Presentation Of Two Cases That Have Multiple Supernumerary Teeth Without Any Syndrome
Year 2019,
, 391 - 395, 17.12.2019
Bilgün Çetin
Fatma Büşra Doğan
Faruk Akgünlü
Additional teeth are used to
describe tooth or tooth-like structures that develop in addition to 20
temporary and 32 permanent teeth. Although these extra teeth called
supernumerary are thought to be caused by environmental and genetic effects,
the etiology has not been fully elucidated. Multiple supernumerary teeth are
commonly observed in individuals with various syndromes like
cleidocranialdysplasia, Gardner syndrome and Cruzon syndrome. It is very rare
to see cases with multiple supernumerary teeth that are not associated with any
syndrome. For this reason, the aim of this article is to present two cases that
have multiple supernumerary teeth without any syndrome. In the first case; In a
27-year-old male patient, there were detected seven supernumerary teeth, one of
these is impacted and six of these are erupted.
In the second case; In a 23-year-old male patient, seven teeth were
impacted and five teeth were erupted, totally twelve teeth were detected.
- 1. Lu X, Yu F, Liu J, Cai W, Zhao Y, Zhao S, et al. The epidemiology of supernumerary teeth and the associated molecular mechanism. Organogenesis 2017;13(3):71-82.
- 2. Gündüz K, Avsever H, Karaçayli Ü, Pişkin B. Non-syndrome multiple supernumerary teeth: case report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 2010;16(3):301-4.
- 3. Syriac G, Joseph E, Rupesh S, Philip J, Cherian SA, Mathew J. Prevalence, characteristics, and complications of supernumerary teeth in nonsyndromic pediatric population of South India: A clinical and radiographic study. J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2017;9(Suppl 1):S231-6.
- 4. Gurler G, Delilbasi C, Delilbasi E. Investigation of impacted supernumerary teeth: a cone beam computed tomograph (CBCT) study. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent 2017;51(3):18-24.
- 5. Erdem MA, Çankaya B, Güven G, Kasapoğlu Ç. Artı Dişler (Süpernümerer Dişler)/Supernumerary Teeth, J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent 2011;45(1):15-8.
- 6. Torun GS, Akbulut A. Crouzon syndrome with multiple supernumerary teeth. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20(2):261-3.
- 7. Raviraj J, Suman V, Suresh D, Kartik K. Achondroplasia with multiple supplemental supernumerary teeth and multiple talon cusps: A rare case report. Dent Res J (Isfahan) 2017;14(3):219-22.
- 8. Satish V, Panda S, Maganur P, Ahmed A. Multiple Bilateral Unerupted Supplemental Premolars: An Unusual Presentation in a Nonsyndromic Patient. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017;10(2):217-22.
- 9. Omami G. Multiple unerupted and supernumerary teeth in a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia. Radiol Case Rep 2018;13(1):118-20.
- 10. Ozkan A, Dag H, Altug HA, Sencimen M. Bilateral Double Maxillary Paramolars: A Rare Case Report. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(8):ZD04-5.
- 11. Mahto RK, Dixit S, Kafle D, Agarwal A, Bornstein M, Dulal S. Nonsyndromic Bilateral Posterior Maxillary Supernumerary Teeth: A Report of Two Cases and Review. Case Rep Dent 2018;2018:5014179.
- 12. Andrei OC, Margarit R, Tanasescu LA, Daguci L, Farcasiu C, Bataiosu M, et al. A rare case of mandibulary parapremolars in siblings: case report and literature review. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2017;58(4):1485-90.
- 13. Tanwar R, Jaitly V, Sharma A, Heralgi R, Ghangas M, Bhagat A. Non-syndromic multiple supernumerary premolars: Clinicoradiographic report of five cases. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2017;11(1):48-52.
- 14. Bowdin LM, Wong S, Anthonappa RP, King NM. Pre-maxillary hypohyperdontia: a report of two cases. European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry 2018;19:117-23.
- 15. Tan SPK, van Wijk A J, Prahl-Andersen B. Severe hypodontia: identifying patterns of human tooth agenesis. Eur J Orthod 2011;33(2):150-154.
Sendromsuz hastalarda çok sayıda süpernümerer diş: İki olgu sunumu
Year 2019,
, 391 - 395, 17.12.2019
Bilgün Çetin
Fatma Büşra Doğan
Faruk Akgünlü
dişler, 20 adet süt ve 32 adet daimi dişe ek olarak gelişen diş ya da diş
benzeri yapıları tanımlamak için kullanılmaktadır. Süpernümerer de denen bu
ilave dişlerin çevresel ve genetik etkilerle oluştuğu düşünülse de etyolojisi
tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Çoklu süpernümerer dişler genelde kleidokranial
displazi, Gardner sendromu ve Cruzon sendromu gibi çeşitli sendromlara sahip
bireylerde gözlenmektedir. Sendrom ile ilişkili olmayan ve çok sayıda
süpernümerer dişe sahip vakalar oldukça nadir gözlenmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu
makalede hiçbir sendromu bulunmayan iki adet çoklu süpernümerer dişe sahip
olgunun sunumu amaçlanmıştır. İlk olguda; 27 yaşında erkek hastada bir adet
sürmüş altı adet gömülü olmak üzere yedi adet süpernümerer diş tespit edildi. İkinci
olguda; 23 yaşında erkek hastada beş adet sürmüş yedi adet gömülü toplam on iki
tane süpernümerer diş saptanmıştır.
- 1. Lu X, Yu F, Liu J, Cai W, Zhao Y, Zhao S, et al. The epidemiology of supernumerary teeth and the associated molecular mechanism. Organogenesis 2017;13(3):71-82.
- 2. Gündüz K, Avsever H, Karaçayli Ü, Pişkin B. Non-syndrome multiple supernumerary teeth: case report. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 2010;16(3):301-4.
- 3. Syriac G, Joseph E, Rupesh S, Philip J, Cherian SA, Mathew J. Prevalence, characteristics, and complications of supernumerary teeth in nonsyndromic pediatric population of South India: A clinical and radiographic study. J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2017;9(Suppl 1):S231-6.
- 4. Gurler G, Delilbasi C, Delilbasi E. Investigation of impacted supernumerary teeth: a cone beam computed tomograph (CBCT) study. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent 2017;51(3):18-24.
- 5. Erdem MA, Çankaya B, Güven G, Kasapoğlu Ç. Artı Dişler (Süpernümerer Dişler)/Supernumerary Teeth, J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent 2011;45(1):15-8.
- 6. Torun GS, Akbulut A. Crouzon syndrome with multiple supernumerary teeth. Niger J Clin Pract 2017;20(2):261-3.
- 7. Raviraj J, Suman V, Suresh D, Kartik K. Achondroplasia with multiple supplemental supernumerary teeth and multiple talon cusps: A rare case report. Dent Res J (Isfahan) 2017;14(3):219-22.
- 8. Satish V, Panda S, Maganur P, Ahmed A. Multiple Bilateral Unerupted Supplemental Premolars: An Unusual Presentation in a Nonsyndromic Patient. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017;10(2):217-22.
- 9. Omami G. Multiple unerupted and supernumerary teeth in a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia. Radiol Case Rep 2018;13(1):118-20.
- 10. Ozkan A, Dag H, Altug HA, Sencimen M. Bilateral Double Maxillary Paramolars: A Rare Case Report. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(8):ZD04-5.
- 11. Mahto RK, Dixit S, Kafle D, Agarwal A, Bornstein M, Dulal S. Nonsyndromic Bilateral Posterior Maxillary Supernumerary Teeth: A Report of Two Cases and Review. Case Rep Dent 2018;2018:5014179.
- 12. Andrei OC, Margarit R, Tanasescu LA, Daguci L, Farcasiu C, Bataiosu M, et al. A rare case of mandibulary parapremolars in siblings: case report and literature review. Rom J Morphol Embryol 2017;58(4):1485-90.
- 13. Tanwar R, Jaitly V, Sharma A, Heralgi R, Ghangas M, Bhagat A. Non-syndromic multiple supernumerary premolars: Clinicoradiographic report of five cases. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2017;11(1):48-52.
- 14. Bowdin LM, Wong S, Anthonappa RP, King NM. Pre-maxillary hypohyperdontia: a report of two cases. European Archives of Pediatric Dentistry 2018;19:117-23.
- 15. Tan SPK, van Wijk A J, Prahl-Andersen B. Severe hypodontia: identifying patterns of human tooth agenesis. Eur J Orthod 2011;33(2):150-154.