Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/28/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles


Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences is continuing its publication life with the purpose of contributing to the world of science by publishing high quality works in all fields of Science. The journal implements the double blind peer review process.

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences is the main areas covered by the following.






  All Engineering Areas

  Aquaculture Area

Article submission is carried out via the online article submission system on the website. For this purpose, it is necessary to be a member with the registration system. Original research, research note, short research and review articles are published in the journal. The studies to be published in the journal must not have been published in any publication or copyright granted before. All responsibility of the work belongs to its author(s).
The editor of the journal is not responsible for the technical content and printing errors of the works accepted for publication after the "Proof". No article charge fee is paid for the printed works. The studies can be written in any of the Turkish or English languages, in accordance with the spelling rules announced.
All articles submitted to our journal are checked for plagiarism through iThenticate and/or Turnitin programs at the pre-review stage. The similarity rate in the plagiarism report created after the plagiarism check should be at most 30%. Articles with a similarity rate above this rate will be rejected.
All articles considered should including certain academic standards. The article included in the editorial process is submitted to the opinion of at least two reviewer who are experts in the subject to be reviewed in terms of scientific content by the editor/field editor. In case of disagree in the reviewer's views, another reviewer's opinion can be consulted for the final decision. In order for the articles submitted for publication to be published in the journal, they must be deemed appropriate in terms of scientific content and form and accepted by the reviewers.

The article should be prepared with Microsoft Word or Latex, justified, with 2.5 cm margins at the top, bottom, left and right. Tables and figures should be added directly to the study, close to where they are shown.
Template (.tex, .pdf, .cls, .bib, .bst, .png) file should be used for manuscripts to be prepared with LaTeX. Both the .tex file and the .pdf file created with the LaTeX template should be uploaded to the system, and the files should be in .pdf in the "Main Text" section.
Title Page
On the title page; the title, article type, and author information should be included. the title page must be uploaded to the system as a separate file from "Main Text".
The title of the article should be short, concise and informative, and should writing using 14 pt, bold letters, the letter of the first word in uppercase, the others in lowercase, centered. Latin names such as breed and species names should be shown in italics. The title should be arranged according to the primary language.
On the title page, the name and surname of the authors in the article should be given and the responsible author should be specified. In addition, e-mail addresses of all authors, ORCID information and the institution (University, Faculty, Institute, Department etc.) of all authors, city, country respectively, should be written. (In the articles presented in Turkish, attention should be paid to the address information given in Turkish).
In addition, on the title page, financial explanation, ethics committee approval/permissions, acknowledgment and conflict of interest information should be given (this information will be placed in before the sources after the conclusion section at the time of publishing the article).
Funding/Financial Disclosure: It should be clearly stated whether the study/investigation is supported by any institution and/or organization.
Ethics Committee Approval and Permissions: If the article requires the permission of the ethics committee, the board, date and number of permissions should be clearly stated under this heading. For studies requiring ethics committee approval and their details, please check the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
If the article does not require ethics committee permission, the statement "The study does not require ethics committee permission or any special permission" should be included. In addition, DECLARATION FORM must be signed by the responsible author and uploaded to the system at the article submission stage.
Conflict of Interests: The author(s) must indicate the presence/absence of any conflict of interest in this section (for example, if there is no conflict of interest, the statement “There is no conflict of interest” may be used).
Authors Contribution: "Authors contributed equally to the study" or "1st author contributed 60%, 2nd author contributed 40%." etc. expressions such as should be included.
Acknowledgments: Thesis, the project etc. if data obtained from sources were used, it should be clearly stated. Apart from these, people and/or institutions and organizations may also be thanked.

Main Text
The main text should be prepared in a single file, separate from the title page. The main text should not contain author names and should start with title of manuscript. The main text should be written using 1.5 line spacing, justified, Times New Roman, 11 pt.
The main text should be arranged as "Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Article Body and References". If necessary, the Article Body can be edited as "Material and Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion," or "Preliminary Information, Results/Discussion and Results". In some cases, "Results and Discussion", "Discussion and Conclusion" sections can be organized together. Headings should be written on a separate line and only initials should be capitalized. Title or subtitles should not be numbered.
Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should be concise and short, including the purpose, scope and conclusion of the study, and should not exceed 250 words. Any abbreviations, references or equations should be used in the abstract. In Turkish manuscripts, "Abstract" should be included after "Öz", and in English manuscripts, "Öz" should take place after "Abstract".
Keywords should be written using a carriage return right after the abstract. There should be at least 3 and at most 6 keywords containing the purpose of the directory. Turkey Science Terms  address may be preferred in keyword selection.

Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be placed in the text. When deemed necessary, tables and figures should be loaded into the system separately from the files section.
If some or all of the tables and figures in the article have been published elsewhere before, they must be cited. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain the necessary permission from the copyright for the reuse of the tables and figures and to submit them to Sinop University Journal of Natural Science.
Tables: Reference should be made to the relevant table in the text. Tables should be prepared using Times New Roman font and at least 11 font size. Tables should be numbered as 1, 2, and 3, and each table should have a heading that summarizes the data. Table text and title should be written in italics.
Figures: Reference should be made to the relevant figure in the text. Figures should be show with the figure number as Figure 1, 2, 3, etc. and each shape should have a heading that summarizes the data. Figure text and title should be written in italics. EPS (preferred format for diagrams), TIFF (LZW compression resolution, resolution at least 300 dpi), PNG (preferred format for photographs or images), JPEG (preferred format for photographs or images, 300 dpi) file extensions can be used in the figures.
Units of Measure and Abbreviations: Abbreviations in the text should be explained in parentheses at the first mention. Scientific data should be used according to the International System of Units (Systeme International d 'Unites, SI). In numerical data, a period should be used instead of commas (3.57, not 3.57). In the expression of units, for example, not mg.ml-1, but mg/mL should be used, as well as ppm and ppb, mg/kg and μg/kg, respectively, may be preferred. The statistical analysis results should be included in the discussion and the probability should be indicated with capital letter and italic “P”, leaving no space after P (e.g. P<0.05). Special characters in the text should be made using the symbol and equation tab.
In-text Citation: If the works and/or expressions of others are used in the work, it should be made sure that it is cited correctly and appropriately. The cited references should be numbered in square brackets according to the order in which they are given in the text.
Okçu [1] or Mitchell [2]…
Engez and Ergönül [3] or Gamon and Pearcy 4
Asefa et al. [5] or Straser et al. [6].

The list of references should be complete and numbered in the order given in the text. Plagiarism and false data should not be included. APA 7 style should be used for reference.
Journal article
[1] Öztürk, T., & Güven, A. (2020). New data on digenean parasites of Rusty Blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) in the Black Sea. Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 26-37. https://doi.org/10.33484/sinopfbd.649986
Symposium Proceedings
Conference Presentation
[1] Çorapcı, B., Nilgün, K., & Eryaşar, K. (2013, October 24-26). Fish Baked in A Salt Crust [Conference presentation]. The 2nd International Symposium on 'Traditional Foods From Adriatic to Caucasus', Ohrid Lake, Macedonia. http://traditionalfoods2013.nku.edu.tr/
Printed Conference Presentation (in the journal)
[1] Çorapcı, B., Nilgün, K., & Eryaşar, K. (2015). A traditional food: ‘fish baked in a salt crust’. International Food Research Journal, 22(2), 866-868. http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my/22%20(02)%202015/(59).pdf
Book Prepared by the Author(s)
[1] Karayücel, İ., & Karayücel, S. (2016). Balıklarda Üreme. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Book Prepared by Editor(s)
[1] Erkmen, O. (Ed.). (2010). Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi. Efil yayınevi.
Book Chapter
[1] Kocatepe, D., & Çorapcı, B. (2019). Renk Ölçüm Yöntemleri ve Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisinde Kullanımı. In F. Irmak Yılmaz, (Ed), Academic Studies in Agricultural Sciences, (pp. 73-93). IVPE. http://www.uakb.org/source/2019%20EYUL%20KITAPLARI/2019%20EYLUL/ACADEMIC_STUDIES%20IN%20AGRICULTURE%20SCIENCES-2019_2.pdf
[1] Orhan, S. (2011). İstatistiksel Korovkin tipi yaklaşım teoremleri. (Tez no. 316511) [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sinop Üniversitesi].
Web Page
Cascio, J. (2021, February 10). A Harvest of Green Tomatoes. UAF. http://cespubs.uaf.edu/publications/?&s=*&pt=*&cat=6

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences (Sinop Uni J Nat Sci) is a double-blind peer reviewed Open Access journal which has been published twice a year (June-December) since 2016 by Sinop University, accepts high quality works written in Turkish or English in the fields of biology, physics, statistics, chemistry, mathematics, aquaculture and all engineering areas. All published items, including research articles, are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences is a free open access journal licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Charges (Fees)
Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences does not charge the author/authors at any stage (submission, evaluation and publication of articles) for publication procedures. The PDF copies of accepted articles are free of charges, and can be downloaded from the website https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sinopfbd

The researches that require the permission of the Ethics Committee for the articles submitted to the Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences are as follows:
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches such as require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation, interview techniques,
• Usage of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical investigations made on humans,
• Researchs made on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data also in addition
• In case reports, it should be stated that the "informed consent form" was obtained.
• It should be stated that permission is obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others.
• It should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Whether the articles to be published in the journal require ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission should be stated in the article. If these permissions are required, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with which decision or issue number the permit was obtained.
If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, international declaration, guideline, etc. It must be declared appropriately
Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences attaches importance to ethical rules for the protection of the rights of both the journal and the authors and considers the ethical rules and responsibilities published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
These ethical responsibilities have been prepared in accordance with the ethical rules and responsibilities set out by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The editors, reviewers and authors of our journal are expected to act in accordance with the following ethical rules.

Scientific Research Ethics
- Scientific methods are used in obtaining, analyzing, interpreting and reaching the data. Non-scientific results cannot be used as research results.
- Author(s) must adhere to the national and international agreements during research period and must obtain permission from the competent authorities.
-The data obtained in the studies must be used in the manner/form permitted by the authorities. It is essential that data, which must not be shared, remain confidential.

Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
Plagiarism: A person's use of other people's expressions, inventions or thoughts in her/his paper as if they belonged to her/him without citing them,
Falsification: To modify a research according to its own interests through fraud during the proposal, evaluation and reporting stages,
Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, to show that methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research are used, not to evaluate data that are not in accordance with the research hypothesis, to play with data and/or results to fit relevant theories or assumptions, in line with the interests of the people and organizations supported falsify or shape research results,
Duplicate/Multiple Submission: Presenting republished papers as separate papers for academic appointments and promotions,
Least Publishable Units: Disseminating a published paper and re-publishing each part separately,
Unfair Author Contribution or Attribution: To include people who do not have active contributions among the authors or not to include them, to change the author's order in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, to remove the names of those who have active contributions from the paper in the following editions, to include the name among the authors by using their influence even though they do not have active contributions.

Author(s) Ethics
- Manuscripts are prepared within the scope of the subject and to be original,
- The manuscript is not submitted to more than one journal and is not published in more than one journal,
- Author(s) should refer to the sources they use in writing manuscripts in the correct way in the direction of ethical principles,
- Author(s) who want to withdraw manuscript submitted for publication from the journal due to delay, correction, or any other reason should report this to the editor,
- In the manuscript, the author(s) do not present the results of others as their own, and all the articles used in the study are cited,
- Each author(s) involved in the manuscript contributed to the paper and everyone who contributed was included in the manuscript,
- Author(s) cannot have their study in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application.
- If the author(s) determine a significant error in her/his published article, she/he notifies the editor of the journal and cooperates with the editor to correct the error,
- The author(s), if any, must state the financial sources of the manuscript.

Reviewer(s) Ethics
- Reviewer(s) must be experts in the fields of subjects of the manuscript.
- Reviewer(s) is (are) obliged to objectively and clearly his/her criticism. He/she must not act in accordance with his/her personal interests/opinions and, if necessary, refuse to act as a referee.
- Reviewer(s) should take into consideration the texts are personal during the evaluation process and should not share the texts with third parties.
- Reviewer(s) should not transfer information from the manuscript for their own work and should not seek any academic/personal interest.
- Reviewer(s) should provide clear and detailed reasons for the articles to be rejected.
- Reviewer(s) should also take into account the journal's scientific research and publication ethic rules.

Editorial Ethics
- Editor(s) is (are) obliged to appoint at least two referees appropriate to the subject of the candidate manuscripts,
- Editor(s) must ensure communication between the referee(s) and the author in charge, taking into account the blind review process,
- Editor(s) must maintain their relations in a transparent and objective manner without discrimination between any authors and referees,
- Editor(s) must not use their position for their own individual and academic interests,
- Editor(s) must provide clear and detailed justifications for the manuscripts they will reject,
- Editor(s) must also consider scientific research, publication and review ethics.

Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences does not charge the author/authors at any stage (submission, evaluation and publication of articles) for publication procedures. The PDF copies of accepted articles are free of charges, and can be downloaded from the website https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sinopfbd