Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 12/31/23

Year: 2023

The main purpose of the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research is to bring together scientific studies that adopt scientific ethical principles, which will develop solutions to the problems arising in the field of tourism and contribute to the development of the field of tourism, with a multi-disciplinary approach.

The target audience of the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research is the academicians who work in various fields of tourism and other disciplines in the field of tourism, undergraduate and graduate students in the tourism sector. In this respect, all scientific studies directly related to the tourism field or sector are evaluated within the scope of the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research.

Manuscript Writing Rules

When writing an article, the Spelling Guide prepared by the Turkish Language Association should be followed. The narration should be in plain, understandable language and must not be in the first person. Scientific publication principles and ethical rules should be observed.

Page Structure

In manuscript writing, each page should have a 4 cm margin at the top, 3 cm at the bottom, and 2.5 cm on the right and left margins. Writing parts, tables, figures, etc. The contents must not exceed the specified areas.

10 point font and Times New Roman font should be used throughout the text.

Abstract and Abstract 10 pt – Italic

Keywords and Keywords, 10 point-Italic – minimum 3 maximum 7 words

Explanations and mandatory footnotes at the bottom of the page, 9 pt.


Article Title (Turkish - English), 12 point-Bold, All words must be in capital letters.

All headings must be numbered. (1. MAIN TITLE, 1.1. First Level Sub-title) Introduction and Bibliography titles should not be numbered.

There should be 6 pt spacing before and after all headings.

Main Headings, 11 pt - All Large - Bold

Subheadings, 11 pt – Capitalized first letter – Bold

Tables and Figures

-Table names are at the top of the table, centered and 10 pt (Tables should be numbered. e.g: Table.1 Table Name)

- Figure and photograph names are centered at the bottom and in 10 pt (e.g.: Figure 1. Figure Name)

-For tables, figures and photographs, under the references and left aligned and 10 points (e.g.: Reference: ………)

-The text content of the tables that do not fit on the page can be adjusted as 9-8 points.

Paragraph Structure

-The spacing should be 0pt before and 6pt after each paragraph.

-All paragraphs’ first line indent value is 0.5 cm.

(In-text citation notation)

Example of a single-author citation:

(Selcuk, 2012)

Example of a two-author citation:

(Hüssein & Hair, 2008)

Example of citation with more than two authors:

(Sergeant et al., 2018)

Our sample template includes all of these rules. We kindly ask you to use the journal sample template in your manuscripts.

In accordance with Article 90 of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, Additional Article 10 of the Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359 and the agreements Turkey is a party to, questionnaires, interviews, focus group studies, experiments, etc. It is obligatory to obtain an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate for studies that involve data collection in different ways. Ethics Committee Approval Certificate is not required for studies completed before 2020.

You can access the sample template via the link below.


All articles submitted to the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Researches are subject to double-blind peer-review process after the initial review by the editor. An evaluation process is based on the contribution of the articles submitted to the journal to the field, their conceptual quality, the use of appropriate methodology and their general quality. The fact that the journal is a "double-blind peer-reviewed" journal is considered important in terms of developing an objective and consistent information network. Articles sent to the journal are evaluated according to the quality of the study, regardless of the identity of the sender. Therefore, authors, reviewers and editorial board are expected to comply with generally accepted ethical standards. Authors should ensure that their work is original, that ethical standards are followed in data collection, and that they comply with citation rules. The ethical principles to be followed by the editorial board for referees and authors take into account the international standards put forward by the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for editors and authors. It adopts the following ethical principles.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
Publication Decisions

The editorial board of the journal decides which of the works submitted to the journal will be published, taking into account the elements of originality, contribution to the field, importance and added value. In this direction, although an article sent to the journal has received a positive report from the referee process, the final decision about publication is made by the editorial board.
Referee Process
The editor examines the suitability of an article for the journal in terms of form and content. If it meets this requirement, it is responsible for the fair and objective conduct of the double-blind refereeing process. Articles submitted to the journal are submitted to two external and independent referee evaluations, taking into account the principle of conflict of interest. If deemed necessary, the editor can take the opinion of the board.
Articles sent to the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Researches are evaluated only in terms of content, regardless of the personal views and characteristics of the authors.
The editorial board is responsible for protecting the articles submitted to the journal within the framework of the confidentiality principle. The identities of the arbitrators are kept confidential unless otherwise agreed. In addition, materials belonging to a study submitted for publication in the journal cannot be used by the editorial board for a different purpose. The information revealed during the evaluation phase is kept confidential and cannot be used for personal advantage.
Conflicts of Interest
Materials related to an article submitted to the journal cannot be used by the editor or members of the editorial board for their own research without the express permission of the authors. The editorial board refrains from evaluating articles with conflicts of interest based on competition and cooperation or arising from different relationships. Conflicts of interest of all contributing stakeholders regarding the articles submitted to the journal must be disclosed. If a future conflict of interest arises after the publication of an article submitted to the journal, the article may be removed from publication or the authors may be requested to publish a correction text.
Responsibilities of the Referees
Contribution to Editorial Decisions

In the articles sent to the journal, the referee evaluation process helps the editorial board decisions within the scope of the article publication stage. In addition, the referees contribute to the authors in terms of the scientific development of the submitted articles.
For an article sent to the referee for review, the approval of the relevant referee is obtained. If the subject of the article under review is not in the field of expertise of the relevant referee or if the referee does not find himself sufficient in the evaluation of this subject, he should notify the editor of this situation and reject the review proposal. Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research considers the peer review process as an important part of scientific communication.
After an article sent to the journal is included in the referee evaluation process, the relevant referee must complete the review within the time specified in the journal standards. If the referee, whose article is sent for review, thinks that he cannot complete the review within the specified intervals in terms of time, he should notify the editor and give additional time or withdraw from the evaluation process.
Materials and information regarding a manuscript submitted to the referee upon review should be kept confidential by the referee. All studies received for evaluation should be considered as confidential documents. All materials and articles obtained should not be shared with others. Information and documents related to the submitted article should not be used in the referee's own research without the permission of the author.
The evaluations of the articles sent to the journal should be made objectively by the referees. Referees should clearly state their views with supporting materials and citations.
Survey of the Resources
Referees should control the sources used in the articles they review, identify the points that need to be used, and review the bibliography section of the article. In addition, the referees should pay attention to the similarity of the articles sent for review by the journal with another study, using the knowledge and knowledge gained from their previous experience and research, and should inform the editorial board if such a situation arises.
Conflict of Interest
If the referees detect conflicts of interest based on competition, cooperation or other relations, they should not evaluate the article and should inform the editorial board. At the same time, articles containing conflicts of interest arising from affiliation with any author, company or institution in connection with other articles should not be evaluated, and the editor should be informed.
Contributing to the Development of Articles
The quality of the research for an article submitted to the journal is determined by using parameters such as originality, use of appropriate methods and techniques, accuracy of mathematical calculations, validity and reliability of the results, and intelligibility. Referees should offer opinions and suggestions that will contribute to the development of the articles they have reviewed. Thus, it will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the published article.
Responsibilities of Authors
Reporting Standards:
Articles sent to the journal should be prepared according to the specified spelling rules. The data received in the research should be presented in the article in a correct, understandable and reliable way. Detailed reference should be used so that other studies can refer to the article submitted to the journal.

Authors should pay attention to the originality and originality of the articles they send to the journal. In the articles which are prepared, it is necessary to comply with the citation rules and to include other works inspired by the authors, if any.

Simultaneous Publications
Authors cannot submit an article to more than one journal at the same time. In case such a situation is detected, necessary legal steps are taken by the editor / editorial board on the grounds of violation of ethical principles. Materials or information protected by copyright in another publication cannot be sent to the journal as an article without official permission. Studies previously published in a different medium cannot be shown as a new study and sent to the journal as an article. Studies that are produced from thesis studies or have the characteristics of translation and can make new contributions to the literature are excluded from this rule.

Using References
Information received from other sources should be presented by quoting while studying on the article. The use of confidential information by quoting in the article is only possible with the official permission of the medium that is the addressee of that information.

The authors of the articles submitted to the journal should consist of people who contributed to the design, conduct and research phase of the study. Contributors to the article should be cited as co-authors. The corresponding author is responsible for preventing people who do not contribute significantly to the article from being added to the co-author list.

Author Change
Author changes for an article submitted to the journal are possible in some cases before the article is published. Before the article is published, author change requests are evaluated by the editorial board with a valid reason and the written approval of the authors who are the subject of the change. Author changes are not possible after the related article is published.

Institutional Supports
If there is any institutional or financial support during the preparation, implementation and finalization of the article, this should be stated in the content of the article. In case the results of the article cause any conflict of interest, this situation should be disclosed in the article content.

Open Access Policy
Journal of Silk Road Tourism Researches sees the open access policy as an approach that facilitates interdisciplinary communication and encourages different disciplines to work with each other. In this direction, the journal provides added value to its field by providing more access to its articles and a more transparent evaluation process. In accordance with the open access policy, the journal issues and articles are available on the journal's web page and the full texts of the articles can be accessed as PDF files.

Ethical Behavior Principles
All articles submitted to the journal must comply with the Ethical Behavior Principles of Higher Education Institutions. In this respect, the articles sent to the journal should not constitute a situation contrary to the principles stated below.
• Fabrication: Creating data and results that do not exist,
• Falsification: Modifying and/or skipping data and/or results intentionally,
• Duplication: Publishing the same work in more than one publication,
• Slicing: Publishing a study by dividing in order to increase the number of publications,
• Plagiarism: Publishing the ideas, data, works and publications of others as their own, without making the necessary citations and citing the source in accordance with scientific procedures,
• Pseudo-authorship: Appearing/displaying as an author in a study without making adequate contribution to the study (in research design, data collection, evaluation, preparation and approval of publication),
• Author hiding: Not including the name of the authors even though they contributed to the study,
• Violation of the principle of voluntary participation: Forcing students or other participating groups to participate in the research,
• Not receiving informed consent: To receive the consent of the volunteers participating in the study without adequately informing them about the implementation steps and risks of the research,
• Violation of the privacy policy: Sharing personal or institutional data received from the participants without legal obligation and not keeping the identities of the participants in the research confidential.

Ethics Committee Approval
The publication of the articles sent to the journal requires the decision of the ethics committee. Authors have to submit a written declaration or an official letter stating that ethics committee approval from the ethics committee of universities is not required for studies that do not require ethical committee approval. Studies that require ethical committee approval are listed below.
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
• The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.
Besides, it is required that
• The compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used should stated
• Permission from the owners should be received and stated for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others,
• In case reports, it should be stated that an “informed consent form” was received.


1. Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research is a peer-reviewed international journal.
2. Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research does not charge any fee from the authors for the publication of the article.
3. Journal of Silk Road Tourism Research is published twice a year, in June and December.
4. The articles submitted to the Journal of Silk Road Tourism Researches are first evaluated by the editorial board and examined in terms of form, content, originality and scope. If the Editor / Editorial Board approves, the article is included in the reviewer evaluation process.
5. For the articles submitted to the journal, the similarity rate should be calculated from any currently used plagiarism program (such as Turnitin, iThenticate). The similarity rate of the articles should be maximum 25%. Articles with more similarity than this rate will not be evaluated.
6. The article taken into the peer-review process is sent to the 2 most suitable reviewers from the reviewer pool determined according to their fields of expertise. In order to ensure that the articles sent to the reviewers are evaluated objectively, information that will reveal the identities of the article authors is removed from the article text.
7. Reviewer evaluation period is 30 days on average.
8. After the reviewer evaluation process, the reviewer reports are sent to the responsible author and the necessary corrections are requested by the reviewers.
9. Considering the opinions of the reviewers regarding the publication of the article, the article can be sent to more than two reviewers when necessary.
10. The maximum period for authors to make reviewer corrections is 15 days. If corrections are not made within this period, the article is removed from the publication process and returned to the author.
11. A correction report should be prepared stating that the reviewer's corrections were made by the author. Issues that do not require correction should be included in the report along with their justifications.

After the decision of the editorial board to publish the article, planning is made for its publication in the final issue. However, if the article load in the last issue of the journal is too high, it can be published in the next issues. In this case, the authors are informed.

There is no charge for accepting and publishing articles in the journal.

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