Book Review

Book Review
~ The subject, purpose and scope of the book should be conveyed to readers and the weaknesses and strengths of the book should be emphasized.
~Book reviews should be analyzed in critical language, not in the form of a summary.
~The work to be examined should be an academic research book.
~The book to be reviewed must have been published within the last 5 years.
~Book reviews must be written according to the rules in accordance with APA 7, which is included in the author guidelines section of the journal.
~Book reviews should not exceed 1500 words, all-inclusive.
~Title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number of the person conducting the Book Review should be written.
~The final decision-making body on the publication of all studies submitted to the journal is the Journal Editorial Board.
~The title of the book review should include the name of the examined book, the author(s), the city and publishing house in which it was published, the year of publication, the printing information, the number of pages and the ISBN.


İslamda Sanat Sanatta İslam
Nusret ÇAM
(Çev.: Çeviri Eser ise Çevirmenin Adı)
Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları, 2020, 8. Baskı, 262 sayfa, ISBN: 978-975-338-202-1

Last Update Time: 10/10/22, 3:35:29 PM

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