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Gelişmekte Olan Ekonomilerde Denetim: Düzenleyici Uyum için Cezayir ve BRICS Ülkeleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma

Year 2024, , 513 - 533, 29.11.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Cezayir’de denetim mesleğine ilişkin gerekli reformları belirleyerek Cezayir'in BRICS ittifakına potansiyel entegrasyonunu kolaylaştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Cezayir'in denetim yapısını BRICS ülkeleriyle karşılaştırarak şu soruyu ele almaktadır: Cezayir, BRICS'e katılma yolunda denetim mesleğinde hangi iyileştirmeleri yapmalıdır?
Önemi/Değeri: Bu araştırma, BRICS ülkeleri bağlamında Cezayir'deki denetim mesleğine yönelik özgün bir karşılaştırmalı analiz sunarak, düzenleyici ve mesleki gelişim için özel öneriler sağlamaktadır. Bulgular, gelişmekte olan ekonomilerdeki denetim uygulamalarının anlaşılmasına katkı sunmakta ve Cezayir'de denetim mesleğinin iyileştirilmesi için bir yol haritası sağlamaktadır; böylece yabancı yatırımlar için Cezayir’in çekiciliğini artırmakta ve BRICS'e entegrasyon olasılıklarını iyileştirmektedir. Gelecekteki araştırmalar, bu önerilerin uygulanmasıyla ilgili zorlukları ve Cezayir'in BRICS ülkeleri ile ekonomik entegrasyonuna etkisini inceleyebilir.
Metodoloji/Yaklaşım: Araştırma, teorik çerçeve olarak Bédard ve diğerleri (2002) tarafından önerilen kurumsal teori ve düzenleyici yöntemleri kullanmaktadır. Araştırma; IFAC kaynaklarının içerik analizi, literatür taraması ve Cezayir’in Resmi Gazetesi'nde yayınlanan düzenlemelerin incelenmesi yoluyla yürütülmüştür. BRICS ülkeleri ile Cezayir'in denetim sistemlerini değerlendirmek için karşılaştırmalı, analitik bir yaklaşım uygulanmıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışma, Cezayir'in denetim mesleği ile BRICS ülkeleri arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. BRICS ülkeleri, Uluslararası Denetim Standartlarını (ISA) benimsemiştir ve bu durum küresel iş birliklerinde aktif rol oynamaktadır. Cezayir'de ise denetim standartları zorunlu olmayıp kapsamlı bir kavramsal çerçeveye sahip değildir. İyileştirme gerektiren başlıca alanlar, denetim gözetim organlarının rolünün güçlendirilmesi, Cezayir Denetim Standartları'nın uygulanmasının zorunlu hale getirilmesi, denetçilerin sürekli eğitiminin önceliklendirilmesi ve uluslararası denetim firmalarına açıklığın teşvik edilmesidir.
Sonuç: BRICS ülkeleri gelişmiş düzenleyici çerçevelere, ISA'ların zorunlu olarak benimsenmesine ve güçlü uluslararası iş birliklerine sahipken, Cezayir gönüllülüğe dayanan standartlar, sınırlı eğitim, uluslararası denetim firmalarına getirilen kısıtlamalar ve daha zayıf denetçi akreditasyonu ile en iyi küresel uygulamalarla uyum konusunda geride kalmaktadır.


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  • Alon, A., Mennicken, A., & Samsonova-Taddei, A. (2019). Dynamics and limits of regulatory privatization: Reorganizing audit oversight in Russia. Organization Studies, 40(8), 1217-1239.
  • Barac, K., Coetzee, P., & Van Staden, M. (2016). Convergence towards internal audit effectiveness in the BRICS Countries. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2), 609-629.
  • Batashova, A., Popova, E., Chernetskaya, S., Barsukova, S., & Tishchenko, I. (2023). Transformation of approaches to audit in Russia. E3S Web of Conferences.
  • Bédard, J., Bake, C. R., & Prat, C. (2002). AUDIT REGULATION: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CANADA, USA and France. French-speaking Accounting Association, 141.
  • Benmassaoud, A., K., & Bouhafs, M., D. (2023). Modernizing the accounting and financial system in Algeria as an imperative for its accession to the BRICS economic group. Algeria's Accession to the BRICS Group and the Path of Strengthening Partnership between Member States: Gains and Implications. Ghardaia. Link
  • CNC. (2023). Conseil National de Comptabilité. Link
  • Ghio, A., & Verona, R. (2015). Accounting harmonization in the BRIC countries: A common path? Accounting Forum.
  • Guzov, I., Strelnikova, O., & Iaremchuk, V. (2016). History and future of auditing in Russia. 5th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation (ICAAT 2016).
  • Guzov, I. N., Polyakov, N. A., & Guzov, Y. I. (2022). Auditors in Russia: Entry into the Profession. Challenges and Solutions in the Digital Economy and Finance: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy and Finances (DEFIN 2022), St. Petersburg.
  • IFAC. (2024). Members & Associates. Link
  • Joshi, P. L., & Karyawati Purba, G. (2022). The institutional theory on the internal audit effectiveness: The case of India. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies, 15(1), 35-48.
  • Khebiti, K., & Bebaz, A. (2023). Algeria's accession to the (BRICS) group between the economic reality and the challenges imposed. Algeria's Accession to the BRICS Group and the Path of Strengthening Partnership between Member States: Gains and Implications. Ghardaia. Link
  • Klaa, C. (2023). Towards Algeria's accession to the BRICS: Any requirements and gains? Political Orbits, 7(1), 95-116. Link
  • Lakshkaushik, D. P. (2024). An Overview of Forensic Auditing in India. In Digital India Navigating the Technological Landscape For a Connected Tomorrow (pp. 121-129). Sandesh Dadarao Pahulkar.
  • Ministère de l'Industrie et de la Production Pharmaceutique. (2023). Bulletin d'Information Statistique de la PME. Link
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2016a). Order N° 2 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2016b). Order N° 150 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2017). Order N° 23 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2018). Order N° 77 of 2018. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2024). Order N°21 of 2024. Ministry of Finance.
  • Provasi, R. (2013). Auditing in the BRICs Countries: A Survey for comparison with International Standards. Global Business & Economics Anthology, 1, 218-227.
  • Puxty, A. G., Willmott, H. C., Cooper, D., & Lowe, T. (1987). Modes of regulation in advanced capitalism: Locating accountancy in four countries. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 12(3), 273-291.
  • Schmitter, P. C. (1971). Interest conflict and political change in Brazil. Stanford University Press.
  • Streeck, W., & Schmitter, P. C. (1985). Community, market, state-and associations? The prospective contribution of interest governance to social order. European Sociological Review, 1(2), 119-138.
  • The World Bank. (2023). The World Bank in Algeria. Link

Auditing in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Study of Algeria and BRICS Nations for Regulatory Alignment

Year 2024, , 513 - 533, 29.11.2024


Purpose: This study aims to identify necessary reforms in Algeria's auditing profession to facilitate its potential integration into the BRICS alliance. It seeks to compare Algeria's auditing landscape with that of BRICS countries, addressing the question: What improvements should Algeria introduce to its auditing profession in its bid to join BRICS?
Importance/value: This research provides a novel comparative analysis of Algeria's auditing profession in the context of BRICS countries, offering specific recommendations for regulatory and professional development. The findings contribute to the understanding of auditing practices in emerging economies and provide a roadmap for Algeria to enhance its auditing profession, thereby increasing its attractiveness for foreign investment and improving its prospects for BRICS integration. Future research could explore the implementation challenges of these recommendations and their impact on Algeria's economic integration with BRICS nations.
Methodology/approach: The research employs institutional theory and regulatory methods proposed by Bédard et al. (2002) as a theoretical framework. It utilizes content analysis of IFAC sources, literature review, and examination of Algerian regulations published in The Official Law Journals. A comparative, analytical approach is applied to assess the auditing systems across BRICS nations and Algeria.
Findings: The study reveals significant disparities between Algeria's auditing profession and those of BRICS countries. While BRICS nations have adopted International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and actively engage in global collaborations, Algeria's auditing standards are not mandatory and lack a comprehensive conceptual framework. Key areas for improvement include enhancing the role of supervisory bodies, mandating the application of Algerian Standards on Auditing, prioritizing ongoing auditor training, and fostering openness to international audit firms.
Result: BRICS countries have advanced regulatory frameworks, mandatory adoption of ISAs, and strong international collaborations, while Algeria lags with voluntary standards, and limited training, Additionally, restrictions on international audit firms and weaker auditor accreditation further hinder Algeria's alignment with global best practices.


  • Agrizzi, D., & Sian, S. (2015). Artificial corporatism: A portal to power for accountants in Brazil. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 27, 56-72.
  • Alon, A., Mennicken, A., & Samsonova-Taddei, A. (2019). Dynamics and limits of regulatory privatization: Reorganizing audit oversight in Russia. Organization Studies, 40(8), 1217-1239.
  • Barac, K., Coetzee, P., & Van Staden, M. (2016). Convergence towards internal audit effectiveness in the BRICS Countries. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 9(2), 609-629.
  • Batashova, A., Popova, E., Chernetskaya, S., Barsukova, S., & Tishchenko, I. (2023). Transformation of approaches to audit in Russia. E3S Web of Conferences.
  • Bédard, J., Bake, C. R., & Prat, C. (2002). AUDIT REGULATION: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CANADA, USA and France. French-speaking Accounting Association, 141.
  • Benmassaoud, A., K., & Bouhafs, M., D. (2023). Modernizing the accounting and financial system in Algeria as an imperative for its accession to the BRICS economic group. Algeria's Accession to the BRICS Group and the Path of Strengthening Partnership between Member States: Gains and Implications. Ghardaia. Link
  • CNC. (2023). Conseil National de Comptabilité. Link
  • Ghio, A., & Verona, R. (2015). Accounting harmonization in the BRIC countries: A common path? Accounting Forum.
  • Guzov, I., Strelnikova, O., & Iaremchuk, V. (2016). History and future of auditing in Russia. 5th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation (ICAAT 2016).
  • Guzov, I. N., Polyakov, N. A., & Guzov, Y. I. (2022). Auditors in Russia: Entry into the Profession. Challenges and Solutions in the Digital Economy and Finance: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy and Finances (DEFIN 2022), St. Petersburg.
  • IFAC. (2024). Members & Associates. Link
  • Joshi, P. L., & Karyawati Purba, G. (2022). The institutional theory on the internal audit effectiveness: The case of India. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies, 15(1), 35-48.
  • Khebiti, K., & Bebaz, A. (2023). Algeria's accession to the (BRICS) group between the economic reality and the challenges imposed. Algeria's Accession to the BRICS Group and the Path of Strengthening Partnership between Member States: Gains and Implications. Ghardaia. Link
  • Klaa, C. (2023). Towards Algeria's accession to the BRICS: Any requirements and gains? Political Orbits, 7(1), 95-116. Link
  • Lakshkaushik, D. P. (2024). An Overview of Forensic Auditing in India. In Digital India Navigating the Technological Landscape For a Connected Tomorrow (pp. 121-129). Sandesh Dadarao Pahulkar.
  • Ministère de l'Industrie et de la Production Pharmaceutique. (2023). Bulletin d'Information Statistique de la PME. Link
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2016a). Order N° 2 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2016b). Order N° 150 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2017). Order N° 23 of 2016. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2018). Order N° 77 of 2018. Ministry of Finance.
  • National Council of Accountancy. (2024). Order N°21 of 2024. Ministry of Finance.
  • Provasi, R. (2013). Auditing in the BRICs Countries: A Survey for comparison with International Standards. Global Business & Economics Anthology, 1, 218-227.
  • Puxty, A. G., Willmott, H. C., Cooper, D., & Lowe, T. (1987). Modes of regulation in advanced capitalism: Locating accountancy in four countries. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 12(3), 273-291.
  • Schmitter, P. C. (1971). Interest conflict and political change in Brazil. Stanford University Press.
  • Streeck, W., & Schmitter, P. C. (1985). Community, market, state-and associations? The prospective contribution of interest governance to social order. European Sociological Review, 1(2), 119-138.
  • The World Bank. (2023). The World Bank in Algeria. Link
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Accounting Forensics, Financial Accounting, Accounting Theory and Standards, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Ayachi Yousra 0000-0003-4890-8643

Rima Dafri 0009-0004-0591-2938

Early Pub Date November 29, 2024
Publication Date November 29, 2024
Submission Date July 8, 2024
Acceptance Date October 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yousra, A., & Dafri, R. (2024). Auditing in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Study of Algeria and BRICS Nations for Regulatory Alignment. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 27(2), 513-533.

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