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Does the vehicle type affect the persistence of calcium hydroxide on the root canal walls when removing with sonic activation?

Year 2021, , 699 - 702, 31.12.2021


This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the persistence of calcium hydroxide (CH) associated with different vehicles on the artificial cavities after removing with sonic activation or conventional needle irrigation (CNI). Methods Seventy-two extracted single-rooted teeth were instrumented with ProTaper Universal rotary system up to F4. The roots were split longitudinally, and standardized cavities were prepared. The roots were assigned into 3 groups (n=24), according to vehicles used; distilled water, glycerin, and propylene glycol. In each group, cavities were filled with CH mixed with the respective vehicle. After reassembly, the removal of CH dressing was performed with either sonic activation (with EDDY) or CNI (n=12).The remnants of CH was assessed under a microscope with x40 magnification. A four-grade scoring system was used to evaluate. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-tests were used to compare the data. (p <0.05). ResultsThere was a significant difference among groups (p<0.05). Complete removal of CH was found in the distilled water and propylene glycol groups when EDDY was used (p<0.05).EDDY was significantly more effective than CNI in the removal of CH mixed with distilled water and propylene glycol (p<.05).Whereas no significant difference was found between EDDY and CNI in the glycerin group (p>0.05).The lowest CH remnants were found in the distilled water group when CNI was used (p<0.05).Conclusion The vehicle associated with CH and irrigation activation is important for its retrieval. EDDY provided the complete removal of CH when mixed with distilled water or propylene glycol.

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  • Siqueira JF, Jr., Guimaraes-Pinto T, Rocas IN. Effects of chemomechanical preparation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide on cultivable bacteria in infected root canals. J Endod 2007; 33:800-5.
  • Tanomaru JM, Leonardo MR, Tanomaru Filho M, Bonetti Filho I, Silva LA. Effect of different irrigation solutions and calcium hydroxide on bacterial LPS. Int Endod J 2003; 36:733-9.
  • Leonardo MR, Hernandez ME, Silva LA, Tanomaru-Filho M. Effect of a calcium hydroxide- based root canal dressing on periapical repair in dogs: a histological study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006; 102:680-5.
  • Calt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod 1999; 25:431-3.
  • Kim SK, Kim YO. Influence of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication on apical seal. Int Endod J 2002; 35:623-8.
  • Uzunoglu-Ozyurek E, Erdogan O, Aktemur Turker S. Effect of Calcium Hydroxide Dressing on the Dentinal Tubule Penetration of 2 Different Root Canal Sealers: A Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopic Study. J Endod 2018; 44:1018-23.
  • Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Burklein S, Schafer E. Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Artificial Grooves in Straight Root Canals: Sonic Activation Using EDDY Versus Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and XPendo Finisher. J Endod 2019; 45:322-6.
  • Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton CS, Tomazinho FSF, M. C. L. Gabardo, M. A. H. Duarte, R.R.Vivan et al. Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities inextracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J 2020; 53:366-75.
  • Mohammadi Z, Dummer PM. Properties and applications of calcium hydroxide in endodontics and dental traumatology. Int Endod J 2011; 44:697-730.
  • Fava LR, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J 1999; 32:257-82.
  • Grover C, Shetty N. Evaluation of calcium ion release and change in pH on combining calcium hydroxide with different vehicles. Contemp Clin Dent 2014; 5:434-9.
  • Rivera EM, Williams K. Placement of calcium hydroxide in simulated canals: comparison of glycerin versus water. J Endod 1994; 20:445-8.
  • de Oliveira RL, Guerisoli DMZ, Duque JA, Murilo P. Alcalde, Hélio K. Onoda, et al. Computed microtomography evaluation of calcium hydroxide-based root canal dressing removal from oval root canals by different methods of irrigation. Microsc Res Tech 2019; 82:232-7.
  • Gokturk H, Ozkocak I, Buyukgebiz F, Demir O. Effectiveness of various irrigation protocols for the removal of calcium hydroxide from artificial standardized grooves. J Appl Oral Sci 2017; 25:290-8.
  • Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014; 40:451-4.
  • Ma JZ, Shen Y, Al-Ashaw AJ, H. Y. Khaleel, Y. Yang, Z. J. Wang et al. Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the removal of calcium hydroxide medicament from C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars. Int Endod J 2015; 48:333-41.
  • van der Sluis LW, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007; 40:52-7.
  • Nandini S, Velmurugan N, Kandaswamy D. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament with two calcium chelators: volumetric analysis using spiral CT, an in vitro study. J Endod 2006; 32:1097-101.
  • Lambrianidis T, Margelos J, Beltes P. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide dressing from the root canal. J Endod 1999; 25:85-8.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC. A comparison of two techniques for the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J 2010; 43:763-8.
  • De Faria-Junior NB, Keine KC, So MV, Weckwerth PH, Guerreiro-Tanomaru JM, Kuga MC. Residues of calcium hydroxide-based intracanal medication associated with different vehicles: a scanning electron microscopy evaluation. Microsc Res Tech 2012; 75:898-902.

Taşıyıcı tipi sonik aktivasyon kullanılarak uzaklaştırılan kalsiyum hidroksitin kök kanal duvarlarından uzaklaştırılmadan kalmasını etkiler mi?

Year 2021, , 699 - 702, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışma farklı taşıyıcılarla karıştırılan kalsiyum hidroksitin (KH) yapay olarak oluşturulmuş kavitelerden sonik aktivasyon veya geleneksel iğne irrigasyonu (Gİİ) kullanılarak uzaklaştırılmasından sonra kalan miktarını karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler
72 adet çekilmiş düz-tek köklü alt çene birinci küçük azı dişleri ProTaper Universal döner eğe sistemi ile F4 eğesine kadar genişletildi. Dişler uzunlamasına kesilerek standart kaviteler açıldı. Kullanılan taşıyıcı tipine göre kökler 3 gruba ayrıldı (n=24); distile su, gliserin ve propilen glikol. Her bir grupta, kaviteler bu taşıyıcılardan biriyle karıştırılan kalsiyum hidroksitle dolduruldu. Kök parçalarının tekrar birleştirilmesinden sonra kalsiyum hidroksitin uzaklaştırılması ya sonik aktivasyon (EDDY ile) ya da Gİİ ile yapıldı (n=12). Kalan KH miktarı bir mikroskop kullanılarak x40 büyütme ile değerlendirildi. Değerlendirme için 4-skorlu skala kullanıldı. Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U testleri verileri karşılaştırmak için kullanıldı. Bulgular
Gruplar arasında anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0.05). Distile su ve propilen glikol ile karıştırılan KH’in EDDY ile tamamen uzaklaştırıldığı bulundu (p<0.05). Distile su ve propilen glikol ile karıştırılan KH’i uzaklaştırmada EDDY, Gİİ’den daha etkili bulundu (p<0.05). Fakat gliserin ile karıştırılan KH’i uzaklaştırmada EDDY ve Gİİ arasında fark bulunmadı (p>0.05). Gİİ kullanıldığında kalan KH miktarı en az distile su grubunda bulundu (p<0.05).
KH’in uzaklaştırılmasında kullanılan taşıyıcı tipi ve yıkama solusyonunun aktivasyonu önemlidir. EDDY distile su veya propilen glikol ile karıştırılan KH’in tamamen uzaklaştırılmasını sağlanmıştır.

Project Number



  • Siqueira JF, Jr., Guimaraes-Pinto T, Rocas IN. Effects of chemomechanical preparation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide on cultivable bacteria in infected root canals. J Endod 2007; 33:800-5.
  • Tanomaru JM, Leonardo MR, Tanomaru Filho M, Bonetti Filho I, Silva LA. Effect of different irrigation solutions and calcium hydroxide on bacterial LPS. Int Endod J 2003; 36:733-9.
  • Leonardo MR, Hernandez ME, Silva LA, Tanomaru-Filho M. Effect of a calcium hydroxide- based root canal dressing on periapical repair in dogs: a histological study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006; 102:680-5.
  • Calt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod 1999; 25:431-3.
  • Kim SK, Kim YO. Influence of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication on apical seal. Int Endod J 2002; 35:623-8.
  • Uzunoglu-Ozyurek E, Erdogan O, Aktemur Turker S. Effect of Calcium Hydroxide Dressing on the Dentinal Tubule Penetration of 2 Different Root Canal Sealers: A Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopic Study. J Endod 2018; 44:1018-23.
  • Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Burklein S, Schafer E. Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Artificial Grooves in Straight Root Canals: Sonic Activation Using EDDY Versus Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and XPendo Finisher. J Endod 2019; 45:322-6.
  • Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton CS, Tomazinho FSF, M. C. L. Gabardo, M. A. H. Duarte, R.R.Vivan et al. Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities inextracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J 2020; 53:366-75.
  • Mohammadi Z, Dummer PM. Properties and applications of calcium hydroxide in endodontics and dental traumatology. Int Endod J 2011; 44:697-730.
  • Fava LR, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J 1999; 32:257-82.
  • Grover C, Shetty N. Evaluation of calcium ion release and change in pH on combining calcium hydroxide with different vehicles. Contemp Clin Dent 2014; 5:434-9.
  • Rivera EM, Williams K. Placement of calcium hydroxide in simulated canals: comparison of glycerin versus water. J Endod 1994; 20:445-8.
  • de Oliveira RL, Guerisoli DMZ, Duque JA, Murilo P. Alcalde, Hélio K. Onoda, et al. Computed microtomography evaluation of calcium hydroxide-based root canal dressing removal from oval root canals by different methods of irrigation. Microsc Res Tech 2019; 82:232-7.
  • Gokturk H, Ozkocak I, Buyukgebiz F, Demir O. Effectiveness of various irrigation protocols for the removal of calcium hydroxide from artificial standardized grooves. J Appl Oral Sci 2017; 25:290-8.
  • Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod 2014; 40:451-4.
  • Ma JZ, Shen Y, Al-Ashaw AJ, H. Y. Khaleel, Y. Yang, Z. J. Wang et al. Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the removal of calcium hydroxide medicament from C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars. Int Endod J 2015; 48:333-41.
  • van der Sluis LW, Wu MK, Wesselink PR. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized groove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J 2007; 40:52-7.
  • Nandini S, Velmurugan N, Kandaswamy D. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide intracanal medicament with two calcium chelators: volumetric analysis using spiral CT, an in vitro study. J Endod 2006; 32:1097-101.
  • Lambrianidis T, Margelos J, Beltes P. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide dressing from the root canal. J Endod 1999; 25:85-8.
  • Balvedi RP, Versiani MA, Manna FF, Biffi JC. A comparison of two techniques for the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Int Endod J 2010; 43:763-8.
  • De Faria-Junior NB, Keine KC, So MV, Weckwerth PH, Guerreiro-Tanomaru JM, Kuga MC. Residues of calcium hydroxide-based intracanal medication associated with different vehicles: a scanning electron microscopy evaluation. Microsc Res Tech 2012; 75:898-902.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Sevinç Aktemur Türker 0000-0001-8740-2480

Sena Kaşıkçı 0000-0003-4270-9467

Fatma Zuhal Yurdagül 0000-0002-1119-4969

Project Number -
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 6, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Aktemur Türker S, Kaşıkçı S, Yurdagül FZ. Does the vehicle type affect the persistence of calcium hydroxide on the root canal walls when removing with sonic activation?. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(3):699-702.