ISSN: 2536-4383
e-ISSN: 2564-7873
Founded: 2016
Publisher: Sinop University
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NEW! (31.10.2022) You could also submit your manuscripts which prepared with Latex, to our journal. Check the writing rules for details...

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences (Sinopjns) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal since 2016 by Sinop University. Sinopjns is published twice a year (June-December). Submitted manuscripts will be sent to suitable reviewers after the editorial preview. 

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences is the main areas covered by the following.

  •   Biology
  •   Physics
  •   Statistics
  •   Chemistry
  •   Math
  •   Engineering Areas
  •   Aquaculture Area

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences (Sinopjns) is abstracted and/or indexed in GoogleScholar, idealonline, ROAD, SOBIAD, CrossRef, ResearchBib, Rootindexing.

To submit a manuscript to Sinopjns, please click Submit Article.

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences publishes fully open access articles, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. 

There is currently no article processing charge (APC) and no article submission charge (ASC) for articles.

2024 - Volume: 9 Issue: 1