Information for Reviewers

Reviewers of Sinop-e: Journal of Tourism Research;

We would like to thank you for your support within the scope of the journal focusing on publication in the field of tourism, and it is recommended that you consider the following elements while reviewing within the scope of the process;

- The originality of the article you evaluate, evaluation of its contribution to the field,

- Ethical evaluation of the language used as well as its compliance with the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association,

- Fluency of the language used,

- Appropriateness of the article method,

- Scope of literature information used in the article,

- Analyzing the findings obtained and comparing them with previous studies.

We kindly ask you to direct our authors by clearly writing the revisions you deem necessary in your article evaluations.

Last Update Time: 4/4/24, 8:56:04 AM

Sinop Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi tarafından çıkartılan Sinop-e: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi Haziran sayısı için makale kabulüne başlamıştır. Makale süreçleri sadece DergiPark sistemi üzerinden işletilecek olup link adresi üzerinden makale gönderimi sağlanacaktır.