Amaç: Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, sadece vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) ile ağız kokusu arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendiren bir çalışma yoktur. Çalışmamızın amacı VKİ ile ağız kokusu arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını incelemektir.
Gereç-Yöntemler: Çalışma popülasyonu için geç ergenlik döneminde (17-21 yaş) 200 lisans öğrencisi değerlendirildi. Öğrenciler bir anket doldurduktan sonra; Ağız hijyeni alışkanlığı iyi olan bireyler (yani düzenli diş fırçalama, çürük veya dolu diş, diş eti kanaması, sistemik hastalık ve ilaç kullanımı yok) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm kriterler uygulandıktan sonra 61 katılımcı (Erkek: 23, Kadın: 38) çalışmaya uygun bulundu ve katılımcıların VKİ hesaplandı. Ağız kokusu organoleptik değerlendirme ve portatif bir kükürt monitörü kullanılarak belirlendi. İstatistiksel analiz için T testi ve basit doğrusal regresyon modeli kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Tüm katılımcılarda ortalama VKİ değeri 21.71 ± 3.09 idi. Doğrusal regresyon analizi, BMI'nin her birim artışı için katılımcıların organoleptik değerinin 0.008 kat arttığını göstermiştir, ancak ilişki istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır (p = 0.829). BMI değerindeki bir birimlik artış halimeter ölçüm değerini 0.573 kat arttırır, ancak bu sonuç istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p = 0.893).
Sonuç: Ağız kokusunun kendi başına yüksek VKİ'den bağımsız olduğu sonucuna vardık. Bununla birlikte, yüksek VKİ, yüksek VKİ ile ilişkili ve sistemik hastalıklar, artan periodontitis riski, kserostomi vb. Gibi sorunlardan dolayı ağız kokusu için hala bir risk faktörü olabilir.
Seemann R, Conceicao MD, Filippi A, Greenman J, Lenton P, Nachnani S, et al. Halitosis management by the general dental practitioner--results of an international consensus workshop. J Breath Res 2014;8:017101.
McNab R. Oral malodour–a review. Arch Oral Biol 2008; 53:1-7.
Motta LJ, Bachiega JC, Guedes CC, Laranja L,Bussadori SK. Association between halitosis and mouth breathing in children. Clinics 2011; 66:939-942.
Campisi G, Musciotto OF, Marco V, Craxi A. Halitosis: could it be more than mere bad breath? Intern Emerg Med 2011; 6:315-319.
Lee CH, Kho HS, Chung SC, Lee SW, Kim YK. The relationship between volatile sulfur compounds and major halitosis‐inducing factors. J Periodontol 2003; 74:32-37.
Calil C, Liberato FL, Pereira AC, Meneghim MC, Goodson JM, Groppo FC. The relationship between volatile sulphur compounds, tongue coating and periodontal disease. Int J Dent Hyg 2009;7:251-255.
Yaegaki K, Coil JM. Examination, classification, and treatment of halitosis; clinical perspectives. J Can Dent Assoc 2000;66:257-261.
Kapoor U, Sharma G, Juneja M, Nagpal A. Halitosis: Current concepts on etiology, diagnosis and management. Eur J Dent 2016; 10: 292-300.
Azodo C, Osazuwa-Peters N, Omili M. Psychological and social impacts of halitosis: a review. J Soc Psychol Sci 2010; 3:74-92.
Zalewska A, Zatonski M, Jabłonka-Strom A, Paradowska A,Kawala B, Litwin A. Halitosis--a common medical and social problem. A review on pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Acta Gastroenterolog Belg 2012;75:300-309.
Azodo CC, Ogbebor O. Social distance towards halitosis sufferers. Swiss Dent J 2019;129:1026.
Frias-Bulhosa J, Barbosa P, Gomes E, Vieira MR, Manso MC. Association between body mass index and caries among 13-year-old population in Castelo de Paiva, Portugal. Rev Portug Esto Medi Dent Cirurg Maxilo 2015;56:3-8.
Sheiham A, Steele JG, Marcenes W, Finch S, Walls AWG. The relationship between oral health status and Body Mass Index among older people: a national survey of older people in Great Britain. Br Dent J 2002;192:703-706.
Shimura M, Yasuno Y, Iwakura M,, Shimada Y, Sakai S, Suzuki K, Sakamoto S. A new monitor with a zinc‐oxide thin film semiconductor sensor for the measurement of volatile sulfur compounds in mouth air. J Periodontol 1996; 67:396-402.
Willerhausen B, Blettner M, Kasaj A, Hohenfellner K. Association between body mass index and dental health in 1,290 children of elementary schools in a German city. Clin Oral Invest 2007;11:195-200.
Saha AK, Sarkar N, Chatterjee T. Health consequences of childhood obesity. Indian J Pediatr 2011;78:1349-1355.
Consultation W, Obesi'i'y: Preventing And Managing the Global Epidemic. 2000.
Modéer T, Blomberg CC, Wondimu B, Julihn A, Marcus C. Association between obesity, flow rate of whole saliva, and dental caries in adolescents. Obesity 2010;18:2367-73.
Nakano Y, Yoshimura M, Koga T, Correlation between oral malodor and periodontal bacteria. Microbe& Infec 2002; 4:679-683.
Van den Broek AM, Feenstra L, Baat C, A review of the current literature on aetiology and measurement methods of halitosis. J Dent 2007; 35:627-635.
Setia S, Pannu P, Gambhir RS, Galhotra V, Ahluwalia P, Sofat A. Correlation of oral hygiene practices, smoking and oral health conditions with self perceived halitosis amongst undergraduate dental students. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2014; 5(1):67.
Vandekerckhove B, Van den Velde S, De Smit M, Dadamio J, Teughels W, Van Tornout M, et al. Clinical reliability of non‐organoleptic oral malodour measurements. J Clin Periodontol 2009; 36: 964-969.
Armstrong BL, Sensat ML, Stoltenberg JL. Halitosis: a review of current literature. Am Dent Hyg Assoc 2010;84:65-74.
Brunner F, Kurmann M, Filippi A. The correlation of organoleptic and instrumental halitosis measurements. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 2010;120:402-8.
Kim SY, Sim S, Kim SG, Park B, Choi HG. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Subjective Halitosis in Korean Adolescents. PLoS One 2015;10:0140214.
Porter S, Scully C. Oral malodour (halitosis). Br Med J. 2006;333:632-5.
Kumar S, Dagli RJ, Dhanni C, Duraiswamy P. Relationship of body mass index with periodontal health status of green marble mine laborers in Kesariyaji, India. Braz Oral Res 2009;23:365-369.
Al‐Zahrani MS, Bissada MS, Borawski EA. Obesity and periodontal disease in young, middle‐aged, and older adults. J Periodontol 2003;74:610-615.
Reeves AF, Rees JM, Schiff M, Hujoel P. Total body weight and waist circumference associated with chronic periodontitis among adolescents in the United States. Arch Pediatr Ado Med 2006;160:894-899.
Rosenberg M, Knaan T, Cohen D. Association among bad breath, body mass index, and alcohol intake. J Dent Res 2007;86:997-1000.
Haslam D, Sattar N, Lean M. Obesity—time to wake up. Br Med J 2006;333:640-642.
Rosenberg M. Clinical assessment of bad breath: current concepts. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:475-482.
Background: To the best our knowledge there is no study evaluating relationship between only body mass index (BMI) and halitosis. The aim of our study is to examine whether there is a relationship between BMI and halitosis.
Material-Methods: For the study population, 200 undergraduate students in the late adolescent period (17-21 years) were evaluated. After the students completed a questionnaire; individuals with good oral hygiene habits (i.e. regular tooth brushing, no caries or filled teeth, no gum bleeding, no systemic diseases, and no drug use) were included in the study. After all the criteria were applied, 61 participants (Male:23, Female:38) were found suitable for the study and BMI of the participants was calculated. Halitosis was determined using organoleptic assessment and a portable sulfur monitor. T-test and simple linear regression model was used for statistical analysis.
Results: The average BMI value was 21.71±3.09 for all participants. Linear regression analysis showed that participants’ organoleptic value increases by 0.008 times for each unit increase of BMI, however, the relationship was found not statistically significant (p= 0.829). A one unit increase of BMI value increases the halimeter measurements value by 0.573 times, but this result was not statistically significant (p= 0.893).
Conclusion: We conclude that halitosis is independent of high BMI in itself. However, high BMI may be still a risk factor for halitosis due to problems associated with high BMI and related to halitosis, such as systemic diseases, increased risk of periodontitis, xerostomia, etc.
Seemann R, Conceicao MD, Filippi A, Greenman J, Lenton P, Nachnani S, et al. Halitosis management by the general dental practitioner--results of an international consensus workshop. J Breath Res 2014;8:017101.
McNab R. Oral malodour–a review. Arch Oral Biol 2008; 53:1-7.
Motta LJ, Bachiega JC, Guedes CC, Laranja L,Bussadori SK. Association between halitosis and mouth breathing in children. Clinics 2011; 66:939-942.
Campisi G, Musciotto OF, Marco V, Craxi A. Halitosis: could it be more than mere bad breath? Intern Emerg Med 2011; 6:315-319.
Lee CH, Kho HS, Chung SC, Lee SW, Kim YK. The relationship between volatile sulfur compounds and major halitosis‐inducing factors. J Periodontol 2003; 74:32-37.
Calil C, Liberato FL, Pereira AC, Meneghim MC, Goodson JM, Groppo FC. The relationship between volatile sulphur compounds, tongue coating and periodontal disease. Int J Dent Hyg 2009;7:251-255.
Yaegaki K, Coil JM. Examination, classification, and treatment of halitosis; clinical perspectives. J Can Dent Assoc 2000;66:257-261.
Kapoor U, Sharma G, Juneja M, Nagpal A. Halitosis: Current concepts on etiology, diagnosis and management. Eur J Dent 2016; 10: 292-300.
Azodo C, Osazuwa-Peters N, Omili M. Psychological and social impacts of halitosis: a review. J Soc Psychol Sci 2010; 3:74-92.
Zalewska A, Zatonski M, Jabłonka-Strom A, Paradowska A,Kawala B, Litwin A. Halitosis--a common medical and social problem. A review on pathology, diagnosis and treatment. Acta Gastroenterolog Belg 2012;75:300-309.
Azodo CC, Ogbebor O. Social distance towards halitosis sufferers. Swiss Dent J 2019;129:1026.
Frias-Bulhosa J, Barbosa P, Gomes E, Vieira MR, Manso MC. Association between body mass index and caries among 13-year-old population in Castelo de Paiva, Portugal. Rev Portug Esto Medi Dent Cirurg Maxilo 2015;56:3-8.
Sheiham A, Steele JG, Marcenes W, Finch S, Walls AWG. The relationship between oral health status and Body Mass Index among older people: a national survey of older people in Great Britain. Br Dent J 2002;192:703-706.
Shimura M, Yasuno Y, Iwakura M,, Shimada Y, Sakai S, Suzuki K, Sakamoto S. A new monitor with a zinc‐oxide thin film semiconductor sensor for the measurement of volatile sulfur compounds in mouth air. J Periodontol 1996; 67:396-402.
Willerhausen B, Blettner M, Kasaj A, Hohenfellner K. Association between body mass index and dental health in 1,290 children of elementary schools in a German city. Clin Oral Invest 2007;11:195-200.
Saha AK, Sarkar N, Chatterjee T. Health consequences of childhood obesity. Indian J Pediatr 2011;78:1349-1355.
Consultation W, Obesi'i'y: Preventing And Managing the Global Epidemic. 2000.
Modéer T, Blomberg CC, Wondimu B, Julihn A, Marcus C. Association between obesity, flow rate of whole saliva, and dental caries in adolescents. Obesity 2010;18:2367-73.
Nakano Y, Yoshimura M, Koga T, Correlation between oral malodor and periodontal bacteria. Microbe& Infec 2002; 4:679-683.
Van den Broek AM, Feenstra L, Baat C, A review of the current literature on aetiology and measurement methods of halitosis. J Dent 2007; 35:627-635.
Setia S, Pannu P, Gambhir RS, Galhotra V, Ahluwalia P, Sofat A. Correlation of oral hygiene practices, smoking and oral health conditions with self perceived halitosis amongst undergraduate dental students. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2014; 5(1):67.
Vandekerckhove B, Van den Velde S, De Smit M, Dadamio J, Teughels W, Van Tornout M, et al. Clinical reliability of non‐organoleptic oral malodour measurements. J Clin Periodontol 2009; 36: 964-969.
Armstrong BL, Sensat ML, Stoltenberg JL. Halitosis: a review of current literature. Am Dent Hyg Assoc 2010;84:65-74.
Brunner F, Kurmann M, Filippi A. The correlation of organoleptic and instrumental halitosis measurements. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 2010;120:402-8.
Kim SY, Sim S, Kim SG, Park B, Choi HG. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Subjective Halitosis in Korean Adolescents. PLoS One 2015;10:0140214.
Porter S, Scully C. Oral malodour (halitosis). Br Med J. 2006;333:632-5.
Kumar S, Dagli RJ, Dhanni C, Duraiswamy P. Relationship of body mass index with periodontal health status of green marble mine laborers in Kesariyaji, India. Braz Oral Res 2009;23:365-369.
Al‐Zahrani MS, Bissada MS, Borawski EA. Obesity and periodontal disease in young, middle‐aged, and older adults. J Periodontol 2003;74:610-615.
Reeves AF, Rees JM, Schiff M, Hujoel P. Total body weight and waist circumference associated with chronic periodontitis among adolescents in the United States. Arch Pediatr Ado Med 2006;160:894-899.
Rosenberg M, Knaan T, Cohen D. Association among bad breath, body mass index, and alcohol intake. J Dent Res 2007;86:997-1000.
Haslam D, Sattar N, Lean M. Obesity—time to wake up. Br Med J 2006;333:640-642.
Rosenberg M. Clinical assessment of bad breath: current concepts. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:475-482.
Sezen Erhamza T, Erkmen Almaz M, Tulumbacı F. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BODY MASS INDEX AND HALITOSIS AMONGST LATE ADOLESCENTS. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(1):95-100.