Research Article
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Year 2020, , 15 - 21, 01.04.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hareketli protez kullanan hastaların
protez hijyen alışkanlıkları ve bu hastalardaki protez stomatiti görülme
sıklığını değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya
hareketli protez kullanan
301 hasta
dahil edildi. Katılımcıların sosyo-demografik özellikleri, protez hijyen
alışkanlıkları ve klinik muayene bulgularını içeren ve toplam 24 maddeden
oluşan standardize formlar hazırlandı.
bir prostodonti uzmanı tarafından, karşılıklı konuşma ile
Elde edilen veriler,
tanımlayıcı istatistikler, t-testi,
Fisher’ın kesin testi ve ki-kare testi kullanılarak istatistiksel olarak analiz

Bulgular: Çalışmada 39 ile 93 yaşları arasındaki (yaş ortalaması ±
standart sapma; 62.4
±10.2) 154 kadın (%51.2)
ve 147 erkek (%48.8) hastanın protez hijyen alışkanlıkları ve bu hastalardaki
protez stomatiti görülme sıklığı değerlendirildi.
Katılımcıların eğitim seviyeleri ile;
protezlerindeki diş taşı varlığı, gece protezlerini çıkarma alışkanlıkları ve
protez stomatiti görülme sıklığı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki
bulundu (p<0.05). Katılımcıların gelir seviyeleri ile;
protezlerindeki diş taşı varlığı ve protez stomatiti görülme sıklığı arasında
anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). D
tarafından protez hijyen alışkanlıkları hakkında bilgilendirildiğini ifade eden
katılımcıların protezlerinde, bilgilendirilmeyenlerden daha az oranda plak/diş
taşı olduğu gözlendi. P
rotez kullanım süresi arttıkça protezlerdeki plak/diş taşı varlığı ve
protez stomatiti görülme sıklığının arttığı belirlendi. 

Sonuçlar:Çalışmanın sonuçları, hareketli protez kullanan hastaların protezlerini
temizlemek için çoğunlukla diş fırçası kullandığını ve protez stomatiti görülme
sıklığının göreceli olarak yüksek olduğunu gösterdi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Ağız hijyeni, anket, diş protezi, protez stomatiti



  • Reference 1- Allen PF, McMillan AS. A longitudinal study of quality of life outcomes in older adults requesting implant prostheses and complete removable dentures. Clin Oral Implants Res 2003;14:173–9.
  • Reference 2- Marchini L, Tamashiro E, Nascimento DF, Cunha VP. Self-reported denture hygiene of a sample of edentulous attendees at a University dental clinic and the relationship to the condition of the oral tissues. Gerodontology 2004;21:226–8.
  • Reference 3- Anastassiadou V, Robin Heath M. The effect of denture quality attributes on satisfaction and eating difficulties. Gerodontology 2006;23:23-32.
  • Reference 4- Albaker AM. The oral health related quality of life in edentulous patients treated with conventional complete dentures. Gerodontology 2013;30:61-6.
  • Reference 5- Heydecke G, Locker D, Awad MA, Lund JP, Feine JS. Oral and general health-related quality of life with conventional and implant dentures. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:161-8.
  • Reference 6- Jeganathan S, Payne JA, Thean HPY. Denture stomatitis in an elderly edentulous Asian population. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24:468-72.
  • Reference 7- Arendorf TM, Walker DM. Denture stomatitis: a review. J Oral Rehabil 1987;14:217-27.
  • Reference 8- Chowdhary R, Chandraker NK. Clinical survey of denture care in denture-wearing edentulous patients of Indian population. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2011;11:191-5.
  • Reference 9- Thean H, Wong ML, Koh H. The dental awareness of nursing home staff in Singapore. Gerodontology 2007;24:58–63.
  • Reference 10- Uzunoglu E, Yildirim AZ, Istar D, Dogan A.Biofilm-forming ability and adherence to poly(methymethacrylate) acrylic resin materials of oral Candida albicans strains isolated from HIV positive subjects. J Adv Prosthodont 2014;6:30-4.
  • Reference 11- Perezous LF, Flaitz CM, Goldschmidt ME, Engelmeier RL. Colonization of Candida species in denture wearers with emphasis on HIV infection: a literature review. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93:288-93.
  • Reference 12- Ramage G, Coco B, Sherry L, Bagg J, Lappin DF. In vitro Candida albicans biofilm induced proteinase activity and SAP8 expression correlates with in vivo denture stomatitis severity. Mycopathologia 2012;174:11-9.
  • Reference 13- Ikebe K, Morii K, Matsuda K, Hata K, Nokubi T. Association of candidal activity with denture use and salivary flow in symptom-free adults over 60 years. J Oral Rehabil 2006;33:36–42.
  • Reference14- Kulak-Ozkan Y, Kazazoglu E, Arikan A. Oral hygiene habits, denture cleanliness, presence of yeasts and stomatitis in elderly people. J Oral Rehabil 2002;29:300–4.
  • Reference 15- Dikbas I, Koksal T, Calikkocaoglu S. Investigation of the cleanliness of dentures in a university hospital. Int J Prosthodont 2006;19:294-8.
  • Reference 16- Barbosa LC, Ferreira MR, Calabrich CF, Viana AC, Lemos MC, Lauria RA. Edentulous patients’ knowledge of dental hygiene and care of prostheses. Gerodontology 2008; 25:99-106.
  • Referenece17- Khasawneh S, Al-Wahadni A. Control of denture plaque and mucosal inflammation in denture wearers. J Ir Dent Assoc 2002;48:132–8.
  • Reference 18- Samaranayake LP, Nair RG. Oral Candida infections–a review. Indian J Dent Res 1995;6:69–82.
  • Reference 19- Jagger DC, Harrison A. Denture cleansing - the best approach. Br Dent J 1995;178:413-7.
  • Reference 20- Ercalik-Yalcinkaya S, Ozcan M. Association between oral mucosal lesions and hygiene habits in a population of removable prosthesis wearers. J Prosthodont 2015;24:271-8.
  • Reference 21- Webb BC, Thomas CJ, Willcox MD, Harty DW, Knox KW. Candida-associated denture stomatitis. Aetiology and management: a review. Part 2. Oral diseases caused by Candida species. Aust Dent J 1998;43:160-6.
  • Reference 22- Budtz-Jorgensen E, Bertram U. Denture stomatitis I: The aetiology in relation to trauma and infection. Acta Odontol Scand 1970;28:71.
  • Reference 23- Ellepola AN, Samaranayake LP . Adhesion of oral Candida albicans isolates to denture acrylic following limited exposure to antifungal agents. Arch Oral Biol 1998:43:999-1007.
  • Reference 24- Oliver RC, Brown LJ, Löe H. Periodontal diseases in the United States population. J Periodontol. 1998;69:269-78.
  • Reference 25- Nikias MK, Fink R, Sollecito W. Oral health status in relation to socio-economic and ethnic characteristics of urban adults in the U.S.A. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1977;5:200–6.
  • Reference 26- Roshene R, Robin P, Raj JD. A Survey of denture hygiene in older patients. Pharm. Sci & Res 2015;7:897-900.
  • Reference 27- Grant AA, Heath JR, McCord JF. Complete prosthodontics. problems, Diagnosis and Management. London: Mosby Yearbook Europe, 1994:193 pp.
  • Reference 28- Burnett CA, Calwell E, Clifford TJ. Effect of verbal and written education on denture wearing and cleansing habits. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 1993;2(2):79-83.
  • Reference 29- Sadig W. The denture hygiene, denture stomatitis and role of dental hygienist. Int J Dent Hyg 2010;8:227-31.
  • Reference 30- Peltola P, Vehkalahti MM, Simoila R. Effects of 11- month interventions on oral cleanliness among the long-term hospitalised elderly. Gerodontology 2007;24:14-21.
  • Reference 31- Coelho CM, Sousa YT, Dare AM. Denture-related oral mucosal lesions in a Brazilian school of dentistry. J Oral Rehabil. 2004;31:135-9.
  • Reference 32- Cakan U, Yuzbasioglu E, Kurt H, Kara HB, Turunç R, Akbulut A, et al. Assessment of hygiene habits and attitudes among removable partial denture wearers in a university hospital. Niger J Clin Pract. 2015;18:511-5.
  • Reference 33- Baran I, Nalçaci R. Self-reported denture hygiene habits and oral tissue conditions of complete denture wearers. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2009;49:237-41.
  • Reference 34- Paranhos HF, Silva CHL, Venezian GC, Macedo LD, Souza RF. Distribution of biofilm on internal and external surfaces of upper complete dentures: the effect of hygiene instruction. Gerodontology 2007;24:162–8.
  • Reference 35- Tarbet WJ, Axelrod S, Minkoff S, Fratarcangelo PA. Denture cleansing: a comparison of two methods. J Prosthet Dent 1984;51:322–5.
  • Reference 36- Kanli A, Demirel F, Sezgin Y. Oral candidiasis, denture cleanliness and hygiene habits in an elderly population. Aging Clin Exp Res 2005;17:502-7.
  • Reference 37- Chopde N, Jawale B, Pharande A, Chaudhari L, Hiremath V, Redasani R. Microbial colonization and their relation with potential cofactors in patients with denture stomatitis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13:456-9.
  • Reference 38- Evren BA; Uludamar A, Işeri U, Ozkan YK. The association between socioeconomic status, oral hygiene practice, denture stomatitis and oral status in elderly people living different residential homes. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2011;53:252-7.
  • Reference 39- Peracini A, Andrade IM, Paranhos Hde F, Silva CH, de Souza RF. Behaviors and hygiene habits of complete denture wearers. Braz Dent J 2010;21:247-52.
  • Reference 40- Shulman JD, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Beach MM. Risk factors associated with denture stomatitis in the United States. J Oral Pathol Med 2005;34:340-6.


Year 2020, , 15 - 21, 01.04.2020


Background: The purpose of this study was to assess denture
hygiene habits and prevalence of denture stomatitis in the patients with
removable prosthesis.

Methods: This study included 301
patients with removable prosthesis. The standard questionnaires consisted of 24
items, socio-demographic features, denture hygiene habits and clinical findings
were prepared. The questionnaires were filled with conversation by a
prosthodontist. Data were statistically analyzed with descriptive statistics,
t-tests, Fisher exact tests, and chi-squared

Results: Totally 301 individuals aged between 39 and 93 (mean ±
standard deviation:
10.2), consisted of 154 (51.2%) females and 147
(48.8%) males were participated in the study.
Statistically significant correlation was found
between education level of the participants; and plaque/calculus in dentures
and prevalence of denture stomatitis
(p<0.05). Statistically significant
correlation was found between income level of the participants; and
plaque/calculus in dentures and prevalence of denture stomatitis
(p<0.05). Participants
who had been informed about dental hygiene habits by dentists were observed to
have less plaque/calculus in their dentures than informed ones.
It was determined that as the
duration of prosthesis increased, the frequency of plaque/calculus and
prosthetic stomatitis was increased.

Conclusions: The results of the study showed that patients
using removable prostheses often used toothbrushes to clean their prosthesis
and that the frequency of denture stomatitis was relatively high.

Keywords: Dental prostheses, Denture stomatitis, Oral
hygiene, Surveys and Questionnaires


  • Reference 1- Allen PF, McMillan AS. A longitudinal study of quality of life outcomes in older adults requesting implant prostheses and complete removable dentures. Clin Oral Implants Res 2003;14:173–9.
  • Reference 2- Marchini L, Tamashiro E, Nascimento DF, Cunha VP. Self-reported denture hygiene of a sample of edentulous attendees at a University dental clinic and the relationship to the condition of the oral tissues. Gerodontology 2004;21:226–8.
  • Reference 3- Anastassiadou V, Robin Heath M. The effect of denture quality attributes on satisfaction and eating difficulties. Gerodontology 2006;23:23-32.
  • Reference 4- Albaker AM. The oral health related quality of life in edentulous patients treated with conventional complete dentures. Gerodontology 2013;30:61-6.
  • Reference 5- Heydecke G, Locker D, Awad MA, Lund JP, Feine JS. Oral and general health-related quality of life with conventional and implant dentures. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2003;31:161-8.
  • Reference 6- Jeganathan S, Payne JA, Thean HPY. Denture stomatitis in an elderly edentulous Asian population. J Oral Rehabil 1997;24:468-72.
  • Reference 7- Arendorf TM, Walker DM. Denture stomatitis: a review. J Oral Rehabil 1987;14:217-27.
  • Reference 8- Chowdhary R, Chandraker NK. Clinical survey of denture care in denture-wearing edentulous patients of Indian population. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2011;11:191-5.
  • Reference 9- Thean H, Wong ML, Koh H. The dental awareness of nursing home staff in Singapore. Gerodontology 2007;24:58–63.
  • Reference 10- Uzunoglu E, Yildirim AZ, Istar D, Dogan A.Biofilm-forming ability and adherence to poly(methymethacrylate) acrylic resin materials of oral Candida albicans strains isolated from HIV positive subjects. J Adv Prosthodont 2014;6:30-4.
  • Reference 11- Perezous LF, Flaitz CM, Goldschmidt ME, Engelmeier RL. Colonization of Candida species in denture wearers with emphasis on HIV infection: a literature review. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93:288-93.
  • Reference 12- Ramage G, Coco B, Sherry L, Bagg J, Lappin DF. In vitro Candida albicans biofilm induced proteinase activity and SAP8 expression correlates with in vivo denture stomatitis severity. Mycopathologia 2012;174:11-9.
  • Reference 13- Ikebe K, Morii K, Matsuda K, Hata K, Nokubi T. Association of candidal activity with denture use and salivary flow in symptom-free adults over 60 years. J Oral Rehabil 2006;33:36–42.
  • Reference14- Kulak-Ozkan Y, Kazazoglu E, Arikan A. Oral hygiene habits, denture cleanliness, presence of yeasts and stomatitis in elderly people. J Oral Rehabil 2002;29:300–4.
  • Reference 15- Dikbas I, Koksal T, Calikkocaoglu S. Investigation of the cleanliness of dentures in a university hospital. Int J Prosthodont 2006;19:294-8.
  • Reference 16- Barbosa LC, Ferreira MR, Calabrich CF, Viana AC, Lemos MC, Lauria RA. Edentulous patients’ knowledge of dental hygiene and care of prostheses. Gerodontology 2008; 25:99-106.
  • Referenece17- Khasawneh S, Al-Wahadni A. Control of denture plaque and mucosal inflammation in denture wearers. J Ir Dent Assoc 2002;48:132–8.
  • Reference 18- Samaranayake LP, Nair RG. Oral Candida infections–a review. Indian J Dent Res 1995;6:69–82.
  • Reference 19- Jagger DC, Harrison A. Denture cleansing - the best approach. Br Dent J 1995;178:413-7.
  • Reference 20- Ercalik-Yalcinkaya S, Ozcan M. Association between oral mucosal lesions and hygiene habits in a population of removable prosthesis wearers. J Prosthodont 2015;24:271-8.
  • Reference 21- Webb BC, Thomas CJ, Willcox MD, Harty DW, Knox KW. Candida-associated denture stomatitis. Aetiology and management: a review. Part 2. Oral diseases caused by Candida species. Aust Dent J 1998;43:160-6.
  • Reference 22- Budtz-Jorgensen E, Bertram U. Denture stomatitis I: The aetiology in relation to trauma and infection. Acta Odontol Scand 1970;28:71.
  • Reference 23- Ellepola AN, Samaranayake LP . Adhesion of oral Candida albicans isolates to denture acrylic following limited exposure to antifungal agents. Arch Oral Biol 1998:43:999-1007.
  • Reference 24- Oliver RC, Brown LJ, Löe H. Periodontal diseases in the United States population. J Periodontol. 1998;69:269-78.
  • Reference 25- Nikias MK, Fink R, Sollecito W. Oral health status in relation to socio-economic and ethnic characteristics of urban adults in the U.S.A. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1977;5:200–6.
  • Reference 26- Roshene R, Robin P, Raj JD. A Survey of denture hygiene in older patients. Pharm. Sci & Res 2015;7:897-900.
  • Reference 27- Grant AA, Heath JR, McCord JF. Complete prosthodontics. problems, Diagnosis and Management. London: Mosby Yearbook Europe, 1994:193 pp.
  • Reference 28- Burnett CA, Calwell E, Clifford TJ. Effect of verbal and written education on denture wearing and cleansing habits. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 1993;2(2):79-83.
  • Reference 29- Sadig W. The denture hygiene, denture stomatitis and role of dental hygienist. Int J Dent Hyg 2010;8:227-31.
  • Reference 30- Peltola P, Vehkalahti MM, Simoila R. Effects of 11- month interventions on oral cleanliness among the long-term hospitalised elderly. Gerodontology 2007;24:14-21.
  • Reference 31- Coelho CM, Sousa YT, Dare AM. Denture-related oral mucosal lesions in a Brazilian school of dentistry. J Oral Rehabil. 2004;31:135-9.
  • Reference 32- Cakan U, Yuzbasioglu E, Kurt H, Kara HB, Turunç R, Akbulut A, et al. Assessment of hygiene habits and attitudes among removable partial denture wearers in a university hospital. Niger J Clin Pract. 2015;18:511-5.
  • Reference 33- Baran I, Nalçaci R. Self-reported denture hygiene habits and oral tissue conditions of complete denture wearers. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2009;49:237-41.
  • Reference 34- Paranhos HF, Silva CHL, Venezian GC, Macedo LD, Souza RF. Distribution of biofilm on internal and external surfaces of upper complete dentures: the effect of hygiene instruction. Gerodontology 2007;24:162–8.
  • Reference 35- Tarbet WJ, Axelrod S, Minkoff S, Fratarcangelo PA. Denture cleansing: a comparison of two methods. J Prosthet Dent 1984;51:322–5.
  • Reference 36- Kanli A, Demirel F, Sezgin Y. Oral candidiasis, denture cleanliness and hygiene habits in an elderly population. Aging Clin Exp Res 2005;17:502-7.
  • Reference 37- Chopde N, Jawale B, Pharande A, Chaudhari L, Hiremath V, Redasani R. Microbial colonization and their relation with potential cofactors in patients with denture stomatitis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13:456-9.
  • Reference 38- Evren BA; Uludamar A, Işeri U, Ozkan YK. The association between socioeconomic status, oral hygiene practice, denture stomatitis and oral status in elderly people living different residential homes. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2011;53:252-7.
  • Reference 39- Peracini A, Andrade IM, Paranhos Hde F, Silva CH, de Souza RF. Behaviors and hygiene habits of complete denture wearers. Braz Dent J 2010;21:247-52.
  • Reference 40- Shulman JD, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Beach MM. Risk factors associated with denture stomatitis in the United States. J Oral Pathol Med 2005;34:340-6.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Zeynep Fatma Zor

Arzu Zeynep Yıldırım Biçer

İlkay Peker

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Submission Date August 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2020
