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Year 2008, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 1 - 32, 06.05.2014


Demokrasi ile ekonomik büyüme-kalkınma arasındaki ilişki hakkında literatürde bir görüş birliği olmadığı görülmektedir. Bir görüş, demokrasi ve ekonomik büyüme-kalkınma arasında hiçbir ilişki olmadığını öne sürerken, ikinci bir görüş aralarında bir ilişki olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu ikinci görüşü savunanlardan bir bölümü demokrasi ve ekonomik büyüme-kalkınma arasında negatif ilişki olduğunu belirtirken, başka bir bölümü ilişkinin pozitif olduğunu, başka bir ifadeyle demokrasinin ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınmayı artırdığını savunmaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra, sadece demokrasinin ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınmayı etkilemediğini, aynı zamanda ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınmanın da demokrasiyi etkilediğini savunan görüşler vardır.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, bu farklı görüşleri mevcut teorik ve ampirik literatür ışığında tartışmak ve Türkiye’nin demokrasi açısından konumunu irdelemektir. Son dönemlerde yaşanan olumlu gelişmelere rağmen Türkiye’nin Freedom House’m (Dünyada Özgürlük) Endeksi’ne göre hala “kısmen demokratik” ülkeler arasında yer aldığı görülmektedir.


  • Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson ve James Robinson (2005); “Institutions As The Fundamental Cause Of Long-Run Growth,” Handbook of Economic Growth, (Der.: Philippe Aghion and Steven N. Durlauf), North—Holland.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can (1999); “21. Yüzyıl ve Anayasal Demokrasi,” Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, Sayı 29, s. 600—606. '
  • Baı'ı'o, Robert J. (1996); “Determinants Of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study,” NBER Working Paper, Sayı 5698, s. 1—79.
  • Blum, Stefan ve Ricardo Guimarâes (2003); “D0 the Poor Need Democracy”.7 Tracing The Debate On Deınocracy And Pro—Poor Development.” http:/ ZEF%20Term%20Paper%20Blu ııı-Guimaraespdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Cervellati, Matteo, Piergiuseppe Fortunato ve Uwe Sunde (2006); “Growth And Endogenous Political Institutions," Institutions and Growth, (Der.? Theo S
  • Eicher ve Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa), MIT Press.
  • Chheng, Kimlong (2008); “How Do Economic Freedom And Investment Affect. Economic Growth?." http://l29320.4l/eps/mac/DaDers/0509/050902l.pd'l", (Erişim Tarihi: 23.1 1.2008).
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1989); Democracy And Its Critics, Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • Dalton, Russel J., Susan E. Scarrow ve Bruce E. Cain (2003); “Democracy Transformed?: Expanding Political Opportunities In Advanced Industrial Democracies,” Center for the Study of Democracy, http://repositories.cdlib.0r0/cgi/viewcontent.c2i?article=1021&context=csd (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Diamond, Larry (1997); “Is The Third Wave Of Democratization Over? An Empirical Assessment,” Working Paper of Kellogg Institute for Advanced International Studies, Sayı 236, 5. 1-54.
  • EU (2006); Turkey 2006 Progress Report, Commission Of The European Communities Yayınları No: Sec(2006) 1390, Brüksel.
  • Freedom House (2008a); “Methodology”,
  • mp:// pa2e=341&year=2
  • M,(Erisiin Tarihi: 23.1 1.2008).
  • Freedom House (2008b); “Map of freedom in the World” http://www.h‘’m‘Ipavez363&vear:2008&country=75 %, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Freedom House (2008) “Freedom in the World Comparative and Historical Data”,
  • http://www. freedomhouseorg/uploads/Ş w09/C0mpHistData/FIW_Sc0resByRegion.xls, 27.09.2008.
  • Gounder, Rukmani (2002); “Political and Economic Freedom, Fiscal Policy, And Growth Nexus: Some Empirical Results for Fiji” Contemporary Economic Policy, Cilt 20, Sayı 3, s. 234-245.
  • Gounder, Rukmani ve Vilaphonh Xayavong (2005); “Conditional Distribution Of Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa: A Quantile Regression Approach,” Department Of Appiıea' and International Economics, Sayı 05.09, s. 1-22.
  • Gözler, Kemal (2004); Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Haggard, Stephan ve Robert R. Kaufman (1995); The Political Economy OfDeınocraric Transitions, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  • Mbaku, John Mukum (1999); “Making the State Relevant to African Societies,” Preparing Africa for the Twenty—first Century: Strategies for Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development, (Der.: John Mukum Mbaku), Ashgate Publishing.
  • Mobarak. Ahmed Mushfiq (2005); “Democracy, Volatility, And Economic Development,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 87, Sayı 2, s. 348— 361.
  • Moore, Thomas G. (2008) “Freedom and Economic Growth”,
  • httpz/—moore/Chaoter6.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 1 1.1 1.2008).
  • Narayan, Deepa (2003); “Moving Out of Poverty: Growth And Freedom From The Bottom—Up,” World Bank Moving Out of Poverty Study Workshop, 15—17 Temmuz, Washington, s 9.
  • Olk, Stephaine (2003); “The Relationship Between Economic Development And Democracy In Africa: A Quantitative And Qualitive Perspective,”, (Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2006).
  • Olson, Mancur (1997); “The New Institutional Economics: The Collective Choice Approach to Economic Development," Institutions and Economie Development (Der.: Christopher Clague), John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • Pop—Silaghi, Monica ve Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi (2004); “Does Economic Freedom Lead Toward Prosperity,” Conference of Young Researchers, Eylül, Macaristan, s. 1—8.
  • Pritchett, Lant ve Daniel Kaufmann (1998); “Civil Liberties, Democracy, And The Performance Of Government Projects,” Finance & Development, Cilt 35, Sayı 1, s. 26-29.
  • Reporters Without Borders (2006); 2006 Annual Report, Reporters Without Borders For Press Freedom No: 2003—57, Fransa, http://www.rsf.ora/IMG/pdf/renort.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2008).
  • Seger, Alexander (2006); “Corruption And Democracy In Europe: What Are The Issues,” Octopus Interface Conference, 20—26 Kasım, Strasbourg-Fransa, s. 1-53.
  • Sen, Amartya (2004); Özgüı'liikle Kalkınma, (Çev.: Y. Alogan), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Soysal, Tamer (2002); “Demokrasi ldesi Üzerine Bir Retorik,” Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı 13, s. 331—341.
  • Şimşek, Ahmet (2004); “Atatürk’ün Mirasının Aktarılmasında Karşılaşılan Problemler Ve Çözüm Yolları Uzerine Bir Deneme,” Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, s. 469—484.
  • Tavares. Jose ve Romain Waeziarg (2001); “How Democracy Affects Growth?,” European Economic Review, Cilt 45, Sayı 8, s. 1341—1378.
  • TÜSİAD_(2006); Türk Demokrasisinde I30 Yıl (1876-2006), TÜSİAD Yayınları No: TÜSİAD—T/2006—lZ/426, İstanbul.
  • UNDP (2002); Deepening Democracy In A Fragn-ıentec/ World, Human Development Report 2002, New York.
  • Vega—Gordillo, Manuel ve Jose L. Alvarez—Arce (2003); “Economic Growth and Freedom: A Causality Study,” Cato Journal, Cilt 23, Sayı 2, s. 199-215.
  • Vreeland, James Raymond (2003); “A Continuous Schumpeterian Conception Of Democracy,” Annual Meeting ofthe American Political Science Association, 28— 31 Ağustos, Philadelphia, s. 1—22.
Year 2008, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 1 - 32, 06.05.2014



  • Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson ve James Robinson (2005); “Institutions As The Fundamental Cause Of Long-Run Growth,” Handbook of Economic Growth, (Der.: Philippe Aghion and Steven N. Durlauf), North—Holland.
  • Aktan, Coşkun Can (1999); “21. Yüzyıl ve Anayasal Demokrasi,” Yeni Türkiye Dergisi, Sayı 29, s. 600—606. '
  • Baı'ı'o, Robert J. (1996); “Determinants Of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study,” NBER Working Paper, Sayı 5698, s. 1—79.
  • Blum, Stefan ve Ricardo Guimarâes (2003); “D0 the Poor Need Democracy”.7 Tracing The Debate On Deınocracy And Pro—Poor Development.” http:/ ZEF%20Term%20Paper%20Blu ııı-Guimaraespdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Cervellati, Matteo, Piergiuseppe Fortunato ve Uwe Sunde (2006); “Growth And Endogenous Political Institutions," Institutions and Growth, (Der.? Theo S
  • Eicher ve Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa), MIT Press.
  • Chheng, Kimlong (2008); “How Do Economic Freedom And Investment Affect. Economic Growth?." http://l29320.4l/eps/mac/DaDers/0509/050902l.pd'l", (Erişim Tarihi: 23.1 1.2008).
  • Dahl, Robert A. (1989); Democracy And Its Critics, Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • Dalton, Russel J., Susan E. Scarrow ve Bruce E. Cain (2003); “Democracy Transformed?: Expanding Political Opportunities In Advanced Industrial Democracies,” Center for the Study of Democracy, http://repositories.cdlib.0r0/cgi/viewcontent.c2i?article=1021&context=csd (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Diamond, Larry (1997); “Is The Third Wave Of Democratization Over? An Empirical Assessment,” Working Paper of Kellogg Institute for Advanced International Studies, Sayı 236, 5. 1-54.
  • EU (2006); Turkey 2006 Progress Report, Commission Of The European Communities Yayınları No: Sec(2006) 1390, Brüksel.
  • Freedom House (2008a); “Methodology”,
  • mp:// pa2e=341&year=2
  • M,(Erisiin Tarihi: 23.1 1.2008).
  • Freedom House (2008b); “Map of freedom in the World” http://www.h‘’m‘Ipavez363&vear:2008&country=75 %, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2008).
  • Freedom House (2008) “Freedom in the World Comparative and Historical Data”,
  • http://www. freedomhouseorg/uploads/Ş w09/C0mpHistData/FIW_Sc0resByRegion.xls, 27.09.2008.
  • Gounder, Rukmani (2002); “Political and Economic Freedom, Fiscal Policy, And Growth Nexus: Some Empirical Results for Fiji” Contemporary Economic Policy, Cilt 20, Sayı 3, s. 234-245.
  • Gounder, Rukmani ve Vilaphonh Xayavong (2005); “Conditional Distribution Of Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa: A Quantile Regression Approach,” Department Of Appiıea' and International Economics, Sayı 05.09, s. 1-22.
  • Gözler, Kemal (2004); Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş, Ekin Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Haggard, Stephan ve Robert R. Kaufman (1995); The Political Economy OfDeınocraric Transitions, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  • Mbaku, John Mukum (1999); “Making the State Relevant to African Societies,” Preparing Africa for the Twenty—first Century: Strategies for Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development, (Der.: John Mukum Mbaku), Ashgate Publishing.
  • Mobarak. Ahmed Mushfiq (2005); “Democracy, Volatility, And Economic Development,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 87, Sayı 2, s. 348— 361.
  • Moore, Thomas G. (2008) “Freedom and Economic Growth”,
  • httpz/—moore/Chaoter6.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 1 1.1 1.2008).
  • Narayan, Deepa (2003); “Moving Out of Poverty: Growth And Freedom From The Bottom—Up,” World Bank Moving Out of Poverty Study Workshop, 15—17 Temmuz, Washington, s 9.
  • Olk, Stephaine (2003); “The Relationship Between Economic Development And Democracy In Africa: A Quantitative And Qualitive Perspective,”, (Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2006).
  • Olson, Mancur (1997); “The New Institutional Economics: The Collective Choice Approach to Economic Development," Institutions and Economie Development (Der.: Christopher Clague), John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • Pop—Silaghi, Monica ve Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi (2004); “Does Economic Freedom Lead Toward Prosperity,” Conference of Young Researchers, Eylül, Macaristan, s. 1—8.
  • Pritchett, Lant ve Daniel Kaufmann (1998); “Civil Liberties, Democracy, And The Performance Of Government Projects,” Finance & Development, Cilt 35, Sayı 1, s. 26-29.
  • Reporters Without Borders (2006); 2006 Annual Report, Reporters Without Borders For Press Freedom No: 2003—57, Fransa, http://www.rsf.ora/IMG/pdf/renort.pdf, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.12.2008).
  • Seger, Alexander (2006); “Corruption And Democracy In Europe: What Are The Issues,” Octopus Interface Conference, 20—26 Kasım, Strasbourg-Fransa, s. 1-53.
  • Sen, Amartya (2004); Özgüı'liikle Kalkınma, (Çev.: Y. Alogan), Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Soysal, Tamer (2002); “Demokrasi ldesi Üzerine Bir Retorik,” Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı 13, s. 331—341.
  • Şimşek, Ahmet (2004); “Atatürk’ün Mirasının Aktarılmasında Karşılaşılan Problemler Ve Çözüm Yolları Uzerine Bir Deneme,” Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, s. 469—484.
  • Tavares. Jose ve Romain Waeziarg (2001); “How Democracy Affects Growth?,” European Economic Review, Cilt 45, Sayı 8, s. 1341—1378.
  • TÜSİAD_(2006); Türk Demokrasisinde I30 Yıl (1876-2006), TÜSİAD Yayınları No: TÜSİAD—T/2006—lZ/426, İstanbul.
  • UNDP (2002); Deepening Democracy In A Fragn-ıentec/ World, Human Development Report 2002, New York.
  • Vega—Gordillo, Manuel ve Jose L. Alvarez—Arce (2003); “Economic Growth and Freedom: A Causality Study,” Cato Journal, Cilt 23, Sayı 2, s. 199-215.
  • Vreeland, James Raymond (2003); “A Continuous Schumpeterian Conception Of Democracy,” Annual Meeting ofthe American Political Science Association, 28— 31 Ağustos, Philadelphia, s. 1—22.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Ahmet Beşkaya This is me

Ömer Manan This is me

Publication Date May 6, 2014
Submission Date December 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2


APA Beşkaya, A., & Manan, Ö. (2014). DEMOKRASİ İLE EKONOMİK BÜYÜME-KALKINMA ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ VE TÜRKİYE ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 10(1-2), 1-32.

Journal of Selçuk University Social Sciences Vocational School is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).