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Örgütsel Etik İklim Algısının Çalışan Sesliliği Davranışına Etkisinde Psikolojik Güvenliğin Aracı Etkisi: Vakıf Üniversitelerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Year 2021, , 57 - 70, 30.04.2021


Bu araştırmanın temel amacı pozitif örgütsel davranış konusu olan örgütsel etik iklim algısının çalışan sesliliğine etkisinde, “psikolojik güvenin” aracı bir rol oynayıp oynamadığının belirlenmesidir. Araştırmada örgütsel etik ikliminin çalışan sesliliğine etkisinde “psikolojik güvenlik” algısının aracı bir rolü var mıdır sorusu cevaplandırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Araştırma nicel araştırma yöntemine göre kurgulanmış ve genel tarama modellerinden ilişkisel tarama modeline göre desenlenmiştir. Araştırma hipotezlerinin test edilebilmesi için Konya ilindeki iki adet vakıf üniversitesinde görev yapmakta olan idari personellere yönelik basit tesadüfi örnekleme tekniğine göre veriler toplanmış ve toplanan verilere AMOS ve SPSS programlarıyla betimsel ve istatistiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin analizinden elde edilen bulgulara göre örgütsel etik iklimi, çalışan sesliliği pozitif yönde etkilemek, söz konusu etkileşimde psikolojik güvenlik algısı kısmi olarak aracı rol oynamaktadır. Örgütsel etik ikliminin olduğu işyerlerinde çalışan sesliliği artmakta, bu etkileşimde psikolojik güvenlik algısı çalışan sesliliğini güçlendirmektedir. Bu bulgular işgörenlerin etik iklim, seslilik ve güven algılarının birbirini destekleyen örgütsel ve psikolojik duygu durumları olduğunu göstermektedir.


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The Mediating Effect of Psychological Safety in the Effect of Organizational Ethical Climate Perception on Employee Voice Behavior: A Research on Foundation Universities

Year 2021, , 57 - 70, 30.04.2021


The main purpose of this study is to determine whether "psychological trust" plays a mediating role in the effect of the perception of organizational ethical climate, which is the subject of positive organizational behavior, on employee voices. In the study, it is tried to answer the question of whether "psychological trust" perception has a mediating role in the effect of organizational ethical climate on employee voice. The research has been structured according to the quantitative research method and it has research designed according to the relational scanning model, one of the general scanning models. In order to test the research hypotheses, data have been collected according to the simple random sampling technique for administrative staff working in two foundation universities in Konya, and descriptive and statistical analyzes have been made with AMOS and SPSS programs. According to the findings obtained from the analysis of the research data, the organizational ethical climate positively affects employee vocalism and the psychological safety perception partially plays a mediating role in this interaction. Employee voices increase in workplaces with an organizational ethical climate, and the perception of psychological safety in this interaction strengthens employee voice. These findings show that employees' perceptions of ethical climate, loudness, and trust are organizational and psychological-emotional states that support each other.


  • Akdoğan, Asuman ve Demirtaş, Özgür, (2014) "Etik Liderlik Davranışlarının Etik İklim Üzerindeki Etkisi: Örgütsel Politik Algılamaların Aracı Rolü", Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (1), s.107-24.
  • Alfayad, Zaid and Arif, Lily Suriani Mohd, (2017) "Employee voice and job satisfaction: An application of Herzberg two-factor theory", International Review of Management and Marketing, 7 (1), s.150-56.
  • Arnaud, Anke, (2010) “Conceptualizing and measuring ethical work climate: Development and validation of the ethical climate index”, Business & Society, 49 (2), s.345-58.
  • Ashford, Susan J ve diğ. (1998) Out on a limb: The role of context and impression management in selling gender-equity issues, Administrative Science Quarterly, s.23-57.
  • Aydın, İnayet (2001) Yönetsel Mesleki ve Örgütsel Etik, Pegem Yayıncılık.
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  • Baş, Türker (2003), Anket: anket nasıl hazırlanır?: anket nasıl uygulanır? (Seçkin yayıncılık).
  • Bentler, Peter M and Bonett, Douglas G, (1980) Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures, Psychological bulletin, 88 (3), 588.
  • Bowen, Frances and Blackmon, Kate, (2003) "Spirals of silence: The dynamic effects of diversity on organizational voice", Journal of management Studies, 40 (6), s.1393-417.
  • Brown, Michael E and Treviño, Linda K, (2006) "Ethical leadership: A review and future directions", The leadership quarterly, 17 (6), s.595-616.
  • Brown, Michael E, Treviño, Linda K, and Harrison, David A, (2005) Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing, Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 97 (2), s.117-34.
  • Browne, M. W. and Cudeck, Robert, (1993) Alternative ways of assessing model fit, Testing structural equation models, 154, 136.
  • Burris, Ethan R, Detert, James R, and Chiaburu, Dan S, (2008) "Quitting before leaving: the mediating effects of psychological attachment and detachment on voice", Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 (4), 912.
  • Carnevale, David G, (1988) Organizational trust: A test of a model of its determinants, (Florida State University).
  • Chen, H., Chau, Patrick YK, and Li, Wenli, (2019a) The effects of moral disengagement and organizational ethical climate on insiders” information security policy violation behavior, Information Technology & People.
  • Chen, Silu, ve diğ. (2019b), Spiritual leadership on proactive workplace behavior: the role of organizational identification and psychological safety, Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1206.
  • Cullen, John B, Parboteeah, K Praveen, and Victor, Bart, (2003) “The effects of ethical climates on organizational commitment: A two-study analysis, Journal of Business Ethics, 46 (2), s.127-41.
  • Çiftçi, Gamze Ebru ve Gürer, Alper, (2019) “Özgecilik Davranışının Bireysel Performans Üzerindeki Etkisinde Çalışan Sesliliğinin Aracı Rolü”, Journal of Social Sciences/Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2146-4561), 9 (17).
  • Dahl, Kari Kragh Blume, (2020) “Mo (ve) ments in professional identification: achieving professional identity and becoming a teacher in Danish and Kenyan teacher education”, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50 (1), s.123-40.
  • DeConinck, James B, (2011) “The effects of ethical climate on organizational identification, supervisory trust, and turnover among salespeople”, Journal of Business Research, 64 (6), s.617-24.
  • Ding, Wanyi, Chang, Po-Chien, and Mi, Sha, (2019) “The Influence of Humble Leadership on Employee Voice Behavior: Psychological Security as a Mediator”, 4th International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2019) (Atlantis Press).
  • Doğan, Selen ve Kılıç, Selçuk, (2014) “Algılanan örgütsel etik iklim ve üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışları arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 15 (1), s.269-92.
  • Dyne, Linn Van, Ang, Soon, and Botero, Isabel C, (2003) “Conceptualizing employee silence and employee voice as multidimensional constructs”, Journal of management studies, 40 (6), s.1359-92.
  • Edmondson, Amy C, (2002) Managing the risk of learning: Psychological safety in work teams (Citeseer).
  • Edmondson, Amy C and Lei, Zhike, (2014) “Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct”, Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1 (1), s.23-43.
  • Elçi, Meral ve Alpkan, Lütfihak, (2006) “Etik İklimin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışlarına Etkileri”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (1), s.141-70.
  • Erkutlu, Hakan and Chafra, Jamel, (2015) “The mediating roles of psychological safety and employee voice on the relationship between conflict management styles and organizational identification”, American Journal of Business.
  • Ertürk, Ebru, (2014) “Sosyal mübadele teorisi bağlamında güç mesafesi ve örgütsel adalet algılamalarının örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisi”, (Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • Farndale, Elaine, ve diğ. (2011) “The influence of perceived employee voice on organizational commitment: An exchange perspective”, Human Resource Management, 50 (1), s.113-29.
  • Filiz, Mustafa ve Bardakçı, Sait, (2020) “Sağlık Çalışanlarının Örgütsel İklim Algıları Ve Örgütsel Güven Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Artvin İli Örneği”, Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (73).
  • Fornell, Claes and Larcker, David F (1981) “Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error”, Journal of marketing research, 18 (1), s.39-50.
  • Hair, Joseph F, ve diğ. (2006) “Multivariate data analysis . Uppersaddle River”, (NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall).
  • Haldorai, Kavitha, ve diğ. (2020) “Workplace spirituality as a mediator between ethical climate and workplace deviant behavior”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86, 102372.
  • Hirak, Reuven, ve diğ. (2012) “Linking leader inclusiveness to work unit performance: The importance of psychological safety and learning from failures”, The Leadership Quarterly, 23 (1), s.107-17.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Ahmet Tuncay Erdem 0000-0003-4573-8415

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date November 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Erdem, A. T. (2021). Örgütsel Etik İklim Algısının Çalışan Sesliliği Davranışına Etkisinde Psikolojik Güvenliğin Aracı Etkisi: Vakıf Üniversitelerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 24(1), 57-70.

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