Aim & Scope

The establishment of Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research is an important step to share developments, innovations and research in the field of tourism, contribute to the tourism sector and increase scientific interaction within the faculty. This journal will provide a platform for students, academics and industry professionals in the field of tourism, addressing current issues, providing in-depth analysis and following the latest trends in the industry.

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research will provide students with the opportunity to improve their research and writing skills, and academics with the opportunity to share and disseminate the work done in their fields of expertise to a wide audience. This journal will strengthen the national and international recognition of our Faculty by adding assets to its academic presence, and will also ensure closer cooperation with stakeholders in the sector.

Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research, which will support multidisciplinary approaches in the field of tourism, bring together scholars from various fields of specialization within tourism and thus aim for a more comprehensive and richer content, aims to contribute to the processes of producing, sharing and learning information on tourism-related issues and to provide an informed and quality contribution to the sector.

Original, previously unpublished, applied or theoretical studies related to the field of tourism are accepted. Within the scope of the journal, studies on many subjects associated with tourism, especially the following topics, are accepted,
- Tourism Management,
- Tourism Guidance,
- Gastronomy and Culinary Arts,
- Food and Beverage Management,
- Recreation Management,
- Hospitality Management,
- Travel Management,
- Alternative Tourism,
- Marketing Management,
- Human Resources Management,
- Public Relations,
- Financial Management,
- Information Systems and Technology,
- Global Issues and Cultural Studies,
- Developments of Conceptual Models and Structures,
- Strategic Management,
- Art History,
- Archaeology,
- National and International Legislation,
- International Tourism Management,
- Consumer Behavior,
- Current Approaches in Tourism,
- Other issues related to tourism.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 4/3/24, 9:05:24 AM

Sinop Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi tarafından çıkartılan Sinop-e: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi Aralık sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır. Makale süreçleri sadece DergiPark sistemi üzerinden işletilecek olup link adresi üzerinden makale gönderimi sağlanacaktır.