Research Article
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Bir Ağır Metal Olarak Kadmiyum Uygulamasının Koyunlarda Kuru Madde Alımı, Sindirilebilirliği ve Kadmiyum Emilimi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 1999, Volume: 13 Issue: 18, 59 - 72, 15.12.1999


An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of cadmium on digestibility and intake of feeds and the gastrointestinal absorption of cadmium (Cd) application in sheep. Twenty four (24) Welsh Mountain ewes were used in the experiment. The ewes were blocked into six groups by weight and allocated at random. The average animal weight for each block was 50.1, 47.9, 46.7, 45.0, 40.4 and 38.9 kg, respectively. Each treatment had 12 replicates. Grass contaminated with cadmium was produced. Treatment 1 consisted of grass with cadmium plus 200 g concentrates and Treatment 2, the Cd-free grass and 200 g concentrates containing 5 mg of Cd. Animals were kept in metabolism crates for thirty days, the first 15 days being an adaptation period. During the adaptation period grass was fed ad libitum while approximately 200 g of concentrates were offered daily. There were significant (P <0.05) effects of the treatments on the total dry matter feed intake. However, cadmium effect on dry matter digestibility almost reached statistical significance (P=0.06). Cadmium came out in the faeces mostly on the second and third day, which has confirmed the previous reports. The absorption rate of cadmium was not calculated due to interferences with sodium in the cadmium determinations. The available equipment (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, AAS-model 151) had no background correction for all non-specific absorption.

Supporting Institution



  • Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999). Circulation of heavy metals in soil-plant-animal metabolic system with special reference to Cadmium. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University (in press).Bramley
  • , R.G.V. (1990). Cadmium in New Zealand agriculture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 33: 4, pp. 505-519.Chaney,
  • R.L., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
  • Doyle,J.J., Pfander, W.H., Grebing, S.E. and Pierce, J.O. (1974). Effect of dietary cadmium on growth, cadmium absorption and cadmium tissue levels in growing lambs. Journal of Nutrition, 104: pp. 160-166.
  • Friberg, L., Piscator, M., Nordberg, G.F. and Kjellström, T. (1974). Cadmium in the environment, 2nd edition, CRC Press, U.S.A.Furr,
  • A.K., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1976). Study of guinea pigs fed Swiss chard grown on municipal sludge-amended soil Archives of Environment and Health, 31: pp. 87-91.Gordon,
  • T., Goodman, G.J. And Roberts, T.M. (1971). Plants and soils as indicators of metals in the air. Nature, 231: pp. 287-290.Hanson,
  • L.G. and Hinesly, T.D. (1979). Cadmium from soil amended with sewage sludge: Effects of residues in swine. Environ. Health Perspectives, 28: pp. 51- 57.
  • Miller,W.J., Blackmon, D.M., and Martin, Y.G. (1968). 109Cadmium absorption, excretion, and tissue distribution following single tracer oral and intravenous doses in young goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 51: pp. 1836-1839.
  • Ministryof Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 11: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, Nitric-Perchloric acid soluble in soil, HMSO, London.
Year 1999, Volume: 13 Issue: 18, 59 - 72, 15.12.1999


Koyunlarda kadmiyum uygulamasının yemlerin sindirilebilirliği ve alımı ile kadmiyumun (Cd) gastrointestinal emilimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemek amacıyla bir deneme yürütülmüştür. Denemede yirmi dört (24) Galler Dağ koyunu kullanılmıştır. Koyunlar ağırlıklarına göre altı gruba ayrılmış ve rastgele dağıtılmıştır. Her blok için ortalama hayvan ağırlığı sırasıyla 50.1, 47.9, 46.7, 45.0, 40.4 ve 38.9 kg idi. Her muamelenin 12 tekrarı vardı. Kadmiyum ile kontamine edilmiş ot üretilmiştir. Muamele 1, kadmiyum içeren çim ve 200 g konsantre yemden ve Muamele 2, Cd içermeyen çim ve 5 mg Cd içeren 200 g konsantre yemden oluşmuştur. Hayvanlar ilk 15 günü adaptasyon dönemi olmak üzere otuz gün boyunca metabolizma kafeslerinde tutulmuştur. Adaptasyon dönemi boyunca ot ad libitum olarak verilirken, günde yaklaşık 200 g konsantre yem sunulmuştur. Uygulamaların toplam kuru madde yem alımı üzerinde önemli (P <0.05) etkileri olmuştur. Ancak, kadmiyumun kuru madde sindirilebilirliği üzerindeki etkisi neredeyse istatistiksel anlamlılığa ulaşmıştır (P=0.06). Kadmiyum dışkıda çoğunlukla ikinci ve üçüncü günde ortaya çıkmıştır ve bu da önceki raporları doğrulamıştır. Kadmiyum emilim oranı, kadmiyum tayinlerinde sodyum ile girişimler nedeniyle hesaplanmamıştır. Mevcut ekipmanın (Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrofotometresi, AAS-model 151) spesifik olmayan tüm absorpsiyonlar için arka plan düzeltmesi yoktu.


  • Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999). Circulation of heavy metals in soil-plant-animal metabolic system with special reference to Cadmium. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University (in press).Bramley
  • , R.G.V. (1990). Cadmium in New Zealand agriculture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 33: 4, pp. 505-519.Chaney,
  • R.L., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
  • Doyle,J.J., Pfander, W.H., Grebing, S.E. and Pierce, J.O. (1974). Effect of dietary cadmium on growth, cadmium absorption and cadmium tissue levels in growing lambs. Journal of Nutrition, 104: pp. 160-166.
  • Friberg, L., Piscator, M., Nordberg, G.F. and Kjellström, T. (1974). Cadmium in the environment, 2nd edition, CRC Press, U.S.A.Furr,
  • A.K., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1976). Study of guinea pigs fed Swiss chard grown on municipal sludge-amended soil Archives of Environment and Health, 31: pp. 87-91.Gordon,
  • T., Goodman, G.J. And Roberts, T.M. (1971). Plants and soils as indicators of metals in the air. Nature, 231: pp. 287-290.Hanson,
  • L.G. and Hinesly, T.D. (1979). Cadmium from soil amended with sewage sludge: Effects of residues in swine. Environ. Health Perspectives, 28: pp. 51- 57.
  • Miller,W.J., Blackmon, D.M., and Martin, Y.G. (1968). 109Cadmium absorption, excretion, and tissue distribution following single tracer oral and intravenous doses in young goats. Journal of Dairy Science, 51: pp. 1836-1839.
  • Ministryof Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 11: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, Nitric-Perchloric acid soluble in soil, HMSO, London.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Yalçin Bozkurt This is me

Eumorfia Zachou This is me

Publication Date December 15, 1999
Submission Date January 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 13 Issue: 18


EndNote Bozkurt Y, Zachou E (December 1, 1999) Bir Ağır Metal Olarak Kadmiyum Uygulamasının Koyunlarda Kuru Madde Alımı, Sindirilebilirliği ve Kadmiyum Emilimi Üzerine Etkisi. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 13 18 59–72.

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