Research Article
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Foliar Urea Fertilization of Cereals II

Year 1997, Volume: 11 Issue: 15, 140 - 154, 15.07.1997


It has been suggested that there are several potential benefits of providing nitrogen to cereals via the follage as urea solution. These include: reduced nitrogen losses through denitrification and leaching compared with nitrogen fertilizer applications to the soil; the ability to provide nitrogen when root activity is impaired e.g.. in saline or dry conditions, and uptake late in the season to Increase grain nitrogen concentration. Factors that influence the degree of foliar absorption in field conditions have not, however, been clearly defined and losses to the atmosphere and soil can occur. Foliar urea applications may also hinder crop productivity although the explanations for this vary, and include desiccation of leaf cells, aqueous ammonia and urea toxicity, biuret contamination and the disruption of carbohydrate metabolism. It has not yet been determined which one, or combinations, of these mechanisms are most important in field situations. When damage has not been severe, foliar urea applications have increased grain yield, particularly when applied before flag leaf emergence and when nitrogen availability is limiting. Increases in grain nitrogen content are often larger when applications of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil are reduced, and when the urea solution is sprayed either at anthesis or during the following two weeks. It is during this period that follar urea sprays can be of greater benefit than soil applications with regard to nitrogen utilization by the crop. Increases in wheat grain nitrogen concentration following urea application can improve breadmaking quality. Responses in loaf quality may, however, be variable particularly when increases in grain nitrogen content have been large, and/or when the nitrogen: sulphur ratio in the grain is increased. These circumstances have lead to alterations in the proportions of the different protein fractions which influence breadmaking potential. To exploit the full potential benefits of follar urea application to cereals, more needs to be know about the mechanisms, and thus how to prevent losses of nitrogen from the foliage, and to reduce the phytotoxic influences of sprays. More information is also required to exploit the reported effects that urea may have on limiting the development of cereal diseases.


  • Bell, P.M. and Simmonds, D.H., 1963. The protein composition of different flours and its relationship to nitrogen content and baking performance. Cereal Chem 40: 121.
  • Below, F.E., Crafts-Brabender, S.J., Harper, J.E. and Hageman, R.H., 1985. Uptake, distribution, and remobilisation of 15N-labelled urea applied to maize cano- ples. Agron J 77: 412-415.
  • Below, F.E., Lambert, R.J. and Hageman, R.H., 1984. Foliar applications of nutrients on maize I. Yield and N content of grain and stover. Agron J 76: 773-777.
  • Below, F.E., Lambert, R.J. and Hageman, R.H., 1984. Follar applications of nutrients on maize II. Physiological responses. Agron J 76: 777-784.
  • Bhowmik, P.C. and Seth, J., 1968. Effect of soil and follar application of urea on yield and quality of wheat. Proc Nat Acad Sci India 38: 307-312 . Bowman, D.C. and Paul, J.L., 1990. Volatilization and rapid depletion of urea spray- applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf. J. Plant Nutrition 13: 1335-1344.
  • Burlaku, I.N., 1975. The effect of foliar spraying on nitrogen metabolism in winter wheat plants. Agrokhimiya 4: 23-34.
  • Chesnin, L. and Shafer, N., 1953. Foliage application of urea solutions to grain and forage crops. Agron J. 45: 576.
  • Chamberlain, N., Collins, T.H. and McDermott, E.E., 1982. The effect of alpha- amylase activity on loaf properties in the UK. Proc. 8th World Cereal Bread Cong Prague pp. 841-845.
  • Cressey. P.J.. Macgibbon, D.G. and Grama, A., 1987. Hexaploid wild emmer wheat de- rivatives grown under New Zealand conditions 3. Influence of nitrogen fertili- sation and stage of grain development on protein composition. N Zealand J. Agric Res. 30:53-58.
  • Curic, R., 1988. Investigation of the effect of late application of nitrogen on wheat yield and nitrogen accumulation in the grain. In: Jenkinson DS and Smith KA (eds.) Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils, pp. 137-144. London: Else- vier.
  • Dampney, PMR, 1987. The effect of applications of nitrogen during stem extension and grain filling on the quality of wheat grain used for breadmaking. In: As- pects of Applied Biology 15, Cereal Quality, pp. 239-248. Warwick: Assocla- tion of Applied Biologists.
  • Dampney, P.M.R. and Salmon, S., 1990. The effect of rate and timing of late nitrogen applications to breadmaking wheats as ammonium nitrate or foliar urea-N, and the effect of foliar sulphur application I. Effect on yleld, grain quality and recovery of nitrogen in grain. In: Milford GFJ, Kettlewell PS, Orson JH, Thom- as WTB, Pritchard PE and Myram C (eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 25, Ce- real Quality II, pp. 229-241. Wardwick: Association of Applied Biologists.

Tahılarda Yapraktan Üre Gübrelemesi II

Year 1997, Volume: 11 Issue: 15, 140 - 154, 15.07.1997


Tahıllara ürenin solüsyonu olarak yapraktan azot uygulanmasının pek çok potansiyel faydalarının olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Bunlar; toprağa azotlu gübre uygulamaları ile kıyaslandığında denitrifikasyon ve yıkanma yoluyla olan azot kayıplarının azalması, tuzluluk ve kurak şartlarda olduğu gibi kök aktivitesinin azaldığı durumlarda azot sağlama imkanı ve dane azot oranını artırmak için ileri dönemlerde alınabilme şeklinde sıralanabilir. Bununla birlikte, tarla şartlarında yaprak absorpsiyon seviyesini etkileyen faktörler, atmosfere ve toprağa olabilen kayıplar açık olarak ortaya konulmamıştır. Yapraktan üre uygulamaları aynı zamanda yaprak hücrelerının kuruması, sulu amonyum ve üre toksitesi, biüret bulaşması ve karbonhidrat metabolizmasının bozulması yoluyla da bitkisel üretimi kısıtlayabilir. Bu mekanizmaların tarla şartlarında, en önemli olanı ya da olanları henüz belirlenmemiştir. Zarar şiddetli olmadığı zaman, yapraktan üre uygulamaları özellikle toprakta azotun elverişliliğinin sınırlandığı, bayrak yaprak çıkışı öncesi yapıldığı zaman, dane verimini artırmıştır. Toprağa azotlu gübre uygulamaları azaldığında, tozlaşma döneminde ya da takip eden iki hafta boyunca üre solüsyonu uygulandığında dane azot oranında önemli artışlar olmaktadır. Bu peryot boyunca yapraktan üre uygulamaları, bitkiler tarafından azottan yararlanma ile ilişkili olarak, toprak uygulamalarından daha faydalı olabilir. Üre uygulaması ile buğdayda dane azot oranında sağlanan artışlar ekmek yapım kalitesini de geliştirebilir. Bununla birlikte, özellikle dane azot oranındakı artışlar büyük olduğunda yada danede azot / kükürt oranı arttığında, ekmek kalitesindeki cevaplar değişken olabilir. Bu özellikler ekmek yapım potansiyelini etkileyen farklı protein fraksiyonlarının oranlarında değişikliklere yol açarlar. Tahıllara yapraktan üre uygulamalarının tüm potansiyel faydalarınından istifa etmek için mekanizmaları hakkında daha fazla bilgiye ihtiyaç vardır. Böylece, yapraklardan mevcut azot kayıpları nasıl önlenebilir ve üre spreylerinin fitotoksik etkileri nasıl azaltılabilir sorularına cevap verilebilir. Ayrıca, ürenin tahıl hastalıklarının gelişimini sınırlandırması üzerinde sahip olabileceği belirtilen etkileri doğrulamak için daha fazla bilgiye ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.

Supporting Institution



  • Bell, P.M. and Simmonds, D.H., 1963. The protein composition of different flours and its relationship to nitrogen content and baking performance. Cereal Chem 40: 121.
  • Below, F.E., Crafts-Brabender, S.J., Harper, J.E. and Hageman, R.H., 1985. Uptake, distribution, and remobilisation of 15N-labelled urea applied to maize cano- ples. Agron J 77: 412-415.
  • Below, F.E., Lambert, R.J. and Hageman, R.H., 1984. Foliar applications of nutrients on maize I. Yield and N content of grain and stover. Agron J 76: 773-777.
  • Below, F.E., Lambert, R.J. and Hageman, R.H., 1984. Follar applications of nutrients on maize II. Physiological responses. Agron J 76: 777-784.
  • Bhowmik, P.C. and Seth, J., 1968. Effect of soil and follar application of urea on yield and quality of wheat. Proc Nat Acad Sci India 38: 307-312 . Bowman, D.C. and Paul, J.L., 1990. Volatilization and rapid depletion of urea spray- applied to Kentucky bluegrass turf. J. Plant Nutrition 13: 1335-1344.
  • Burlaku, I.N., 1975. The effect of foliar spraying on nitrogen metabolism in winter wheat plants. Agrokhimiya 4: 23-34.
  • Chesnin, L. and Shafer, N., 1953. Foliage application of urea solutions to grain and forage crops. Agron J. 45: 576.
  • Chamberlain, N., Collins, T.H. and McDermott, E.E., 1982. The effect of alpha- amylase activity on loaf properties in the UK. Proc. 8th World Cereal Bread Cong Prague pp. 841-845.
  • Cressey. P.J.. Macgibbon, D.G. and Grama, A., 1987. Hexaploid wild emmer wheat de- rivatives grown under New Zealand conditions 3. Influence of nitrogen fertili- sation and stage of grain development on protein composition. N Zealand J. Agric Res. 30:53-58.
  • Curic, R., 1988. Investigation of the effect of late application of nitrogen on wheat yield and nitrogen accumulation in the grain. In: Jenkinson DS and Smith KA (eds.) Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils, pp. 137-144. London: Else- vier.
  • Dampney, PMR, 1987. The effect of applications of nitrogen during stem extension and grain filling on the quality of wheat grain used for breadmaking. In: As- pects of Applied Biology 15, Cereal Quality, pp. 239-248. Warwick: Assocla- tion of Applied Biologists.
  • Dampney, P.M.R. and Salmon, S., 1990. The effect of rate and timing of late nitrogen applications to breadmaking wheats as ammonium nitrate or foliar urea-N, and the effect of foliar sulphur application I. Effect on yleld, grain quality and recovery of nitrogen in grain. In: Milford GFJ, Kettlewell PS, Orson JH, Thom- as WTB, Pritchard PE and Myram C (eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 25, Ce- real Quality II, pp. 229-241. Wardwick: Association of Applied Biologists.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cereals and Legumes
Journal Section Research Article

Bayram Sade This is me

Süleyman Soylu This is me

Publication Date July 15, 1997
Submission Date January 5, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997 Volume: 11 Issue: 15


EndNote Sade B, Soylu S (July 1, 1997) Foliar Urea Fertilization of Cereals II. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 11 15 140–154.

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