Research Article
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Investigation of the Structural Characteristics of Seed Surfaces of Some Soybean Genotypes by Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 553 - 560, 16.12.2024


Soybean (Glycine max) is a partly climbing, branched, annual plant in the Fabaceae family, native to East Asia. The plant is grown for its edible beans. Soybeans have many uses in agronomic practice. It plays a crucial role in East Asian cuisine and the animal feed industry as it is one of the plants with the highest protein yield per cultivated area and is rich in nutritional value. Therefore, the characterization of soya genotypes and seed surface structural properties is critical. SEM technique, one of the techniques that can be used for this purpose, provides high-resolution images of the surfaces and allows detailed examination of the microstructure of the materials. This study used SEM microscopy to determine seed surface characteristics such as surface roughness, reticulation, tubercles, and raised and grooved surface decorations in 12 soya genotypes. As a result of the study, soybean genotypes were divided into 3 groups according to their micro-morphological characteristics and their similarities and differences were revealed. In conclusion, it was once again demonstrated that this classification based on surface characteristics can be useful for various agricultural, botanical and research purposes by helping to identify and compare seeds.


  • Algan G and Büyükkartal Bakar HN (2000). Ultrastructure of seed coat development in the natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 184(3): 205-213.
  • Aniszewski T, Kupari MH, Leinonen AJ (2001). Seed number, seed size and seed diversity in Washington Lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.). Ann Bot 87: 77-82.
  • Arıoğlu HH (2007). Yağ bitkileri yetiştirme ve islahı ders kitabı. Genel Yayın No:220, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-70, Adana; p. 204.
  • Attar F, Keshvari A, Ghahreman A, Zarre S, Aghabeigi F (2007). Micro-morphological studies on Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) in Iran with emphasis on seed surface, capsule ornamentation and trichomes. Flora-Morphology, Distribution. Functional Ecology of Plants 202(2): 169-175.
  • Bobrov AV, Melikian AP, Romanov MS, Sorokin AN (2004). Seed morphology and anatomy of Austrotaxus spicata (Taxaceae) and its systematic position. Bot J Linn Soc 145: 437-443.
  • Boerma HR and Specht JE (2004). Soybeans: improvement, production and uses (No. Ed. 3). American Society of Agronomy.
  • Bonilla-Barbosa J, Novela A, Hornelas Orozco Y, Márquez-Guzmán J (2000). Comparative seed morphology of Mexican Nymphaea species. Aquatic Botany 68:189–204
  • Candan F, Kesercioğlu T, Şık L (2009). Micromorphological investigations on pollen samples of four yellow flowered taxa of Crocus L. (Iridaceae) from Turkey. J Appl Biol Sci 3: 56–59.
  • Candan F, Uysal T, Tugay O, Bozkurt M, Ertuğrul K, Demirelma H (2016). The examinations of achene ultrastructural features of section Acrolophus (Centaurea, Asteraceae) via scanning electron microscopy. Turkish Journal of Botany 40(2): 147-163.
  • Carrera CS, Salvagiotti, Ciampitti IA (2021). Benchmarking nutraceutical soybean composition relative to protein and oil. Frontiers in Nutrition 8: 663434.
  • Chavan M, Fakrudin B, Umashankar N, Anil VS, Lingaiah HB, Karosiya A (2021). Micromorphology of palisade cuticle of bold seeded vegetable soybean and grain type soybean. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10(2): 898-902.
  • Dukariya G, Shah S, Singh G, Kumar A (2020). Soybean and its products: Nutritional and health benefits. Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet 1(2): 22-29.
  • Erkul SK, Celep F, Aytaç Z (2015). Seed morphology and its systematic implications for genus Oxytropis DC. (Fabaceae). Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 149(5): 875-883.
  • Esau K (1977) Anatomy of the Seed Plants. 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, New York.
  • FAO (2021) Dünya soya üretim, ekim alanı ve verim istatistikleri. (acces date: 15.05.2024),
  • Govindaraj M, Vetriventhan M, Srinivasan M (2015). Importance of genetic diversity assessment in crop plants and its recent advances: an overview of its analytical perspectives. Genetics Research International 2015(1): 431487.
  • Güneş F (2013). Seed characteristics and testa textures of Pratensis, Orobon, Lathyrus, Orobastrum and Cicercula sections from Lathyrus (Fabaceae) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 299: 1935-1953.
  • Hassan NMS, Meve U, Liede-Schumann S (2005). Seed coat morphology of Aizoaceae- Sesuvioideae, Gisekiaceae and Molluginaceae and its systematic significance. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 189-206.
  • İşler E, Coşkan A (2009). Farklı bakteri Bradyrhizobium japonicum aşılama yöntemlerinin soyada azot fiksasyonu ve tane verimine etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15(04): 324-331.
  • ISMA (International Seed Morphology Association) (2022)
  • Johnson LA, Huish KH, Porter JM (2004). Seed surface sculpturing and its systematic significance Ingilia (Polemoniaceae) and segregate genera. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165 (1): 153-172.
  • Juan R, Pastor J, Fernández I (2000). SEM and light microscope observations on fruit and seeds in Scrophulariaceae from Southwest Spain and their systematic significance. Annals of Botany 86: 323–338.
  • Kashyap S, Sahu CK, Verma RK, Chaudhary LB (2021). Taxonomic application of macro and micro morphological characters of seeds in Astragalus L. (Galegeae, Fabaceae) in India. Phytotaxa 502(2): 191-207.
  • Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V (Eds.) (2013). Flowering plants· dicotyledons: Magnoliid, hamamelid and caryophyllid families (Vol. 2). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Kumar M, Suhag R, Hasan M, Dhumal S, Radha Pandiselvam R, ... Kennedy JF (2023). Black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): paving the way toward new nutraceutical. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(23): 6208-6234.
  • Kuromori T, Fujita M, Takahashi F, Yamaguchi‐Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K (2022). Inter‐tissue and inter‐organ signaling in drought stress response and phenotyping of drought tolerance. The Plant Journal, 109(2), 342-358.
  • Moro FV, Pinto AC, Dos Santos JM, Damião Filho CF (2001). A scanning electron microscopy study of the seed and post-seminal development in Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl.(Scrophulariaceae). Annals of Botany 88(3): 499-506.
  • Omoni AO, Aluko RE (2005). Soybean foods and their benefits: potential mechanisms of action. Nutrition reviews, 63(8), 272-283.
  • Rashid N, Zafar M, Ahmad M, Malik K, Haq IU, Shah SN, Mateen A, Ahmed T (2018). Intraspecific variation in seed morphology of tribe Vicieae (Papilionoidae) using scanning electron microscopy techniques. Microscopy Research and Technique 81(3): 298-307.
  • Rashid N, Zafar M, Ahmad M, Memon RA, Akhter MS, Malik K, Malik NZ, Sultana S, Shah SN (2021). Seed morphology: An addition to the taxonomy of Astragaleae and Trifolieae (Leguminosae: Papilionoidae) from Pakistan. Microscopy Research and Technique 84(5): 1053-1062.
  • Segarra JG, Mateu I (2001). Seed morphology of Linaria species from eastern Spain: identification of species and taxonomic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135(4): 375-389.
  • Slattery HD, Atwell BJ, Kuo J (1982). Relationship between colour, phenolic content and impermeability in seed coat of various Trifolium subterraneum genotypes. Annals of Botany 50: 373–378.
  • Szostak B, Glowacka A, Kasiczak A, Kieltyka-Dadasiewicz A, Bakowski M (2020). Nutritional value of soybeans and the yield of protein and fat depending on the cultivar and nitrogen application. Journal of Elementology, 25(1). Turkstat (2021). Agricultural Statistics Summary. Turkish Statistical Institute, Publication No: 3877, Ankara. p.333.
  • Waheed A, Ahmad M, Ghufran MA, Jabeen A, Ozdemir FA, Zafar M, Sultana S, Shah MA, Majeed S, Khan AS (2021). Implication of scanning electron microscopy in the seed morphology with special reference to three subfamilies of Fabaceae. Microscopy Research and Technique 84(9): 2176-2185.
  • Zhao TJ and Gai JY (2004) The origin and evolution of cultivated soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Sci. Agric. Sinica 37: 954−962.
  • Zohary M and Heller D (1984). The genus Trifolium. – Israel Acad. Sci. Human., Jerusalem.
  • Zoric L, Merkulov L, Lukovıć J, Boža P (2010). Comparative seed morphology of Trifolium L. species (Fabaceae). Periodicum Biologorum 112(3): 263-272.
Year 2024, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 553 - 560, 16.12.2024



  • Algan G and Büyükkartal Bakar HN (2000). Ultrastructure of seed coat development in the natural tetraploid Trifolium pratense L. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 184(3): 205-213.
  • Aniszewski T, Kupari MH, Leinonen AJ (2001). Seed number, seed size and seed diversity in Washington Lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.). Ann Bot 87: 77-82.
  • Arıoğlu HH (2007). Yağ bitkileri yetiştirme ve islahı ders kitabı. Genel Yayın No:220, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-70, Adana; p. 204.
  • Attar F, Keshvari A, Ghahreman A, Zarre S, Aghabeigi F (2007). Micro-morphological studies on Verbascum (Scrophulariaceae) in Iran with emphasis on seed surface, capsule ornamentation and trichomes. Flora-Morphology, Distribution. Functional Ecology of Plants 202(2): 169-175.
  • Bobrov AV, Melikian AP, Romanov MS, Sorokin AN (2004). Seed morphology and anatomy of Austrotaxus spicata (Taxaceae) and its systematic position. Bot J Linn Soc 145: 437-443.
  • Boerma HR and Specht JE (2004). Soybeans: improvement, production and uses (No. Ed. 3). American Society of Agronomy.
  • Bonilla-Barbosa J, Novela A, Hornelas Orozco Y, Márquez-Guzmán J (2000). Comparative seed morphology of Mexican Nymphaea species. Aquatic Botany 68:189–204
  • Candan F, Kesercioğlu T, Şık L (2009). Micromorphological investigations on pollen samples of four yellow flowered taxa of Crocus L. (Iridaceae) from Turkey. J Appl Biol Sci 3: 56–59.
  • Candan F, Uysal T, Tugay O, Bozkurt M, Ertuğrul K, Demirelma H (2016). The examinations of achene ultrastructural features of section Acrolophus (Centaurea, Asteraceae) via scanning electron microscopy. Turkish Journal of Botany 40(2): 147-163.
  • Carrera CS, Salvagiotti, Ciampitti IA (2021). Benchmarking nutraceutical soybean composition relative to protein and oil. Frontiers in Nutrition 8: 663434.
  • Chavan M, Fakrudin B, Umashankar N, Anil VS, Lingaiah HB, Karosiya A (2021). Micromorphology of palisade cuticle of bold seeded vegetable soybean and grain type soybean. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 10(2): 898-902.
  • Dukariya G, Shah S, Singh G, Kumar A (2020). Soybean and its products: Nutritional and health benefits. Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet 1(2): 22-29.
  • Erkul SK, Celep F, Aytaç Z (2015). Seed morphology and its systematic implications for genus Oxytropis DC. (Fabaceae). Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 149(5): 875-883.
  • Esau K (1977) Anatomy of the Seed Plants. 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, New York.
  • FAO (2021) Dünya soya üretim, ekim alanı ve verim istatistikleri. (acces date: 15.05.2024),
  • Govindaraj M, Vetriventhan M, Srinivasan M (2015). Importance of genetic diversity assessment in crop plants and its recent advances: an overview of its analytical perspectives. Genetics Research International 2015(1): 431487.
  • Güneş F (2013). Seed characteristics and testa textures of Pratensis, Orobon, Lathyrus, Orobastrum and Cicercula sections from Lathyrus (Fabaceae) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 299: 1935-1953.
  • Hassan NMS, Meve U, Liede-Schumann S (2005). Seed coat morphology of Aizoaceae- Sesuvioideae, Gisekiaceae and Molluginaceae and its systematic significance. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 189-206.
  • İşler E, Coşkan A (2009). Farklı bakteri Bradyrhizobium japonicum aşılama yöntemlerinin soyada azot fiksasyonu ve tane verimine etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15(04): 324-331.
  • ISMA (International Seed Morphology Association) (2022)
  • Johnson LA, Huish KH, Porter JM (2004). Seed surface sculpturing and its systematic significance Ingilia (Polemoniaceae) and segregate genera. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165 (1): 153-172.
  • Juan R, Pastor J, Fernández I (2000). SEM and light microscope observations on fruit and seeds in Scrophulariaceae from Southwest Spain and their systematic significance. Annals of Botany 86: 323–338.
  • Kashyap S, Sahu CK, Verma RK, Chaudhary LB (2021). Taxonomic application of macro and micro morphological characters of seeds in Astragalus L. (Galegeae, Fabaceae) in India. Phytotaxa 502(2): 191-207.
  • Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V (Eds.) (2013). Flowering plants· dicotyledons: Magnoliid, hamamelid and caryophyllid families (Vol. 2). Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Kumar M, Suhag R, Hasan M, Dhumal S, Radha Pandiselvam R, ... Kennedy JF (2023). Black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): paving the way toward new nutraceutical. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(23): 6208-6234.
  • Kuromori T, Fujita M, Takahashi F, Yamaguchi‐Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K (2022). Inter‐tissue and inter‐organ signaling in drought stress response and phenotyping of drought tolerance. The Plant Journal, 109(2), 342-358.
  • Moro FV, Pinto AC, Dos Santos JM, Damião Filho CF (2001). A scanning electron microscopy study of the seed and post-seminal development in Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl.(Scrophulariaceae). Annals of Botany 88(3): 499-506.
  • Omoni AO, Aluko RE (2005). Soybean foods and their benefits: potential mechanisms of action. Nutrition reviews, 63(8), 272-283.
  • Rashid N, Zafar M, Ahmad M, Malik K, Haq IU, Shah SN, Mateen A, Ahmed T (2018). Intraspecific variation in seed morphology of tribe Vicieae (Papilionoidae) using scanning electron microscopy techniques. Microscopy Research and Technique 81(3): 298-307.
  • Rashid N, Zafar M, Ahmad M, Memon RA, Akhter MS, Malik K, Malik NZ, Sultana S, Shah SN (2021). Seed morphology: An addition to the taxonomy of Astragaleae and Trifolieae (Leguminosae: Papilionoidae) from Pakistan. Microscopy Research and Technique 84(5): 1053-1062.
  • Segarra JG, Mateu I (2001). Seed morphology of Linaria species from eastern Spain: identification of species and taxonomic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135(4): 375-389.
  • Slattery HD, Atwell BJ, Kuo J (1982). Relationship between colour, phenolic content and impermeability in seed coat of various Trifolium subterraneum genotypes. Annals of Botany 50: 373–378.
  • Szostak B, Glowacka A, Kasiczak A, Kieltyka-Dadasiewicz A, Bakowski M (2020). Nutritional value of soybeans and the yield of protein and fat depending on the cultivar and nitrogen application. Journal of Elementology, 25(1). Turkstat (2021). Agricultural Statistics Summary. Turkish Statistical Institute, Publication No: 3877, Ankara. p.333.
  • Waheed A, Ahmad M, Ghufran MA, Jabeen A, Ozdemir FA, Zafar M, Sultana S, Shah MA, Majeed S, Khan AS (2021). Implication of scanning electron microscopy in the seed morphology with special reference to three subfamilies of Fabaceae. Microscopy Research and Technique 84(9): 2176-2185.
  • Zhao TJ and Gai JY (2004) The origin and evolution of cultivated soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Sci. Agric. Sinica 37: 954−962.
  • Zohary M and Heller D (1984). The genus Trifolium. – Israel Acad. Sci. Human., Jerusalem.
  • Zoric L, Merkulov L, Lukovıć J, Boža P (2010). Comparative seed morphology of Trifolium L. species (Fabaceae). Periodicum Biologorum 112(3): 263-272.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pasture-Meadow Forage Plants
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Yasin Sezer 0000-0002-4075-1349

Tuna Uysal 0000-0001-9968-5633

Early Pub Date December 13, 2024
Publication Date December 16, 2024
Submission Date July 6, 2024
Acceptance Date December 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 38 Issue: 3


EndNote Sezer AY, Uysal T (December 1, 2024) Investigation of the Structural Characteristics of Seed Surfaces of Some Soybean Genotypes by Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 38 3 553–560.

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