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Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 98 - 104, 01.04.2019


Daimi birinci büyük azı dişleri çürük nedeniyle en sık kaybedilen
ve diş çürüğüne en yatkın dişlerdir. Bu dişlerin tedavi planlaması; dentisyon
dönemi, çapraşıklık varlığı, hastanın yaşı, okluzal ilişkiler gibi birçok etken
beraber dikkatlice incelenerek belirlenmelidir. Bu dişlerin tedavi
planlamasındaki hatalar;  komşu dişin
çekim alanına devrilmesi, karşıt dişin boşluğa doğru ekstrüzyonu, orta hattın
çekim boşluğuna doğru kayması, asimetrik çiğneme alışkanlıklarının oluşması ve
çekim boşluğundaki alveoler kemiğin atrofisinden dolayı periodontal
problemlerin oluşması gibi birçok probleme neden olabilmektedir. Bu derlemenin
amacı çocuklarda daimi birinci büyük azı diş kaybı ve etkilerinin


  • Referans1. Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Ogawa H, Estupinan-Day S, Ndiaye C. The global burden of oral diseases and risks to oral health. Bull World Health Organ 2005;83:661-669
  • Referans2. Anand PS, Kamath KP, Nair B.Trends in extraction of permanent teeth in private dental practices in Kerala state, India. J Contemp Dent Pract 2010;11:041-048.
  • Referans3.Telli AE, Aytan S. Changes in the dental arch due to obligatory early exraction of first permanent molars. Turk Ortodonti Dergisi 1989;2:138-143.
  • Referans4. Güngörmüş M, Tozoğlu S. Çekilen dişlerdeki mevcut patolojik durumların istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi 2001;3:86-90
  • Referans5. Balmer R, Toumba J, Godson J, Duggal M. The prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralisation in northern england and its relationship to socioeconomic status and water fluoridatiion. Int J Paediatr Dent 2012;22:250-267.
  • Referans6. Todd JE, Dodd T. Children’s dental health in the United Kingdom. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, London 1983
  • Referans7. Balkaya B, Aydemir H. Birinci Büyük Azı Dişlerin Çürük, Eksiklik Ve Dolgu Dağılımı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000;10:17-20.
  • Referans8. Bulucu B, Çelenk, P, Bayrak S, Sen E. 6–12 yaş grubu çocuklarda 1. Molar dişlerin klinik açıdan değerlendirilmesi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2001; 4:1–4.
  • Referans9. Albadri S, Zaitoun H, Mcdonnell ST, Davidson LE. Extraction of first permanent molar teeth: results from three dental hospitals. Brit Dent J 2007; 203:1-5.
  • Referans10. Noronha JC, Massara MLA, Souki BQ, Nogueira APA. First permanent molar: First indicator of dental caries activity in initial Mixed Dentition. Braz Dent J 1999; 10:99-104.
  • Referans11. Sandler PJ, Atkinson R, Murray AM. For four sixes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000;117:418-434.
  • Referans12. Murray H, Locker D, Kay EJ. Patterns of and reasons for tooth extractions in general dental practice in Onatio, Canada. Community Den Oral Epidemiol 1996;24:196-200
  • Referans13. Angekillo IF, Nobile CG, Pavia M. Survey of reasons for extraction of peermanent teeth inn ıtaly. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1996;24:336-340.
  • Referans14. Aida J, Ando Y, Akhter R, Aoyama H, Masui M, Morita M. Reasons for permanent tooth exractions in Japan. J Epidemiol 2006;16:214-219.
  • Referans15. Gill DS, Lee R T, Tredwin C J. Treatment planning for the loss of fi rst permanent molars. Dent Update 2001;28:304-308.
  • Referans16. Richardson A. Spontaneous changes in the incisor relationship following extraction of lower first permanent molars. Br J Orthod 1979;2:85-90
  • Referans17. Eichenberger M, Erb J, Zwahlen M, Schätzle M. The timing could be drawn. of extraction of non-restorable first permanent molars: a systematic review. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2015;16:272-277.
  • Referans18. Cobourne MT, Williams A, Harrison M, 2014. National clinical guidelines for the extraction of first permanent molars in children. British Dental Journal 2014;217:643–648.
  • Referans19. Bayram M, Ozer M, Arici S. Effects of first molar extraction on third molar angulation and eruption space. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics 2009;107:14–20.
  • Referans20. Thilander B, Skagius S. Orthodontic sequelae of extraction of permanent first molars. A longitudinal study. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;429-442.
  • Referans21. Çağlaroğlu M, Kilic N, Erdem A. Effects of early unilateral first molar extraction on skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134: 270-275.
  • Referans22. Williams JK, Gowans AJ. Hypomineralised first permanent molars and the orthodontist. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2003;4:129-132.
  • Referans23. Innes, N, Borrie F, Bearn D, Evans d, Rauchhaus P, McSwiggan S, Page FL, Hogarth F. Should I eXtract Every Six dental trial (SIXES): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013;14:59
  • Referans24. Hom BM, Turley PK. The effects of space closure of the mandibular first molar area in adults. Am J Orthod 1984;85:457-469.
  • Referans25. Bishara SE, Cummins DM, Jakobsen JR, Zaher AR. Dentofacial and soft tissue changes in Class II, division 1 cases treated with and without extractions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop1995;107:28-37.
  • Referans26. Bishara SE, Burkey PS, Kharouf JG. Dental and facial asymmetries: a review. Angle Orthod 1994;64:89-98.
  • Referans27. Crabb JJ, Rock WP. Treatment planning in relation to the first permanent molar. Br Dent J 1971;131:396-401.
  • Referans28. Ong DC-V, Bleakley JE. Compromised First Permanent Molars: An Orthodontic Perspective. Aust Dent J 2010;55:2-14
  • Referans29. Andrews LF. The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod 1972;62:296-309.
  • Referans30. Rebellato J. Asymmetric extractions used in the treatment of patients with asymetries. Semin Orthod 1998;4:180-188.
  • Referans31. Thunold K. Early loss of the first molars 25 years after. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;349-365.
  • Referans32. Plint DA. The effect on the occlusion of the loss of one or more first permanent molars. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;329–336.
  • Referans33. Jälevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:24-32.
  • Referans34. Conway M, Petrucci D. Three cases of first permanent molar extractions where extraction of the adjacent second deciduous molar is also indicated. Dent Update 2005;32:338-340.
  • Referans35. Ay S, Agar U, Biçakçi AA, Köşger HH. Changes in mandibular third molar angle and position after unilateral mandibular first molar extraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:36-41.
  • Referans36. Yavuz I, Baydaş B, Ikbal A, Dağsuyu IM, Ceylan I. Effects of early loss of permanent first molars on the development of third molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130, 634-638.
  • Referans37. Halicioglu K, Toptas O, Akkas I, Celikoglu M. Permanent first molar extraction in adolescents and young adults and its effect on the development of third molar. Clin Oral Invest 2014;18:1489–1494
  • Referans38. Shroff B, Siegel SM. Treatment of patients with asymmetries using asymetric mechanics: a review. Semin orthod 1998;4:165-179.
  • Referans39. Williams R, Hosila FJ. The effect of different extraction sites upon incisor retraction. Am J Orthod 1976;69:388–410.
  • Referans40. Teo TK, Ashley PF, Parekh S, Noar J. The evaluation of spontaneous space closure after the extraction of first permanent molars. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2013;14:207-212.
  • Referans41. Jälevik B, Möller M. Evaluation of spontaneous space closure and development of permanent dentition after extraction of hypomineralized permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2007;17:328-335.
  • Referans42. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ceyhan D. Erken 6 yaş dişi çekim zamanı! 15. Türk Pedodonti Derneği Kongresi 2007, 17-21 Ekim, Antalya.
  • Referans43. Teo TK, Ashley PF, Derrick D. Lower first permanent molars: developing better predictors of spontaneous space closure. Eur J Orthod 2016;38:90-95.
Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 98 - 104, 01.04.2019



  • Referans1. Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Ogawa H, Estupinan-Day S, Ndiaye C. The global burden of oral diseases and risks to oral health. Bull World Health Organ 2005;83:661-669
  • Referans2. Anand PS, Kamath KP, Nair B.Trends in extraction of permanent teeth in private dental practices in Kerala state, India. J Contemp Dent Pract 2010;11:041-048.
  • Referans3.Telli AE, Aytan S. Changes in the dental arch due to obligatory early exraction of first permanent molars. Turk Ortodonti Dergisi 1989;2:138-143.
  • Referans4. Güngörmüş M, Tozoğlu S. Çekilen dişlerdeki mevcut patolojik durumların istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi 2001;3:86-90
  • Referans5. Balmer R, Toumba J, Godson J, Duggal M. The prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralisation in northern england and its relationship to socioeconomic status and water fluoridatiion. Int J Paediatr Dent 2012;22:250-267.
  • Referans6. Todd JE, Dodd T. Children’s dental health in the United Kingdom. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, London 1983
  • Referans7. Balkaya B, Aydemir H. Birinci Büyük Azı Dişlerin Çürük, Eksiklik Ve Dolgu Dağılımı. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000;10:17-20.
  • Referans8. Bulucu B, Çelenk, P, Bayrak S, Sen E. 6–12 yaş grubu çocuklarda 1. Molar dişlerin klinik açıdan değerlendirilmesi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2001; 4:1–4.
  • Referans9. Albadri S, Zaitoun H, Mcdonnell ST, Davidson LE. Extraction of first permanent molar teeth: results from three dental hospitals. Brit Dent J 2007; 203:1-5.
  • Referans10. Noronha JC, Massara MLA, Souki BQ, Nogueira APA. First permanent molar: First indicator of dental caries activity in initial Mixed Dentition. Braz Dent J 1999; 10:99-104.
  • Referans11. Sandler PJ, Atkinson R, Murray AM. For four sixes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2000;117:418-434.
  • Referans12. Murray H, Locker D, Kay EJ. Patterns of and reasons for tooth extractions in general dental practice in Onatio, Canada. Community Den Oral Epidemiol 1996;24:196-200
  • Referans13. Angekillo IF, Nobile CG, Pavia M. Survey of reasons for extraction of peermanent teeth inn ıtaly. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1996;24:336-340.
  • Referans14. Aida J, Ando Y, Akhter R, Aoyama H, Masui M, Morita M. Reasons for permanent tooth exractions in Japan. J Epidemiol 2006;16:214-219.
  • Referans15. Gill DS, Lee R T, Tredwin C J. Treatment planning for the loss of fi rst permanent molars. Dent Update 2001;28:304-308.
  • Referans16. Richardson A. Spontaneous changes in the incisor relationship following extraction of lower first permanent molars. Br J Orthod 1979;2:85-90
  • Referans17. Eichenberger M, Erb J, Zwahlen M, Schätzle M. The timing could be drawn. of extraction of non-restorable first permanent molars: a systematic review. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2015;16:272-277.
  • Referans18. Cobourne MT, Williams A, Harrison M, 2014. National clinical guidelines for the extraction of first permanent molars in children. British Dental Journal 2014;217:643–648.
  • Referans19. Bayram M, Ozer M, Arici S. Effects of first molar extraction on third molar angulation and eruption space. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics 2009;107:14–20.
  • Referans20. Thilander B, Skagius S. Orthodontic sequelae of extraction of permanent first molars. A longitudinal study. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;429-442.
  • Referans21. Çağlaroğlu M, Kilic N, Erdem A. Effects of early unilateral first molar extraction on skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134: 270-275.
  • Referans22. Williams JK, Gowans AJ. Hypomineralised first permanent molars and the orthodontist. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2003;4:129-132.
  • Referans23. Innes, N, Borrie F, Bearn D, Evans d, Rauchhaus P, McSwiggan S, Page FL, Hogarth F. Should I eXtract Every Six dental trial (SIXES): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013;14:59
  • Referans24. Hom BM, Turley PK. The effects of space closure of the mandibular first molar area in adults. Am J Orthod 1984;85:457-469.
  • Referans25. Bishara SE, Cummins DM, Jakobsen JR, Zaher AR. Dentofacial and soft tissue changes in Class II, division 1 cases treated with and without extractions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop1995;107:28-37.
  • Referans26. Bishara SE, Burkey PS, Kharouf JG. Dental and facial asymmetries: a review. Angle Orthod 1994;64:89-98.
  • Referans27. Crabb JJ, Rock WP. Treatment planning in relation to the first permanent molar. Br Dent J 1971;131:396-401.
  • Referans28. Ong DC-V, Bleakley JE. Compromised First Permanent Molars: An Orthodontic Perspective. Aust Dent J 2010;55:2-14
  • Referans29. Andrews LF. The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod 1972;62:296-309.
  • Referans30. Rebellato J. Asymmetric extractions used in the treatment of patients with asymetries. Semin Orthod 1998;4:180-188.
  • Referans31. Thunold K. Early loss of the first molars 25 years after. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;349-365.
  • Referans32. Plint DA. The effect on the occlusion of the loss of one or more first permanent molars. Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc 1970;329–336.
  • Referans33. Jälevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12:24-32.
  • Referans34. Conway M, Petrucci D. Three cases of first permanent molar extractions where extraction of the adjacent second deciduous molar is also indicated. Dent Update 2005;32:338-340.
  • Referans35. Ay S, Agar U, Biçakçi AA, Köşger HH. Changes in mandibular third molar angle and position after unilateral mandibular first molar extraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:36-41.
  • Referans36. Yavuz I, Baydaş B, Ikbal A, Dağsuyu IM, Ceylan I. Effects of early loss of permanent first molars on the development of third molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130, 634-638.
  • Referans37. Halicioglu K, Toptas O, Akkas I, Celikoglu M. Permanent first molar extraction in adolescents and young adults and its effect on the development of third molar. Clin Oral Invest 2014;18:1489–1494
  • Referans38. Shroff B, Siegel SM. Treatment of patients with asymmetries using asymetric mechanics: a review. Semin orthod 1998;4:165-179.
  • Referans39. Williams R, Hosila FJ. The effect of different extraction sites upon incisor retraction. Am J Orthod 1976;69:388–410.
  • Referans40. Teo TK, Ashley PF, Parekh S, Noar J. The evaluation of spontaneous space closure after the extraction of first permanent molars. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2013;14:207-212.
  • Referans41. Jälevik B, Möller M. Evaluation of spontaneous space closure and development of permanent dentition after extraction of hypomineralized permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2007;17:328-335.
  • Referans42. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ceyhan D. Erken 6 yaş dişi çekim zamanı! 15. Türk Pedodonti Derneği Kongresi 2007, 17-21 Ekim, Antalya.
  • Referans43. Teo TK, Ashley PF, Derrick D. Lower first permanent molars: developing better predictors of spontaneous space closure. Eur J Orthod 2016;38:90-95.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review

Fulden Şenyurt This is me

Ebru Hazar Bodrumlu

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date April 21, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


Vancouver Şenyurt F, Hazar Bodrumlu E. ÇOCUKLARDA DAİMİ BİRİNCİ BÜYÜK AZI DİŞ ÇEKİM NEDENLERİ VE ETKİLERİ. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(1):98-104.