Research Article
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Efficiency Of Self-Dental Esthetic Satisfaction And The Will Status On Choosing Dentistry As A Profession

Year 2021, , 379 - 386, 31.08.2021


Introduction: While other influencing factors are well categorized on the choice of dentistry, the effect of the-self appearance and the importance of the will are not studied adequately and categorized as an influencing factor in the literature.
Materials and Methods: The structured questionnaire with 21 questions was asked to 142 dental students in Turkey. Statistical analyses were performed and the results were obtained. The questions were designed by following the factors affecting the decision of the students in choosing careers such as; willingness, economy, esthetics, past experiences with dentists, the influence of family/environment, etc.
Results: Of the individuals who wanted to become a dentist from the beginning of their education, 82.5% replied as “Dentistry has always been closer and warmer” (p = 0.002; p <0.01). Also, 70,2% of respondents’ were mostly influenced by economic reasons. (p = 0,034; p <0,05). 9% of the respondents replied as "I chose it because of my family/environment affected me". Almost 1/3 of the students stated that the appearance of the teeth influenced their choice of dentistry but the effect was statistically significant.
Conclusion: This is the first study in the literature that reports that the state of the dental self-esthetics was studied and considered as an influencing factor in choosing dentistry. The willingness of the students’ in the choice of dentistry was also highly statistically significant whereas the economical considerations were the most ranked factor among the other influencing factors in students’ career plans.


  • 1. Scarbecz M, Ross JA. Gender differences in first-year dental students' motivation to attend dental school. Journal of dental education. 2002;66(8):952-961.
  • 2. Rice C, Hayden W, Glaros A, Thein D. Career changers: dentists who choose to leave private practice. The Journal of the American College of Dentists. 1997;64(1):20-26.
  • 3. Gati I, Osipow SH, Givon M. Gender differences in career decision making: The content and structure of preferences. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1995;42(2):204.
  • 4. Abbott BJ, Wege W, Volkmann K, Forde E. Dental student recruitment. Journal of dental education. 1984;48(12):645-648.
  • 5. Zadik D, Gilad R, Peretz B. Choice of dentistry as a career and perception of the profession. Journal of dental education 1997; 813-816. Available at. Accessed 10, 61.
  • 6. Gerbert B, Bernzweig J, Bleecker T, Bader J, Miyasaki C. How dentists see themselves, their profession, the public. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1992;123(12):72-78.
  • 7. Brand A, Chikte U. Student attitudes to dentistry in South African dental schools. The Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa= Die Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. 1997;52(12):713-720.
  • 8. Brand A, Chikte U, Thomas C. Choosing Dentistry as a career‐A profile of entering students (1992) to the University of Sydney, Australia. Australian dental journal. 1996;41(3):198-205.
  • 9. Crossley ML, Mubarik A. A comparative investigation of dental and medical student's motivation towards career choice. British dental journal. 2002;193(8):471.
  • 10. Whittaker D. Reasons for choice of dentistry as a career in applicants to a British dental school. British dental journal. 1984;156(1):23.
  • 11. Hallissey J, Hannigan A, Ray N. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career–a survey of dental students attending a dental school in Ireland during 1998–99. European Journal of Dental Education. 2000;4(2):77-81.
  • 12. Jover M, Doudoux D, Deveaux E. Representations of the dental surgery profession and the motivations given by second‐year French students for applying for dental surgery. European Journal of Dental Education. 2006;10(1):2-9.
  • 13. Hawley NJ, Ditmyer MM, Sandoval VA. Predental students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of the dental profession. Journal of Dental Education. 2008;72(12):1458-1464.
  • 14. McHugh S, Corrigan M, Sheikh A, Lehane E, Broe P, Hill A. A study of the factors influencing school-going students considering medical careers. The surgeon. 2011;9(4):191-194.
  • 15. Kaldenberg DO, Becker BW, Zvonkovic A. Work and commitment among young professionals: A study of male and female dentists. Human Relations. 1995;48(11):1355-1377.
  • 16. Froeschle ML, Sinkford JC. Full-time dental faculty perceptions of satisfaction with the academic work environment. Journal of Dental Education. 2009;73(10):1153-1170.
  • 17. Avramova N, Yaneva K, Bonev B. First-year dental students’ motivation and attitudes for choosing the dental profession. Acta medica academica. 2014;43(2):113.
  • 18. Mariño R, Au-Yeung W, Habibi E, Morgan M. Sociodemographic profile and career decisions of Australian oral health profession students. Journal of dental education. 2012;76(9):1241-1249.
  • 19. Karibe H, Kawakami T, Suzuki A, et al. Career choice and attitudes towards dental education amongst dental students in Japan and Sweden. European Journal of Dental Education. 2009;13(2):80-86.
  • 20. Çapan BŞ, Akyüz S, Bahcecik N, Yarat A, Girgin F. Factors Influencing Career Choices of Dental Students in a State University in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2018;8(4):228-236.
  • 21. Patel D, Saiyed MH. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career: a study of first year dental students, India. Journal of International Oral Health. 2009;1(1).
  • 22. Al‐Bitar Z, Sonbol H, Al‐Omari I. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career by Arab dental students. European Journal of Dental Education. 2008;12(4):247-251.
  • 23. Tanalp J, Ilguy D, Dikbas I, Oktay I. Demographic profile and future expectations of students enrolled in a Turkish private dental school. Journal of dental education. 2012;76(6):800-809.
  • 24. Bourzgui F, Abidine Z, Serhier Z, Diouny S, Othmani MB. Motivational factors influencing career choices of Moroccan dental students. Profession. 2014;170:22.26.
  • 25. Skelly AM, Fleming GJ. Perceptions of a dental career among successful applicants for dentistry compared with those of fifth-year dental students. Primary Dental Care. 2002;9(2):41-46.
  • 26. Gallagher J, Clarke W, Wilson N. Understanding the motivation: a qualitative study of dental students’ choice of professional career. European Journal of Dental Education. 2008;12(2):89-98.
  • 27. Rad FH, Ghaffari T, Hoshyar E. Motivations for choosing field of study among medical and dental students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Research and Development in Medical Education. 2014;3(1):25.
  • 28. Halawany HS. Career motivations, perceptions of the future of dentistry and preferred dental specialties among saudi dental students. The open dentistry journal. 2014;8:129.
  • 29. AnbuSelvan GPJ, Gokulnathan S, PrabuRajan V, RajaRaman G, Kumar SS, Thagavelu A. A study among dental students regarding the factors influenced dental students to choose dentistry as career. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. 2013;5(Suppl 1):S36.
  • 30. Rice CD, Glaros AG, Shouman R, Hlavacek M. Career choice and occupational perception in accelerated option and traditional dental students. Journal of dental education. 1999;63(4):354-358.
  • 31. Gietzelt D. Social profile of first‐year dentistry students at the University of Sydney. Australian dental journal. 1997;42(4):259-266.
  • 32. Afroz S, Rathi S, Rajput G, Rahman SA. Dental esthetics and its impact on psycho-social well-being and dental self confidence: A campus based survey of North Indian University students. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2013;13(4):455-460.

Diş Hekimliği Mesleği Seçiminde Öz Dişsel Estetik ve İsteklilik Durumunun Etkinliği

Year 2021, , 379 - 386, 31.08.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de eğitim gören diş hekimliği öğrencilerinin meslek seçiminde kişinin kendi dental durumu ve isteklilik gibi kişisel faktörlerin etkinliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 142 diş hekimliği öğrencisine 21 sorudan oluşan yapılandırılmış anket formu sorulmuştur. Sorular, öğrencilerin kariyer seçiminde kararlarını etkileyen faktörler izlenerek tasarlanmıştır; isteklilik, ekonomi, estetik, diş hekimleriyle geçmiş deneyimler, ailenin/çevrenin etkisi vb. Sorular teker teker ve birbirleriyle ilişkisine göre değerlendirilmiştir. İstatistiksel analizler yapılmış olup istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Eğitim başlangıcından itibaren diş hekimi olmak isteyenlerin %82.5'i “Diş Hekimliği her zaman daha yakın ve daha sıcak olmuştur” olarak yanıtlamıştır (p = 0.002; p <0.01). Ayrıca, ankete katılanların % 70,2' si çoğunlukla ekonomik nedenlerden etkilenmiştir. (p = 0,034; p <0,05). Ankete katılanların% 9'u "Ailem / çevremden etkilendiğim için seçtim" diye cevap vermiştir. Öğrencilerin yaklaşık 1/3'ü kendi dişlerin görünümünün diş hekimliği seçimini etkilediğini ancak etkinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğunu tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu, literatürdeki öz dişsel estetiğinin durumunun çalışıldığı ve diş hekimliği seçiminde etkili bir faktör olarak değerlendirildiğini bildiren ilk çalışmadır. Ayrıca çalışmada öğrencilerin bu tercihi yapmalarındaki diğer tüm etkenler de incelenmiş olup sonuçları rapor edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin diş hekimliği seçimindeki istekliliği de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuç verirken, ekonomik düşünceler öğrencilerin kariyer planlarında diğer etkileyen faktörler arasında en üst sırada yer almıştır. Her üç öğrenciden birinde ise öz dişsel estetik durumun bu mesleği tercihi kriterlerinden biri olarak bildirildiği görülmüştür.


  • 1. Scarbecz M, Ross JA. Gender differences in first-year dental students' motivation to attend dental school. Journal of dental education. 2002;66(8):952-961.
  • 2. Rice C, Hayden W, Glaros A, Thein D. Career changers: dentists who choose to leave private practice. The Journal of the American College of Dentists. 1997;64(1):20-26.
  • 3. Gati I, Osipow SH, Givon M. Gender differences in career decision making: The content and structure of preferences. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1995;42(2):204.
  • 4. Abbott BJ, Wege W, Volkmann K, Forde E. Dental student recruitment. Journal of dental education. 1984;48(12):645-648.
  • 5. Zadik D, Gilad R, Peretz B. Choice of dentistry as a career and perception of the profession. Journal of dental education 1997; 813-816. Available at. Accessed 10, 61.
  • 6. Gerbert B, Bernzweig J, Bleecker T, Bader J, Miyasaki C. How dentists see themselves, their profession, the public. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1992;123(12):72-78.
  • 7. Brand A, Chikte U. Student attitudes to dentistry in South African dental schools. The Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa= Die Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika. 1997;52(12):713-720.
  • 8. Brand A, Chikte U, Thomas C. Choosing Dentistry as a career‐A profile of entering students (1992) to the University of Sydney, Australia. Australian dental journal. 1996;41(3):198-205.
  • 9. Crossley ML, Mubarik A. A comparative investigation of dental and medical student's motivation towards career choice. British dental journal. 2002;193(8):471.
  • 10. Whittaker D. Reasons for choice of dentistry as a career in applicants to a British dental school. British dental journal. 1984;156(1):23.
  • 11. Hallissey J, Hannigan A, Ray N. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career–a survey of dental students attending a dental school in Ireland during 1998–99. European Journal of Dental Education. 2000;4(2):77-81.
  • 12. Jover M, Doudoux D, Deveaux E. Representations of the dental surgery profession and the motivations given by second‐year French students for applying for dental surgery. European Journal of Dental Education. 2006;10(1):2-9.
  • 13. Hawley NJ, Ditmyer MM, Sandoval VA. Predental students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of the dental profession. Journal of Dental Education. 2008;72(12):1458-1464.
  • 14. McHugh S, Corrigan M, Sheikh A, Lehane E, Broe P, Hill A. A study of the factors influencing school-going students considering medical careers. The surgeon. 2011;9(4):191-194.
  • 15. Kaldenberg DO, Becker BW, Zvonkovic A. Work and commitment among young professionals: A study of male and female dentists. Human Relations. 1995;48(11):1355-1377.
  • 16. Froeschle ML, Sinkford JC. Full-time dental faculty perceptions of satisfaction with the academic work environment. Journal of Dental Education. 2009;73(10):1153-1170.
  • 17. Avramova N, Yaneva K, Bonev B. First-year dental students’ motivation and attitudes for choosing the dental profession. Acta medica academica. 2014;43(2):113.
  • 18. Mariño R, Au-Yeung W, Habibi E, Morgan M. Sociodemographic profile and career decisions of Australian oral health profession students. Journal of dental education. 2012;76(9):1241-1249.
  • 19. Karibe H, Kawakami T, Suzuki A, et al. Career choice and attitudes towards dental education amongst dental students in Japan and Sweden. European Journal of Dental Education. 2009;13(2):80-86.
  • 20. Çapan BŞ, Akyüz S, Bahcecik N, Yarat A, Girgin F. Factors Influencing Career Choices of Dental Students in a State University in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2018;8(4):228-236.
  • 21. Patel D, Saiyed MH. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career: a study of first year dental students, India. Journal of International Oral Health. 2009;1(1).
  • 22. Al‐Bitar Z, Sonbol H, Al‐Omari I. Reasons for choosing dentistry as a career by Arab dental students. European Journal of Dental Education. 2008;12(4):247-251.
  • 23. Tanalp J, Ilguy D, Dikbas I, Oktay I. Demographic profile and future expectations of students enrolled in a Turkish private dental school. Journal of dental education. 2012;76(6):800-809.
  • 24. Bourzgui F, Abidine Z, Serhier Z, Diouny S, Othmani MB. Motivational factors influencing career choices of Moroccan dental students. Profession. 2014;170:22.26.
  • 25. Skelly AM, Fleming GJ. Perceptions of a dental career among successful applicants for dentistry compared with those of fifth-year dental students. Primary Dental Care. 2002;9(2):41-46.
  • 26. Gallagher J, Clarke W, Wilson N. Understanding the motivation: a qualitative study of dental students’ choice of professional career. European Journal of Dental Education. 2008;12(2):89-98.
  • 27. Rad FH, Ghaffari T, Hoshyar E. Motivations for choosing field of study among medical and dental students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. Research and Development in Medical Education. 2014;3(1):25.
  • 28. Halawany HS. Career motivations, perceptions of the future of dentistry and preferred dental specialties among saudi dental students. The open dentistry journal. 2014;8:129.
  • 29. AnbuSelvan GPJ, Gokulnathan S, PrabuRajan V, RajaRaman G, Kumar SS, Thagavelu A. A study among dental students regarding the factors influenced dental students to choose dentistry as career. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. 2013;5(Suppl 1):S36.
  • 30. Rice CD, Glaros AG, Shouman R, Hlavacek M. Career choice and occupational perception in accelerated option and traditional dental students. Journal of dental education. 1999;63(4):354-358.
  • 31. Gietzelt D. Social profile of first‐year dentistry students at the University of Sydney. Australian dental journal. 1997;42(4):259-266.
  • 32. Afroz S, Rathi S, Rajput G, Rahman SA. Dental esthetics and its impact on psycho-social well-being and dental self confidence: A campus based survey of North Indian University students. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2013;13(4):455-460.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Turker Yucesoy

Enes Sengonul

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Submission Date December 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Yucesoy T, Sengonul E. Efficiency Of Self-Dental Esthetic Satisfaction And The Will Status On Choosing Dentistry As A Profession. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(2):379-86.