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Dört Direkt Pulpa Kapaklama Materyalinin Klinik Takibinin Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Klinik Çalışma

Year 2021, , 288 - 295, 31.08.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı pulpa kapaklama materyallerin klinik başarılarını retrospektif olarak değerlendirmek için direkt pulpa kapaklama tedavileri uygulanmış hastaları 1 yıl boyunca takip etmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu retrospektif takip çalışmasına, Restoratif Diş Tedavisi kliniğine çürük semptomları nedeniyle başvurmuş, 18-45 yaş aralığında, sistemik sağlık problemi olmayan, farklı pulpa kapaklama materyalleri kullanılarak direkt pulpa kapaklama tedavisi uygulanmış, daimi restorasyonları kompozit dolgu materyali ile yapılmış hastalar dahil edildi. Hastalar tedavide kullanılan pulpa kapaklama materyallerine göre 4 farklı gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1: Ca(OH)2, Grup 2: MTA, Grup 3: TheraCal LC ve Grup 4: Biodentine idi. Hastaların klinik takipleri 1. hafta, 1., 3., 6. ve 12. aylarda gerçekleştirildi. Klinik takipler için gelen hastaların ağrı, perküsyon, postoperatif hassasiyet şikayetleri değerlendirildi, soğuk testi ve elektrikli vitalite testi ile tedavi edilen dişlerin vitaliteleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analiz için Ki-Kare testi ve Fisher Exact testi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Elde edilen verilere göre sağ kalım açısından en yüksek başarı oranı Biodentine grubunda %90.9 iken, en düşük başarı oranı Ca(OH)2 grubunda %80 olarak gözlendi. MTA grubunda başarı oranı %84, TheraCal LC grubunda ise %81.8’lik bir başarı oranı tespit edildi. Gruplar karşılaştırıldığında sağ kalım oranları açısından başarı oranları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı gözlendi.
Sonuç: Direkt pulpa kapaklamasında kullanılmak için üretilen materyallerin kısa dönem klinik takiplerinde dişlerin canlılığını korumada etkili oldukları ve klinik başarı oranlarının benzer olduğu, ancak materyallerin uzun dönem klinik başarılarının daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için daha fazla hasta katılımlı ve uzun dönem takipli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.

Supporting Institution

Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilim Araştırma Projeleri

Project Number



  • 1. Brizuela C, Ormeño A, Cabrera C, Cabezas R, Silva CI, Ramírez V, Mercade MJJoe, 2017. Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide aggregate, and biodentine in permanent young teeth with caries: a randomized clinical trial. 43, 11, 1776-80.
  • 2. Suhag K, Duhan J, Tewari S, Sangwan PJJoe, 2019. Success of Direct Pulp Capping Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium Hydroxide in Mature Permanent Molars with Pulps Exposed during Carious Tissue Removal: 1-year Follow-up
  • 3. Li Z, Cao L, Fan M, Xu QJJoe, 2015. Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate: a meta-analysis. 41, 9, 1412-7.
  • 4. Dammaschke TJJotHoD, 2008. The history of direct pulp capping. 56, 1, 9-23.
  • 5. Qureshi A, Soujanya E, Nandakumar PJJoc, JCDR dr, 2014. Recent advances in pulp capping materials: an overview. 8, 1, 316.
  • 6. Ghoddusi J, Forghani M, Parisay IJIej, 2014. New approaches in vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth. 9, 1, 15.
  • 7. Matsuura T, Kawata-Matsuura VK, Yamada SJJoos, 2018. Long-term clinical and radiographic evaluation of the effectiveness of direct pulp-capping materials. 18-0125.
  • 8. Türkyılmaz A, Erdemir AJOMÜDHFD, Endodonti’de Mineral Trioksit Aggregate. 12, 1, 43-51.
  • 9. Kaur M, Singh H, Dhillon JS, Batra M, Saini MJJoc, JCDR dr, 2017. MTA versus biodentine: Review of literature with a comparative analysis. 11, 8, ZG01.
  • 10. Rajasekharan S, Martens L, Cauwels R, Verbeeck RJEaopd, 2014. Biodentine™ material characteristics and clinical applications: a review of the literature. 15, 3, 147-58.
  • 11. Gandolfi M, Siboni F, Prati CJIej, 2012. Chemical–physical properties of TheraCal, a novel light‐curable MTA‐like material for pulp capping. 45, 6, 571-9.
  • 12. Jang Y, Song M, Yoo I-S, Song Y, Roh B-D, Kim EJJoe, 2015. A randomized controlled study of the use of ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate and Endocem as direct pulp capping materials: 3-month versus 1-year outcomes. 41, 8, 1201-6.
  • 13. Çalışkan, Mehmet Kemal, and Pelin Güneri. 2017. 'Prognostic factors in direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate or calcium hydroxide: 2-to 6-year follow-up', Clinical oral investigations, 21: 357-67.
  • 14. Vural, U Koc, A Kiremitci, and S Gokalp. 2017. 'Randomized clinical trial to evaluate MTA indirect pulp capping in deep caries lesions after 24-months', Operative dentistry, 42: 470-77.
  • 15. Hegde, Swaroop, B Sowmya, Sylvia Mathew, Shilpa H Bhandi, Shruthi Nagaraja, and K Dinesh. 2017. 'Clinical evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine as direct pulp capping agents in carious teeth', Journal of conservative dentistry: JCD, 20: 91.
  • 16. Parinyaprom N, Nirunsittirat A, Chuveera P, Lampang SN, Srisuwan T, Sastraruji T, Bua-on P, Simprasert S, Khoipanich I, Sutharaphan TJJoe, 2018. Outcomes of direct pulp capping by using either ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate or Biodentine in permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure in 6-to 18-year-old patients: a randomized controlled trial. 44, 3, 341-8.
  • 17. Kundzina R, Stangvaltaite L, Eriksen H, Kerosuo EJIej, 2017. Capping carious exposures in adults: a randomized controlled trial investigating mineral trioxide aggregate versus calcium hydroxide. 50, 10, 924-32.
  • 18. Cengiz, Esra, and Hasan Guney Yilmaz. 2016. 'Efficacy of erbium, chromium-doped: yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet laser irradiation combined with resin-based tricalcium silicate and calcium hydroxide on direct pulp capping: a randomized clinical trial', Journal of endodontics, 42: 351-55.
  • 19. Gandolfi, MG, F Siboni, and C Prati. 2012. 'Chemical–physical properties of TheraCal, a novel light‐curable MTA‐like material for pulp capping', International endodontic journal, 45: 571-79.
  • 20. Harkins SW, Chapman CRJP, 1976. Detection and decision factors in pain perception in young and elderly men. 2, 3, 253-64.
  • 21. Matsuo T, Nakanishi T, Shimizu H, Ebisu SJJoe, 1996. A clinical study of direct pulp capping applied to carious-exposed pulps. 22, 10, 551-6.
  • 22. Auschill T, Arweiler N, Hellwig E, Zamani-Alaei A, Sculean AJSMfZRmsdo-sRmsdoes, 2003. Success rate of direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide. 113, 9s, 946-52.
  • 23. Willershausen B, Willershausen I, Ross A, Velikonja S, Kasaj A, Blettner MJQI, 2011. Retrospective study on direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide. 42, 2.
  • 24. Reuver JJDzZ, 1992. 592 pulp cappings in a dental office--a clinical study (1966-1990). 47, 1, 29-32.
  • 25. Bogen G, Kim JS, Bakland LKJTJotADA, 2008. Direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate: an observational study. 139, 3, 305-15.
  • 26. McWalter GM, El-Kafrawy AH, Mitchell DFJJotADA, 1976. Long-term study of pulp capping in monkeys with three agents. 93, 1, 105-10.
  • 27. Cox CF, Bergenholtz G, Fitzgerald M, Heys DR, Heys RJ, Avery JK, Baker JAJJoOP, Medicine, 1982. Capping of the dental pulp mechanically exposed to the oral microflora–a 5 week observation of wound healing in the monkey. 11, 4, 327-39.
Year 2021, , 288 - 295, 31.08.2021


Project Number



  • 1. Brizuela C, Ormeño A, Cabrera C, Cabezas R, Silva CI, Ramírez V, Mercade MJJoe, 2017. Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide, mineral trioxide aggregate, and biodentine in permanent young teeth with caries: a randomized clinical trial. 43, 11, 1776-80.
  • 2. Suhag K, Duhan J, Tewari S, Sangwan PJJoe, 2019. Success of Direct Pulp Capping Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium Hydroxide in Mature Permanent Molars with Pulps Exposed during Carious Tissue Removal: 1-year Follow-up
  • 3. Li Z, Cao L, Fan M, Xu QJJoe, 2015. Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate: a meta-analysis. 41, 9, 1412-7.
  • 4. Dammaschke TJJotHoD, 2008. The history of direct pulp capping. 56, 1, 9-23.
  • 5. Qureshi A, Soujanya E, Nandakumar PJJoc, JCDR dr, 2014. Recent advances in pulp capping materials: an overview. 8, 1, 316.
  • 6. Ghoddusi J, Forghani M, Parisay IJIej, 2014. New approaches in vital pulp therapy in permanent teeth. 9, 1, 15.
  • 7. Matsuura T, Kawata-Matsuura VK, Yamada SJJoos, 2018. Long-term clinical and radiographic evaluation of the effectiveness of direct pulp-capping materials. 18-0125.
  • 8. Türkyılmaz A, Erdemir AJOMÜDHFD, Endodonti’de Mineral Trioksit Aggregate. 12, 1, 43-51.
  • 9. Kaur M, Singh H, Dhillon JS, Batra M, Saini MJJoc, JCDR dr, 2017. MTA versus biodentine: Review of literature with a comparative analysis. 11, 8, ZG01.
  • 10. Rajasekharan S, Martens L, Cauwels R, Verbeeck RJEaopd, 2014. Biodentine™ material characteristics and clinical applications: a review of the literature. 15, 3, 147-58.
  • 11. Gandolfi M, Siboni F, Prati CJIej, 2012. Chemical–physical properties of TheraCal, a novel light‐curable MTA‐like material for pulp capping. 45, 6, 571-9.
  • 12. Jang Y, Song M, Yoo I-S, Song Y, Roh B-D, Kim EJJoe, 2015. A randomized controlled study of the use of ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate and Endocem as direct pulp capping materials: 3-month versus 1-year outcomes. 41, 8, 1201-6.
  • 13. Çalışkan, Mehmet Kemal, and Pelin Güneri. 2017. 'Prognostic factors in direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate or calcium hydroxide: 2-to 6-year follow-up', Clinical oral investigations, 21: 357-67.
  • 14. Vural, U Koc, A Kiremitci, and S Gokalp. 2017. 'Randomized clinical trial to evaluate MTA indirect pulp capping in deep caries lesions after 24-months', Operative dentistry, 42: 470-77.
  • 15. Hegde, Swaroop, B Sowmya, Sylvia Mathew, Shilpa H Bhandi, Shruthi Nagaraja, and K Dinesh. 2017. 'Clinical evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine as direct pulp capping agents in carious teeth', Journal of conservative dentistry: JCD, 20: 91.
  • 16. Parinyaprom N, Nirunsittirat A, Chuveera P, Lampang SN, Srisuwan T, Sastraruji T, Bua-on P, Simprasert S, Khoipanich I, Sutharaphan TJJoe, 2018. Outcomes of direct pulp capping by using either ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate or Biodentine in permanent teeth with carious pulp exposure in 6-to 18-year-old patients: a randomized controlled trial. 44, 3, 341-8.
  • 17. Kundzina R, Stangvaltaite L, Eriksen H, Kerosuo EJIej, 2017. Capping carious exposures in adults: a randomized controlled trial investigating mineral trioxide aggregate versus calcium hydroxide. 50, 10, 924-32.
  • 18. Cengiz, Esra, and Hasan Guney Yilmaz. 2016. 'Efficacy of erbium, chromium-doped: yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet laser irradiation combined with resin-based tricalcium silicate and calcium hydroxide on direct pulp capping: a randomized clinical trial', Journal of endodontics, 42: 351-55.
  • 19. Gandolfi, MG, F Siboni, and C Prati. 2012. 'Chemical–physical properties of TheraCal, a novel light‐curable MTA‐like material for pulp capping', International endodontic journal, 45: 571-79.
  • 20. Harkins SW, Chapman CRJP, 1976. Detection and decision factors in pain perception in young and elderly men. 2, 3, 253-64.
  • 21. Matsuo T, Nakanishi T, Shimizu H, Ebisu SJJoe, 1996. A clinical study of direct pulp capping applied to carious-exposed pulps. 22, 10, 551-6.
  • 22. Auschill T, Arweiler N, Hellwig E, Zamani-Alaei A, Sculean AJSMfZRmsdo-sRmsdoes, 2003. Success rate of direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide. 113, 9s, 946-52.
  • 23. Willershausen B, Willershausen I, Ross A, Velikonja S, Kasaj A, Blettner MJQI, 2011. Retrospective study on direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide. 42, 2.
  • 24. Reuver JJDzZ, 1992. 592 pulp cappings in a dental office--a clinical study (1966-1990). 47, 1, 29-32.
  • 25. Bogen G, Kim JS, Bakland LKJTJotADA, 2008. Direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate: an observational study. 139, 3, 305-15.
  • 26. McWalter GM, El-Kafrawy AH, Mitchell DFJJotADA, 1976. Long-term study of pulp capping in monkeys with three agents. 93, 1, 105-10.
  • 27. Cox CF, Bergenholtz G, Fitzgerald M, Heys DR, Heys RJ, Avery JK, Baker JAJJoOP, Medicine, 1982. Capping of the dental pulp mechanically exposed to the oral microflora–a 5 week observation of wound healing in the monkey. 11, 4, 327-39.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Mehmet Semih Velioğlu 0000-0001-8541-6483

Nimet Ünlü 0000-0002-6546-6368

Project Number 18102025
Publication Date August 31, 2021
Submission Date November 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Velioğlu MS, Ünlü N. Dört Direkt Pulpa Kapaklama Materyalinin Klinik Takibinin Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Klinik Çalışma. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8(2):288-95.