Research Article
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Investigation of Acute Toxicity of Four Heavy Metal (Pb, Co, Ba, Cr) Salts in the Water Frog (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771)

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 79 - 86, 28.12.2018


One of the dangerous chemical of water pollution is heavy metals. Heavy metals are trace amounts in aquatic ecosystems; atmospheric activities, erosion of geological structures or anthropogenic effects increase in water concentrations. In this study four different heavy metal salts (Pb, Co, Ba, Cr) of the 96-hour LC50 value calculated abundantly observed in tadpole in suitable habitat in Turkey (Pelophylax ridibundus Pallas, 1771) were determined. The experiments were carried out in containers containing different concentrations of metal salt in the known test water of the chemical structure. The experiments were carried out in 1 liter containers at 0, 1, 10, 50, 100 and 200 mg/L heavy metal concentrations.The data obtained at the end of the study were evaluated by using probit analysis method; as a result, the LC50 values for water tadpoles for 96 hours were Pb 99.702; Co 69.783; Ba 62.737; Cr 30.002; mg/L respectively.


  • [1]. Natale, G.S., N.G. Bassove A.E. Ronco, 2000, Effect of Cr (VI) on early life stages of three species of hylid frogs (Amphibia, Anura) from South America. Environmental toxicology. 15(5): p. 509-512.
  • [2]. Boğa, A., S. Binokayve T. Özgünen, 2006, Çevre Kirliliğini Saptamada Kullanılan Yöntemler ve FETAX (Frog Embryos Teratogenesis Assay: Xenopus) Testi. 16: p. 13.
  • [3]. Dumont, J.N., T.W. Schultz, M.V. Buchananve G.L. Kao, 1983, Frog embryo teratogenesis assay: Xenopus (FETAX)—A short-term assay applicable to complex environmental mixtures, in Short-term bioassays in the analysis of complex environmental mixtures III. Springer. p. 393-405.
  • [4]. Chang, L., K. Rehulve A. Dudley, 3r (1973) Effects of methyl-mercuric chloride on Rana pipiens tadpoles. Environ Res. 8: p. 82-91.
  • [5]. Birdsall, C.W., C.E. Grueve A. Anderson, 1986, Lead concentrations in bullfrog Rana catesbeiana and green frog R. clamitans tadpoles inhabiting highway drainages. Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological. 40(3): p. 233-247.
  • [6]. Berrill, M., S. Bertram, L. McGilliray, M. Kolohonve B. Pauli, 1994, Effects of low concentrations of forest‐use pesticides on frog embryos and tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 13(4): p. 657-664.
  • [7]. Bridges, R.D. Semlitsch, 2000, Variation in pesticide tolerance of tadpoles among and within species of Ranidae and patterns of amphibian decline. Conservation Biology. 14(5): p. 1490-1499.
  • [8]. Nebeker, A., G. Schuytemave S. Ott, 1995, Effects of cadmium on growth and bioaccumulation in the Northwestern salamander Ambystoma gracile. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 29(4): p. 492-499.
  • [9]. Nebeker, A., G. Schuytemave S. Ott, 1994, Effects of cadmium on limb regeneration in the northwestern salamander Ambystoma gracile. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 27(3): p. 318-322.
  • [10]. Henle, K., 1981, A unique case of malformations in a natural population of the green toad (Bufo viridis) and its meaning for environmental politics. Br. Herpetol. Soc. Bull. 4: p. 48-49.
  • [11]. Seven, T., B. Can, B.N. Darendeve S. Ocak, Hava ve Toprakta Ağır Metal Kirliliği. Ulusal Çevre Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 1(2): p. 91-103.
  • [12]. Singh, P., M. Deyve S.N. Ramanujam, 2016, Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in anuran tadpoles: A study in Barak Valley, Assam. International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 4(3): p. 171.
  • [13]. Gürkan, M., A. Çetinve S. Hayretdaĝ, 2014, Acute toxic effects of cadmium in larvae of the green toad, Pseudepidalea variabilis (Pallas, 1769)(Amphibia: Anura). Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 65(3): p. 301-309.
  • [14]. Intamat, S., U. Phoonaploy, M. Sriuttha, B. Tengjaroenkulve L. Neeratanaphan, 2016, Heavy metal accumulation in aquatic animals around the gold mine area of Loei province, Thailand. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 22(6): p. 1418-1432.
  • [15]. Saygı, Ş., 2003, Deneysel Toksikolojide Toksisite Testleri Ve Test Sonuçlarının Önemi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi (GTD) Gülhane Medıcal Journal (GMJ). 45(3): p. 291.
  • [16]. Bodenheimer, F.S., 1944, Introduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey. Marmara Basemevi.
  • [17]. Çiçek, A. Mermer, 2007, Food composition of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771, in Thrace. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 31(1): p. 83-90.
  • [18]. Jia, C., 2006, Calculated the LC50 of pesticides using SPSS software. Chin. Bull. Entomol. 43: p. 414-417.
  • [19]. Greulich, S. Pflugmacher, 2003, Differences in susceptibility of various life stages of amphibians to pesticide exposure. Aquatic Toxicology. 65(3): p. 329-336.
  • [20]. Gürkan, M., S. Serbestve S. Hayretdağ, Acute toxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin on the tadpoles of variable green toad, Bufotes variabilis (Amphibia: Anura) Sentetik piretroit alfa-sipermetrinin değişken desenli gece kurbağası, Bufotes variabilis iribaşlarındaki akut toksisitesi (Amphibia: Anura). Scope of the Journal. 35(2): p. 367.
  • [21]. Gürkan, S. Hayretdağ, 2012, Morphological and histological effects of copper sulfate on the larval development of green toad, Bufo viridis. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 36(2): p. 231-240.
  • [22]. Yilmaz, N., B. Kutrup, U. Cobanogluve Y. Özoran, 2005, Age determination and some growth parameters of a Rana ridibunda population in Turkey. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 51(1): p. 67-74.
  • [23]. Loumbourdis, N., P. Kyriakopoulou-Sklavounouve G. Zachariadis, 1999, Effects of cadmium exposure on bioaccumulation and larval growth in the frog Rana ridibunda. Environmental Pollution. 104(3): p. 429-433.
  • [24]. Çoğun, H.Y., E. Sarıçicek, L. Özdemir, S. Mazlumve L. Sağlık, 2014, Kilis’ de Toplanan Kurbağa Türü (Rana ridibunda, Pallas 1771) Dokularında Bazı Ağır Metal Parametrelerin Araştırılması. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 4(10): p. 5.

Su Kurbağasında İribaşlarında (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771) Dört Ağır Metal ( Pb, Co, Ba, Cr) Tuzunun Akut Toksisitesinin Araştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 79 - 86, 28.12.2018


kirliliğini oluşturan tehlikeli etkenlerden biri de ağır metallerdir. Ağır
metaller sucul ekosistemlerde eser miktarda bulunurken atmosferik faaliyetler,
jeolojik yapıların erozyonu veya antropojenik faktörler sonucu sudaki
konsantrasyonlarında artış görülmektedir. Tarımsal ve endüstriyel kökenli dört
farklı ağır metal (Pb, Co, Ba, Cr) tuzunun 96 saatlik LC50 değeri iribaşlarda (
Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771) tespit
edilmiştir.  Deneyler bir seri halinde
yürütülmüş ve akut toksisiteyi belirlemek için toplam 200 iribaş kullanılmıştır.
Lethal doz deneyler 1 litrelik PVC kaplar içinde 0 ppm, 1 ppm, 10 ppm, 50 pmm,
100 ppm ve 200 ppm ağır metal konsantrasyonlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir.. Ağır
metal araştırmalarından elde edilen veriler, probit analiz istatistik metodu kullanılarak
değerlendirildi ve su iribaşlar için 96 saat LC50 değeri Cr 30,002; Ba 62,737;
Co 69.783; Pb 99,702
olarak belirlenmiştir


  • [1]. Natale, G.S., N.G. Bassove A.E. Ronco, 2000, Effect of Cr (VI) on early life stages of three species of hylid frogs (Amphibia, Anura) from South America. Environmental toxicology. 15(5): p. 509-512.
  • [2]. Boğa, A., S. Binokayve T. Özgünen, 2006, Çevre Kirliliğini Saptamada Kullanılan Yöntemler ve FETAX (Frog Embryos Teratogenesis Assay: Xenopus) Testi. 16: p. 13.
  • [3]. Dumont, J.N., T.W. Schultz, M.V. Buchananve G.L. Kao, 1983, Frog embryo teratogenesis assay: Xenopus (FETAX)—A short-term assay applicable to complex environmental mixtures, in Short-term bioassays in the analysis of complex environmental mixtures III. Springer. p. 393-405.
  • [4]. Chang, L., K. Rehulve A. Dudley, 3r (1973) Effects of methyl-mercuric chloride on Rana pipiens tadpoles. Environ Res. 8: p. 82-91.
  • [5]. Birdsall, C.W., C.E. Grueve A. Anderson, 1986, Lead concentrations in bullfrog Rana catesbeiana and green frog R. clamitans tadpoles inhabiting highway drainages. Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological. 40(3): p. 233-247.
  • [6]. Berrill, M., S. Bertram, L. McGilliray, M. Kolohonve B. Pauli, 1994, Effects of low concentrations of forest‐use pesticides on frog embryos and tadpoles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 13(4): p. 657-664.
  • [7]. Bridges, R.D. Semlitsch, 2000, Variation in pesticide tolerance of tadpoles among and within species of Ranidae and patterns of amphibian decline. Conservation Biology. 14(5): p. 1490-1499.
  • [8]. Nebeker, A., G. Schuytemave S. Ott, 1995, Effects of cadmium on growth and bioaccumulation in the Northwestern salamander Ambystoma gracile. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 29(4): p. 492-499.
  • [9]. Nebeker, A., G. Schuytemave S. Ott, 1994, Effects of cadmium on limb regeneration in the northwestern salamander Ambystoma gracile. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 27(3): p. 318-322.
  • [10]. Henle, K., 1981, A unique case of malformations in a natural population of the green toad (Bufo viridis) and its meaning for environmental politics. Br. Herpetol. Soc. Bull. 4: p. 48-49.
  • [11]. Seven, T., B. Can, B.N. Darendeve S. Ocak, Hava ve Toprakta Ağır Metal Kirliliği. Ulusal Çevre Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 1(2): p. 91-103.
  • [12]. Singh, P., M. Deyve S.N. Ramanujam, 2016, Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in anuran tadpoles: A study in Barak Valley, Assam. International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 4(3): p. 171.
  • [13]. Gürkan, M., A. Çetinve S. Hayretdaĝ, 2014, Acute toxic effects of cadmium in larvae of the green toad, Pseudepidalea variabilis (Pallas, 1769)(Amphibia: Anura). Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 65(3): p. 301-309.
  • [14]. Intamat, S., U. Phoonaploy, M. Sriuttha, B. Tengjaroenkulve L. Neeratanaphan, 2016, Heavy metal accumulation in aquatic animals around the gold mine area of Loei province, Thailand. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. 22(6): p. 1418-1432.
  • [15]. Saygı, Ş., 2003, Deneysel Toksikolojide Toksisite Testleri Ve Test Sonuçlarının Önemi. Gülhane Tıp Dergisi (GTD) Gülhane Medıcal Journal (GMJ). 45(3): p. 291.
  • [16]. Bodenheimer, F.S., 1944, Introduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey. Marmara Basemevi.
  • [17]. Çiçek, A. Mermer, 2007, Food composition of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771, in Thrace. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 31(1): p. 83-90.
  • [18]. Jia, C., 2006, Calculated the LC50 of pesticides using SPSS software. Chin. Bull. Entomol. 43: p. 414-417.
  • [19]. Greulich, S. Pflugmacher, 2003, Differences in susceptibility of various life stages of amphibians to pesticide exposure. Aquatic Toxicology. 65(3): p. 329-336.
  • [20]. Gürkan, M., S. Serbestve S. Hayretdağ, Acute toxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid alpha-cypermethrin on the tadpoles of variable green toad, Bufotes variabilis (Amphibia: Anura) Sentetik piretroit alfa-sipermetrinin değişken desenli gece kurbağası, Bufotes variabilis iribaşlarındaki akut toksisitesi (Amphibia: Anura). Scope of the Journal. 35(2): p. 367.
  • [21]. Gürkan, S. Hayretdağ, 2012, Morphological and histological effects of copper sulfate on the larval development of green toad, Bufo viridis. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 36(2): p. 231-240.
  • [22]. Yilmaz, N., B. Kutrup, U. Cobanogluve Y. Özoran, 2005, Age determination and some growth parameters of a Rana ridibunda population in Turkey. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 51(1): p. 67-74.
  • [23]. Loumbourdis, N., P. Kyriakopoulou-Sklavounouve G. Zachariadis, 1999, Effects of cadmium exposure on bioaccumulation and larval growth in the frog Rana ridibunda. Environmental Pollution. 104(3): p. 429-433.
  • [24]. Çoğun, H.Y., E. Sarıçicek, L. Özdemir, S. Mazlumve L. Sağlık, 2014, Kilis’ de Toplanan Kurbağa Türü (Rana ridibunda, Pallas 1771) Dokularında Bazı Ağır Metal Parametrelerin Araştırılması. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 4(10): p. 5.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Utku Güner 0000-0003-4135-2486

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Submission Date November 13, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Güner, U. (2018). Su Kurbağasında İribaşlarında (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771) Dört Ağır Metal ( Pb, Co, Ba, Cr) Tuzunun Akut Toksisitesinin Araştırılması. Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 79-86.

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