckenna G, Burke FM. Age-related oral changes. Dent Update. 2010;37(8):519-23.
  • 5. Carvalho TS, Lussi A. Age-related morphological, histological and functional changes in teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44(4):291-298. doi: 10.1111/joor.12474.
  • 6. Murray PE, Stanley HR, Matthews JB, Sloan AJ, Smith AJ. Age-related odontometric changes of human teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002; 93: 474-482.
  • 7. Nazlıel HÇ, Hersek N, Özbek M. Ağız Dokuları ve Sık Görülen Ağız ve Diş Sorunları. İçinde: Temel Geriatri. Gökçe-Kutsal Y, Aslan D, Editörler, 1. Baskı. Ankara: Öncü Basımevi; 2007:329-348.
  • 8. Russel SL, Ship JA. Normal Oral Mucosal, Dental, Periodontal and Alveolar Bone Changes Associated with Aging. In: Improving Oral Health for the Elderly An Interdisciplinary Approach. Lamster IB, Northridge ME, Editors, 1th Edition, New York: Springer, 2008:233-246.
  • 9. Erinç Ö, Zuhal ET. Yaşlanmanın Çiğneme Sistemine Etkileri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2012; 46(2):58-65.
  • 10. Hıltunen K. Temporomandibuler disorders in elderly “A 5-year follow-up of signs and symptoms of TMD”. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry. (Doctoral Thesis) 2004-Helsinki.
  • 11. Saunders MJ, Yhe CK. Oral health in elderly people. In: Geriatric Nutrition. Chernoff R, ed. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2014:165-210.
  • 12. Needleman I. Aging and the Periodontium. In: Caranza’s Clinical Periodontology. Newman M.G, Takei H.H, Carranza F.A. Editors, Night Edition; Philadelphia: Saunders, 2002: 245-252.
  • 13. Heath R, Goldspink G. Ageing changes in human muscle and bone in relation to oral function and general health. Gerodontology 1998;15(1):1-2
  • 14. Bhaskar A, Chandra A, Singh SV, Agarwal S. Effect of age on oral tissues. International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research (IJDSR). 2011; 29 (3):110-112.
  • 15. Al-Drees A. Oral And Perioral Physiological Changes With Ageing. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal. 2010;30(1):26-30.
  • 16. Desai S, Upadhyay M, Nanda R. Dynamic smile analysis: changes with age. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009;136(3):310-11. 17. Penna V, Stark GB, Eisenhardt SU, Bannasch H, Iblher N. The ageing lip: a comparative histological analysis of age- related changes in the upper lip complex. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Aug;124(2):624-28. 18. Wohlert AB. Tactile perception of spatial stimuli on the lip surface by young and older adults. J Speech Hear Res 1996 Dec;39(6):1191-98.
  • 19. Fehrenbach MJ. Aging of Oral Mucosa: Correlating underlying changes with clinical patient needs. Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology. A Peer-Reviewed Publication. 2015. Available at:
  • 20. Amir C, Catovic A, Komar D. Aging Trends and Impact on Dental Practise. International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (IJOPRD) 2011;1(2):101-104.
  • 21. Galo R, Vitti M, Santos CM, Hallak JEC, Regalo SCH. (2006): The effect of age on the function of masticatory system- an electromyographical analysis. Gerodontology 2006;23:177-182. Doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2358.2006.00113.x
  • 22. Pontefract HA. Erosive toothwear in the elderly population. Gerodontology 2002:19(1); 5-16.
  • 23. Ship, J. Clinician’s Guide Oral Health in Geriatric Patients, ed 2, BC Decker Inc., 2005.
  • 24. Ogawa, T, Annear M J, Ikebe K, Maeda Y. Taste‐related sensations in old age. J Oral Rehabil 2017:44; 626-635. doi:10.1111/joor.12502
  • 25. Feng P, Huang L, Wang H. Taste bud homeostasis in health, disease, and aging. Chem Senses 2014;39(1):3-16. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjt059. 26. Uota M, Ogawa T, Ikebe K, Arai Y, Kamide K, Gondo Y, Masui Y, Ishizaki T, Inomata C, Takeshita H, Mihara Y, Maeda Y. Factors related to taste sensitivity in elderly: cross‐sectional findings from SONIC study. J Oral Rehabil 2016; 43: 943-952. doi:10.1111/joor.12442
  • 27. Ogawa T, Uota M, Ikebe K, Arai Y, Kamide K, Gondo Y, Masui Y, Ishizaki T, Inomata C, Takeshita H, Mihara Y, Hatta K, Maeda Y. Longitudinal study of factors affecting taste sense decline in old‐old individuals. J Oral Rehabil 2017;44:22-29. doi:10.1111/joor.12454
  • 28. Ghaffari T, Hamedi Rad F, Mosadeg Kahnamoee S. Evaluation of the Effect of Upper Complete Denture on Gustatory and Olfactory Senses. Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects 2009;3(4):132-135. doi:10.5681/joddd.2009.032.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review

Esin Bozdemir (haştar) 0000-0002-2421-3807

Hakan Amasya This is me 0000-0001-7400-9938

Publication Date August 1, 2019
Submission Date June 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Bozdemir (haştar) E, Amasya H. Yaşlanmayla birlikte ağız ve çevresindeki dokularda gözlenen yapısal ve fonksiyonel değişiklikler. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(2):239-46.