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Ev Tipi Beyazlatma Tedavisinin Anterior Tek Renk Kompozit Restorasyon ile Renk Uyumuna Etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 26.04.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, tek renkli rezin kompozit ile yapılan sınıf III restorasyonlarda farklı karbamid peroksit konsantrasyonları ile beyazlatma tedavisi sonrası renk değişiminin değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, çürük veya mine anormallikleri olmayan ve periodontal veya ortodontik nedenlerle yeni çekilmiş 20 kesici diş kan, birikinti ve diştaşından arındırılıp, mezyal ve distal yüzeyler tek renkli kompozit ile restore edildi. Tüm örnekler rastgele iki gruba ayrıldı, tüm mezyal yüzeyler izole edildi ve distal yüzeyler %10 ve %15 karbamid peroksit ile kaplandı. Kompozit restorasyonda polisaj diskleri kullanıldı. Renk uyumu, dijital kolorimetre ile fotoğraflar üzerinde değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analiz yapmak için SPSS yazılım programı kullanıldı.
Bulgular: %15 karbamid peroksit ile 5. tedavi (p = 0.004) ve %10 karbamid peroksit ile 10. tedavi sonunda (p = 0.028) restorasyonların renk uyumu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu. Karbamid peroksit konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak 5. uygulamadan sonra %15 ile %10 karbamid peroksit arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulundu (p = 0.000), ancak 10. uygulamadan sonra istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı (p > 0.05).
Sonuçlar: Karbamid peroksit beyazlatma işleminden sonra rengi ölçülen bölgenin daha açık tonda olduğu tespit edildi. Tek renkli kompozitlerde renk pigmenti bulunmadığından beyazlatma sonrası renk daha açık olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle bu kompozitlerin beyazlatmada daha güvenli olduğu düşünülebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Beyazlatma, Kompozit, Renk Uyumu

Ethical Statement

Bu makale, sempozyum ya da kongrede sunulan bir tebliğin içeriği geliştirilerek ve kısmen değiştirilerek üretilmemiştir. Bu çalışma, yüksek lisans ya da doktora tezi esas alınarak hazırlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde bilimsel ve etik ilkelere uyulduğu ve yararlanılan tüm çalışmaların kaynakçada belirtildiği beyan olunur.


  • 1. Iyer RS, Babani VR, Yaman P, Dennison J. Color match using instrumental and visual methods for single, group, and multi‐shade composite resins. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;33(2):394-400.
  • 2. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019;31:465-70.
  • 3. de Abreu JLB, Sampaio CS, Benalcázar Jalkh EB, Hirata R. Analysis of the color matching of universal resin composites in anterior restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;33(2):269-76.
  • 4. Della Bona A. Color and Appearance in Dentistry. 1st ed. Switzerland: Springer, 2020
  • 5. Lucena C, Ruiz-López J, Pulgar R, Della Bona A, Pérez MM. Optical behavior of one-shaded resin-based composites Dent Mater 2021;37:840-848.
  • 6. El-Rashidy AA, Abdelraouf RM, Habib NA. Effect of two artificial aging protocols on color and gloss of single-shade versus multi-shade resin composites. BMC Oral Health 2022;22:321.
  • 7. Durand LB, Ruiz‐López J, Perez BG, Lonescu AM, Carrillo‐Pérez F, Ghinea R, et al. Color, lightness, chroma, hue, and translucency adjustment potential of resin composites using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8.
  • 8. Mushashe AM, Coelho BS, Garcia PP. Effect of different bleaching protocols on whitening efficiency and enamel superficial microhardness. J Clin Exp Dent 2018;10:772.
  • 9. Matis BA, Mousa HN, Cochran MA, Eckert GJ. Clinical evaluation of bleaching agents of different concentrations. Quintessence Int 2000;31(5):303-10.
  • 10. Villalta P, Lu H, Okte Z, Garcia-Godoy F, Powers JM. Effects of staining and bleaching on color change of dental composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 2006;95:137-42.
  • 11. Hussain SK, Al-Abbasi SW, Refaat MM, Hussain AM. The effect of staining and bleaching on the color of two different types of composite restoration. J Clin Exp Dent 2021;13:1233-1238.
  • 12. Reinhardt JW, Balbierz MM, Schultz CM, Simetich B, Beatty MW. Effect of tooth-whitening procedures on stained composite resins. Oper Dent 2019;44:65-75.
  • 13. Yamanel K, Caglar A, Özcan M, Gulsah K, Bagis B. Assessment of color parameters of composite resin shade guides using digital imaging versus colorimeter. J Esthet Restor Dent 2010;22:379-388.
  • 14. Sampaio CS, Atria PJ, Hirata R, Jorquera G. Variability of color matching with different digital photography techniques and a gray reference card. J Prosthet Dent 2019;121:333-9.
  • 15. Vargas-Koudriavtsev T, Herrera-Sancho ÓA. Effect of tooth-bleaching on the carbonate concentration in dental enamel by Raman spectroscopy. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9:101-106.
  • 16. Pretty IA, Brunton P, Aminian A, Davies RM, Ellwood RP. Vital tooth bleaching in dental practice: 3. Biological, dental and legal issues. Dent Update 2006;33:422-32.
  • 17. AlHabdan A, AlShamrani A, AlHumaidan R, AlFehaid A, Eisa S. Color Matching of Universal Shade Resin-Based Composite with Natural Teeth and Its Stability before and after In-Office Bleaching. Int J Biomater 2022,8420890.
  • 18. Mohamed M, Afutu R, Tran D, Dunn K, Ghanem J, Perry R, et al. Shade Matching Capacity of Omnichroma in Anterior Restorations. J. Dent. Sci 2020,5,1-6.
  • 19. Canay Ş, Çehreli MC. The effect of current bleaching agents on the color of light-polymerized composites in vitro. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89;474-8.
  • 20. Estay J, Angel P, Bersezio C, Tonetto M, Jorquera G, Peña M, et al. The change of teeth color, whiteness variations and its psychosocial and self-perception effects when using low vs. high concentration bleaching gels: a one-year follow-up. BMC Oral Health 2020;20:1-9.
  • 21. Farawati FA; Hsu SM, O’Neill E, Neal D, Clark A, Esquivel-Upshaw J. Effect of carbamide peroxide bleaching on enamel characteristics and susceptibility to further discoloration. J Prosthet Dent 2019;121:340-6.
  • 22. Gurrea J, Gurrea M, Bruguera A, Sampaio CS, Janal M, et al. Evaluation of Dental Shade Guide Variability Using Cross-Polarized Photography. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2016;16:36.
  • 23. Mazur M, Westland S, Jedliński M, Maruotti A, Nardi GM, Ottolenghi L, et al. The influence of dental occlusion on spectrophotometric tooth color determinations. Open Dent J 2020,14.
  • 24. Öztürk C, Çelik E, Özden AN. Influence of bleaching agents on the color change and translucency of resin matrix ceramics. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;32:530-5.

The Effect of Home Bleaching on Color Match with Anterior Single Shade Composite Restoration

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 26.04.2024


Background: Aim of this study is to assess the color matching in class III restorations made with single-shade resin composite after bleaching with different carbamide peroxide concentrations.
Methods: In this study, 20 human incisors that were free of caries or enamel abnormalities and freshly extracted for periodontal or orthodontic reasons were cleaned of blood, debris, and calculus. Mesial and distal surfaces were restored with single-shade composite (Omnichroma, Tokuyama, Japan). All samples were randomly divided into two groups, all of the mesial surfaces were isolated, and distal surfaces were coated with %10 and %15 carbamide peroxide (Opalescence PF; Ultradent Products, Inc, USA). Polishing discs (Zenit Flex, President Dental, Germany) were used the composite restoration. Color matching was evaluated on photographs with a digital colorimeter. SPSS software program was used to perform statistical analysis (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
Results: Statistically significant difference was found between the color matching of the restorations after the 5th treatment with 15% carbamide peroxide (p = 0.004), and at the end of 10th treatment with 10% carbamide peroxide (p = 0.028). Depending on the carbamide peroxide concentration, after the 5th treatment a statistically significant difference was found between 15% and 10% carbamide peroxide (p = 0.000), but no statistically significant difference after the 10th treatment (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: After carbamide peroxide bleaching, hard tissue color became lighter. Since there is no color pigment in single-shade composites, color might be lighter after bleaching. Therefore, these composites may be considered safer in bleaching.
Keywords: Bleaching, Color Match, Composite

Ethical Statement

This article is not the version of a presentation. This article has not been prepared on the basis of a master’s/ doctoral thesis. It is declared that during the preparation process of this study, scientific and ethical principles were followed and all the studies benefited are stated in the bibliography.


  • 1. Iyer RS, Babani VR, Yaman P, Dennison J. Color match using instrumental and visual methods for single, group, and multi‐shade composite resins. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;33(2):394-400.
  • 2. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM, Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent 2019;31:465-70.
  • 3. de Abreu JLB, Sampaio CS, Benalcázar Jalkh EB, Hirata R. Analysis of the color matching of universal resin composites in anterior restorations. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;33(2):269-76.
  • 4. Della Bona A. Color and Appearance in Dentistry. 1st ed. Switzerland: Springer, 2020
  • 5. Lucena C, Ruiz-López J, Pulgar R, Della Bona A, Pérez MM. Optical behavior of one-shaded resin-based composites Dent Mater 2021;37:840-848.
  • 6. El-Rashidy AA, Abdelraouf RM, Habib NA. Effect of two artificial aging protocols on color and gloss of single-shade versus multi-shade resin composites. BMC Oral Health 2022;22:321.
  • 7. Durand LB, Ruiz‐López J, Perez BG, Lonescu AM, Carrillo‐Pérez F, Ghinea R, et al. Color, lightness, chroma, hue, and translucency adjustment potential of resin composites using CIEDE2000 color difference formula. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;1-8.
  • 8. Mushashe AM, Coelho BS, Garcia PP. Effect of different bleaching protocols on whitening efficiency and enamel superficial microhardness. J Clin Exp Dent 2018;10:772.
  • 9. Matis BA, Mousa HN, Cochran MA, Eckert GJ. Clinical evaluation of bleaching agents of different concentrations. Quintessence Int 2000;31(5):303-10.
  • 10. Villalta P, Lu H, Okte Z, Garcia-Godoy F, Powers JM. Effects of staining and bleaching on color change of dental composite resins. J Prosthet Dent 2006;95:137-42.
  • 11. Hussain SK, Al-Abbasi SW, Refaat MM, Hussain AM. The effect of staining and bleaching on the color of two different types of composite restoration. J Clin Exp Dent 2021;13:1233-1238.
  • 12. Reinhardt JW, Balbierz MM, Schultz CM, Simetich B, Beatty MW. Effect of tooth-whitening procedures on stained composite resins. Oper Dent 2019;44:65-75.
  • 13. Yamanel K, Caglar A, Özcan M, Gulsah K, Bagis B. Assessment of color parameters of composite resin shade guides using digital imaging versus colorimeter. J Esthet Restor Dent 2010;22:379-388.
  • 14. Sampaio CS, Atria PJ, Hirata R, Jorquera G. Variability of color matching with different digital photography techniques and a gray reference card. J Prosthet Dent 2019;121:333-9.
  • 15. Vargas-Koudriavtsev T, Herrera-Sancho ÓA. Effect of tooth-bleaching on the carbonate concentration in dental enamel by Raman spectroscopy. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9:101-106.
  • 16. Pretty IA, Brunton P, Aminian A, Davies RM, Ellwood RP. Vital tooth bleaching in dental practice: 3. Biological, dental and legal issues. Dent Update 2006;33:422-32.
  • 17. AlHabdan A, AlShamrani A, AlHumaidan R, AlFehaid A, Eisa S. Color Matching of Universal Shade Resin-Based Composite with Natural Teeth and Its Stability before and after In-Office Bleaching. Int J Biomater 2022,8420890.
  • 18. Mohamed M, Afutu R, Tran D, Dunn K, Ghanem J, Perry R, et al. Shade Matching Capacity of Omnichroma in Anterior Restorations. J. Dent. Sci 2020,5,1-6.
  • 19. Canay Ş, Çehreli MC. The effect of current bleaching agents on the color of light-polymerized composites in vitro. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89;474-8.
  • 20. Estay J, Angel P, Bersezio C, Tonetto M, Jorquera G, Peña M, et al. The change of teeth color, whiteness variations and its psychosocial and self-perception effects when using low vs. high concentration bleaching gels: a one-year follow-up. BMC Oral Health 2020;20:1-9.
  • 21. Farawati FA; Hsu SM, O’Neill E, Neal D, Clark A, Esquivel-Upshaw J. Effect of carbamide peroxide bleaching on enamel characteristics and susceptibility to further discoloration. J Prosthet Dent 2019;121:340-6.
  • 22. Gurrea J, Gurrea M, Bruguera A, Sampaio CS, Janal M, et al. Evaluation of Dental Shade Guide Variability Using Cross-Polarized Photography. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2016;16:36.
  • 23. Mazur M, Westland S, Jedliński M, Maruotti A, Nardi GM, Ottolenghi L, et al. The influence of dental occlusion on spectrophotometric tooth color determinations. Open Dent J 2020,14.
  • 24. Öztürk C, Çelik E, Özden AN. Influence of bleaching agents on the color change and translucency of resin matrix ceramics. J Esthet Restor Dent 2020;32:530-5.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Merve Ünal 0000-0003-1614-4271

Gamze Paken 0000-0001-5978-395X

Pınar Güvenç 0000-0002-9410-8391

Özhan Yağcı 0000-0003-0705-6018

Buse Kesgin 0000-0001-9152-4472

Publication Date April 26, 2024
Submission Date March 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


Vancouver Ünal M, Paken G, Güvenç P, Yağcı Ö, Kesgin B. The Effect of Home Bleaching on Color Match with Anterior Single Shade Composite Restoration. Selcuk Dent J. 2024;11(1):5-9.