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Faculty Development: Roles and Competences for Educators of Undergraduate Dental Students

Year 2019, , 92 - 108, 02.12.2019


of faculties is inevitable because of changing in learning and teaching
strategies and improvements of dental materials and treatments. Dental
educators are important people who contribute to the development of every
aspect of dental education. They assume lots of roles and responsibilities
including curriculum development, teaching and education. This article presents
common roles for educators of undergraduate dental students and the competences
needed to be effective educators; and the
basic procedures relating
curriculum development. Being a lecturer, profesional expert or  faculty member do not automatically ensure
having good teaching expertise. Education has no chance to develop if educators
only believe in methods of their old teachers. It is necessary to be aware of the
competencies of dental educators. Educators need to have macro level
competences such as educational programme and curriculum matters togehter with educational
principles and strategies, student issues and assessment competences that
relate to the micro‐level of education.

Key words: Dental
education, faculty development, educator competences, educator roles


  • 1. Lyon LJ, Hoover TE, Giusti L, Booth MT, Mahdavi E. Teaching Skill Acquisition and Development in Dental Education. J Dent Educ 2016;80:983-93.
  • 2. Licari FW, Evans CA. Clinical and Community-Based Education in U.S. Dental Schools. J Dent Educ 2017;81:81-7.
  • 3. Padmapriya T. The perspectives and perceptions of dental education in the West and an overview of dental education in India. J Education and Ethics in Dent 2015;5: 41-6.
  • 4. Haden NK, Andrieu SC, Chadwick DG, Chmar JE, Cole JR, George MC. The dental education environment. J Dent Educ 2006;70:1265-70.
  • 5. Hendricson W, Anderson E, Andrieu S, Chadwick DG, Cole JR, George MC. Does faculty development enhance teaching effectiveness? J Dent Educ 2007;71:1513-33.
  • 6. Chuenjitwongsa S, Oliver RG, Bullock AD. Competence, competency-based education, and undergraduate dental education: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ 2016; 22:1–8.
  • 7. Chuenjitwongsa S, Bullock A, Oliver RG. Roles and competences for educators of undergraduate dental students: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ 2018; 22: 47-56.
  • 8. Heflin MT, Pinheiro S, Kaminetzky CP, Mcneill D. ‘So you want to be a clinician-educator. . .’: designing a clinician-educator curriculum for internal medicine residents. Med Teach 2009;31:233-40.
  • 9. Jones ML, Hobson RS, Plasschaert AJ, Gundersen S, Dummer P, Roger-Leroi V. Quality assurance and benchmarking: an approach for european dental schools. Eur J Dent Educ 2007;11:137-43.
  • 10. Smesny AL, Williams JS, Brazeau GA, Weber RJ, Matthews HW, Das SK. Barriers to scholarship in dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy practice faculty. Am J Pharm Educ 2007;71:1-9.
  • 11. Winning T, Needleman I, Rohlin M, Carrassi A, Chadwick B, Eaton K. Evidence-based care and the curriculum. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:48–63.
  • 12. Hand JS. Identification of competencies for effective dental faculty. J Dent Educ 2006: 70: 937–947.
  • 13. Plasschaert AJM, Manogue M, Lindh C, McLoughlin J, Murtomaa H, Nattestad A. Curriculum content, structure and ECTS for European dental schools. Part II: methods of learning and teaching, assessment procedures and performance criteria. Eur J Dent Educ 2007;11:125-36.
  • 14. Scott J. So you want to be an academic? Dent Update 2003;30:187–93.
  • 15. Bligh J, Brice J. Further insights into the roles of the medical educator: the importance of scholarly management. Acad Med 2009;84:1161–5.
  • 16. Srinivasan M, Li S-TT, Meyers FJ, Prat DD, Collins J, Braddock C. “Teaching as a competency”: competencies for medical educators. Acad Med 2011;86:1211–20.
  • 17. Smith M, Lennon M, Brook A, Robinson P. Perspectives of staff on student outreach placements. Eur J Dent Educ 2006;10:44–51.
  • 18. Harden RM, Crosby J. Amee guide no 20: the good teacher is more than a lecturer - the twelve roles of the teacher. Med Teach 2000;22:334–47.
  • 19. Azer SA. Challenges facing pbl tutors: 12 tips for successful group facilitation. Med Teach 2005;27:676–81.
  • 20. Prideaux D Alexander H, Bower A, Bower A, Dacre J, Haist S, Jolly BC. Clinical teaching: maintaining an educational role for doctors in the new health care environment. Med Educ 2000;34:820–6.
  • 21. Fugill M. Tacit knowledge in dental clinical teaching. Eur J Dent Educ 2012;16:2–5.
  • 22. Winning T, Needleman I, Rohlin M, Carrassi A, Chadwick B, Eaton K. Evidence-based care and the curriculum. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:48–63.
  • 23. Cowpe J, Plasschaert A, Harzer W, Vinkka-Puhakka H, Walmsley AD. Profile and competences for the graduating european dentist -update 2009. Eur J Dent Educ 2010;14:193–202.
  • 24. Dearing R. The dearing report: The National Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education, UK, 1997.
  • 25. Bullock AD. Dental education as a social science: some implications for research. Eur J Dent Educ 2010;14:65–8.
  • 26. Guba EG, Lincoln Y. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluence. In: Denzin N, Lincoln Y, eds. Handbook of qualitative research. CA: Sage Publication, 2000: 163–88.
  • 27. Corbet E Akinwade J, Duggal R, Gebreegziabher G, Hirvikangas H, Hysi D. Staff recruitment, development and global mobility. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:149–60.
  • 28. McLeod PJ, Steinert Y, Meagher T, McLeod A. The abcs of pedagogy for clinical teachers. Med Educ 2003;37:638–44.
  • 29. Arthur W Jr, Bennett W Jr, Stanush PL, McNelly TL. Factors that influence skill decay and retention: a quantitative review and analysis. Hum Perform 1998;11:57–101.
  • 30. AoME. Professional standards (2012). Cardiff: The Academy of Medical Educators, 2011.
  • 31. Molenaar W, Zanting A, Van Beukelen P, De Grave W, Baane JA, Bustraan J. A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum. Med Teach 2009;31:390–6.
  • 32. Hesketh EA, Bagnall G, Buckley EG, Friedman M, Goodall E, Harden RM. A framework for developing excellence as a clinical educator. Med Educ 2001;35:555–64.
  • 33. Bostock S, Baume D. Professions and professionalism in teaching and development. In: Baume D, Popovic C, eds. Advancing practice in academic development. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016: 32–50.
  • 34. Seery A. Ethics and professionalism in teaching. Stud Irish Q Rev 2008;97:183–92.
  • 35. Easton F. Educating the whole child, “head, heart, and hands”: learning from the waldorf experience. Theory into Practice 1997;36:87–94.
  • 36. Steinert Y, Mann K, Centeno A, et al. A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in medical education: BEME Guide No. 8. Med Teach. 2006;28:497‐526.
  • 37. Burrows RS. Understanding self-assessment in undergraduate dental education. British Dent J 2018;224:897-900.
  • 38. Kern DE, Thomas PA, Hughes MT. Curriculum development for medical education: a six-step approach. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.
  • 39. Schmidt WH, McKnight CC, Houang R, et al. Why schools matter: using TIMSS to investigate curriculum and learning. New York: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
  • 40. Schmidt WH, Wang HA, McKnight C. Curriculum coher¬ence: an examination of U.S. mathematics and science content standards from an international perspective. J Curriculum Stud 2005;37:525-59.
  • 41. Wang HA, Schmidt WH. History, philosophy, and sociol¬ogy of science in science education: results from the third international mathematics and science study. Sci Educ 2001;10:51-70.

Fakültenin Geliştirilmesi: Lisans Diş Hekimliği Eğitmenlerinin Görev ve Yeterlikleri

Year 2019, , 92 - 108, 02.12.2019


geliştirilmesi; değişen öğrenim ve eğitim modelleri, mesleki uygulamalar ve
materyallerdeki sürekli gelişimin sonucu olarak kaçınılmazdır. Dental
eğitmenler lisans diş hekimliği eğitimine destek sağlayan önemli kişilerdir.
Eğitim ve öğretim başta olmak üzere, müfredat geliştirme gibi birçok görev ve
sorumluluğu üstlenirler. Bu makalede günümüz diş hekimliği fakülteleri için dental
eğitmenin görevleri ve iyi bir eğitmen olabilmeleri için gereken yeterlikleri
ile temel müfredat geliştirme aşamaları sunulmaktadır. Uzmanlık, doktora veya öğretim
üyesi ünvanlarını almak, kendiliğinden eğitim becerilerinin kazanılmasını
sağlamaz. Eğitmenler; sadece kendi öğretmenlerinin geçmişte kullandıkları
yöntemlere inandıklarında, eğitim gelişemeyecektir. Eğitimle ilgili
yeterliklerin öğrenilmesi ve geliştirilmesi gerekir. Eğitmenlerin sadece
öğretme, öğrenme, değerlendirme gibi mikro düzeydeki değil, müfredat gelişimi,
kurum, sağlık sistemi gibi alanlarda makro düzeydeki eğitim yeterliklerine de
ihtiyaçları vardır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Diş
hekimliği eğitimi, fakültenin
geliştirilmesi, eğitmen yeterlikleri, eğitmen görevleri


  • 1. Lyon LJ, Hoover TE, Giusti L, Booth MT, Mahdavi E. Teaching Skill Acquisition and Development in Dental Education. J Dent Educ 2016;80:983-93.
  • 2. Licari FW, Evans CA. Clinical and Community-Based Education in U.S. Dental Schools. J Dent Educ 2017;81:81-7.
  • 3. Padmapriya T. The perspectives and perceptions of dental education in the West and an overview of dental education in India. J Education and Ethics in Dent 2015;5: 41-6.
  • 4. Haden NK, Andrieu SC, Chadwick DG, Chmar JE, Cole JR, George MC. The dental education environment. J Dent Educ 2006;70:1265-70.
  • 5. Hendricson W, Anderson E, Andrieu S, Chadwick DG, Cole JR, George MC. Does faculty development enhance teaching effectiveness? J Dent Educ 2007;71:1513-33.
  • 6. Chuenjitwongsa S, Oliver RG, Bullock AD. Competence, competency-based education, and undergraduate dental education: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ 2016; 22:1–8.
  • 7. Chuenjitwongsa S, Bullock A, Oliver RG. Roles and competences for educators of undergraduate dental students: a discussion paper. Eur J Dent Educ 2018; 22: 47-56.
  • 8. Heflin MT, Pinheiro S, Kaminetzky CP, Mcneill D. ‘So you want to be a clinician-educator. . .’: designing a clinician-educator curriculum for internal medicine residents. Med Teach 2009;31:233-40.
  • 9. Jones ML, Hobson RS, Plasschaert AJ, Gundersen S, Dummer P, Roger-Leroi V. Quality assurance and benchmarking: an approach for european dental schools. Eur J Dent Educ 2007;11:137-43.
  • 10. Smesny AL, Williams JS, Brazeau GA, Weber RJ, Matthews HW, Das SK. Barriers to scholarship in dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy practice faculty. Am J Pharm Educ 2007;71:1-9.
  • 11. Winning T, Needleman I, Rohlin M, Carrassi A, Chadwick B, Eaton K. Evidence-based care and the curriculum. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:48–63.
  • 12. Hand JS. Identification of competencies for effective dental faculty. J Dent Educ 2006: 70: 937–947.
  • 13. Plasschaert AJM, Manogue M, Lindh C, McLoughlin J, Murtomaa H, Nattestad A. Curriculum content, structure and ECTS for European dental schools. Part II: methods of learning and teaching, assessment procedures and performance criteria. Eur J Dent Educ 2007;11:125-36.
  • 14. Scott J. So you want to be an academic? Dent Update 2003;30:187–93.
  • 15. Bligh J, Brice J. Further insights into the roles of the medical educator: the importance of scholarly management. Acad Med 2009;84:1161–5.
  • 16. Srinivasan M, Li S-TT, Meyers FJ, Prat DD, Collins J, Braddock C. “Teaching as a competency”: competencies for medical educators. Acad Med 2011;86:1211–20.
  • 17. Smith M, Lennon M, Brook A, Robinson P. Perspectives of staff on student outreach placements. Eur J Dent Educ 2006;10:44–51.
  • 18. Harden RM, Crosby J. Amee guide no 20: the good teacher is more than a lecturer - the twelve roles of the teacher. Med Teach 2000;22:334–47.
  • 19. Azer SA. Challenges facing pbl tutors: 12 tips for successful group facilitation. Med Teach 2005;27:676–81.
  • 20. Prideaux D Alexander H, Bower A, Bower A, Dacre J, Haist S, Jolly BC. Clinical teaching: maintaining an educational role for doctors in the new health care environment. Med Educ 2000;34:820–6.
  • 21. Fugill M. Tacit knowledge in dental clinical teaching. Eur J Dent Educ 2012;16:2–5.
  • 22. Winning T, Needleman I, Rohlin M, Carrassi A, Chadwick B, Eaton K. Evidence-based care and the curriculum. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:48–63.
  • 23. Cowpe J, Plasschaert A, Harzer W, Vinkka-Puhakka H, Walmsley AD. Profile and competences for the graduating european dentist -update 2009. Eur J Dent Educ 2010;14:193–202.
  • 24. Dearing R. The dearing report: The National Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education, UK, 1997.
  • 25. Bullock AD. Dental education as a social science: some implications for research. Eur J Dent Educ 2010;14:65–8.
  • 26. Guba EG, Lincoln Y. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluence. In: Denzin N, Lincoln Y, eds. Handbook of qualitative research. CA: Sage Publication, 2000: 163–88.
  • 27. Corbet E Akinwade J, Duggal R, Gebreegziabher G, Hirvikangas H, Hysi D. Staff recruitment, development and global mobility. Eur J Dent Educ 2008;12:149–60.
  • 28. McLeod PJ, Steinert Y, Meagher T, McLeod A. The abcs of pedagogy for clinical teachers. Med Educ 2003;37:638–44.
  • 29. Arthur W Jr, Bennett W Jr, Stanush PL, McNelly TL. Factors that influence skill decay and retention: a quantitative review and analysis. Hum Perform 1998;11:57–101.
  • 30. AoME. Professional standards (2012). Cardiff: The Academy of Medical Educators, 2011.
  • 31. Molenaar W, Zanting A, Van Beukelen P, De Grave W, Baane JA, Bustraan J. A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum. Med Teach 2009;31:390–6.
  • 32. Hesketh EA, Bagnall G, Buckley EG, Friedman M, Goodall E, Harden RM. A framework for developing excellence as a clinical educator. Med Educ 2001;35:555–64.
  • 33. Bostock S, Baume D. Professions and professionalism in teaching and development. In: Baume D, Popovic C, eds. Advancing practice in academic development. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016: 32–50.
  • 34. Seery A. Ethics and professionalism in teaching. Stud Irish Q Rev 2008;97:183–92.
  • 35. Easton F. Educating the whole child, “head, heart, and hands”: learning from the waldorf experience. Theory into Practice 1997;36:87–94.
  • 36. Steinert Y, Mann K, Centeno A, et al. A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in medical education: BEME Guide No. 8. Med Teach. 2006;28:497‐526.
  • 37. Burrows RS. Understanding self-assessment in undergraduate dental education. British Dent J 2018;224:897-900.
  • 38. Kern DE, Thomas PA, Hughes MT. Curriculum development for medical education: a six-step approach. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.
  • 39. Schmidt WH, McKnight CC, Houang R, et al. Why schools matter: using TIMSS to investigate curriculum and learning. New York: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
  • 40. Schmidt WH, Wang HA, McKnight C. Curriculum coher¬ence: an examination of U.S. mathematics and science content standards from an international perspective. J Curriculum Stud 2005;37:525-59.
  • 41. Wang HA, Schmidt WH. History, philosophy, and sociol¬ogy of science in science education: results from the third international mathematics and science study. Sci Educ 2001;10:51-70.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review

Kadriye Funda Akaltan 0000-0001-6744-6312

Publication Date December 2, 2019
Submission Date May 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Akaltan KF. Fakültenin Geliştirilmesi: Lisans Diş Hekimliği Eğitmenlerinin Görev ve Yeterlikleri. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(5):92-108.