Year 2014,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 30, 01.04.2014
Yasim Yıldırım
Murat Selim Botsalı
Yağmur Şener
Emre Korkut
Oligodonti, üçüncü molarlar hariç altı yada daha fazla dişin konjenital eksikliği olarak ifade edilmektedir. Oligodonti bazı sendromlarla birlikte görülebileceği gibi izole olarak da ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu hastaların rehabilitasyonunda ortodontik, cerrahi ve protetik açıdan interdisipliner tedavi yaklaşımlarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu olgu raporunda izole oligodonti izlenen hastanın klinik bulguları ile uygulanan tedavi yaklaşımlarının sunulması amaçlanmıştır.
- Akkaya N, Kiremitçi A, Kansu O, 2008. Treatment of a patient with oligodontia: a case report. J Contemp Dent Pract, 9(3), 121-7
Becelli R, Morello R, Renzi G, Dominici C, 2007. Treatment of oligodontia with endo-osseous fixtures: experience in eight consecutive patients at the end of dental growth. J Craniofac Surg, 18(6), 1327-30.
Brook AH, Ekanayake NO, 1980. The etiology of oligodontia: a family history. ASDC J Dent Child, 47, 32-5.
Brook AH, 1984. A unifiying aetiological explanation for anomalies of human tooth number and size. Arch Oral Biol, 29, 373-8.
Cronin RJ, Ooesterle LJ, 1998. Implant use in growing patients. Dent Clin North Am, 42, 1-35.
Dhanrajani PJ, 2002. Hypodontia: Etiology, clinical features and management. Quintessence Int, 33, 294-302.
Ekren O, Benlidayı E, Karan S, 2010. Sendromsuz bir oligodonti olgusunun interdisipliner yaklaşım ile rehabilitasyonu: olgu sunumu. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg, 20(2), 114-8
Gedik R, 2002. Hypodontia and Oligodontia. Balk J Stom, 6, 150-1.
Gelgör İE, Şişman Y, Malkoç S, 2005. Daimi dentisyonda Konjenital Hipodontinin görülme sıklığı. Türkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci, 11, 43-8.
Grahnen H, 1956. Hypodontia in the permanent dentition, clinical and genetical investigation. Odont Rev, 3, 100-1.
Guckes AD, Brahim JS, McCarthy GR, Ruby SF, Cooper LF, 1991. Using endosseous dental implants for patients with ectodermal dysplasia. J Am Dent Assoc, 122, 59-61.
Hobkirk JA, Brook AH, 1980. The management of patients with severe hypodontia. J Oral Rehabil, 7, 289-298.
McDonald RE, Avery DR, 2000. Dentistry for the children and adolescent, 7th ed, Mosby Inc;. p. 156-178
Neville WB, Damm DD, Allen MC, Bouquot EJ, 1995. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia.. p. 61-4.
Önçağ Ö, Alpöz AR, 1998. Dissel anomalilerle birlikte görülen sendromlar ve tanıyı kolaylastıracak güncel kaynaklar. AÜ Dis Hek Fak Derg, 25, 313-6.
Polder BJ, Van’t Hof MA, Van Der Linden FPGM, Kuijpers- Jagtman AM, 2004. A meta analysis of the prevalence of dental agenesis of permanent teeth. Commnity Dent Oral Epidemiol, 32, 217-26.
Schalk van der Weide Y, Beemer FA, Faber JAJ, Bomsan F, 1994. Symptomatology of patients with oligodontia. J Oral Rehabil, 21, 247-61.
Stimson JM, Sivers JE, Hlava GL, 1997. Features of oligodontia in three generations. J Clin Ped Dent, 21, 269-76.
Şişman Y, Ertaş ET, Dündar M, 2007. Genetik anomalisi olmayan iki oligodonti olgusu. J Health Sci,16(3), 180-15
Şişman Y, Uysal T, Gelgor I, 2007. Hypodontia. Does the prevalence and distribution pattern differ in orthodontic patients? Eur J Dent, 1, 167-173.
White SC, Pharoah MJ, 2004. Dental anomalies. In: Oral Radiology, Principles and Interpretation. 5th ed. Mosby, Missouri:. p. 330-365.
Year 2014,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 30, 01.04.2014
Yasim Yıldırım
Murat Selim Botsalı
Yağmur Şener
Emre Korkut
- Akkaya N, Kiremitçi A, Kansu O, 2008. Treatment of a patient with oligodontia: a case report. J Contemp Dent Pract, 9(3), 121-7
Becelli R, Morello R, Renzi G, Dominici C, 2007. Treatment of oligodontia with endo-osseous fixtures: experience in eight consecutive patients at the end of dental growth. J Craniofac Surg, 18(6), 1327-30.
Brook AH, Ekanayake NO, 1980. The etiology of oligodontia: a family history. ASDC J Dent Child, 47, 32-5.
Brook AH, 1984. A unifiying aetiological explanation for anomalies of human tooth number and size. Arch Oral Biol, 29, 373-8.
Cronin RJ, Ooesterle LJ, 1998. Implant use in growing patients. Dent Clin North Am, 42, 1-35.
Dhanrajani PJ, 2002. Hypodontia: Etiology, clinical features and management. Quintessence Int, 33, 294-302.
Ekren O, Benlidayı E, Karan S, 2010. Sendromsuz bir oligodonti olgusunun interdisipliner yaklaşım ile rehabilitasyonu: olgu sunumu. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg, 20(2), 114-8
Gedik R, 2002. Hypodontia and Oligodontia. Balk J Stom, 6, 150-1.
Gelgör İE, Şişman Y, Malkoç S, 2005. Daimi dentisyonda Konjenital Hipodontinin görülme sıklığı. Türkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci, 11, 43-8.
Grahnen H, 1956. Hypodontia in the permanent dentition, clinical and genetical investigation. Odont Rev, 3, 100-1.
Guckes AD, Brahim JS, McCarthy GR, Ruby SF, Cooper LF, 1991. Using endosseous dental implants for patients with ectodermal dysplasia. J Am Dent Assoc, 122, 59-61.
Hobkirk JA, Brook AH, 1980. The management of patients with severe hypodontia. J Oral Rehabil, 7, 289-298.
McDonald RE, Avery DR, 2000. Dentistry for the children and adolescent, 7th ed, Mosby Inc;. p. 156-178
Neville WB, Damm DD, Allen MC, Bouquot EJ, 1995. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia.. p. 61-4.
Önçağ Ö, Alpöz AR, 1998. Dissel anomalilerle birlikte görülen sendromlar ve tanıyı kolaylastıracak güncel kaynaklar. AÜ Dis Hek Fak Derg, 25, 313-6.
Polder BJ, Van’t Hof MA, Van Der Linden FPGM, Kuijpers- Jagtman AM, 2004. A meta analysis of the prevalence of dental agenesis of permanent teeth. Commnity Dent Oral Epidemiol, 32, 217-26.
Schalk van der Weide Y, Beemer FA, Faber JAJ, Bomsan F, 1994. Symptomatology of patients with oligodontia. J Oral Rehabil, 21, 247-61.
Stimson JM, Sivers JE, Hlava GL, 1997. Features of oligodontia in three generations. J Clin Ped Dent, 21, 269-76.
Şişman Y, Ertaş ET, Dündar M, 2007. Genetik anomalisi olmayan iki oligodonti olgusu. J Health Sci,16(3), 180-15
Şişman Y, Uysal T, Gelgor I, 2007. Hypodontia. Does the prevalence and distribution pattern differ in orthodontic patients? Eur J Dent, 1, 167-173.
White SC, Pharoah MJ, 2004. Dental anomalies. In: Oral Radiology, Principles and Interpretation. 5th ed. Mosby, Missouri:. p. 330-365.