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Year 2009, Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2, 147 - 174, 06.05.2014


Bu çalışmada, Türk tüketicilerin organik ürünlere karşı tutumlarında sağlıkla ilgili faktörlerin rolü hakkında bilgi edinilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla 347 kişilik bir örnek üzerinde, bir anket vasıtasıyla uygulama yapılmıştır. Sağlıkla ilgili faktörler ile organik ürünler arasındaki ilişki yapısal eşitlik modeli aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Beş araştırma hipotezinden üçü istatistiki bakımından anlamlı bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, organik ürünlere ilişkin tutumlar üzerinde sağlık bilinci, öz etkinlik, koruyucu sağlık davranışlarının pozitif yönde bir etkisi olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Baker, S., Thompson K.E.&Engelken J. (2004), Mapping the Values Driving Organic food choice, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (8), 995—1012.
  • Bandura, A. (1977), Self—Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change, Psychological Review, 84, 191—215.
  • Beaudreault, A.R. (2009), Natural: Influences of Students' Organic Food Perceptions, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 15, 379—39 1.
  • Becker, M.H., Maiman, L.A., Kirscht, J.P., Haefner, D.P. & Drachman, RH. (1977), The Health Belief Model and Prediction of Dietary Compliance: 3 Field Experiment, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 18, 348—366.
  • Beharrel, B.&McFie, J.H. (1991), Consumer Attitudes to Organic Foods, British Food Journal, 93(2), 25—30.
  • Boeckner, L.S., Kohn, H.&Rockwell, S.K. (1990), A Risk—Reduction Nutrition Course for Adults, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 90(2), 260—263.
  • Brucks, M. (1985), The Effects of Product Class Knowledge on Information Search Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 12(1), 1—16.
  • Byrne, P.J ., Bacon, J .R. & Toensmeyer, U.C. (1994), Pesticide Residue Concerns and Shopping Location Likelihood, Agribusiness, 10(6), 491 — 501.
  • Chinnici, G., D'Amico, M.&Pecorino, B. (2002), A Multivariate Statistical Analysis on the Consumers of Organic Products, British Food Journal, 104(3/4/5), 187—199.
  • Churchill A. G. (1996), Basic Marketing Research Third Edition, The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Collins, J.K., Cuperus, G.W., Cartwright, B., Stark, J.A. & Ebro, L.L. (1992), Consumer Attitudes on Pesticide Treatment Histories of Fresh Produce, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, V01. 3, No. 1, 81-98.
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A. J. &Cocharane, C. (1995), Who Buys Organic Foods? A Profile of the Purchasers of Organic Food ın Northern Ireland, British Food Journal, Vol. 97, No. 10, 17— 23.
  • DeVito, A. J., Bogdanowicz, J. & Reznikoff, M. (1982), Actual and Intended Health—Related Information Seeking and Health Locus of Control, Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 46 No. 1, 63-69.
  • Dreezens, E, Martijn, C, Tenbult, P., Kok, G.& De Vries, NK. (2005), Food and Values: an Examination of Values Underlying Attitudes towards Genetically Modified— and Organically—Grown Food Products”, Appetite, Vol.44, 115—122.
  • Dutta, M. J. & Youn, S. (1999), Profiling Healthy Eating Consumers: a Psychographic Approach to Social Marketing, Social Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 5 No. 4, 5-21.
  • Dutta—Bergman, M.]. &Wells, W. D. (2002), The Values and Lifestyles of Idiocentrics and Allocentrics in an Individualist Culture, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 42-54.
  • Dutta—Bergman, M.]. (2003), Developing a Profile of Consumer Intention to Seek out Health Information beyond the Doctor, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1/2, 91—112.
  • Fotopoulos, C., & Krystallis, A. (2002), Purchasing Motives and Profile of Greek Organic Consumer: a Countrywide Survey, British Food Journal, Vol. 104 No. 9, 730-764.
  • Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A. & Ness, M. (2003), Wine Poduced by Organic Grapes in Greece: Using Means—end Chains Analysis to Reveal Organic Buyers Purchasing Motives in Comparison with the Nonbuyer, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 14, 549—566.
  • Garretson, J., Dan, F. & Scot, B. (2002), Antecedents of Private Label
  • Attitude and National Brand Promotion Attitude: Similarities and
  • Differences, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 78, 91—99.
  • Gifford, K. &Bernard, JG (2006), Inşuencing Consumer Purchase Likelihood of Organic Food, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 30, 155—165.
  • Gil, J .M., Gracia, A. & Sânchez, M. (2000), Market Segmentation and Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Spain, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 3, 207—226.
  • Goldman, B.J.& Clancy, K.C. (1991), A Survey of Organic Produce Purchases and Related Attitudes of Food Cooperative Shoppers, American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, Vol. 6, 89-95.
  • Gould, SJ. (1988), Consumer Attitudes toward Health and Health Care: a Differential Perspective, The Journal of Consumer Aşairs, Vol. 22 No. 1, 96—118.
  • Gracia, A. & Magistris, T. (2007), Organic Food Product Purchase Behaviour: a Pilot Study for Urban Consumers in the South of Italy, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 5 No. 4, 439— 451.
  • Grankvist, G. & Biel, A. (2001), The Importance of Belief and Purchase Criteria in the Choice of Eco—labelled Food Products, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 21, 405—410.
  • Grunert, GK. (1993), Green Consumerism in Denmark: Some Evidence from the EKO Foods Project, Der Markt, V01. 32 No.3, 140—5 1.
  • Grunert, S. C. & Juh1,H..J (1995), Values, Environmental Attitudes and Buying Organic Foods, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 16, 36—62.
  • Hair, J, Anderson, R. Tatham R.& Black, W. (1998), Multivariate Data" Analysis with Readings Fifth Edition, Prentice— Hall International, Inc. ,
  • Honkanen, P. Verplanken, B.& Olsen, S.O. (2006), Ethical Values and Motives Driving Organic Food Choice, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 5, 420—431.
  • Hu, L.& Bentler, PM. (1999), Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria versus New Alternatives, Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 6 No.1, 1-55 .
  • Hutchins, R.K.&Greenhalgh, L.A. (1997), Organic Confusion: Sustaining Competitive Advantage, British Food Journal, Vol. 99, No. 9, 336-338.
  • Jayanti, R.K. & Burns, A.C. (1998), The Antecedents of Preventive Health Care Behavior: an Empirical Study, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol. 26 No. 1, 6—15.
  • Johnson, D.W.&Johnson, RT. (1985), Nutrition Education: a Model for Eğectiveness, a Synthesis of Research, Journal of Nutrition Education, Vol. 17, 1-44.
  • Kaya, H.G. (2003), Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Organik Tarımsal Ürün Ticareti ve Tüketici Reaksiyonları, available at: ticareti.htm (accessed 28 June 2008). '
  • Kihlberg, I. & Risvik, E. (2007), Consumer of Organic Foods—Value Segments and Liking of Bread", Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 18, No.3, 471— 81.
  • Kinnear, T.&Taylor, J. (1996), Marketing Research An Applied Approach Fifth Edition, McGraw—Hill, Inc.
  • Kraft, F.B. & Goodell, P.W. (1993), Identifying the Health Conscious Consumer, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 3, 18— 25.
  • Kristensen, K. & Grunert, S.C. (1991), The Effect of Ecological Consciousness on the Demand for Organic Foods", in Bradley, F. (Ed.), Marketing thought around the world, Proceedings of European Marketing Academy Conference, 1991, Dublin, 299-318.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J. & Barbaro—Forleo, G. (2001), Targeting Consumers who are Willing to Pay more for Environmentally Friendly Products, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 18, 503— 520.
  • Larue, B., West, G., Gendron, C&Lambert, R. (2004), Consumer Response to Functional Foods Produced by Conventional, Organic or Genetic Manipulation, Agribusiness, Vol. 20, No. 2, 155—66.
  • Lea, E.& Worsley, T, (2005), Australians’ Organic Food Beliefs, Demographics and Values, British Food Journal, Vol.11 No. 107, 855—869.
  • Lennernas, M., Fjellström, C., Becker, W., Giachetti, I., Schmitt, A., Remaut de Winter, A.M.&Kearney, M. (1997), Influences on Food Choice Perceived to be Important by Nationally—Representative Samples of Adults in the European Union, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 51 No. 2, 8-15. '
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G. & Gric'e, J. (2004), Choosing Organics: a Path Analysis of Factors Underlying the Selection of Organic Food among Australian Consumers, Appetite, Vol. 43, 135—146.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G&Mummery, K. (2002), Eating
  • » Green: Motivations behind Organic Food consumption in Australia,
  • Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 42, 23—40.
  • MacInnis, D. J., Moorman, C. & Jaworski, B. J. (1991), Enhancing and Measuring Consumers’ Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability to Process Brand Information from Ads, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 55, No. 4, 32—53.
  • Magkos, F., Arvaniti, F. & Zampelas, A. (2006), Organic Food: Buying more Safety or just Peace of Mind? A Critical Review of the Literature, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 46, No. 1, 23—56.
  • Magnusson, M.K. Avrola, A., Hursti Koivisto, U.K., Aberg, L.& Sjoden, P.O. (2001), Attitudes towards Organic foods among Swedish Consumers, British Food Journal, 103, 209—226.
  • Magnusson, M.K., Avrola, A., Hursti Koivisto, U.K., Aberg, L. & Sjoden, P.O. (2003), “Choice of Organic Foods is Related to Perceived Consequences for Human Health and to Environmentally
  • Friendly Behavior, Appetite, Vol. 40, 109—117.
  • Makatouni, A. (2002), What Motivates Consumers to Buy Organic Food in the UK? Results from a Qualitative Study, British Food Journal, Vol. 104, 345—352.
  • Michaelidou, N.&Hassan, L.M. (2008), The Role of Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern and Ethical Identity on Attitudes and Intentions towards Organic Food”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 32, 163—170.
  • Misra, S., Huang, C.L.& Ott, S. (1991), Georgia Consumers' Preference for Organically Grown Fresh Produce, Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 9, No. 2, 53—65.
  • Moorman, C. & Matulich, E. (1993), A Model of Consumers’ Preventive Health Behaviors: the Role of Health Motivation and Health Ability, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, 208—229.
  • Newsom, J.T., McFarland, B.H., Kaplan, M.S., Huguet, N.&Zani, B. (2005), The Health Consciousness Myth: Implications of the Near Independence of Major Health Behaviours in the North American Population, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 60, 433—437.
  • Padel, S.&Foster, C. (2005), Exploring the Gap between Attitudes and Behaviour: Understanding why Consumers Buy or do not Buy Organic Food, British Food Journal, Vol. 107, 606—626.
  • Pearson, D.&Henryks, J. (2008), Marketing Organic Products: Exploring some of the Pervasive Issues, Journal of Food Products Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 4, 95—108.
  • Plank, R.E. & Gould, SJ. (1990), Health Consciousness, Scientific Orientation and Wellness; an Examination of the Determinants of Wellness Attitudes and Behaviours, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 7, 65—83.
  • Radman, M. (2005), Consumer Consumption and Perception of Organic Products in Croatia” British Food Journal, Vol. 107 No. 4/5, 263— 273. '
  • Reeder L.G. (1972), The Patient—Client as a Consumer: Some Observations on the Changing Professional—Client Relationship, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Vol. 13, No. 4, 406-412.
  • Roddy, G., Cowan, C.A.& Hutchinson, G. (1996), Consumer Attitudes and Behaviour to Organic Foods in Ireland, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 9, No. 2, 41—63.
  • Scheufele, D. A.,& Shah, D. V. (2000), Personality Strength and Social Capital: the Role of Dispositional and Informational Variables in the Production of Civic Participation”, Communication Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, 107-131.
  • Schifferstein, H.N.J. & Oude Ophuis, P.A.M. (1998), Health—Related Determinants of Organic Food Consumption in the Netherlands, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 9, 119—133.
  • Shepherd, R., Magnusson, M.&Sjöden, P.O. (2005), Determinants of Consumer Behavior Related to Organic Foods, Ambio, Vol. 34, No. 4/5, 352—359.
  • Soler, F., Gil, LM. &Sanchez, M. (2002), Consumers' Acceptability of Organic Food in Spain, British Food Journal, Vol. 104, No. 8/9, 670—687.
  • Sparks, P.& Shepherd, R. (1992), Self Identity and the Theory of Planned Behaviour: Assessing the Role of Identification with Green Consumerism, Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 55, 388—399.
  • Squires, L., Juric, B. & Cornwell, TE. (2001), Level of Market Development and Intensity of Organic Food Consumption: Cross-Cultural Study of Danish and New Zealand Consumers, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 4/5, 392—409.
  • Swanson, R.B.&Lewis, CE. (1993), Alaskan Direct—Market Consumers: Perception of Organic Produce, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 138—155.
  • Swenson, M. R.&Wells, W. D. (1995), Target Marketing for Health Communication, Social Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 1, 5—9.
  • Tarkiainen, A.& Sundqvist, S. (2005), Subjective Norms, Attitudes and Intentions of Finnish Consumers in Buying Organic Food, British Food Journal, Vol. 107, 808—822.
  • Torjusen, H., Lieblein, G. Wandel M. & Francis, C.A. (2001), Food System Orientation and Quality Perception among Consumers and Producers of Organic Food in Hedmark County, Norway, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 12, 207—216.
  • Tregear, A., Dent, J.B.& McGregor, M.]. (1994), The Demand for Organically—Grown Produce, British Food Journal, Vol. 96, 21—26.
  • Verbeke, W. (2001), Beliefs, Attitude and Behaviour towards Fresh Meat Revisited after the Belgian Dioxin Crisis, Food Qualiş and Preference, Vol.12, No. 8, 489-498.
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  • Vindigni, G., Janssen, M.A.&Jager, W. (2002), Organic Food Consumption: a Multi—Theoretical Framework of Consumer Decision Making, British Food Journal, Vol. 104, 624—642.
  • Von Alvensleben, R. (1998), Ecological Aspects of Food Demand: the Case of Organic Food in Germany, AIR-CAT 4th Plenary Meeting: Health, Ecological and Safety Aspects in Food Choice, Vol. 4, No.1, 68—79.
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Year 2009, Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2, 147 - 174, 06.05.2014



  • Baker, S., Thompson K.E.&Engelken J. (2004), Mapping the Values Driving Organic food choice, European Journal of Marketing, 38 (8), 995—1012.
  • Bandura, A. (1977), Self—Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change, Psychological Review, 84, 191—215.
  • Beaudreault, A.R. (2009), Natural: Influences of Students' Organic Food Perceptions, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 15, 379—39 1.
  • Becker, M.H., Maiman, L.A., Kirscht, J.P., Haefner, D.P. & Drachman, RH. (1977), The Health Belief Model and Prediction of Dietary Compliance: 3 Field Experiment, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 18, 348—366.
  • Beharrel, B.&McFie, J.H. (1991), Consumer Attitudes to Organic Foods, British Food Journal, 93(2), 25—30.
  • Boeckner, L.S., Kohn, H.&Rockwell, S.K. (1990), A Risk—Reduction Nutrition Course for Adults, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 90(2), 260—263.
  • Brucks, M. (1985), The Effects of Product Class Knowledge on Information Search Behavior, Journal of Consumer Research, 12(1), 1—16.
  • Byrne, P.J ., Bacon, J .R. & Toensmeyer, U.C. (1994), Pesticide Residue Concerns and Shopping Location Likelihood, Agribusiness, 10(6), 491 — 501.
  • Chinnici, G., D'Amico, M.&Pecorino, B. (2002), A Multivariate Statistical Analysis on the Consumers of Organic Products, British Food Journal, 104(3/4/5), 187—199.
  • Churchill A. G. (1996), Basic Marketing Research Third Edition, The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Collins, J.K., Cuperus, G.W., Cartwright, B., Stark, J.A. & Ebro, L.L. (1992), Consumer Attitudes on Pesticide Treatment Histories of Fresh Produce, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, V01. 3, No. 1, 81-98.
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A. J. &Cocharane, C. (1995), Who Buys Organic Foods? A Profile of the Purchasers of Organic Food ın Northern Ireland, British Food Journal, Vol. 97, No. 10, 17— 23.
  • DeVito, A. J., Bogdanowicz, J. & Reznikoff, M. (1982), Actual and Intended Health—Related Information Seeking and Health Locus of Control, Journal of Personality Assessment, Vol. 46 No. 1, 63-69.
  • Dreezens, E, Martijn, C, Tenbult, P., Kok, G.& De Vries, NK. (2005), Food and Values: an Examination of Values Underlying Attitudes towards Genetically Modified— and Organically—Grown Food Products”, Appetite, Vol.44, 115—122.
  • Dutta, M. J. & Youn, S. (1999), Profiling Healthy Eating Consumers: a Psychographic Approach to Social Marketing, Social Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 5 No. 4, 5-21.
  • Dutta—Bergman, M.]. &Wells, W. D. (2002), The Values and Lifestyles of Idiocentrics and Allocentrics in an Individualist Culture, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 42-54.
  • Dutta—Bergman, M.]. (2003), Developing a Profile of Consumer Intention to Seek out Health Information beyond the Doctor, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1/2, 91—112.
  • Fotopoulos, C., & Krystallis, A. (2002), Purchasing Motives and Profile of Greek Organic Consumer: a Countrywide Survey, British Food Journal, Vol. 104 No. 9, 730-764.
  • Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A. & Ness, M. (2003), Wine Poduced by Organic Grapes in Greece: Using Means—end Chains Analysis to Reveal Organic Buyers Purchasing Motives in Comparison with the Nonbuyer, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 14, 549—566.
  • Garretson, J., Dan, F. & Scot, B. (2002), Antecedents of Private Label
  • Attitude and National Brand Promotion Attitude: Similarities and
  • Differences, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 78, 91—99.
  • Gifford, K. &Bernard, JG (2006), Inşuencing Consumer Purchase Likelihood of Organic Food, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 30, 155—165.
  • Gil, J .M., Gracia, A. & Sânchez, M. (2000), Market Segmentation and Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Spain, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 3, 207—226.
  • Goldman, B.J.& Clancy, K.C. (1991), A Survey of Organic Produce Purchases and Related Attitudes of Food Cooperative Shoppers, American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, Vol. 6, 89-95.
  • Gould, SJ. (1988), Consumer Attitudes toward Health and Health Care: a Differential Perspective, The Journal of Consumer Aşairs, Vol. 22 No. 1, 96—118.
  • Gracia, A. & Magistris, T. (2007), Organic Food Product Purchase Behaviour: a Pilot Study for Urban Consumers in the South of Italy, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 5 No. 4, 439— 451.
  • Grankvist, G. & Biel, A. (2001), The Importance of Belief and Purchase Criteria in the Choice of Eco—labelled Food Products, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 21, 405—410.
  • Grunert, GK. (1993), Green Consumerism in Denmark: Some Evidence from the EKO Foods Project, Der Markt, V01. 32 No.3, 140—5 1.
  • Grunert, S. C. & Juh1,H..J (1995), Values, Environmental Attitudes and Buying Organic Foods, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 16, 36—62.
  • Hair, J, Anderson, R. Tatham R.& Black, W. (1998), Multivariate Data" Analysis with Readings Fifth Edition, Prentice— Hall International, Inc. ,
  • Honkanen, P. Verplanken, B.& Olsen, S.O. (2006), Ethical Values and Motives Driving Organic Food Choice, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 5, 420—431.
  • Hu, L.& Bentler, PM. (1999), Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria versus New Alternatives, Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 6 No.1, 1-55 .
  • Hutchins, R.K.&Greenhalgh, L.A. (1997), Organic Confusion: Sustaining Competitive Advantage, British Food Journal, Vol. 99, No. 9, 336-338.
  • Jayanti, R.K. & Burns, A.C. (1998), The Antecedents of Preventive Health Care Behavior: an Empirical Study, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol. 26 No. 1, 6—15.
  • Johnson, D.W.&Johnson, RT. (1985), Nutrition Education: a Model for Eğectiveness, a Synthesis of Research, Journal of Nutrition Education, Vol. 17, 1-44.
  • Kaya, H.G. (2003), Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Organik Tarımsal Ürün Ticareti ve Tüketici Reaksiyonları, available at: ticareti.htm (accessed 28 June 2008). '
  • Kihlberg, I. & Risvik, E. (2007), Consumer of Organic Foods—Value Segments and Liking of Bread", Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 18, No.3, 471— 81.
  • Kinnear, T.&Taylor, J. (1996), Marketing Research An Applied Approach Fifth Edition, McGraw—Hill, Inc.
  • Kraft, F.B. & Goodell, P.W. (1993), Identifying the Health Conscious Consumer, Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 3, 18— 25.
  • Kristensen, K. & Grunert, S.C. (1991), The Effect of Ecological Consciousness on the Demand for Organic Foods", in Bradley, F. (Ed.), Marketing thought around the world, Proceedings of European Marketing Academy Conference, 1991, Dublin, 299-318.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J. & Barbaro—Forleo, G. (2001), Targeting Consumers who are Willing to Pay more for Environmentally Friendly Products, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 18, 503— 520.
  • Larue, B., West, G., Gendron, C&Lambert, R. (2004), Consumer Response to Functional Foods Produced by Conventional, Organic or Genetic Manipulation, Agribusiness, Vol. 20, No. 2, 155—66.
  • Lea, E.& Worsley, T, (2005), Australians’ Organic Food Beliefs, Demographics and Values, British Food Journal, Vol.11 No. 107, 855—869.
  • Lennernas, M., Fjellström, C., Becker, W., Giachetti, I., Schmitt, A., Remaut de Winter, A.M.&Kearney, M. (1997), Influences on Food Choice Perceived to be Important by Nationally—Representative Samples of Adults in the European Union, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 51 No. 2, 8-15. '
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G. & Gric'e, J. (2004), Choosing Organics: a Path Analysis of Factors Underlying the Selection of Organic Food among Australian Consumers, Appetite, Vol. 43, 135—146.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons, K., Lawrence, G&Mummery, K. (2002), Eating
  • » Green: Motivations behind Organic Food consumption in Australia,
  • Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 42, 23—40.
  • MacInnis, D. J., Moorman, C. & Jaworski, B. J. (1991), Enhancing and Measuring Consumers’ Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability to Process Brand Information from Ads, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 55, No. 4, 32—53.
  • Magkos, F., Arvaniti, F. & Zampelas, A. (2006), Organic Food: Buying more Safety or just Peace of Mind? A Critical Review of the Literature, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 46, No. 1, 23—56.
  • Magnusson, M.K. Avrola, A., Hursti Koivisto, U.K., Aberg, L.& Sjoden, P.O. (2001), Attitudes towards Organic foods among Swedish Consumers, British Food Journal, 103, 209—226.
  • Magnusson, M.K., Avrola, A., Hursti Koivisto, U.K., Aberg, L. & Sjoden, P.O. (2003), “Choice of Organic Foods is Related to Perceived Consequences for Human Health and to Environmentally
  • Friendly Behavior, Appetite, Vol. 40, 109—117.
  • Makatouni, A. (2002), What Motivates Consumers to Buy Organic Food in the UK? Results from a Qualitative Study, British Food Journal, Vol. 104, 345—352.
  • Michaelidou, N.&Hassan, L.M. (2008), The Role of Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern and Ethical Identity on Attitudes and Intentions towards Organic Food”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 32, 163—170.
  • Misra, S., Huang, C.L.& Ott, S. (1991), Georgia Consumers' Preference for Organically Grown Fresh Produce, Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 9, No. 2, 53—65.
  • Moorman, C. & Matulich, E. (1993), A Model of Consumers’ Preventive Health Behaviors: the Role of Health Motivation and Health Ability, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, 208—229.
  • Newsom, J.T., McFarland, B.H., Kaplan, M.S., Huguet, N.&Zani, B. (2005), The Health Consciousness Myth: Implications of the Near Independence of Major Health Behaviours in the North American Population, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 60, 433—437.
  • Padel, S.&Foster, C. (2005), Exploring the Gap between Attitudes and Behaviour: Understanding why Consumers Buy or do not Buy Organic Food, British Food Journal, Vol. 107, 606—626.
  • Pearson, D.&Henryks, J. (2008), Marketing Organic Products: Exploring some of the Pervasive Issues, Journal of Food Products Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 4, 95—108.
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Eyyup Yaraş This is me

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tülay Yeniçeri This is me

Dr. Bahar Yaşin This is me

Publication Date May 6, 2014
Submission Date December 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 12 Issue: 1-2


APA Yaraş, Y. D. D. E., Yeniçeri, Y. D. D. T., & Yaşin, D. B. (2014). TÜRK TÜKETİCİLERİN ORGANİK ÜRÜNLERE KARŞI TUTUMLARINDA SAĞLIKLA İLİŞKİLİ FAKTÖRLERİN ROLÜ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12(1-2), 147-174.

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