Ağır Metal Olarak Kadmiyumun Toprak ve Bitki Mineral İçeriğine ve Bitki Verimine Olan Etkileri
Year 1999,
Volume: 13 Issue: 18, 73 - 85, 15.12.1999
Eumorfia Zachou
Yalçın Bozkurt
Kadmiyum uygulamasının toprak ve bitki mineral içeriğine ve çayır otu verimi üzerine olan etkilerini araştırmak için yürütülen bu deneyde, kadmiyumun bitkiler tarafından alınmasını etkileyen karmaşık ilişkilerin bir kısmı incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, kadmiyumun çayır otunun mineral içeriği üzerine önemli bir etkisinin bulunduğunu ve Mg ve K alımını üzerine önemli (P < 0.05) etkileri olduğunu bulmuştur. Kadmiyum uygulanan bitkilerde Mg ve K içeriklerinin verilmeyenlere göre daha düşük (P < 0.05) olduğunu göstermiştir. Her iki muamelede de çayır otunun Mg ve K içeriklerinin literatürde belirtilen minimum değerlerden düşük çıktığı, fakat magnezyumun çok daha fazla etkilendiği bulunmuştur. Kadmiyum uygulaması çayır otu verimini önemli derecede (P > 0.05) etkilememiştir.
- Andersson, A. and Nilsson, K.O. (1974). Influence of lime and soil pH on cadmium availability to plants. Ambio, 3: pp. 198-200.
- Anonymous. (1987). Soil analysis. University of Wales, Bangor, UK.
- Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999a). Circulation of heavy metals in soil-plant-animal metabolic system with special reference to Cadmium. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University, (in press).
- Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999b). Effect of cadmium application as a heavy metal on digestibility of herbage and its absorption by animals. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University, (in press).
- Chaney, R.L., Stoweand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
- Furr, A.K., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1976). Study of guinea pigs fed Swiss chard grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Archives of Environmental and Health, 31: pp. 87-91.
- Gordon, T., Goodman, G.J. and Roberts, T.M. (1971). Plants and soils as indicators of organic matter and soil temperature. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2: pp. 180-183.
- Haghiri, F. (1974). Plant uptake of cadmium as influenced by cation exchange capacity, organic matter, and soil temperature. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2: pp. 180-183.
- Hanson, L.G. and Hinesly, T.D. (1979). Cadmium from soil amended with sewage sludge. Effects of residues in swine. Environmental Health Perspectives, 28: pp. 51-57.
- Jarvis, S.C., Jones, L.H.P. and Hopper, M.J. (1976). Cadmium uptake from solution by plants and its transport from roots to shoots. Plant and Soil, 44: pp. 179-191.
- John, M.K., Van Lachhoven, C.J. and Chuah, H.H. (1972). Factors affecting plant uptake and phytotoxicity of cadmium added to soils. Environmental Science and Toxicology, 6: pp. 1005-1009.
- Marschner, H. (1986). Mineral nutrition in higher plants. Academic Press, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 11: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, Nitro-Perchloric acid soluble in soil, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 9: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc in plant material, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 16: Cation Exchange Capacity and Exchangeable cations in soil, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 32: pH and lime requirement of mineral soil, HMSO, London.
- Minitab (1992). Statistical package. Release 10. Minitab Inc., Pennsylvania.
- Mislin, H. and Ravera, O. (1986). Cadmium in the Environment. Birkhäuser AG, Basel.
- Narwal, R.P., Singh, M. and Dahiya, D.J. (1990). Effect of cadmium on plant growth and heavy metals content of corn (Zea mays L.). Crop Research Hisar, 3: pp. 13-20.
- Noguchi, A., Fukami, M. and Tsutsumi, M. (1991). The synergetic effect of macronutrient cations on uptake of cadmium in rice plants. Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Rice abstracts (CAB).
- Sadana, U.S., Singh, B. and Singh, B. (1989). Effect of cadmium-zinc interaction on yield and cadmium and zinc content of maize (Zea mays L.). Current Science, 58: pp. 19-196.
- Strnad, V., Zolotareva, B.N. and Lisovskii, A.E. (1991). Effect of application of water-soluble salts of lead, cadmium and copper on their uptake by plants and the productivity of some agricultural crops. Agrokhimiya, 4: pp. 76-83.
- Takahjima, Y. and Katsumi, F. (1973). Cadmium contamination of soils and rice plants caused by zinc mining. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 19: pp. 235-244.
- Whitehead, D.C. (1966). Nutrient minerals in grassland herbage. Mimeographed Publication, No. 1/1966. Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops, Hurley.
Effects of Cadmium Application as A Heavy Metal on Mineral Content of Soil-Plant and Yield of Plant
Year 1999,
Volume: 13 Issue: 18, 73 - 85, 15.12.1999
Eumorfia Zachou
Yalçın Bozkurt
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of cadmium application on mineral content of soil and plant and cadmium effect on grass yield. This study was aimed to examine some of the complicated relationships that govern cadmium availability to the plants. The results of the research showed that cadmium (Cd) tended to have a significant effect on the mineral content of grass and cadmium (Cd) tended to significantly (P < 0.05) depress magnesium and potassium uptake by plants. The plants that had received cadmium had significantly (P < 0.05) lower content of magnesium and potassium. The magnesium and potassium contents of grass in both treatments were lower than the minimum value recommended for the mineral content of pasture in the literature, while magnesium being much more affected. Cadmium application did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect the grass yield.
- Andersson, A. and Nilsson, K.O. (1974). Influence of lime and soil pH on cadmium availability to plants. Ambio, 3: pp. 198-200.
- Anonymous. (1987). Soil analysis. University of Wales, Bangor, UK.
- Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999a). Circulation of heavy metals in soil-plant-animal metabolic system with special reference to Cadmium. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University, (in press).
- Bozkurt, Y. and Zachou, E. (1999b). Effect of cadmium application as a heavy metal on digestibility of herbage and its absorption by animals. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty, Selçuk University, (in press).
- Chaney, R.L., Stoweand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1978). Cadmium deposition and hepatic microsomal induction in mice fed lettuce grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 26: pp. 992-994.
- Furr, A.K., Stoewsand, G.S., Bache, C.A. and Lisk, D.J. (1976). Study of guinea pigs fed Swiss chard grown on municipal sludge-amended soil. Archives of Environmental and Health, 31: pp. 87-91.
- Gordon, T., Goodman, G.J. and Roberts, T.M. (1971). Plants and soils as indicators of organic matter and soil temperature. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2: pp. 180-183.
- Haghiri, F. (1974). Plant uptake of cadmium as influenced by cation exchange capacity, organic matter, and soil temperature. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2: pp. 180-183.
- Hanson, L.G. and Hinesly, T.D. (1979). Cadmium from soil amended with sewage sludge. Effects of residues in swine. Environmental Health Perspectives, 28: pp. 51-57.
- Jarvis, S.C., Jones, L.H.P. and Hopper, M.J. (1976). Cadmium uptake from solution by plants and its transport from roots to shoots. Plant and Soil, 44: pp. 179-191.
- John, M.K., Van Lachhoven, C.J. and Chuah, H.H. (1972). Factors affecting plant uptake and phytotoxicity of cadmium added to soils. Environmental Science and Toxicology, 6: pp. 1005-1009.
- Marschner, H. (1986). Mineral nutrition in higher plants. Academic Press, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 11: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, Nitro-Perchloric acid soluble in soil, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 9: Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc in plant material, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 16: Cation Exchange Capacity and Exchangeable cations in soil, HMSO, London.
- Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (M.A.F.F.) (1986). The Analysis of Agricultural Materials, Method 32: pH and lime requirement of mineral soil, HMSO, London.
- Minitab (1992). Statistical package. Release 10. Minitab Inc., Pennsylvania.
- Mislin, H. and Ravera, O. (1986). Cadmium in the Environment. Birkhäuser AG, Basel.
- Narwal, R.P., Singh, M. and Dahiya, D.J. (1990). Effect of cadmium on plant growth and heavy metals content of corn (Zea mays L.). Crop Research Hisar, 3: pp. 13-20.
- Noguchi, A., Fukami, M. and Tsutsumi, M. (1991). The synergetic effect of macronutrient cations on uptake of cadmium in rice plants. Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Rice abstracts (CAB).
- Sadana, U.S., Singh, B. and Singh, B. (1989). Effect of cadmium-zinc interaction on yield and cadmium and zinc content of maize (Zea mays L.). Current Science, 58: pp. 19-196.
- Strnad, V., Zolotareva, B.N. and Lisovskii, A.E. (1991). Effect of application of water-soluble salts of lead, cadmium and copper on their uptake by plants and the productivity of some agricultural crops. Agrokhimiya, 4: pp. 76-83.
- Takahjima, Y. and Katsumi, F. (1973). Cadmium contamination of soils and rice plants caused by zinc mining. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 19: pp. 235-244.
- Whitehead, D.C. (1966). Nutrient minerals in grassland herbage. Mimeographed Publication, No. 1/1966. Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops, Hurley.