Research Article
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Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 117 - 139, 20.04.2019


1990’lı yıllarda Fransız sinema sektörüne, 1960’lı yıllarda doğmuş ve birçoğu Fransa’nın ünlü sinema okulu FEMIS’i bitirmiş çok sayıda kadın yönetmen aktif olarak katılır. Sayıları yüzü geçen ve büyük bir çoğunluğu otuzlu yaşlarında olan bu kadın yönetmenler, filmlerinde sıra dışı, toplumun kendilerine biçtiği kadın kimliğini reddeden genç kadın portrelerine yer verirler. Eleştirmenler gittikçe artan sayıda film üreten, filmleri eskiye oranla çok daha fazla gösterim şansı bulan, itibarlı sinema ödülleriyle taçlandırılan, izleyici ve eleştirmenlerden olumlu not alan bu kadın yönetmenlerin esas başarısının kendilerini auteur olarak kabul ettirebilmeleri olduğunu belirtirler. Bu makalede, kadın yönetmenlerin çağdaş Fransız sinemasındaki farklı konumlarını irdelemek için auteur kuramının ötesinde daha tematik ve toplumsal cinsiyet eksenli bir yaklaşım benimsenip, kendilerini etiketleyip gettolaştırdığını düşünerek ısrarla kadın yönetmen tanımlamasını reddeden çağdaş Fransız kadın yönetmenlerin aslında özgün bir kadın sineması ortaya koydukları, erkek meslektaşlarından görünür biçimde daha fazla geleneksel iktidar ve güç merkezlerinin dışında kalmış konu, karakter ve mekânlar üzerine çalışarak bir anlamda “öteki”nin sesi olup, belki de kendi Öteki’liklerini onlar üzerinden anlattıkları gösterilmeye çalışılıyor.


  • Audé, F. (1981). Ciné-Modèles Cinéma D’Elles: Situation Des Femmes Dans Le Cinéma Français 1956-1979. Lausanne: l’Age d’homme.
  • Audé, F. (2000). Création, l’espace paradoxal des cinéastes françaises. Positif, 471, 73-75.
  • Audé, F. (2002). Cinéma d’elles: 1981-2001. Lausanne: L’âge d’homme. Aumont, J. (1993 [1988]). L’analyse Des Films. Paris: Nathan.
  • Beugnet, M. (2004). Claire Denis. Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press.
  • Bouquerel, F. (Ocak 1996). Interview with Jackie Buet, V.O.I. http://
  • Christie, I. (2000). As Others See As: British Film-making and Europe in the 90’s. R. Murphy (Ed.), British Cinema of the 90s (s. 68-79). Londra: BFI.
  • Cluzel, J. (2003) Propos Impertinents Sur Le Cinéma Français. Paris: PUF.
  • Coquillat, M. (1982). La Poétique Du Mâle. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Creton, L. & Jäckel, A. (2007). A Certain Idea of the Film Industry. M. Temple & M. Witt (Ed.), The French Cinema Book (s. 209-221). Londra: BFI.
  • Crofts, S. (1996). New Australian Cinema. G. Nowell-Smith (Ed.), The Oxford History of World Cinema (s. 723-724). New York - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dacbert, S & Caradec, P. (1999). Les femmes sont-elles des hommes comme les autres? Le Film Français, 2796(8), 12-16.
  • Fischer, L. (1989). Shot/Countershot: Film Tradition and Women’s Cinema. Princeton: Princeton University.
  • Ford, C. (1972). Femmes Cinéastes Ou Le Triomphe De La Volonté. Paris: Denoël, Gonthier.
  • Frodon, J. M. (1995). L’Age Moderne Du Cinéma Français. Paris: Flammarion.
  • Gillain, A. (1996). L’imaginaire Féminin Au Cinéma. The French Review, 70(2), 259-270.
  • Günther, R. (2002). Marguerite Duras. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Haskell, M. (1974). From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hayward, S. & Vincendeau, G. (2000 [1990]). French Film: Texts and Contexts. Londra & New York: Routledge.
  • Jousse, T. & Taboulay, C. (1994). Entretien avec Tonie Marshall. Cahiers du Cinéma, 478, 26-29.
  • Kaplan, E. A. (2000). Feminism and Film. Oxford & New York: Oxford University.
  • Kaplan, N. (1976). A Nous l’Histoire De Nos Folies. Paroles… Elles Tournent. Des Femmes de Musidora. Paris: édition des femmes.
  • Kuhn, A. (1987). Women’s Genres. Melodrama, Soap Opera and Theory. Gledhill, C. (Ed.), Home is where the Heart is. Studies in Melodrama and the Woman’s Film (s. 339-349). Londra: BFI.
  • Kuhn, A. & Radstone, S. (Ed.) (1990). The Women’s Companion To International Film. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California.
  • Le Nouveau Cinéma (Aralık 1999). Spécial Femmes.
  • Lejeune, P. (1987). Le Cinéma Des Femmes. Paris: Atlas Lherminier. Martineau, M. (1993). Inconnu Au Bataillon! Cinémaction, 67, 5-7. Michel, A. (1996). Festival de films de femmes: Créteil, l’âge de raison. Positif, 453, 92-94.
  • Moine, R. (2002). Les Genres Du Cinéma. Paris: Nathan.
  • Powrie, P. (1997). French Cinema in the 1980s. Nostalgia and the Crisis of Masculinity. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Prédal, R. (1984). Le Cinéma Français Contemporain. Paris: Cerf.
  • Prédal, R. (1996). 50 Ans De Cinéma Français: 1945-1995. Paris: Nathan.
  • Prédal, R. (2001). Le Cinéma D’auteur, Une Vieille Lune? Paris: Cerf.
  • Prédal, R. (2002). Le Jeune Cinéma Français. Paris: Nathan.
  • Reynaud, B. & Vincendeau, G. (Ed.) (1993). 20 Ans De Theories Féministes Sur Le Cinéma. Cinémaction, 67. Paris: Cinémaction, Corlet.
  • Richard, F. & Thirard, P. (1993). Entretien avec Laurence Ferreira- Barbosa. Positif, 393, 22-23.
  • Rollet, B. (1998). Coline Serreau. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Rollet, B. & Sellier, G. (1999). Cinéma Et Genre En France: Etats Des Lieux. Clio, 10, 205-215.
  • Seger, L. (1996). When Women Call The Shots: The Developing Power and the Influence of Women in Television and Film. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Sellier, G. (1997). La Nouvelle Vague: Un Cinéma A La Première Personne Du Masculin Singulier. Iris, 24, 77-89.
  • Sellier, G. (1999). Images de femmes dans le cinéma de la Nouvelle Vague. CLIO: Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés, 10, 216-232. http://; DOI : 10.4000/clio.265
  • Serreau, C. (1977, 22 Aralık). “Revendiquer l’Utopie, Entretien Avec Coline Serreau”, Rouge, 6-7.
  • Smith, A. (1998). Agnès Varda. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Tarr, C. (1999). Diane Kurys. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Tarr, C. & Rollet, B. (2001). Cinema and the Second Sex. Women Filmmaking in France in the 1980s and the 1990s. New York & London: Continuum.
  • Trémois, C. M. (1997). Les Enfants de la Liberté: Le Jeune Cinéma Français Des Années 90. Paris: Seuil.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1986). Women as Auteur-e-s: Notes from Créteil. Screen, 27(3-4), 156-162.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1987). Women’s Cinema, Film Theory and Feminism in France. Screen, 28(4), 4-18.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1988). Créteil 1988: Ten Years On. Screen 29(4), 128-132.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1990). France. A. Kuhn & S. Radstone (Ed.), The Women’s Companion To International Film (s. 163-166). Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California.
  • Vincendeau, G. (Mart 1991). Like Eating A Lot Of Madeleines. An Interview with Diane Kurys. Monthly Film Bulletin, 58(686), 69-70.
  • Wilson, E. (2005). Contemporary French Women Filmmakers. French Studies, 59(2), 217-223.

Is it Correct to Talk of a Contemporary French Women’s Cinema?

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 117 - 139, 20.04.2019


In the 1990s a significant number of women filmmakers, many of them graduates from the famous film school FEMIS, began to work actively in the French film industry. In their films these women, the vast majority of them in their thirties, present unusual portraits of young women who refuse the female identity offered them by the society. Film critics declare that the real success of these women filmmakers, with their growing number of films that have been crowned with prestigious awards and received positive reactions from audience and film critics, is the fact that they are acknowledged as auteurs. In this article, we attempt to move beyond auteurist studies and adopt a more thematic and gender-based approach to account for the specific place of women’s filmmaking in the French cinematic landscape. We claim that although contemporary French women filmmakers reject the label of “women filmmaker” because of the ghettoization that this term implies for them, they produce a specific women’s cinema, one that voices the experience of the margins of French society more systematically than their male counterparts, illustrating, perhaps, the marginalization that they experience both as women and as directors.


  • Audé, F. (1981). Ciné-Modèles Cinéma D’Elles: Situation Des Femmes Dans Le Cinéma Français 1956-1979. Lausanne: l’Age d’homme.
  • Audé, F. (2000). Création, l’espace paradoxal des cinéastes françaises. Positif, 471, 73-75.
  • Audé, F. (2002). Cinéma d’elles: 1981-2001. Lausanne: L’âge d’homme. Aumont, J. (1993 [1988]). L’analyse Des Films. Paris: Nathan.
  • Beugnet, M. (2004). Claire Denis. Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press.
  • Bouquerel, F. (Ocak 1996). Interview with Jackie Buet, V.O.I. http://
  • Christie, I. (2000). As Others See As: British Film-making and Europe in the 90’s. R. Murphy (Ed.), British Cinema of the 90s (s. 68-79). Londra: BFI.
  • Cluzel, J. (2003) Propos Impertinents Sur Le Cinéma Français. Paris: PUF.
  • Coquillat, M. (1982). La Poétique Du Mâle. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Creton, L. & Jäckel, A. (2007). A Certain Idea of the Film Industry. M. Temple & M. Witt (Ed.), The French Cinema Book (s. 209-221). Londra: BFI.
  • Crofts, S. (1996). New Australian Cinema. G. Nowell-Smith (Ed.), The Oxford History of World Cinema (s. 723-724). New York - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dacbert, S & Caradec, P. (1999). Les femmes sont-elles des hommes comme les autres? Le Film Français, 2796(8), 12-16.
  • Fischer, L. (1989). Shot/Countershot: Film Tradition and Women’s Cinema. Princeton: Princeton University.
  • Ford, C. (1972). Femmes Cinéastes Ou Le Triomphe De La Volonté. Paris: Denoël, Gonthier.
  • Frodon, J. M. (1995). L’Age Moderne Du Cinéma Français. Paris: Flammarion.
  • Gillain, A. (1996). L’imaginaire Féminin Au Cinéma. The French Review, 70(2), 259-270.
  • Günther, R. (2002). Marguerite Duras. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Haskell, M. (1974). From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Hayward, S. & Vincendeau, G. (2000 [1990]). French Film: Texts and Contexts. Londra & New York: Routledge.
  • Jousse, T. & Taboulay, C. (1994). Entretien avec Tonie Marshall. Cahiers du Cinéma, 478, 26-29.
  • Kaplan, E. A. (2000). Feminism and Film. Oxford & New York: Oxford University.
  • Kaplan, N. (1976). A Nous l’Histoire De Nos Folies. Paroles… Elles Tournent. Des Femmes de Musidora. Paris: édition des femmes.
  • Kuhn, A. (1987). Women’s Genres. Melodrama, Soap Opera and Theory. Gledhill, C. (Ed.), Home is where the Heart is. Studies in Melodrama and the Woman’s Film (s. 339-349). Londra: BFI.
  • Kuhn, A. & Radstone, S. (Ed.) (1990). The Women’s Companion To International Film. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California.
  • Le Nouveau Cinéma (Aralık 1999). Spécial Femmes.
  • Lejeune, P. (1987). Le Cinéma Des Femmes. Paris: Atlas Lherminier. Martineau, M. (1993). Inconnu Au Bataillon! Cinémaction, 67, 5-7. Michel, A. (1996). Festival de films de femmes: Créteil, l’âge de raison. Positif, 453, 92-94.
  • Moine, R. (2002). Les Genres Du Cinéma. Paris: Nathan.
  • Powrie, P. (1997). French Cinema in the 1980s. Nostalgia and the Crisis of Masculinity. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Prédal, R. (1984). Le Cinéma Français Contemporain. Paris: Cerf.
  • Prédal, R. (1996). 50 Ans De Cinéma Français: 1945-1995. Paris: Nathan.
  • Prédal, R. (2001). Le Cinéma D’auteur, Une Vieille Lune? Paris: Cerf.
  • Prédal, R. (2002). Le Jeune Cinéma Français. Paris: Nathan.
  • Reynaud, B. & Vincendeau, G. (Ed.) (1993). 20 Ans De Theories Féministes Sur Le Cinéma. Cinémaction, 67. Paris: Cinémaction, Corlet.
  • Richard, F. & Thirard, P. (1993). Entretien avec Laurence Ferreira- Barbosa. Positif, 393, 22-23.
  • Rollet, B. (1998). Coline Serreau. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Rollet, B. & Sellier, G. (1999). Cinéma Et Genre En France: Etats Des Lieux. Clio, 10, 205-215.
  • Seger, L. (1996). When Women Call The Shots: The Developing Power and the Influence of Women in Television and Film. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Sellier, G. (1997). La Nouvelle Vague: Un Cinéma A La Première Personne Du Masculin Singulier. Iris, 24, 77-89.
  • Sellier, G. (1999). Images de femmes dans le cinéma de la Nouvelle Vague. CLIO: Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés, 10, 216-232. http://; DOI : 10.4000/clio.265
  • Serreau, C. (1977, 22 Aralık). “Revendiquer l’Utopie, Entretien Avec Coline Serreau”, Rouge, 6-7.
  • Smith, A. (1998). Agnès Varda. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Tarr, C. (1999). Diane Kurys. Manchester & New York: Manchester University.
  • Tarr, C. & Rollet, B. (2001). Cinema and the Second Sex. Women Filmmaking in France in the 1980s and the 1990s. New York & London: Continuum.
  • Trémois, C. M. (1997). Les Enfants de la Liberté: Le Jeune Cinéma Français Des Années 90. Paris: Seuil.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1986). Women as Auteur-e-s: Notes from Créteil. Screen, 27(3-4), 156-162.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1987). Women’s Cinema, Film Theory and Feminism in France. Screen, 28(4), 4-18.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1988). Créteil 1988: Ten Years On. Screen 29(4), 128-132.
  • Vincendeau, G. (1990). France. A. Kuhn & S. Radstone (Ed.), The Women’s Companion To International Film (s. 163-166). Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California.
  • Vincendeau, G. (Mart 1991). Like Eating A Lot Of Madeleines. An Interview with Diane Kurys. Monthly Film Bulletin, 58(686), 69-70.
  • Wilson, E. (2005). Contemporary French Women Filmmakers. French Studies, 59(2), 217-223.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Features

Yelda Başaran Usupbeyli This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Başaran Usupbeyli, Y. (2019). ÇAĞDAŞ FRANSIZ KADIN SİNEMASI (VAR MIDIR?). Sinecine: Sinema Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 117-139.

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