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YouTube'da Yer Alan Bruksizm İçin Ağız İçi Cihazlar Hakkındaki Videoların Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 167 - 172, 27.04.2022


Amaç: Stabilizasyon splintleri kas aktivitesini azaltarak bruksizmin istenmeyen etkilerini önleyebilir. Çevrimiçi sağlık hizmetleri bilgileri daha popüler hale geldikçe, Youtube, kullanıcıların sağlıkla ilgili sorunları hakkında danışmaları için ilk kaynak haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bruksizm hastaları için güvenilir ve yararlı bir bilgi kaynağı olup olmadığını değerlendirmek için ağız içi cihazlar hakkında en çok izlenen Youtube videolarının kalitesini, güvenilirliğini ve içeriğini değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, "Gece Plağı" terimi YouTube'da arandı. Konuyla ilgili 60 video içerik, kalite ve güvenilirlik açısından 2 bağımsız araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirildi. Anlaşmazlıklar üçüncü bir araştırmacı tarafından çözüldü. Çalışmaya dahil edilen videolar; görüntülemeler, süre, video yüklemesinden bu yana geçen süre, beğenme / beğenmeme, yorum sayısı ve kaynak açısından analiz edildi. Her video, bilgi içeriğinin kalitesine göre “faydalı bilgiler”, “yanıltıcı bilgiler”, “faydalı kullanıcı görüşü” ve “yanıltıcı kullanıcı görüşü” olarak sınıflandırıldı. Kruskal-Wallis testi, Mann-Whitney Ki-kare testi korelasyon analizleri yapılmıştır.

Bulgular: Sağlık uzmanları tarafından 18 video (% 30), kullanıcılar tarafından 22 video (% 37), ürün tedarikçileri tarafından 14 video (% 23) ve TV / Dergi yayıncıları tarafından 6 video (% 10) yüklendiği görüldü. Videoların Global Kalite Ölçekleri (GKS) incelendiğinde, sağlık profesyonelleri tarafından yüklenen videoların GKS puanlarının, kullanıcıların, ürün tedarikçilerinin ve TV / Dergi yükleyicilerin puanlarından daha yüksek olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Videolar yüklendikleri kaynak olarak gruplandırıldığında sağlık mesleği mensupları tarafından yüklenen videoların güvenilirlik puanlarının diğer gruplara göre anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. (P: 0,003) Ayrıca 60 videodan 17'si (% 28,3) yanıltıcı video kategorisindedir.

Sonuç: Youtube, ağız içi cihazların kullanımında yanıltıcı potansiyele sahip bir platform olabilir. Sağlıkla ilgili sorunlar profesyonel destek olmadan çözülmeye çalışılmamalıdır.


  • 1. Rosenberg RS, Hout SV. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Inter-scorer Reliability Program: Sleep Stage Scoring. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2013;09(01):81-7.
  • 2. Manfredini D, Ahlberg J, Winocur E, Lobbezoo F. Management of sleep bruxism in adults: a qualitative systematic literature review. J Oral Rehabil. 2015;42(11):862-74.
  • 3. Rugh JD, Graham GS, Smith JC, Ohrbach RK. Effects of canine versus molar occlusal splint guidance on nocturnal bruxism and craniomandibular symptomatology. J Craniomandib Disord. 1989;3(4):203-10.
  • 4. Stapelmann H, Türp JC. The NTI-tss device for the therapy of bruxism, temporomandibular disorders, and headache - where do we stand? A qualitative systematic review of the literature. BMC oral health. 2008;8:22.
  • 5. Dubé C, Rompré PH, Manzini C, Guitard F, de Grandmont P, Lavigne GJ. Quantitative polygraphic controlled study on efficacy and safety of oral splint devices in tooth-grinding subjects. Journal of dental research. 2004;83(5):398-403.
  • 6. Lobbezoo F, Ahlberg J, Manfredini D, Winocur E. Are bruxism and the bite causally related? J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39(7):489-501.
  • 7. Moufti MA, Lilico JT, Wassell RW. How to make a well-fitting stabilization splint. Dental update. 2007;34(7):398-400, 2-4, 7-8.
  • 8. Chate RA, Falconer DT. Dental appliances with inadequate occlusal coverage: a case report. Br Dent J. 2011;210(3):109-10.
  • 9. Wassell RW, Verhees L, Lawrence K, Davies S, Lobbezoo F. Over-the-counter (OTC) bruxism splints available on the Internet. British Dental Journal. 2014;216(11):E24-E.
  • 10. Bärtl M. YouTube channels, uploads and views:A statistical analysis of the past 10 years. Convergence. 2018;24(1):16-32.
  • 11. Garg N, Venkatraman A, Pandey A, Kumar N. YouTube as a source of information on dialysis: a content analysis. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic). 2015;20(5):315-20.
  • 12. Kumar N, Pandey A, Venkatraman A, Garg N. Are Video Sharing Websites a Useful Source of Information on Hypertension? Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2014;8.
  • 13. Singh AG, Singh S, Singh PP. YouTube for information on rheumatoid arthritis--a wakeup call? The Journal of rheumatology. 2012;39(5):899-903.
  • 14. Vance K, Howe W, Dellavalle RP. Social internet sites as a source of public health information. Dermatologic clinics. 2009;27(2):133-6, vi.
  • 15. Boyers LN, Quest T, Karimkhani C, Connett J, Dellavalle RP. Dermatology on YouTube. Dermatology online journal. 2014;20(6).
  • 16. Bernard A, Langille M, Hughes S, Rose C, Leddin D, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S. A systematic review of patient inflammatory bowel disease information resources on the World Wide Web. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007;102(9):2070-7.
  • 17. Charnock D, Shepperd S, Needham G, Gann R. DISCERN: an instrument for judging the quality of written consumer health information on treatment choices. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999;53(2):105-11.
  • 18. Landis JR, Koch GG. The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data. Biometrics. 1977;33(1):159-74.
  • 19. Viera AJ, Garrett JM. Understanding interobserver agreement: the kappa statistic. Family medicine. 2005;37(5):360-3.
  • 20. Abdoli S, Hessler D, Vora A, Smither B, Stuckey H. Descriptions of diabetes burnout from individuals with Type 1 diabetes: an analysis of YouTube videos. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. 2020;37(8):1344-51.
  • 21. Delli K, Livas C, Vissink A, Spijkervet FK. Is YouTube useful as a source of information for Sjögren's syndrome? Oral diseases. 2016;22(3):196-201.
  • 22. Marshall JH, Baker DM, Lee MJ, Jones GL, Lobo AJ, Brown SR. The assessment of online health videos for surgery in Crohn's disease. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 2018;20(7):606-13.
  • 23. Hassona Y, Taimeh D, Marahleh A, Scully C. YouTube as a source of information on mouth (oral) cancer. Oral diseases. 2016;22(3):202-8.
  • 24. Abukaraky A, Hamdan AA, Ameera MN, Nasief M, Hassona Y. Quality of YouTube TM videos on dental implants. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018;23(4):e463-e8.
  • 25. Hamdan AA, Shaqman M, Abu Karaky A, Hassona Y, Bouchard P. Medical reliability of a video-sharing website: The gingival recession model. European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe. 2019;23(2):175-83.
  • 26. Nason GJ, Tareen F, Quinn F. Hydrocele on the web: an evaluation of Internet-based information. Scandinavian journal of urology. 2013;47(2):152-7.

Evaluation Of The Videos About Intraoral Devices For Bruxism On YouTube

Year 2022, , 167 - 172, 27.04.2022


Background: Stabilization splints can prevent unwanted effects of bruxism. As online healthcare information becomes more popular, Youtube has become the first source for users to consult about their health problems. The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality, reliability and content of the Youtube videos about intraoral devices in order to evaluate whether there is a reliable and useful source for bruxism patients.
Methods: In this study, the term “Night Guard” was searched on YouTube. Sixty videos on the subject were evaluated in terms of content, quality and reliability. The included videos were analyzed for views, duration, time since video upload, likes / dislikes, number of comments and source. Each video was classified according to the quality of information content as “useful information”, “misleading information”, “useful user view” and “misleading user view”. The Kruskal-Wallis test, The Mann-Whitney Chi-square test correlation analyses were performed.

Results: 18 videos (30%) were uploaded by healthcare professionals, 22 videos (37%) by users, 14 videos (23%) by product supliers, and 6 videos (10%) by TV / Magazine publishers. In examining the Global Quality Scales (GQS), healthcare professionals has higher scores than others. Reliability scores of the videos uploaded by healthcare professionals are significantly higher than the other groups. (P: 0,003) Also, 17 (%28,3) of the 60 videos are in the misleading video category.
Conclusion: Youtube can be a platform with the potential for misleading in the use of intraoral devices. Health-related issues should not be tried to be resolved without professional support.


  • 1. Rosenberg RS, Hout SV. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Inter-scorer Reliability Program: Sleep Stage Scoring. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2013;09(01):81-7.
  • 2. Manfredini D, Ahlberg J, Winocur E, Lobbezoo F. Management of sleep bruxism in adults: a qualitative systematic literature review. J Oral Rehabil. 2015;42(11):862-74.
  • 3. Rugh JD, Graham GS, Smith JC, Ohrbach RK. Effects of canine versus molar occlusal splint guidance on nocturnal bruxism and craniomandibular symptomatology. J Craniomandib Disord. 1989;3(4):203-10.
  • 4. Stapelmann H, Türp JC. The NTI-tss device for the therapy of bruxism, temporomandibular disorders, and headache - where do we stand? A qualitative systematic review of the literature. BMC oral health. 2008;8:22.
  • 5. Dubé C, Rompré PH, Manzini C, Guitard F, de Grandmont P, Lavigne GJ. Quantitative polygraphic controlled study on efficacy and safety of oral splint devices in tooth-grinding subjects. Journal of dental research. 2004;83(5):398-403.
  • 6. Lobbezoo F, Ahlberg J, Manfredini D, Winocur E. Are bruxism and the bite causally related? J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39(7):489-501.
  • 7. Moufti MA, Lilico JT, Wassell RW. How to make a well-fitting stabilization splint. Dental update. 2007;34(7):398-400, 2-4, 7-8.
  • 8. Chate RA, Falconer DT. Dental appliances with inadequate occlusal coverage: a case report. Br Dent J. 2011;210(3):109-10.
  • 9. Wassell RW, Verhees L, Lawrence K, Davies S, Lobbezoo F. Over-the-counter (OTC) bruxism splints available on the Internet. British Dental Journal. 2014;216(11):E24-E.
  • 10. Bärtl M. YouTube channels, uploads and views:A statistical analysis of the past 10 years. Convergence. 2018;24(1):16-32.
  • 11. Garg N, Venkatraman A, Pandey A, Kumar N. YouTube as a source of information on dialysis: a content analysis. Nephrology (Carlton, Vic). 2015;20(5):315-20.
  • 12. Kumar N, Pandey A, Venkatraman A, Garg N. Are Video Sharing Websites a Useful Source of Information on Hypertension? Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2014;8.
  • 13. Singh AG, Singh S, Singh PP. YouTube for information on rheumatoid arthritis--a wakeup call? The Journal of rheumatology. 2012;39(5):899-903.
  • 14. Vance K, Howe W, Dellavalle RP. Social internet sites as a source of public health information. Dermatologic clinics. 2009;27(2):133-6, vi.
  • 15. Boyers LN, Quest T, Karimkhani C, Connett J, Dellavalle RP. Dermatology on YouTube. Dermatology online journal. 2014;20(6).
  • 16. Bernard A, Langille M, Hughes S, Rose C, Leddin D, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S. A systematic review of patient inflammatory bowel disease information resources on the World Wide Web. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007;102(9):2070-7.
  • 17. Charnock D, Shepperd S, Needham G, Gann R. DISCERN: an instrument for judging the quality of written consumer health information on treatment choices. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999;53(2):105-11.
  • 18. Landis JR, Koch GG. The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data. Biometrics. 1977;33(1):159-74.
  • 19. Viera AJ, Garrett JM. Understanding interobserver agreement: the kappa statistic. Family medicine. 2005;37(5):360-3.
  • 20. Abdoli S, Hessler D, Vora A, Smither B, Stuckey H. Descriptions of diabetes burnout from individuals with Type 1 diabetes: an analysis of YouTube videos. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. 2020;37(8):1344-51.
  • 21. Delli K, Livas C, Vissink A, Spijkervet FK. Is YouTube useful as a source of information for Sjögren's syndrome? Oral diseases. 2016;22(3):196-201.
  • 22. Marshall JH, Baker DM, Lee MJ, Jones GL, Lobo AJ, Brown SR. The assessment of online health videos for surgery in Crohn's disease. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 2018;20(7):606-13.
  • 23. Hassona Y, Taimeh D, Marahleh A, Scully C. YouTube as a source of information on mouth (oral) cancer. Oral diseases. 2016;22(3):202-8.
  • 24. Abukaraky A, Hamdan AA, Ameera MN, Nasief M, Hassona Y. Quality of YouTube TM videos on dental implants. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2018;23(4):e463-e8.
  • 25. Hamdan AA, Shaqman M, Abu Karaky A, Hassona Y, Bouchard P. Medical reliability of a video-sharing website: The gingival recession model. European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe. 2019;23(2):175-83.
  • 26. Nason GJ, Tareen F, Quinn F. Hydrocele on the web: an evaluation of Internet-based information. Scandinavian journal of urology. 2013;47(2):152-7.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Doğan Ilgaz Kaya 0000-0002-5196-8105

Ahmet Aktı 0000-0002-3447-0065

Fuad Najafi 0000-0001-6321-9622

Kadir Karakaya 0000-0002-0781-3587

Publication Date April 27, 2022
Submission Date May 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Kaya DI, Aktı A, Najafi F, Karakaya K. Evaluation Of The Videos About Intraoral Devices For Bruxism On YouTube. Selcuk Dent J. 2022;9(1):167-72.