Writing Rules

Articles should be written in Times New Roman font, in word file, title 12 pt, initials capital letters, text 10 pt, footnote and bibliography 9 pt. If there is a subtitle in the study, it should be written in bold and lowercase letters. Turkish and English abstracts should be written under the name of the article in 9 font size and with at least two hundred words. Under the abstracts, English and Turkish five keywords should be given in 9 pt. Next to the heading "keywords" and "keywords".

• Footnotes should be given at the bottom of each page. Author surname, publication year and page number order in the footnote should be as follows. Demiriş 2006, 59.

For the book:
Demiriş 2006 Demiriş, B., Historiography in Roman Literature, Ege Yay., Istanbul.

For the article:
Kaçar 2009 Kaçar, T., "Arius: A Short Story of a" Sapkin ", Lucerna Classical Philology Articles, Istanbul.

• The photographs, pictures, maps, drawings, figures, etc. used in the article. it should be written as "Plate" in the text only in the form of (Lev.1), (Law 2) abbreviations, and should be written sequentially under the heading "Plates" at the end of the article. All sheets should be 300 dpi in jpeg or tift format. If there is a quote, the responsibility belongs to the author and the place of citation must be specified.

• In proper nouns in the spelling of Latin - Greek words; If available, Turkish should be separated with additional commas, for example; Genus names of Augustus should be written in italics, if any, Turkish suffix should be written adjacent to the word without italic, for example; cavea

• While specifying the date, only the initials should be written in capital letters in article titles and author names and surnames, without using MÖ and MS dots.