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Topraklarda Bor Adsorpsiyonu Üzerine Bazı Anyonların Etkileri

Year 2001, Volume: 15 Issue: 26, 106 - 115, 15.06.2001


Bu araştırma farklı tekstürdeki iki ayrı toprakta sülfat, klorür ve fosfat anyonlarının çözeltideki pH'sının fonksiyonu olarak, bor adsorpsiyonunun etkilerini incelemek amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Her iki toprakta da bor adsorpsiyonu pH 6–8 arasında yükselmiş, pH 9'da en üst değerine ulaşarak daha sonra azalma göstermiştir. Fosfat, sülfat ve klorür anyonlarının herbiri ve artan konsantrasyonları bor adsorpsiyonu üzerine etkili olmuşlardır. Bor adsorpsiyonunun azalması üzerinde sülfat anyonunun etkisinin klorürden daha büyük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Artan fosfat konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak bor adsorpsiyonunda fazla görülen azalma sülfat ve klorür anyonlarına göre daha fazla olmuştur.


  • Bayraklı, F., 1975. Bayburt ve Erzincan Ovaları ile Rize Bölgesi topraklarının fosfor durumları üzerinde araştırma (Doktora Tezi). Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları No: 38, Erzurum.
  • Bingham, F.T. ve Page, A.L., 1971. Specific character of boron adsorption by an amorphous soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 35: 892-893.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agron. Jour. 43: 434-438.
  • Çağlar, K.O., 1958. Toprak İlmi. A.Ü.Ziraat Fak. Yayınları:10. Ankara.
  • Elrashidi, M.A. ve O'Connor, G.A., 1982. Boron sorption and desorption in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46: 27-31.
  • Goldberg, S. ve Glaubig, R.A., 1986. Boron adsorption and silicon release by clay minerals kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50: 1442-1448.
  • Goldberg, S., Foster, M.S., Losch, S.M. ve Meick, E.L., 1996. Influence of anion competition on boron adsorption by clays and soils. Soil Sci. 161 (2): 99-103.
  • Gupta, U.C. 1968. Relationship of total and hot-water soluble boron and fixation of added boron, to properties of Podzol soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32: 45-48.
  • Gupta, U.C. ve Macleod, J.A. 1981. Plant and soil boron as influenced by soil pH and calcium sources on podzol soils. Soil Sci. 131 (1): 20-25.
  • Jackson, M.L., 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall Inc. Eng. Cliffs. N.J. USA.
  • Jasmund, K. ve Lindner, B., 1973. Experiments on the fixation of boron by clays minerals. Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1972: 300-412.
  • John, M.K., Chuah, H.H. ve Neufeld, J.H., 1975. Application of atomic absorption-H method to the determination of boron in soils and plants. Anal. Lett. 8: 559-568.
  • Keren, R. ve Gast, R.G., 1981. Effects of wetting and drying of exchangeable anions on boron adsorption and release by montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 478-482.
  • Keren, R., Gast, R.G. ve Bar-Yosef, B., 1981. pH dependent boron adsorption by loam montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 45-48.
  • Mengel, K. ve Kirby, E.A., 1982. Principles of Plant Nutrition. International Potash Institute, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Motl, C.J.B., 1970. Sorption of anions by soils. In sorption and transport processes in soils, p. 40. Soc. Chem. Ind Monograph 37.
  • Özbek, H., Kaya, Z., Gök, M. ve Kaplan, H., 1993. Toprak Bilimi. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayınları: 73. Ders Kitapları Yayınları: 16. Adana.
  • Sağlam, T., Cangir, C., Balanlılar, Tök, H.H., 1993. Toprak Bilimi. Trakya Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Toprak Bölümü. Tekirdağ.
  • Sözüdoğru, S., Omar, S.M. ve Usta, Ş., 1996. Topraklarda bor adsorpsiyonu. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 2 (1): 19-22.
  • Su, C. ve Suarez, D.L., 1997. Boron Sorption and Release by allophane. Soil.Sci.Soc.Am. J. 61: 69-77.
  • Tüzüner, A., Kurucu, N., Gedikoğlu, İ., Eyüpoğlu, F., Börekçi, M., Sönmez, B. ve Ağar, A., 1990. Toprak ve su analiz laboratuvarları el kitabı. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agricultural Handbook: 60-USDA.
  • Velayutham, M., 1970. The problem of phosphate fixation by minerals and soil colloids. Phosphorus Agric., 77:1-8.

Influence of Some Anions on Boron Adsorption by Soils

Year 2001, Volume: 15 Issue: 26, 106 - 115, 15.06.2001


This research was carried out for the purpose of examining the effects of sulphate, chloride and phosphate anions on the boron adsorption of two different textured soils as a function of solution pH. Boron adsorption on both soils increased from pH 6 to 8, exhibited a peak at pH 9 and decreased after that. Each of phosphate, sulphate and chloride anions and their increasing concentrations showed negative effect on boron adsorption. The effect of sulphate anion was higher than that of chloride on boron adsorption. Depending on the increasing phosphate concentration, observed decreasing boron adsorption values were higher than those of sulphate and chloride anions.


  • Bayraklı, F., 1975. Bayburt ve Erzincan Ovaları ile Rize Bölgesi topraklarının fosfor durumları üzerinde araştırma (Doktora Tezi). Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları No: 38, Erzurum.
  • Bingham, F.T. ve Page, A.L., 1971. Specific character of boron adsorption by an amorphous soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 35: 892-893.
  • Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of the soil. Agron. Jour. 43: 434-438.
  • Çağlar, K.O., 1958. Toprak İlmi. A.Ü.Ziraat Fak. Yayınları:10. Ankara.
  • Elrashidi, M.A. ve O'Connor, G.A., 1982. Boron sorption and desorption in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46: 27-31.
  • Goldberg, S. ve Glaubig, R.A., 1986. Boron adsorption and silicon release by clay minerals kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50: 1442-1448.
  • Goldberg, S., Foster, M.S., Losch, S.M. ve Meick, E.L., 1996. Influence of anion competition on boron adsorption by clays and soils. Soil Sci. 161 (2): 99-103.
  • Gupta, U.C. 1968. Relationship of total and hot-water soluble boron and fixation of added boron, to properties of Podzol soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32: 45-48.
  • Gupta, U.C. ve Macleod, J.A. 1981. Plant and soil boron as influenced by soil pH and calcium sources on podzol soils. Soil Sci. 131 (1): 20-25.
  • Jackson, M.L., 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall Inc. Eng. Cliffs. N.J. USA.
  • Jasmund, K. ve Lindner, B., 1973. Experiments on the fixation of boron by clays minerals. Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1972: 300-412.
  • John, M.K., Chuah, H.H. ve Neufeld, J.H., 1975. Application of atomic absorption-H method to the determination of boron in soils and plants. Anal. Lett. 8: 559-568.
  • Keren, R. ve Gast, R.G., 1981. Effects of wetting and drying of exchangeable anions on boron adsorption and release by montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 478-482.
  • Keren, R., Gast, R.G. ve Bar-Yosef, B., 1981. pH dependent boron adsorption by loam montmorillonite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 45-48.
  • Mengel, K. ve Kirby, E.A., 1982. Principles of Plant Nutrition. International Potash Institute, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Motl, C.J.B., 1970. Sorption of anions by soils. In sorption and transport processes in soils, p. 40. Soc. Chem. Ind Monograph 37.
  • Özbek, H., Kaya, Z., Gök, M. ve Kaplan, H., 1993. Toprak Bilimi. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayınları: 73. Ders Kitapları Yayınları: 16. Adana.
  • Sağlam, T., Cangir, C., Balanlılar, Tök, H.H., 1993. Toprak Bilimi. Trakya Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Toprak Bölümü. Tekirdağ.
  • Sözüdoğru, S., Omar, S.M. ve Usta, Ş., 1996. Topraklarda bor adsorpsiyonu. A.Ü.Z.F. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 2 (1): 19-22.
  • Su, C. ve Suarez, D.L., 1997. Boron Sorption and Release by allophane. Soil.Sci.Soc.Am. J. 61: 69-77.
  • Tüzüner, A., Kurucu, N., Gedikoğlu, İ., Eyüpoğlu, F., Börekçi, M., Sönmez, B. ve Ağar, A., 1990. Toprak ve su analiz laboratuvarları el kitabı. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agricultural Handbook: 60-USDA.
  • Velayutham, M., 1970. The problem of phosphate fixation by minerals and soil colloids. Phosphorus Agric., 77:1-8.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Soil Sciences and Ecology
Journal Section Research Article

Ersin Eraydın This is me

Sonay Sözüdoğru Ok This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2001
Submission Date January 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 15 Issue: 26


EndNote Eraydın E, Sözüdoğru Ok S (June 1, 2001) Influence of Some Anions on Boron Adsorption by Soils. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 15 26 106–115.

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