Research Article
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Relationships Between Water Loss and Root Parameters of Corn (Zea mays L.) Grown in Different Growing Media

Year 2000, Volume: 14 Issue: 24, 96 - 101, 15.12.2000


Experiment was carried out to investigate relationships between water loss and some root parameters of corn (Zea mays L.) grown in different growing media under greenhouse conditions. Four different mixtures including at different ratios soil, perlite and peat were used. Water losses from the pots were measured during growing period. After harvesting the plants, root weight, root lenght, root diameter and root area were determined. Water loss was decreased with adding of the perlite and peat to the soil, furthermore, root weight and root lenght were decreased. A positive correlation between water loss and root weight was found at significant level (P<0.01).

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  • Bathke, G.R., Cassel, D. K., Hargrove, W.L. ve Porter, P.M. 1992. Modification of soil physical properties and plant growth response. Soil Sci. 154: 316-330.
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  • Bouyoucos, G.D. 1951, A Recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Böhn, W., 1979. Methods of studying root systems. Ecological studies. Vol. 33. Springer- Verlag, Berlin.
  • Chen, Y., Banin, A. ve Ataman, Y. 1980. Characterization of particles and pores, hydraulic properties and water-air ratio of artificial growth media. Proc. Fifth Int. Congr. On Soilless Culture. Wageningen.
  • De Boodt, M. Verdonck, O. ve Cappaert, I. 1973. Method for measuring the water release curve of organic substrates. Proc. Symp. Artific. Media in horticulture. 2054- 2062.
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T. ve Gürbüz, F., 1983. İstatistik metodları 1. Ank.Ü.Z.F. ders kitabı, yay. No. 862. Ankara.
  • Fitter, A.H. 1985. Functional significance of root morphology and root system architecture. In A: H. Fitter et al. (ed) Ecological interactions in soil, Blackwell, London.
  • Jackson, D.K. 1974. Some characteristics of perlite as an experimental growth medium. Plant and Soil, 40:161-167.
  • Kacar, B. 1989. Bitki fizyolojisi. A.Ü.Z.F. yay. 1153, ders kitabı, yay. no.323. Ankara.
  • Kaspar, L.C. ve Bland, W.L., 1992. Soil temperature and root growth. Soil Sci. 154: 290- 300.
  • Kaspar, T.C., Brown, H.J. ve Kassmeyer, E.M., 1991. Corn root distribution as effect on by tillage, wheel traffic, and fertilizer placement. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am.J. 55: 1890- 1394.
  • Kaspar, T.C., Logston, S.D. ve Pricksat, M.A. 1995. Traffic pattern and tillage system affection corn root and shoot growth. Agron.J. 87: 1046-1051.
  • Kramer, P.J., 1988. Changing concepts regarding plant water relations. Plant Cell Environ. 11: 565-568,
  • Murphy, S.L. ve Smucker, A.J.M. 1993. Evaluation of video image analysis and line- intercept methods for measuring root systerhs of alfa alfa and ryegrass. Agron. J. 87: 865-868.
  • Robinson, D. ve Roerises, 1 L., 1998. A comparison of the response of Lolium perenne L., Holcus lanatus L., and Deschampsia flexuosa L. Trin, to a localised supply of nitrogen. New Phytai. 94: 263-273.

Farklı Yetiştirme Ortamlarında Yetiştirilen Mısır Bitkisinin (Zea mays L.) Su Kaybı ile Kök Parametreleri Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2000, Volume: 14 Issue: 24, 96 - 101, 15.12.2000


Araştırma, su kaybının farklı yetiştirme ortamlarında ve sera koşullarında mısır bitkisinin (Zea mays L.) bazı kök parametreleri ile ilişkisini ortaya koymak için yapılmıştır. Araştırımada toprak, perlit ve peat içeren dört farklı karışım kullanılmıştır. Bitkilerin gelişimleri süresince su kayıpları ölçülmüştür. Deneme sonunda, bitki kökleri ayrılarak yıkandıktan sonra kök ağırlığı, kök uzunluğu, kök çapı ve kök alanı gibi kök parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Perlit ve peat ilavesi bitkinin su kaybını, kök uzunluğu ve kök ağırlığını azaltımıştır. Bitkirnin su kaybı ile kök ağırlığı arasında (r=0.846) % 1 düzeyinde önemli pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur.


  • Bathke, G.R., Cassel, D. K., Hargrove, W.L. ve Porter, P.M. 1992. Modification of soil physical properties and plant growth response. Soil Sci. 154: 316-330.
  • Bauhus, J. ve Messler, C., 1999. Evaluation of fine root length and diameter measurements obtained using RHIZO image analysis. Agronomy Journal. 91: 142- 147.
  • Bouyoucos, G.D. 1951, A Recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Böhn, W., 1979. Methods of studying root systems. Ecological studies. Vol. 33. Springer- Verlag, Berlin.
  • Chen, Y., Banin, A. ve Ataman, Y. 1980. Characterization of particles and pores, hydraulic properties and water-air ratio of artificial growth media. Proc. Fifth Int. Congr. On Soilless Culture. Wageningen.
  • De Boodt, M. Verdonck, O. ve Cappaert, I. 1973. Method for measuring the water release curve of organic substrates. Proc. Symp. Artific. Media in horticulture. 2054- 2062.
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T. ve Gürbüz, F., 1983. İstatistik metodları 1. Ank.Ü.Z.F. ders kitabı, yay. No. 862. Ankara.
  • Fitter, A.H. 1985. Functional significance of root morphology and root system architecture. In A: H. Fitter et al. (ed) Ecological interactions in soil, Blackwell, London.
  • Jackson, D.K. 1974. Some characteristics of perlite as an experimental growth medium. Plant and Soil, 40:161-167.
  • Kacar, B. 1989. Bitki fizyolojisi. A.Ü.Z.F. yay. 1153, ders kitabı, yay. no.323. Ankara.
  • Kaspar, L.C. ve Bland, W.L., 1992. Soil temperature and root growth. Soil Sci. 154: 290- 300.
  • Kaspar, T.C., Brown, H.J. ve Kassmeyer, E.M., 1991. Corn root distribution as effect on by tillage, wheel traffic, and fertilizer placement. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am.J. 55: 1890- 1394.
  • Kaspar, T.C., Logston, S.D. ve Pricksat, M.A. 1995. Traffic pattern and tillage system affection corn root and shoot growth. Agron.J. 87: 1046-1051.
  • Kramer, P.J., 1988. Changing concepts regarding plant water relations. Plant Cell Environ. 11: 565-568,
  • Murphy, S.L. ve Smucker, A.J.M. 1993. Evaluation of video image analysis and line- intercept methods for measuring root systerhs of alfa alfa and ryegrass. Agron. J. 87: 865-868.
  • Robinson, D. ve Roerises, 1 L., 1998. A comparison of the response of Lolium perenne L., Holcus lanatus L., and Deschampsia flexuosa L. Trin, to a localised supply of nitrogen. New Phytai. 94: 263-273.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru Somay This is me

Abdullah Baran This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2000
Submission Date January 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 14 Issue: 24


EndNote Somay E, Baran A (December 1, 2000) Relationships Between Water Loss and Root Parameters of Corn (Zea mays L.) Grown in Different Growing Media. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 14 24 96–101.

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