Research Article
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Determination of Fatty Acid Profiles and Antioxidant Activities of Some Edible Oils Consumed in Turkey

Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 342 - 355, 22.08.2024


Vegetable-based edible oil in Turkey is produced primarily from olive oil, as well as oils obtained from various plants such as sunflower, corn, cotton, poppy, soybean, safflower and canola which are also among the main food sources. The quality of the oils used in our diet is primarily determined by the ratios of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Another important feature that determines oil quality is primarily antioxidant activity and its other biological activity capacities. This study was carried out to determine the fatty acid profiles and antioxidant capacities of 17 (seventeen) different oils of vegetable origin, which are widely consumed in Turkey and have economic importance. Fatty acid compositions were determined with GC-MS method. Antioxidant activities of different edible oils were determined by using 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity method. According to the results of this research, the highest scavenging effect was detected at different concentrations was obtained from soybean oil with 94.30±1.57%, while the least scavenging effect was obtained from peanut oil with 32.34±1.00%. Major fatty acid components linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3) were detected in 17 different oils. Also, the presence of beta-sitosterol was examined by Thin Layer Chromatography and it was determined that beta-sitosterol was present in almost all of them.


  • Abudak M (2014). Farklı renklerdeki haşhaş (Papaver somniferum L. ) tohumlarının yağ asidi dağılımının ve bazı biyoaktif bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University (Unpublished).
  • Akın G (2016). Kabak çekirdeği yağındaki aktif bileşenlerin Hplc Ve Gc-Ms ile tayini ve incelenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (Unpublished).
  • Ardabili AG, Farhoosh R, Khodaparast MH (2011). Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo var. Styriaka) grown in Iran. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 13:1053- 1063.
  • Ateş J, Velioğlu, S (2014). Kolesterole karşı yeni silahımız: Bitki sterolleri. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi 55-58.
  • Bail S, Stuebiger G, Krist S, Unterweger H, Buchbauer G (2008). Characterization of various grape seed oils by volatile compounds, triacylglycerol composition, total phenols and antioxidant capacity. Food Chemistry 108(3):1122–32.
  • Bauer B, Kostik V, Gjorgeska B (2015). Fatty acid composition of seed oil obtained from different canola varieties. Farmaceutski Glasnik 71(1):1-7.
  • Bertrand M, Özcan MM (2017). Fatty acid composition, tocopherol and sterol contents in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties. Iran Journal of Chemistry Engineering 36(3):147-152.
  • Bezmialem Üniversitesi Fitoterapi Eğitim Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (2022). Susam, Fitoterapi [Online]. Website
  • Blois SM (1958). Antioxidant Determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature 181:1199-1200.
  • Carrin ME, Carelli AA (2010). Peanut oil: compositional data. European Journal of Lipid Science & Technology 112:697–707.
  • Cazzato E, Borazio L, Corleto A (2001). Grain yield, oil content and earliness of flowering of hybrids and open- pollinated safflower in Southern Italy. Vth International Safflower Conference, 23-27 July, Wiliston, USA.
  • Chamberlin KD, Barkley NA, Tillman BL (2014). A comparison of methods used to determine the oleic/linoleic acid ratio in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Agricultural Sciences 5(3):227-237.
  • Chowdhury F, Hossain D, Hosen M, Rahman S (2015). Comparative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). World Journal of Agricultural Science 11(5):247-254.
  • Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (2022). Poppy seed oil, CAMEO [Online]. Website,Russia%2C%20France%20and%20Asia%20Minor
  • Çekici H, Yıldıran H (2019).Bitkisel sterollerin/stanollerin aterosklerotik süreç ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 9(2):218-229.
  • Çiftçi H, Özkaya A, Vatansev H, Kıyıcı A, Öztürk B, Evliyaoğlu N (2011). Doğu Anadolu bölgesindeki çörek otu (Nigella sativa L.) tohumunun kimyasal bileşimi. 1. Ulusal Helal ve Sağlıklı Gıda Kongresi, Ankara, p. 180.
  • Dıraman H, Saygı H, Hışıl Y (2009). İzmir ilinde iki hasat yılı süresince üretilmiş natürel zeytinyağlarının yağ asitleri bileşenleri. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi 4(2):1-8.
  • Dwivedi SL, Nigam SN, Rao RN, Singh U, Rao KVS (1996). Effect of drought on oil, fatty acids and protein contents of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds. Field Crops Research 48(2-3):125-133.
  • Eryılmaz T, Yeşilyurt MK, Taner A, Çelik SA (2015). Prediction of kinematic viscosities of biodiesels derived from edible and non-edible vegetable oils by using artificial neural networks. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 40: 3745–3758.
  • Esteves EA, Martino HSD, Oliveira FCE, Bressan J, Costa NMB (2010). Chemical composition of a soybean cultivar lacking lipoxygenases (LOX2 and LOX3). Food Chemistry 122:238-242.
  • European Pharmacopoeıa Tenth Edition (2021). Council Of Europe, Strasbourg: France [Online]. Website.
  • Galao OF, Carrao-Panizzi MC, Mandarino JMG, Junior OOS, Maruyama SA, Figueiredo LC, Bonafe EG, Visentainer JV (2014). Differences of fatty acid composition in Brazilian genetic and conventional soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) grown in different regions. Food Research International 62: 589–594.
  • Ghazani SM, Marangoni, AG (2016). Encyclopedia of food grains (Second Edition) – healthy fats and oils. Vol. 2, pp. 257-267.
  • Hassan F, Ahmed M (2012). Oil and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars grown in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(2): 627-630.
  • Jokic S, Sudar R, Svilovic S, Vidovic S, Bilic M, Velic D, Jurkovic V (2013). Fatty acid composition of oil obtained from soybeans by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. Czech Journal of Food Sciences 31(2):116-125.
  • Kalbini Dinlesen (2022). Diyet Yağı [Online]. Website
  • Kar Eryılmaz S (2009). Mısır yağından konjuge linoleik asit üretimi ve zenginleştirilmesi. Master’s Thesis, İstanbul Teknik University (Unpublished).
  • Kaya Ş (2018). Yağ tüketimi ve yemeklerde kullanımı [Online]. Website Kayahan M (2002). Modifiye yağlar ve üretim teknolojileri. METU Press, AnkaraTürkiye. p. 263.
  • Kayahan M (2003). Yağ kimyası METU Press, AnkaraTürkiye. p. 220.
  • Kerr BJ, Dozier WA, Shurson GC (2016). Lipid digestibility and energy content of distillers’ corn oil in swine and poultry. Journal of Animal Science 94: 2900-2908.
  • Kolzeev Yavuz C (2022). Besinler [Online]. Website
  • Konuşkan Bozdoğan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O (2017.) Physico-chemical characteristic and fatty acids compositions of cottonseed oils. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23:253-259.
  • Konuskan Bozdoğan D, Kamiloglu O, Demirkeser ÖK (2019). Fatty acid composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of grape seed oils obtained by cold-pressed and solvent extraction. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 53: 44–150.
  • Kostik V, Memeti S, Bauer B (2013). Fatty acid composition of edible oils and fats. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 112-116.
  • Köhler J, Teupser D, Elsässer A, Weingärtner O (2017). Plant sterol enriched functional food and atherosclerosis. British Journal of Pharmacology 174: 1281–1289.
  • Kurban S, Mehmetoğlu İ (2006). Diyet yağlarının serum ve beyinde antioksidan aktivite üzerine etkileri. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 45-50.
  • Lawton CL, Delergy HJ, Brockman J, Smith FC, Blundell JE (2000). The degree of saturation of fatty acids influences post-ingestive satiety. British Journal of Nutrition 83: 473–482.
  • Leenen P, Pooaendurg A, Vissers MW, Scnuurbiers JA, Van Putte KP, Wiseman A (2002). Supplementation of plasma with olive oil phenols and extracts. influence of LDL oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 290-297.
  • Lewinska A, Zebrowski J, Duda M, Gorka A, Wnuk M (2015). Fatty acid profile and biological activities of linseed and rapeseed oils. Molecules 20: 22872–22880.
  • Liu JR, Zheng YZ, Xu RQ (1992). Analysis of nutrient quality of seed and screening for prominant germplasms in sesame. Oil Crops of China 1: 24-26.
  • Lutterodt H, Luther M, Slavin M, Yin J, Parry J, Gao J, Yu L (2010). Fatty acid profile, thymoquinone content, oxidative stability, and antioxidant properties of cold-pressed black cumin seed oils. Food Science and Technology 43: 1409-1413.
  • Moreau RA (2002). Vegetable oils in food technology-composition, properties and uses, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 98-127/128-156/278-296.
  • Orhan Erdoğan İ, Şenol FS, Öztürk N, Çelik SA, Pulur A, Kan Y (2013). phytochemical contents and enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant properties of anethum graveolens l.(dill) samples cultivated under organic and conventional agricultural conditions. Food and Chemical Toxicology 59: 96-103.
  • Orsavova J, Misurcova L, Ambrozova JV, Vicha R, Mlcek J (2015). Fatty acids composition of vegetable oils and its contribution to dietary energy intake and dependence of cardiovascular mortality on dietary intake of fatty acids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(6): 12871–12890.
  • Özpolat M, Akkaya MR, Bakaçhan Y (2021). Altın (Gökova) susamın (Sesamum indicum L.) bazı tohum ve yağ özellikleri. Akademik Gıda 19(3): 300-308.
  • Rombaut N, Savoire R, Thomasset B, Castello J, Hecke EV, Lanoisellè E (2015). Optimization of oil yield and oil total phenolic content during grapeseed cold screw pressing. Industrial Crops and Products 63: 26–33.
  • Shoemaker S (2019). Is corn oil healthy? nutrition, benefits and downsides [Online]. Web site:
  • Stuchlík M, Žák S (2002). Vegetable lipids as components of functional foods. Biomed Papers 146: 3-10.
  • Tuberosso CIG, Kowalczyk A, Sarritzu E, Cabras P (2007). Determination of antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity in commercial oil seeds for food use. Food Chemistry 103: 1494-1501.
  • Türkoğlu H, Kanık Z, Yakut A, Güneri A, Akın M (2012). Nizip ve çevresinde satışa sunulan zeytinyağı örneklerinin bazı özellikleri. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(3): 1-8.
  • Uluata S (2010). Bazı bitkisel yağları karakterizasyonu. PhD Thesis, İnönü University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Uysal N (2006). Isparta populasyonundan geliştirilen aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) hatlarının (Gelendost-1 ve Gelendost-2) tarımsal ve teknolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Ünver H, Çelik M (2005). Ankara yöresi cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yoluyla ıslahı. Bahçe Ceviz 34 (1): 83–89.
  • Yılmaz M (2018). Bazı aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) çeşitlerinde olgunlaşma periyodu süresince yağ asiti, tokoferol ve sterol kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Namık Kemal University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Zambiazi RC, Przybylski R, Zambiazi MW, Mendonça CB (2007). Fatty acid composition of vegetable oils and fats. Boletim Do Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De Alimentos 25 (1):111-120.
Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 342 - 355, 22.08.2024



  • Abudak M (2014). Farklı renklerdeki haşhaş (Papaver somniferum L. ) tohumlarının yağ asidi dağılımının ve bazı biyoaktif bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University (Unpublished).
  • Akın G (2016). Kabak çekirdeği yağındaki aktif bileşenlerin Hplc Ve Gc-Ms ile tayini ve incelenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (Unpublished).
  • Ardabili AG, Farhoosh R, Khodaparast MH (2011). Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo var. Styriaka) grown in Iran. Journal of Agriculture Science Technology 13:1053- 1063.
  • Ateş J, Velioğlu, S (2014). Kolesterole karşı yeni silahımız: Bitki sterolleri. Gıda Mühendisliği Dergisi 55-58.
  • Bail S, Stuebiger G, Krist S, Unterweger H, Buchbauer G (2008). Characterization of various grape seed oils by volatile compounds, triacylglycerol composition, total phenols and antioxidant capacity. Food Chemistry 108(3):1122–32.
  • Bauer B, Kostik V, Gjorgeska B (2015). Fatty acid composition of seed oil obtained from different canola varieties. Farmaceutski Glasnik 71(1):1-7.
  • Bertrand M, Özcan MM (2017). Fatty acid composition, tocopherol and sterol contents in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties. Iran Journal of Chemistry Engineering 36(3):147-152.
  • Bezmialem Üniversitesi Fitoterapi Eğitim Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (2022). Susam, Fitoterapi [Online]. Website
  • Blois SM (1958). Antioxidant Determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature 181:1199-1200.
  • Carrin ME, Carelli AA (2010). Peanut oil: compositional data. European Journal of Lipid Science & Technology 112:697–707.
  • Cazzato E, Borazio L, Corleto A (2001). Grain yield, oil content and earliness of flowering of hybrids and open- pollinated safflower in Southern Italy. Vth International Safflower Conference, 23-27 July, Wiliston, USA.
  • Chamberlin KD, Barkley NA, Tillman BL (2014). A comparison of methods used to determine the oleic/linoleic acid ratio in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Agricultural Sciences 5(3):227-237.
  • Chowdhury F, Hossain D, Hosen M, Rahman S (2015). Comparative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). World Journal of Agricultural Science 11(5):247-254.
  • Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (2022). Poppy seed oil, CAMEO [Online]. Website,Russia%2C%20France%20and%20Asia%20Minor
  • Çekici H, Yıldıran H (2019).Bitkisel sterollerin/stanollerin aterosklerotik süreç ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 9(2):218-229.
  • Çiftçi H, Özkaya A, Vatansev H, Kıyıcı A, Öztürk B, Evliyaoğlu N (2011). Doğu Anadolu bölgesindeki çörek otu (Nigella sativa L.) tohumunun kimyasal bileşimi. 1. Ulusal Helal ve Sağlıklı Gıda Kongresi, Ankara, p. 180.
  • Dıraman H, Saygı H, Hışıl Y (2009). İzmir ilinde iki hasat yılı süresince üretilmiş natürel zeytinyağlarının yağ asitleri bileşenleri. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi 4(2):1-8.
  • Dwivedi SL, Nigam SN, Rao RN, Singh U, Rao KVS (1996). Effect of drought on oil, fatty acids and protein contents of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds. Field Crops Research 48(2-3):125-133.
  • Eryılmaz T, Yeşilyurt MK, Taner A, Çelik SA (2015). Prediction of kinematic viscosities of biodiesels derived from edible and non-edible vegetable oils by using artificial neural networks. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 40: 3745–3758.
  • Esteves EA, Martino HSD, Oliveira FCE, Bressan J, Costa NMB (2010). Chemical composition of a soybean cultivar lacking lipoxygenases (LOX2 and LOX3). Food Chemistry 122:238-242.
  • European Pharmacopoeıa Tenth Edition (2021). Council Of Europe, Strasbourg: France [Online]. Website.
  • Galao OF, Carrao-Panizzi MC, Mandarino JMG, Junior OOS, Maruyama SA, Figueiredo LC, Bonafe EG, Visentainer JV (2014). Differences of fatty acid composition in Brazilian genetic and conventional soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) grown in different regions. Food Research International 62: 589–594.
  • Ghazani SM, Marangoni, AG (2016). Encyclopedia of food grains (Second Edition) – healthy fats and oils. Vol. 2, pp. 257-267.
  • Hassan F, Ahmed M (2012). Oil and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars grown in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(2): 627-630.
  • Jokic S, Sudar R, Svilovic S, Vidovic S, Bilic M, Velic D, Jurkovic V (2013). Fatty acid composition of oil obtained from soybeans by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. Czech Journal of Food Sciences 31(2):116-125.
  • Kalbini Dinlesen (2022). Diyet Yağı [Online]. Website
  • Kar Eryılmaz S (2009). Mısır yağından konjuge linoleik asit üretimi ve zenginleştirilmesi. Master’s Thesis, İstanbul Teknik University (Unpublished).
  • Kaya Ş (2018). Yağ tüketimi ve yemeklerde kullanımı [Online]. Website Kayahan M (2002). Modifiye yağlar ve üretim teknolojileri. METU Press, AnkaraTürkiye. p. 263.
  • Kayahan M (2003). Yağ kimyası METU Press, AnkaraTürkiye. p. 220.
  • Kerr BJ, Dozier WA, Shurson GC (2016). Lipid digestibility and energy content of distillers’ corn oil in swine and poultry. Journal of Animal Science 94: 2900-2908.
  • Kolzeev Yavuz C (2022). Besinler [Online]. Website
  • Konuşkan Bozdoğan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O (2017.) Physico-chemical characteristic and fatty acids compositions of cottonseed oils. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23:253-259.
  • Konuskan Bozdoğan D, Kamiloglu O, Demirkeser ÖK (2019). Fatty acid composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of grape seed oils obtained by cold-pressed and solvent extraction. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 53: 44–150.
  • Kostik V, Memeti S, Bauer B (2013). Fatty acid composition of edible oils and fats. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 112-116.
  • Köhler J, Teupser D, Elsässer A, Weingärtner O (2017). Plant sterol enriched functional food and atherosclerosis. British Journal of Pharmacology 174: 1281–1289.
  • Kurban S, Mehmetoğlu İ (2006). Diyet yağlarının serum ve beyinde antioksidan aktivite üzerine etkileri. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 45-50.
  • Lawton CL, Delergy HJ, Brockman J, Smith FC, Blundell JE (2000). The degree of saturation of fatty acids influences post-ingestive satiety. British Journal of Nutrition 83: 473–482.
  • Leenen P, Pooaendurg A, Vissers MW, Scnuurbiers JA, Van Putte KP, Wiseman A (2002). Supplementation of plasma with olive oil phenols and extracts. influence of LDL oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 290-297.
  • Lewinska A, Zebrowski J, Duda M, Gorka A, Wnuk M (2015). Fatty acid profile and biological activities of linseed and rapeseed oils. Molecules 20: 22872–22880.
  • Liu JR, Zheng YZ, Xu RQ (1992). Analysis of nutrient quality of seed and screening for prominant germplasms in sesame. Oil Crops of China 1: 24-26.
  • Lutterodt H, Luther M, Slavin M, Yin J, Parry J, Gao J, Yu L (2010). Fatty acid profile, thymoquinone content, oxidative stability, and antioxidant properties of cold-pressed black cumin seed oils. Food Science and Technology 43: 1409-1413.
  • Moreau RA (2002). Vegetable oils in food technology-composition, properties and uses, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 98-127/128-156/278-296.
  • Orhan Erdoğan İ, Şenol FS, Öztürk N, Çelik SA, Pulur A, Kan Y (2013). phytochemical contents and enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant properties of anethum graveolens l.(dill) samples cultivated under organic and conventional agricultural conditions. Food and Chemical Toxicology 59: 96-103.
  • Orsavova J, Misurcova L, Ambrozova JV, Vicha R, Mlcek J (2015). Fatty acids composition of vegetable oils and its contribution to dietary energy intake and dependence of cardiovascular mortality on dietary intake of fatty acids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(6): 12871–12890.
  • Özpolat M, Akkaya MR, Bakaçhan Y (2021). Altın (Gökova) susamın (Sesamum indicum L.) bazı tohum ve yağ özellikleri. Akademik Gıda 19(3): 300-308.
  • Rombaut N, Savoire R, Thomasset B, Castello J, Hecke EV, Lanoisellè E (2015). Optimization of oil yield and oil total phenolic content during grapeseed cold screw pressing. Industrial Crops and Products 63: 26–33.
  • Shoemaker S (2019). Is corn oil healthy? nutrition, benefits and downsides [Online]. Web site:
  • Stuchlík M, Žák S (2002). Vegetable lipids as components of functional foods. Biomed Papers 146: 3-10.
  • Tuberosso CIG, Kowalczyk A, Sarritzu E, Cabras P (2007). Determination of antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity in commercial oil seeds for food use. Food Chemistry 103: 1494-1501.
  • Türkoğlu H, Kanık Z, Yakut A, Güneri A, Akın M (2012). Nizip ve çevresinde satışa sunulan zeytinyağı örneklerinin bazı özellikleri. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(3): 1-8.
  • Uluata S (2010). Bazı bitkisel yağları karakterizasyonu. PhD Thesis, İnönü University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Uysal N (2006). Isparta populasyonundan geliştirilen aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) hatlarının (Gelendost-1 ve Gelendost-2) tarımsal ve teknolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Süleyman Demirel University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Ünver H, Çelik M (2005). Ankara yöresi cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yoluyla ıslahı. Bahçe Ceviz 34 (1): 83–89.
  • Yılmaz M (2018). Bazı aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) çeşitlerinde olgunlaşma periyodu süresince yağ asiti, tokoferol ve sterol kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesi. Master’s Thesis, Namık Kemal University (Unpublished), Turkey.
  • Zambiazi RC, Przybylski R, Zambiazi MW, Mendonça CB (2007). Fatty acid composition of vegetable oils and fats. Boletim Do Centro De Pesquisa De Processamento De Alimentos 25 (1):111-120.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Journal Section Research Article

Sadiye Ayşe Çelik 0000-0002-0765-642X

Yüksel Kan 0000-0002-1095-2326

Early Pub Date August 18, 2024
Publication Date August 22, 2024
Submission Date March 11, 2024
Acceptance Date July 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 38 Issue: 2


EndNote Çelik SA, Kan Y (August 1, 2024) Determination of Fatty Acid Profiles and Antioxidant Activities of Some Edible Oils Consumed in Turkey. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 38 2 342–355.

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